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๐Ÿงต Mauy thai and boxing

Anonymous No. 122488

Ive been doing Mauy Thai for a little less than a year and love it. But I've been thinking about joining a boxing gym to sharpen my hand offense, however I don't want to ingrain bad habits that'll get me knee'd/kicked in the head/body/legs. What should I do?

Anonymous No. 122496

Join the boxing gym. If they are stronger than you then train there. if you are stronger than them then fuck boxing

Anonymous No. 122498

Well ofc theyre going to be better at boxing than me, but im thinking about the bigger picture of fighting

Anonymous No. 122502

Short answer is that you're overthinking it
t. trained both extensively

Anonymous No. 122599

Muay Thai is a meme

Anonymous No. 122602

just don't get too into ducking and you should be fine

Anonymous No. 122615

Just tell your boxing coach that you are doing it to help muay thai and want to focus less on bobbing and weaving. Btw Samart one of the muay thai goats just used boxing head movement in muay thai anyway. Its more dangerous to use sure vut it can still work. Some people look at it too much like some hard rule like when people used to say spinning kicks don't work in mma.

Anonymous No. 122659

The only risk is if you weave too low which is easily avoidable.

Anonymous No. 122661

How you can use boxing against kicks?

Anonymous No. 122662

It's not so much about using "boxing against kickboxing" but crosstraining because their is a huge skill overlap and boxing skills can hugely improve your overall fight game. But also when you get proficient its actually pretty trial to slip into a boxing stance from MT to stance to mix it up in short bursts (especially inside game) and back. Also the same skills you learn in MT make it pretty easy to check kicks if you decide to widen your stance in a fight

Anonymous No. 122663

Pretty trivial **

Anonymous No. 122729

Anyone who says that boxing will get you kicked in the head probably has 80IQ and doesn't have a clue how to blend the styles

Anonymous No. 123672

you can do 90% of the same shit you do in boxing just dont duck low rather weave and slip laterally side to side and also just be aware of how open to leg kicks your lead leg is in a boxing stance. Thats it, just dont get too too low when you duck and i would say dont make it a habit to duck in general. Lateral slipping and weaving is superior and less dangerous in a non-boxing context

Anonymous No. 123788

Guy under you summed it up pretty well, its not kicking vs puncing in this case. However, countering kicks by coming in with a hard cross is a pretty devastating way to deal with getting kicked.
Exactly, you get it. Its about the freestyle, the whole spectrum of combat.
Nope. Try to enter boxing range with slips and weaves against a aware MT/KB fighter and youre going to get teeped in the face or kicked in the head. Tell my 6 time champ mauy thai coach he has a 90 IQ lol
My coach says almost the same thing but in a more, Brazilian way lol. Ive had a bad habit of ducking low from years of "street fighting" since a kid and now its biting me in the ass in my training.