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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122710

>thought this was the best board to ask this, because any good thread on /b/ is drowned out.

What in general is the most effective martial art against boxing? Something that would be the best general defense against a boxing style of fighting. To keep it short why I'm asking, there's a party in a few days where we're having a kind of MMA match with gloves and headgear. Almost everyone there will probably expect me to fight this specific person spent a few months training in a boxing gym. They have a slugger style of boxing, relying on their heavy frame to take hits and to deal heavy hits. It will just be a friendly match.

I personally am not much of a fighter, especially not a striker. Any fight that I have gotten in, I rely primarily on submissions and joint locks to make them stop trying to beat the shit out of me. That is essentially my one and only strong suit. Any martial art that is particularly effective against boxing, or at least advice against a slugger type boxer? Any is appreciated.

Anonymous No. 122712

judo or wrestling but you better be quick

Anonymous No. 122713

Shoot the leg. If you got wrestling grappling skills use them. If not even shitty kicks are better than trying to slug it out with a stronger opponent.
Dont try any of those standing joint locks etc that will get you mulched
>Almost everyone there will probably expect me to fight this specific person spent a few months training in a boxing gym.
Talking shit? Why fight anyone at all if your "not much of a fighter"

Anonymous No. 122714

Not really talking shit, at least not on anyone else's part except the person I might be fighting. A lot of our friends want to see us in specific go at it. This person has a lack of respect for himself or others, and his boxing training seems to have gone to his head. Apart of me wants to humble him. It is petty of me, I'm not even going to hide it. The only legitimate fight we've been in he "won" by me slipping on dog shit and hitting my head on a table after he punched me. He's become arrogant, and the boxing training made it worse.

Anonymous No. 122715

best way to beat a boxer when you yourself are not a boxer? Learn a little boxing, and then get good at wrestling. You're going to need a friend's help for this. look up how to do a double leg on youtube and CRAM. you're probably not going to be able to learn it in a few days, especially not without the help of a friend, but i think it's your best shot. jab cross into double leg.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 122717

3 months boxing total newb tier. Not sure what your experience is but if you don't feel comfortable don't fight. Sounds like a bunch of guy drama

Anonymous No. 122718

3 months is total newb tier. If your not comfortable enough in your skills to go up against then that then your best off training for a few months to beat his ass
>The only legitimate fight we've been in he "won" by me slipping on dog shit and hitting my head on a table after he punched me. He's become arrogant, and the boxing training made it worse.

Anonymous No. 122720

That's fair enough. I'm confident in my own wrestling abilities, even to the extent of naming my "style" of wrestling constrictor, because I go at it like a boa constrictor. My main concern was just figuring out the best way to try and avoid a slugging match, because I would absolutely not hold out long enough. I assume my best bet since it's going to be in a few days, is to try and stay out of range and let him tire himself out, get in close enough to where he can't effectively retaliate once he's tired, then try to win by submission. It's not going to be a very entertaining fight.
Sounds good I guess, will try.

Anonymous No. 122723

Based Drunken Master poster. Augustus was the fuckin man

Anonymous No. 122770

Judges can eat my shit, Emanuel was an unrealized champion screwed out of his glory. The way he could ebb and flow into one movement to another was unlike any other boxer. He felt the rhythm of the fight better than anyone else could, and he went with it. If there were any desire for me to be a boxer, it would be to bring back Emanuel's signature style and prove it's utility.

Anonymous No. 122816


Anonymous No. 122871

Not counting mma? Muay Thai, Sambo, or Sub/catch wrestling.

Anonymous No. 122877

1. throw leg kicks when you're playing the outside game. Leg kicks are easy to perform and longer than jabs.
2. When he attempts to come in and crowd you, clinch and throw knees to the legs and body, then trip or throw him.
3. control him on the ground. Assuming you'll be wearing boxing gloves, joint locks won't really work.
4. Get into side control/crucifix and punch his face. Alternatively, get into top mount and do the same. If he really knows nothing on the ground, you can also just sit in his open guard and punch the face and body. You can also stack his guard if he REALLY sucks and do the same. If you don't know these terms google them.

I would not even attempt a takedown from the outside. If he's really a slugger-boxer, he'll want to be within grabbing distance of you. Just clinch, trip and go down with him.

Anonymous No. 122945

Less a art and more two over all tactics that work super well against boxers.

Stay outside their typical range with kicks, especially leg kicks which are comically effective against people who don't know how to defend them.
And shooting inside with throws and grappling.

Ether way you have to have good defense and keep your hands up defending your head. Drop your guard once and if they are decent they will take advantage of the opening to light your head up.

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Anonymous No. 122996

>The only legitimate fight we've been in he "won" by me slipping on dog shit and hitting my head on a table after he punched me. He's become arrogant, and the boxing training made it worse.

