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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 122782

Is there some type of thing or place where you can just spar with other random people, just along as u dont really injure the guy u could both do anything u want, not like "fight club" but something where u both can walk away just tired and sweating but still fine

Anonymous No. 122786

You are refering to a martial arts club. Probably an mma club in partictmdular.

Anonymous No. 122791

Any boxing gym

Anonymous No. 122854

Some gyms do open hours. You can come with a friend or alone and spar or train with anyone who agrees to it.

Anonymous No. 122973


Literally every combat sports club will have sparring at the end of each class and open mat sessions. At my gym we do kickboxing, MMA, BJJ, and Judo sparring at the end of each class and have open mats sessions for people to go at it in any style.

Anonymous No. 122994

You’ve never been to a divebar or trashy club?

Anonymous No. 125065

While this is the right answer, I suspect that OP is one of the types that wants to "skip dinner and just eat desert" guys.
You know, don't want to do the rest of the training and just wants to spar.

Anonymous No. 125138

Just show up on whatever day they have open mats then

Anonymous No. 125179

This sounds good.

Anonymous No. 125198

If you just show up on open mat days, you're an annoyance to everybody because you suck ass and are insisting on taking up a partner who could be practicing with someone who could actually help them improve. This makes it very awkward for you as nobody really wants to do anything with you and tries to avoid you.

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Anonymous No. 125199


This. Go to classes regularly and get people to actually like you. If you turn up randomly on open mat days you will seem like a creepy autist-incel-trumptard-school shooter. Not to mention every decent martial arts/combat sports club has about 10-15 mins of supervised, albeit maybe low intensity, sparring at the end anyway.

Anonymous No. 125211

You really overthink this stuff.

Anonymous No. 125227


Yeah no. Just randomly turning up to open mat days is dumb. No one will wanna spar or roll with you if the coach even lets you. You actually need to have done some classes and be a known person at the gym.

Anonymous No. 125413

Thankfully you don't speak for everyone. Otherwise, I'd had to take your garbage opinion seriously. Have you ever tried branching out from your small circle jerk of a gym?

Anonymous No. 125423


I train at 3 different gyms. Maybe things are different in here the UK than where you live. You absolutely cannot just turn up at open mat at any of them and just start getting into it with dudes unless you have regularly gone to classes and the coaches & other people know you.

The boxing gym doesn't even let you spar in the ring unless you have been there for a while and know the basics.

The Muay Thai gym has open mat and ring sparring mainly for people who will be competing and invite only, tho they have light technical sparring at the end of each class.

The BJJ/MMA gym has lighter technical sparring after each class and a weekly open mat of more intense sparring and rolling for regulars.

People absolutely cannot come in off the street who the coaches don't know and go straight into open mat sessions.

It's pretty reasonable as even in the light end of class sparring, dudes have done like OP and completely spazzed out behaving like retards and think they are doing well but really just lucky more experienced athletes haven't fucked them up and be told to calm the fuck down or even told to stop for spazzing out so much.

Let alone if they just turned up with no experience or training and tried to spar hard in open mat sessions with competing athletes.. Is that how it is where you train/your country?

Anonymous No. 125467

Kinda. If your skills measure up its not a big deal for some. Most people don't like it but that's retarded so I ignore them.

Anonymous No. 125469

MMA is a right-wing culture, faggot.

Anonymous No. 125474

Then why these guys are obsessed with guns?
Fist fights aren't a white men thing.

Anonymous No. 125476


BJJ and wrestling maybe is, but boxing & Muay Thai are ghetto as fuck. Even then wrestling has a ton of Muslims who are socially conservative but wouldn't be considered right wing in the American sense.

Anonymous No. 125524

This is the biggest upside to school/gym affiliations. Of course, that actually requires OP to have spent some time training under someone, let alone someone good enough to be worth having his name attached to something.

Anonymous No. 125555

No dude, it's annoying. You're lucky if any gyms tolerated your presence.

Anonymous No. 125561

Implying I care. The goal is to spar not to become popular or well liked.

Anonymous No. 125613

Showing up to an open mat where you know nobody is not a problem I have done it myself with no issues. However if you have no actual experience in training and just show up to spar that's retarded because you are just wasting everyone's time. You will just be getting smashed by everyone and not really learn anything. Also people will not want to spar with you.

Anonymous No. 125619

>socially conservative
>wouldn't be considered right wing in the American sense

Whatever, this shit is getting way off topic and politics should stay on the shit boards.

Anonymous No. 125627

I wouldn't go that far, but generally to really do much of anything at the open mats I have been to you basically have to have someone vouch for you. It's a good informal way of screening out crazies.

