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Anonymous No. 122373

>both finalists in the first two UFCs were Dutch

coincidence? i think not

Anonymous No. 122391

Royce Gracie is part Dutch? OP I'm confused. Gerard Gordeau is Dutch but the finalist for UFC 2 besides Royce is Pat Smith who is American

Anonymous No. 122453

am i retarded or was the other finalist in UFC 2 that absolute unit of a dutchman? the jujutsu nigga? maybe that was UFC 3. perhaps i'm misremembering things...

Anonymous No. 122964

You're thinking about Remco Paradoel who fought in UFC 2 always trained with Gerard Gordeau who was one of the finalists for UFC 1. After that there wasn't much Dutchmen in the UFC. It would be foolish to take pride in that as Royce Gracie submit both the dutch

Anonymous No. 123070

sure, but they did both make it to the finals. that's p impressive for such a small country. also there have been numerous dutch mma athletes since then, which, again, is p cool to see, having grown up in swamp germany.

a big part of sports is repping ur hometown/home country, and supporting ur fellow countrymen to take pride in ur nation. u may not get it, but we're a patriotic ppl, especially when it comes to sports.

a lot of us also don't have the luxury to travel the world and have dual citizenship, and for our working class folks, living paycheck to paycheck or barely surviving off welfare, their nation and (sense of) belonging to it is all they have to be proud of.

most of us are not "citizens of the world" - no, we're merely citizens of our respective countries and nothing more.

now, i understand that largely thanks to ww2 nationalism has gotten a bad name, and the powers that be have used this as justification to tirelessly beat any sense of pride in one's nation out of us, and intensify class conflict, further driving a wedge between the different bars on the social ladder - as a populace divided among itself is easier to control - but don't be fooled! nationalism, defined as love, pride in, and a sense of belonging to one's country and its ppl, is alive and well, especially in sports.

so it should come as no surprise that i, a dutchman, take pride in my fellow countrymen doing rather well in combat sports, and in this case mma specifically, sth that i love as a life-long martial artist, coming from such a tiny part of the world. and the smaller a population is, the stronger the sense of community and camraderie, as definitions have more meaning the more other things are excluded from them, which is why the story of david vs goliath has stood the test of time and remains one of the most inspiring stories to this day. whenever my country beats a larger country in a given sport, that's what it feels like.

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Anonymous No. 123081

What's the point of this thread? Yes we know the Dutch are solid fighters who pioneered MMA and the only Western country to challenge the Thais dominance in kickboxing.

Anonymous No. 127369

really makes you think. Happy halloween

Anonymous No. 127765

Well I certainly enjoyed DKB more than Muay Thai and found it less awkward to train in as a karateka.

Anonymous No. 128607

How are the dutch doing now in the ufc?