Anonymous No. 123000

Problem is we were all going to decide of the rules of the matches, we as everyone going to the party. No idea if we'll allow kicks, elbows etc. We'll be wearing kickboxing gloves, more similar to the kind used in UFC. I have been watching some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu stuff, which I'm kind of getting into since it shares my philosophy of not really hurting the opponent rather immobilizing them or submitting them. This person is about an inch taller, has 10 maybe up 20 pounds at most on me, me being 159 pounds last that I checked. He has some wrestling experience, mainly from when him and I would "spar", and he relies primarily on his weight and heavy frame to lie on top of you, but started struggling once I had my legs wrapped around him. The ground is my safe space, and he's going to avoid it as much as possible.
Still haven't lived that down to this day. What made it all the worse is that he was wearing metal bands on fingers when he punched me, which hurt like a bitch and marked my face up for almost two weeks.

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Anonymous No. 123007

I unironically have both boxing and boxers on a pedestal above any other discipline and consider them at the very top of the pyramid, How wrong I am?

Anonymous No. 123032

Only a bit wrong. While it's not the best, boxing is a very efficient way to teach someone how to fight in little time. However, both muay thai and K1 kickboxing are more "complete" striking arts, and wrestling, Judo, and BJJ are also extremely good martial arts in their own right, and can be more useful in certain situations.

Anonymous No. 123044

Offset by the fact that 99% of boxers are 70iq retards

Anonymous No. 123047

Party rules usually means no ground stuff in my experience. Clinching is also broken up if nothing major happens in less than 10-15 seconds. Usually throwing or tripping someone from the clinch(without going down yourself) gets a lot of "points" from casual observers, and it can exhaust and demoralize the person thrown. People will also get pissed if all you do is leg kick and front kick him. Since it's just a backyard slugging there's no real consequences you should just fight him, don't worry about the strategy. There's no time or judges either so outstriking him doesn't matter, looking good is what matters. Knockdowns, trips or throws, punching combinations thrown at the head, slick head movement counters, spinning kicks and punches, head kicks. Being on top and striking down if it does go to the ground. That's what will count.
If you have any training at all(in a gym, not at home) in kickboxing or jiujitsu you'll win very easily, but I'm assuming you are not. If you haven't already sparred hundreds of times, whatever strategy you come up with you'll just forget as soon as you start and fight like a retard anyway.

Please tell us the result afterwards.

Anonymous No. 123048

Boxers are really good at a very specific part of fighting. It really does look more like art than other disciplines. But boxers get creamed under any ruleset besides their own.

Anonymous No. 123108

Wing chun or Taichi?

Anonymous No. 123110

Will try

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Anonymous No. 123188


This. Stupid fucking question that has been answered a million times. A pure boxer gets beaten by a kickboxer who gets beaten by a wrestler who gets beaten by a BJJ guy who gets beaten by someone with cross training.

Cross-train some kind of full body full contact striking art (modern/unified/k1 kickboxing, Muay Thai, Sanda) and some kind of grappling that includes submissions as well as takedowns (BJJ, no-Gi BJJ, catch wrestling, kosen judo) and you're fine. This is like a question that was answered 35 years ago now ffs. Dribbling morons on this board man.

Anonymous No. 123247

OP here. The party didn't happen. Person's mom was having some kind of mental breakdown, so the fight didn't happen. I appreciate the advice.

Anonymous No. 123276

>doesn’t deliver
OP is fag just like always

Anonymous No. 123347

You mean I gave you good advice for no reason? You better go back and beat up his mom. Post pics

Anonymous No. 123348

Train for a real fight instead

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Anonymous No. 123362


Anonymous No. 123390

Check out those “ X martial art vs Y martial art” videos on YouTube and watch the boxing ones. You’ll notice pretty fast that boxing only guys crumble quick against any kind of grappler and also have trouble against people throwing leg kicks. You’re in a good place being more of a grappler than striker. Learn a basic takedown and what to do from there with wrestling or bjj and you should be set. Learn leg kicks too if you have time

Anonymous No. 123401

With limited time to train, you need to know some very basic shit that he doesn't know. Which are: clinch fighting, kicks, wrestling and subs. So your go-to disciplines are Muay-Thai, Wrestling, BJJ and Sambo. The best combination of these IMO is Muay Thai and Sambo.

You need to learn low kicks the Muay Thai way. Find a bag or a friend who can hold a shield and practice blasting thighs with you legs. During the fight, try to stay away and shoot his leg when he try to get closer. Also if you get into the clinch, you can get weapon that he doesn't have by using elbows and knees, or even trips.

For wrestling, well you just need to know how to get him on the ground, thus you need takedowns. If it goes on to the ground and you're on top, you don't really need much strategy. Smesh his face and body with punches and elbows.

And if you have the opportunity, try to sub him. Rear naked choke is the easiest way, but if youre on top you can also have an armbar. That you learn by doing BJJ, Grappling or Sambo. Also knowing how to get full guard and doing a triangle when youre on your back can save you.

Ill also give you a more detailed blue print, but keep in mind that things almost never go as planned, so be ready for any situation. Whatever strat/martial art you choose, the key will always be consistency in training. Good luck, let us know how it all went down.