I have also been to karate style open mats where their verson of screening is to have a group warm up and parner drills to see if everyone is on the same page and gauge physical and mental ability.
The people who probably shouldn't be allowed to free spar usually become apparent at that point. Ether because they physically aren't ready or have the wrong mentality and wouldn't be a match for the group.
It also allows the black belts to scope out people they want dibs on when the sparing starts.

Anyway, yeah if you are just a rando who shows up one day there will be some hesitation and screening of some kind to see if you are crazy or physically should get doctor approval or something, but they likely won't treat you like a leper just because you are unaffiliated. Espcially if you have some training in something. Even if it's just your word they have to go off of.

Anonymous No. 125660


I.e. Socially conservative non-white Muslims would never be considered part of the American right-wing by white American conservatives. I.e. Even though the U.S. GOP is politically the Christian equivalent of Islamic parties in the Middle East in terms of policy, such as removing rights for women & gay people based on Abrahamic fundamentalism. No one on the American right would ever admit they have more in common or are aligned with the Islamic Brotherhood or Jamaat-e-Islam parties say.

So the large amount of Middle Eastern, West Asian, Central Asian, South Asian wrestlers regardless of them living in the West or not would't be classified as part of the right and so it's another reason MMA isn't "right-wing culture".

Anonymous No. 125661

>MMA isn't right-wing because Amerifats can't agree on it being the right kind of right-wing.

Can't tell if CTE victim or just born midwit.

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Anonymous No. 125663


I mean not just that, the chances are those non-white WANA wrestlers, of which there are a fuckload, wouldn't vote right-wing if living in the West as well as not allowed to be part of any Western right-wing movements due to their ethnic & religious background being non-white/non-Christian.

So if 2/4 of MMA's main composite arts (i.e. boxing and Muay Thai) are practised by a fuck load of poor urban people and it's 3rd main composite art (wrestling) has a fuck load of Muslim dudes who wouldn't be considered part of the right ever, then MMA is hardly "right-wing culture" given the people doing it.

At best you can day BJJ is right-wing culture given the historic connections between the Brazilian right-wing and the Gracies, etc.

Anonymous No. 125669


Like several have repeatedly said. You generally can't just turn up to Open Mat sessions as someone totally new to the gym. Most places won't even let you spar during open mat if it is your absolute first time there.

My boxing gym doesn't even let you spar period unless you have been there a while and show you know the basics. My MMA gym only allows absolute new people to do lower intensity more technical sparring.

It's not about being popular, it is the gym protecting their asses. They can't just let random dudes walk in off the street and do high intensity sparring with highly trained athletes and get fucked up.

If you can't grasp this basic concept it's possible you have autism and I would get that checked out before randomly turning up to a gym you have never been to before and trying to fight trained dudes there in an open mat session.

Anonymous No. 125673

Dude, did you see the part where I said to keep your shit political takes on the shit boards.
This shit has nothing to do with martial arts or extreme sports.

Anonymous No. 125682


Stop replying then and admit the anon who started this shit by calling "MMA right-wing culture" is wrong then?

Anonymous No. 125683

I am not taking a side.
I am telling you (and everyone else) to stop with the politics in general.
It's off topic and only starts a unnecessary shit-storm as retards play red team blue team.

Unless you bitches are planing on meeting up irl to settle this political despute with fisticuffs it really doesn't belong here.
Stop it and go back to /pol/ where it belongs.

Anonymous No. 125697

Ever hear of trial and error. You act like there's no knowledge to be found in defeat.

Anonymous No. 125698

Jesus Christ , it's just sparing. Only an assburger like you would waste this much time typing out some convoluted cop out for gym owners. Maybe try branching out to other gyms. Just so you can realize how fucking stupid you sound.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 125702


Dude you don't even fucking train. I go to 3 different gyms that train fighters for competition. You're the autist here as you are literally too retarded to not understand you can't just turn up to a gym you have never been to before on an open mat and spar hard with people. It is isn't a difficult concept. You have autism and need therapy.

Anonymous No. 125751


Dude you're the one with autism who doesn't train. Out of the 6 gyms I have trained combat sports at over 20 years (in different parts of the country due to moving around) none would let unknown people turn up to open mat days and just go at it. It's not a difficult concept to understand. If your gyms do then you live somewhere shit like red state USA or Russia.

Anonymous No. 125822

It is difficult to understand because sparring is the only way properly gauge the practicality of what they teach. You don't honestly think hitting pads and punching air is a substitute for fighting, right?

If a gym makes anyone wait that long just
to test out the practical use of stuff.. it isn't worth it.

Anonymous No. 125882

LMFAO, it absolutely is right-wing. Not even up for debate. Self-evident to anyone who didn't start paying attention this morning.

Cope more.

Anonymous No. 125908


Agreed. As I said they have light technical sparring after each class. They only have harder open mats/in ring sparring for people who attended regularly already.

Anonymous No. 125933

Its going to be a really inefficient way to learn. You are not going to learn enough to make any significant progress.

Anonymous No. 125938

MMA is non political

Anonymous No. 125943

Progress isn't always measured by growth or benchmark successes. You have to be willing to push forward despite it, even if it feels like you're moving backward... because stagnation is inevitable.

Anonymous No. 125967


>that creepy dude who shows up to open mat once a week without going to any classes
>gets smashed and fucked up each week
>doesn't get any better just comes back and gets head kicked in weekly
>thinks he is progressing

This is autism and/or a homosexual BDSM fetish.

Anonymous No. 125977

You are so fucking stupid it's not even funny anymore. Some people (not you) know how to take failure with stride and get a little better with each loss. You on the other hand, just internalize failure. Every time you get smashed you just scream into the void, bitching how unfair it's some noob or new guy kicked your ass. get good or shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 126025

I don't really understand the point your trying to argue. If you want to get better at a martial art why would you not show up to classes and learn the technique? I don't see any advantage whatsoever to only showing up for open mat. With BJJ especially your offence is not going to improve because you will spend the entire time just trying to survive. If your really set on not going to class no matter what then you can try it but I don't really see why you would.

Anonymous No. 126028


You're projecting. I spar after every class which is 4-6 times a week at at least 2 different gyms and do open ring sessions. As well as train drills and pad work as part of regular class.

You meanwhile don't actually train in any meaningful way or go to a single gym or seem to understand anything about combat sports training. All you do is cry on the internet like the little bitch you are.

Anonymous No. 126046

Lmao the projection. You’re not getting good efficiently by never drilling or taking lessons. You’re essentially trying to reinvent the wheel while everyone else your fighting is doing hyperbolic time chamber training.

Anonymous No. 126062

Yet, you'll still fail like the rest. Where's all that training gonna get you when some stranger on the street kicks your ass with some new technique, huh? You don't adapt, you train in a bubble using the same basic bitch strategies and spar with the same fucking people. Martial arts isn't something you just memorized like a robot.

Even a drunk guy at a bar has a better grip on martial arts than you do, at least he understands the chaotic nature of a fight. For fuck sake, Muay Thai started in a fucking Jail.

Anonymous No. 126067

Oh no, I didn't memorize some gym's shitty combinations or practice throwing punches at a three-headed dragon. You memorizing of a couple of punches and sparred in a controlled setting with the same predictable routine for MONTHS.

Suddenly, some new guy shows up. Shows you the shortcomings of your strategies and rather than adapt, you'd use your own experience as a sunk-in cost Fallacy to justify not moving forward. But that's okay, at least you'll get good boy points from Coach for memorizing crap. Nothing says I'm progressing like a rainbow-colored belt.

Anonymous No. 126073


>people who spar multiple times a week at multiple different gyms with multiple people and compete in full contact combat sports don't understand the chaotic nature of a fight

Again. You are projecting because you personally cannot fight and have no ability but want to lie yourself that you aren't pathetic.


Everything you say indicates you have literally no understanding of training or fight sports in general. Go to a gym. Learn how to fight.

There's a reason people don't just walk in off the street with no training and say win the UFC championship based on some crazy unorthodox strategies they made up on the fly against trained combatants. This isn't rocket science. You need therapy and medication.

Anonymous No. 126077

Fighting in a gym and fighting in real life are two completely different things. You've never been in a fight that wasn't with boxing gloves, have you?

>There's a reason people don't just walk in off the street with no training and say win the UFC championship based on some crazy unorthodox strategies
Congratulations. You just explained early UFC. That's how it always worked, do some research dude. You need to evaluate this whole fighting thing before you get your ass beat, again.

Anonymous No. 126079


If you don't train regularly at a gym and just spar, you're probably not very good and probably won't ever be. Going to gyms just to spar with people is an annoyance to the other people and the gym. If this works for you and gyms allow it, good for you. This style of training does not work for the vast majority of people so you should not suggest it to others.

Anonymous No. 126083

You also stop it with the political retardation.