Anonymous No. 123402

Your go to are wrestling and BJJ, he doesnt know shit about ground fights

Are you? Then it's fairly easy (easier said than done though). The key skills are the double leg takedown, the armbar and some ground control. You'll have to let him go at you first, just so you can learn his rythm. Then when he's throwing a one two, you drop on your knees to shoot the takedown and keep a hold of his leg until he is down. From now on, it's Khabib time, you can basically move on top and control his legs with a leg triangle (that shit Khabib does when he wraps his legs around his opponent's and lock it by putting an ankle behind his opposite knee). From now on you're on top of him: lay as much weight as possible on him, smash his face and when he's giving you an arm throw the armbar. Of course if you already know an other submission from top mount (Anaconda, Kimura, Armbar) you can also use it.

Now, maybe you're the smaller man? Ok, it's not gonna be as easy but it's doable. Against bigger opponents, double leg takedowns are harder to land, as is gaining in maintaining top control. So we're gonna have you go to a place where your opponent has no strength: his back. The key skills here will be moving from the clinch to the back, the broomstick takedown and the rear naked choke, otherwise known as RNC. So here's the plan: get to feel him a little bit at first. When you feel like you got him, slip on the side when he throws a straight punch (if he throws with his right, you move to you left) and catch him. Best is wrapping up your arms against his torso or abdomen. From there you will need to move as fast as possible to his back to avoid getting into a strength opposition with a bigger opponent. Basically when you get in, step with your inner leg (the one closer to him) behind his foot, keep a tight grip around him and pivot on your leg to get his back. Then you use a simple broomstick takedown to get him on the ground and then move to the RNC. He sleeps. You win.

Anonymous No. 123500


Anonymous No. 123564

Grappling or kickboxing

Anonymous No. 123580

Holy BASED. And yeah I agree, I think he should have at least five or more wins on his record, and that's just fights I've seen that he was robbed in

Anonymous No. 125440


I mean, if its a one-on-one fair fight, sure. But boxing is extremely effective for the real world where you don't know who's hiding what, or how many people are potentially gonna be involved in this fight.

Anonymous No. 128760

Mauy thai. If the boxer fights in bladed stance, you can knock him out with 1 low kick. Even if you can't, you can grab him and use your knees or elbows when he dodges.

Anonymous No. 128774

Punch into a single leg takedown, and calf kick. Boring but reliable

Anonymous No. 128778

Mexican Judo

Anonymous No. 128780

OP how old are you? this all sounds like the gayest shit, right down to you naming your "wrestling style" after a snake

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Anonymous No. 128832

Crab walk towards the boxer and kick him in the leg over and over. Worked against Ali.

Anonymous No. 128876

Muay thai for striking (really just leg kicks, standard boxing is incredibly susceptible to them), wrestling/BJJ/sambo for grappling.

Anonymous No. 128933

Any grappling style and any striking style that kicks the legs. Main danger with boxing though is it has a higher skill cap and broader talent pool than any other combat sport because of the money in it. A pro boxer is always dangerous could always take your head off, b ut on paper it will lose to muay thai, judo, wrestling, bjj, kick boxing etc.

Anonymous No. 129276

Bait a straight
Change levels
Grab a single
Apply lock or choice

Anonymous No. 129387

Honestly i went from boxing to jiujutsu because you cant punch shit on your back or if someones on ground applying a choke or arm Crank, the positions are So out of reach and awkward to box in like as ex youre getting Neck choked from behind while you got nothing to hit back, that it just immobilizes any striking offensive you had. Doesnt look fun like Rocky movies but do you want to look cool or to win the fight? You cant get both. Who cares what sports look faggy those same people yelling you whats gay arent getting the girls anyway. Fighting is war, you take the ones that work and which wont get you killed. Avoid Aikido and bullshido, absolutely learn to wrestle or defend a takedown. Your first defense should always be running away.

Anonymous No. 129395

You can learn boxing and wrestling at the same time so you can pin somebody and finish him with punches.

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Anonymous No. 129507

Because boxers are used to not do much in the clinch, your best bet is ramming into him with your elbows forward while hugging your head (and maybe catching his punches with your elbows), take him down and submit him.
However, boxing is the best martial art for fighting so it won't be easy and you'll have to eat some punches. Your game plan will be clinching and then grappling

Anonymous No. 129508

>Crosstraining is best
>Posts a specialist that defeated all crosstrainers
MMA proved specialization rules supreme and generalization is useless.

Anonymous No. 129521

>in 1993
While many champions since then were good in both striking and grappling. For expample, GSP Trained bjj, boxing and muay thai.

Anonymous No. 129548

He couldn't replicate his success against cross trainers though.

Anonymous No. 130404

No, it proved the opposite. Matt Hughes smashed Royce when he returned to the UFC in less than 1 round

Anonymous No. 133055

Royce wasn't a specialist, retard. He was a Vale Tudo veteran by the time he did UFC.

Anonymous No. 133057

You sound like a fag.

Also wrestling.

Anonymous No. 133060

Matt Hughes was a wrestler, not an allrounder.

>Royce wasn't a specialist

Anonymous No. 133076

MMA proved you need to be excellent at one thing and very good at everything else