If you want to talk left right politics then take it to the garbage can where it belongs

Anonymous No. 126093

Are you the same guy coping in all the threads about how you don’t need a teacher and you could totally kick a real fighters ass based on your home gym training? You should show us some of your “training” footage.

Anonymous No. 126095

That's not what I said.

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Anonymous No. 126096


>untrained people totally beat trained fighters guys!
>because early UFC had some brawlers with scholastic wrestling backgrounds and amateur boxing I can totally not get raped by even an amateur 18 year old kid who's training to compete in MMA

You don't have a clue. Go to an MMA gym. And then tell us if not having any kind of striking, takedown, or ground game training means you were the best there because you flailed around like a spaz trying to make things up and out think trained fighters who train, spar, and compete regularly. Their conditioning alone will leave your autistic ass beat in seconds.

Anonymous No. 126098

So you are the same retard then? Show us some training footage.

Anonymous No. 126099

I said you could some basic drills after a run or something. Why would I footage of that? What would I even gain from doing it?

Anonymous No. 126101

You could show us daddy issue coach dependent losers what real fight training looks like. Prove us all wrong and retarded.

Anonymous No. 126103

You mean an inexperienced loser who only knows how to fight in a controlled setting? You can't do takedowns on hard concrete, retard!! And it turns out kicking someone without skin pads hurts like a bitch. This just forgetting the fact shitload of fighters have gone on record talking about how fighting IRL is a different world from fighting in the ring.

You sound like one of those dumbass retired cops that think they know everything.

Anonymous No. 126104

> You can't do takedowns on hard concrete, retard!! And it turns out kicking someone without skin pads hurts like a bitch
Lmao r u taking the piss m8?

Anonymous No. 126114

>You can't do takedowns on hard concrete, retard!!
Osoto Gari

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Anonymous No. 126137


Training and knowing about stuff makes you worse at things guys!

>racing drivers just need to put their foot down anyone could out race them
>surgeons have a load of useless knowledge and bad instincts someone bleeding out with a bullet wound would be better off with my mum
>pro soccer players waste all that time working on their skills I could just go into the world cup and boot the ball into the goal

You have a childlike understanding of the world probably resulting from developmental issues and lack of experience. Well trained people beat others in the activity their domain covers 99.9999% of times.

But by all means go to a boxing, Muay Thai, or MMA gym do some full contact sparring during an open ring/open mat with competing athletes and show us the videos please?

Or better yet just enter yourself in a combats sports competition, turn up, and see if your theories work against trained opponents?

King of the Streets exists and is a thing if you live in Europe. BKFC if you live in the U.S. just enter those and see how you do then tell us so we can watch?

Anonymous No. 126149


You've got this very 1980s idea of fighting where martial arts are unconditioned nerds doing kata, drills with non-resisting partners, little sparring, and point competitions under very strict conditions.

Modern hybrid martial arts and combat sports haven't been like that in 30 years now. Dudes are doing hard conditioning daily, they are drilling things at full power into muscle memory, they are sparring 3-5 times a week to be able to apply those things under pressure and getting feedback on them from experienced fighters, and they are competing regularly at a host of full contact amateur competitions that do their best to have simple flexible rules simulating real combat as close as possible.

Your ideas and thoughts suggest you have never actually trained modern martial arts or fought actual trained opponents. They're possibly correct if this was the 1980s and were comparing some out of shape Bruce Lee worshipping karate dorks to former amateur boxers or high school wrestlers who've been in some punch-ups.

Your problem is this isn't the 1980s and even in that scenario the brawlers have training closer to modern combat sports. Why don't you find your local MMA gym and jump the guys at the end of the night when they are going to their cars in the dark? Is that close enough to a real fight for you? Can you tell us what happens?

Anonymous No. 126177

Times haven't changed that much old man. You're diluting yourself into thinking an arbitrary amount of training can prepare you for any fight or a career outside of a dojo or gym. Anyone be caught out guard in the middle of the night and a couple of fancy labels don't change the fact that it's still a bunch of MMA dorks training in a bubble, larping that can fight IRL.

Oh, wait I forgot, they "definitely" teach people how to multitask when fighting multiple people or how to make use of their surroundings in an unfamiliar place. Soo many strategies but no; I think I'll just teach another useless, extremely situational move that only 1/20 of the class will even use. I'll keep up this cycle for maybe 2+ years and then perhaps I'll throw in a belt promotion.

Anonymous No. 126184

Why are you so scared of training? Why do you feel the need to cope so hard on a martial arts board when you don’t practice martial arts?

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Anonymous No. 126188


All good self defence pointers. None of which makes sense or supports your position that fight training makes people worse at fighting. It's just blizzare.

And you give away your strange 1980s thinking with talking about belt promotion. Those haven't been something people care that much about in a long time. It's more about your fight record in MMA, Muay Thai, BJJ, submission wrestling, boxing, kickboxing. More than half those don't even have belt progression yet you referred to this point multiple times..

You clearly have never actually done full contact combat sports and modern hybrid martial arts. I am suspecting you have done no physical activities or sports at all as you really just can't grasp the concept that training combined with practice make you better at something?

We've told you where you can do full contact fight sparring, any combat sports gym on an open mat session or open ring session. If you find one that produces trained competitive athletes and they let you despite refusal to have any training first please go spar and video or for the group to prove your theories? Better yet enter one of the many full contact bare knuckle boxing or MMA competitions with no training and show us that?

Anonymous No. 126195

Cope? You're the one defending shitty training practices like your life depends on it. You act like people can't be self-taught and learn all this shit at home.

Anonymous No. 126197

Maybe you live in some MMA utopia but over half of the gyms in my city still use belt promotion. None train in tactics.

Perhaps it's too hard for you to understand that not all gyms are created equal. Some only care about making money and upselling students on aggressive auto-renewal contracts because profits are down. Butt-hurt gym owners (like you) should leave this board.

Anonymous No. 126201

Then prove it

Anonymous No. 126202

How would you even know what most gyms do and don’t train like? You don’t go to one lol. Cope more.

Anonymous No. 126234

It's called getting a free trial and leaving, retard.

Anonymous No. 126257

>You act like people can't be self-taught and learn all this shit at home.
What do you do specifically for you training? Walk me through a typical home training session you put yourself through and explain why that makes you better prepared to defend yourself than someone who goes to a MMA gym. And don't just say "do some drills" be specific as to what drills.

Anonymous No. 126259

He most likely went to a few gyms and embarrassed himself with his autistic behavior. And now comes to 4chan to take out his frustrations on the MMA community.

Anonymous No. 126262

Nothing but projection.

Anonymous No. 126263

I don't think you know what that word means. Calling MMA fighters are bunch of larpers while claiming you can get the same quality training on your own at your house is projection.

Anonymous No. 126265

>Oh, wait I forgot, they "definitely" teach people how to multitask when fighting multiple people or how to make use of their surroundings in an unfamiliar place.
They teach that stuff at krav maga and other RBSD schools. I think it can be useful but it should be a small portion of your actual training. Its pretty rare to have a RBSD who is actually a good fighter unless they cross train in combat sports. Most of your training should be fundamental striking and grappling techniques, physical conditioning and plenty of sparring. The benefit of training combat sports is you get to work with people who are very skilled and very athletic. You will learn how to keep your composure after getting hit and develop great reflexes and athleticism which will carry over to sport of real self defense situations. Even when you see RBSD guys do full contact sparring the skill level is generally pretty low.

Anonymous No. 126266

I got my lessons from reading a book. Maybe you should try it sometime instead of taking whatever bullshit your coach says at face value.

Anonymous No. 126267

>Martial arts isn't something you just memorized like a robot.

That's the whole point of training. You want your skills to be ingrained into your muscle memory so you can do them out of instinct without thinking.

>Where's all that training gonna get you when some stranger on the street kicks your ass with some new technique, huh?

I don't even know what your trying to say here. Can you give a real world example? Combat sports are always evolving and new strategies and techniques are developed because of high level competition. Are you trying to suggest that somebody who doesn't train is going to come up with something new all on their own that negates someones training? Or that somebody can use a dirty move that isn't allowed in competition?

Anonymous No. 126269

What book? For the record I don't think there is anything wrong with learning from books. I have Jack Dempsey's book and learned a few things from reading it. It is no replacement for a quality coach and training partners though. And the great thing about combat sports is you don't have to take anything your coach says at face value. If something doesn't work you will find out pretty quickly though sparring and competition.

Anonymous No. 126272

>grrr all you FAGGOTS following your coach like slaves
>you should follow a book like a slave like me
This fucking guy lmfao. I want to believe you’re an elaborate troll but trolls are supposed to make people mad, not laugh at you.

Anonymous No. 126273

Books are open to interpretation, unlike a coach's words which (guessing by how butt hurt you are over it) you take way too seriously.

Anonymous No. 126275

>Books are open to interpretation
How exactly is that an advantage? A coach is going to be able to give you personalized advice considering he knows your strengths, weakness's, and tendencies. A good coach is not going to recommend every fighter using the same tactics. Also, you don't have to listen to your coach if you don't want to. But people do because it produces tangible results.

Anonymous No. 126277

Sure. The meta-game is evolving but not the way it's being taught.

>Are you trying to suggest that somebody who doesn't train is going to come up with something new all on their own that negates someone's training?

That's exactly what happens and if that person is lucky some coach will refine that gimmick and turn it into something practical for competitions.

Anonymous No. 126279

You give coaches way too much credit. But I can't write off your own experience so... you got me there.

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Anonymous No. 126280


What gyms have a belt system for MMA, Muay Thai, or wrestling and that is regarded more than competition results? Could you name some or link to their websites please?

Also you are saying because some MMA gyms aren't as good as others that training alone at home & reading from a book to learn, an activity that by definition involves more than one person, is better than training with others & a coach at a gym?

This isn't an activity like coding or playing an instrument. You cannot learn it alone in any meaningful way.

So let's establish:

1) You tried some gyms and didn't enjoy it
2) You have read books and done something at home alone
3) You believe this makes you superior to every fighter ever as they never stumbled on these secrets and only learnt by doing drills and fighting others in sparring or competitions
4) Now you want to turn up at these gyms that spurned you and show them your superior skills you learnt alone in open mat/ring/cage sparring?

That's prime incel mass shooter material right there when you get your ass kicked.

Anonymous No. 126282


That's not what happens at all. People train and pressure test things in sparring or competition and that leads to new techniques in an emergent manner.

What you don't get is untrained people wildly flailing around coming up with some magic no one has thought of. They just get knocked the fuck out or submitted in seconds as they have no idea how to cope against a resisting person..

Anonymous No. 126283

Well I'm sure there are plenty of shit coaches out there. But at least with combat sports the competition results speak for themselves. You cant really bullshit your way to into coaching fighters that win fights. With traditional martial arts and tactical self defense stuff its way easier for grifters to scam people and if you had experience with someone like that I'm sorry that happened to you but I would give it another shot at a different gym instead of writing of coached instruction all together.

Anonymous No. 126284

>That's exactly what happens and if that person is lucky some coach will refine that gimmick and turn it into something practical for competitions.

Can you give a specific example of this happening?

Anonymous No. 126286

What book are you reading? At least you should let us know. If its Bullshit we can save you from wasting your time and if it's good maybe all of us can learn some new things from it.

Anonymous No. 126288

Every amateur MMA fight

Anonymous No. 126289

Give an example. Should be easy if it’s all of them

Anonymous No. 126290

I also want to know what magic book made you better than people who actually train lol

Anonymous No. 126291

I never said that. I said some fighters have gone on record talking about how "fighting strangers on the street was a lot different from the ring". All you do is jump to conclusions. Why am I even bothering typing this when you'll just cherry-pick another line out of context just so you can feel smart?

Anonymous No. 126292

Fighting on the street is different from fighting in the ring but it’s not as different as rbsd fags make it out to be. Ultimately it comes down to not over thinking. When I fight a fighter I have to play games to figure out his strategy, timing, habits and punish him for it. When I fight on the street I have to remind myself to skip that shit and just punch them imediately.

If you’ve ever played chess it’s the difference between establishing a good opening game or just skipping straight to scholars mate against retard, like you.

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Anonymous No. 126294


>fighting strangers in the street is different to fighting people in a ring or cage
>therefore I as a completely untrained person who just did some unspecified things at home and read an unspecified book am better than trained fighters
>therefore I can just turn up to open mats/rings and demolish trained fighters because I am just built different
>i can do this weekly and will become even greater with no actual fight training

Please tell us you are a troll? No one is this stupid or isn't aware they have mental health issues.

This is like the plot of an anime or something.

Anonymous No. 126296

He spends the entire fight owning this guy but one sloppy punch decides it all. This is the fruit of your "techniques" and "coaching" losing. Convictions beat technique any day.

Anonymous No. 126297


What's the context here? Is one of the fighters untrained? Or are you saying because one lucky punch sometimes ends fights all training is pointless?

Anonymous No. 126298

No. This is real life. Some homeless junkie may have crap form but can eat enough punches out last even the strongest of fighters. You won't understand until you're in a fight for survival. But we both know that will never happen.

Anonymous No. 126300

These are both trained fighters though. What exactly are you trying to prove? That an accurate punch can end a fight? If only there was a way to practice that kind of thing…

Anonymous No. 126301

Tell us about your last “fight for survival”. You’re clearly speaking from experience.

Anonymous No. 126303

It's an amateur bout, how would I know? In a way it is pointless. Clinging so hard to a coach's words and techniques is stupid in a battle of wills.

Anonymous No. 126304

Yeah people fucked up on drugs can be crazy strong, aggressive, and not feel pain but it does not make them impervious to damage or being knocked out.

Anonymous No. 126305

I'm tired of goobers who's only experience of a fight is what happens during they're mosh pit engagements and gay sex orgies tell me what a "real fight" is like.
neck yourself, fag

Anonymous No. 126306

What book are you reading from?

Anonymous No. 126307

>Clinging so hard to a coach's words and techniques is stupid in a battle of wills.

Both of those guys were trained and listened to their coaches.

Anonymous No. 126308

What are you even talking about?

Anonymous No. 126309

Something above your pay grade. Don't worry about it.

Anonymous No. 126310


I see. And training to be in fight by drilling hard punches, defence against incoming attacks, how to focus on the moment and relax, etc then practicing these in regular sparring and full contact fight competitions; make you worse at fighting? So how have you made it so your will alone can defeat trained fighters? Are you a homeless junkie too hopped up on meth to know when he is being guillotine choked or has been knocked unconscious?

Anonymous No. 126311

When you're done listing your porn history, you're more than welcome to join the discussion.

Anonymous No. 126312

Woah badass. What secret military detachment did you train under you fucking dork

Anonymous No. 126313

Anyone who worships the homeless' fighting ability is a moron.

Anonymous No. 126314

Dude, why are you so mad? Surprise!! fighting a crazy dude in the street is different than fighting in a controlled setting. If you let all that training go to your head against someone you don't know, you can end up hurt or dead. That's just a fact of life dude.

Anonymous No. 126315

Anyone who blindly thinks they can take on the world just because their coach gave them a few pointers is a dead man walking.

Anonymous No. 126316


And you believe training to fight makes people worse at fighting than not training at all?

How do you develop this will that would say allow you to defeat Mike Tyson, GSP, or Khabib in a street fight?

Anonymous No. 126317

People who work and train for things are better at it. just like any other form of physical competition. it does not magically change because it is a fight

Anonymous No. 126318


No one thinks that. You're saying going to classes and working with a coach is pointless as sometimes lucky shots happen.

In fact you're saying any kind of fight training makes you a worse fighter.. You're not presenting evidence but blizzare made up anecdotes you imagined in your head about the homeless and so forth.

Anyway back to the OP. You want to go to an open mat sparring session at an MMA gym and believe with no training you will beat trained fighters there because of your unorthodox thinking and superior will?

And if you do this weekly you will learn to fight better than someone who also does classes and full contact competitions as well as the sparring sessions?

Anonymous No. 126319

OP says otherwise

Anonymous No. 126320

Whats the book already you keep dodging the question.

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Anonymous No. 126321


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Anonymous No. 126323

Here you spaz

Anonymous No. 126324

I didn't know you spoke for every novice MMA fighter. And It's only bizarre because you live in a bubble. Have you ever been to a major city? Obviously not.

Anonymous No. 126325


And learning from these books is better than doing a class and learning these techniques from a coach showing you then drilling with others? Also didn't you say techniques are bad and flailing around like a homeless person on drugs is superior?

What points are you trying to say? You're becoming increasingly incoherent.

Anonymous No. 126326


What bubble do I live in? Where untrained people spazzing out regularly beat trained fighters? What are you trying to communicate?

Anonymous No. 126327

If you are trying to learn martial arts that are combat sports, why not just go to a gym? I don't understand this. You will have a diverse group of sparring partners and a coach that will help you learn the technique and correct any bad habits you might be forming on your own. I don't see any advantage whatsoever to training alone.

Anonymous No. 126328

I could tattoo my point across your forehead and your dumbass would still miss it.

Anonymous No. 126329

Just answer this one question. What advantage do you get training alone from books vs going to a gym where you have coaches and training partners?

Anonymous No. 126331

I know enough aikido to wipe out most pro fighters. welcome to the real world lol, there's no cage to save you

Anonymous No. 126332


Literally, no one in the thread understands what you are trying to communicate. You don't answer any of the questions or change the subject, you don't provide any evidence apart from imagined scenarios, and you frequently project and strawman.

What do you want exactly? Somewhere to spar and try what you learnt from those books?

We have told you open mat/rings at full contact combat sports gym. But people will think you're weird and creepy if you just turn up without having gone to the classes if they let you in the first place.

Which seemed to cause you to have an autistic meltdown and sit in the corner rocking back and forth for the entire thread..

Have you done any kind of physical activity involving multiple people before? Like any kind of sport?

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Anonymous No. 126333



This doesn't work unless cross-trained with Judo & BJJ. Now I know you're trolling.

Anonymous No. 126335


He said that he can develop his will to be stronger and come up with unorthodox techniques no coach or training partner could if he just does stuff alone and this makes him superior to people who train. In fact training actually makes them worse fighters and he can think like a homeless person on Crack.

Anonymous No. 126339

I could say the same thing about you. A bunch of baseless accusations that go nowhere. Let me spell it out for you.

Coaches don't know everything. They have a strict routine that rarely changes beyond memorizing punch combinations and gimmicky moves. And sure sparring is great and all but you can only go so far sparing with the same people. The same predictable routine is great for a business but not for anyone trying to become a fighter. Fighting is about changing and adapting but gyms don't.

Anonymous No. 126340


Ok so how should people become better fighters rather than drilling techniques into muscle memory, sparring regularly with different opponents, and pressure testing at full contact combat sports competitions?

Anonymous No. 126342

Train in breaking and identifying patterns.

Anonymous No. 126343


And how do you do that? Khabib is coming to wrestlefuck you for example? How do you train to stop him and beat him?

Anonymous No. 126345

You could study footage of his matches but good fighters mix things up all the time. All you can do is make a baseline of what he does and be prepared to adapt on the fly.

Anonymous No. 126346


And you don't think that's what people do when they train to fight? That Khabib's opponents didn't watch videos of him fighting or try to adapt on the fly to his attacks?

Anonymous No. 126348

That's why fights are determined by wills and convictions. Wanting to win more than anything just brings that out in people.

Anonymous No. 126350


That's not true. You don't understand combat or physical activity in general. You're just going to get totally fucked up and mauled.

But will you go to an open mat/ring or enter a competition and video it to show us if your theory that reading a book and "having a stronger will" without any actual training makes you better than trained fighters works?

Anonymous No. 126352

As a trained fighter, willpower and killer instinct is incredibly important. That's why Uriah Hall sucks despite being elite at striking, and why Vettori would body him

Anonymous No. 126353


True but that's different to what OP is arguing which is that training makes you worse and his will power can defeat trained fighters. Which is retarded.

Vetorri has trained since he was 13 years old. Him being hungrier for success against someone roughly equally well trained isn't the same as OP thinking no training makes him better than trained fighters..

Anonymous No. 126355

Most people who have trained will still get wrecked in a fight because they do it for fun or personal discipline, and don't like hurting people. Willpower won't automatically turn the tide, but it increases your chances as an untrained person from maybe 20% to 35-40%.

Myself, I started training because I like fighting people. Not a single noble reason for it. So I have the willpower, killer instinct, and the training.

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Anonymous No. 126386


A trained person can lose from a lucky shot against some untrained retard flailing around like a spaz. But training reduces that chance.

I still don't buy that desu as I don't think people understand how much modern combat sports (i.e. boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ, MMA) athletes train. These guys are fighting 4 to 5 nights a week. You have to be stupid lucky even with this keyboard warrior cope that you're just built different and want it more..

The other thing the dumbass saying training makes you worse at fighting is missing is the amount strength and conditioning work these dudes put in.

All the competitive grapplers I know also are decent if not competing strongmen, and the strikers do a fuck load of hard cardio conditioning to build their gas tanks. And the MMA guys both..

So you're going up against a trained opponent who fights most nights a week and has done hard pressure testing in competitions plus weighs say at least 1.5 times as much as you with lb per lb strength multiple times higher than you and will be fighting at full power when you're gassed out 30 seconds in..

Realistically it doesn't matter how lucky you get or how much killer instinct you have. You're going to get fucked up by them.

Anonymous No. 126416

You're implying I didn't do the same when I trained. I say it as someone who did 10 hours of intense training a week, on top of framing houses during the day. That's a lot of physical activity. I sparred and was incredibly competitive against local champs when I had only around 2 years of training, because I took it seriously. The ability to take a shot and keep going, or increasing the duration of being held in a choke, is ENTIRELY about willpower. Everyone who believes otherwise just doesn't have it.

And I'm not talking about only competitive trained people, I'm talking EVERYONE who has trained for a decent amount of time.

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Anonymous No. 126445

I swear "sparring" is becoming the /xs/ equivalent of height on /fit/.

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Anonymous No. 126448


You've completely changed from I have never trained at all all training is bad, to I trained 10 hours a week, did hard conditioning, and sparred with multiple different dudes of different levels. Kek.

>i can out will passing out from blood flow restriction

Are you retarded?

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Anonymous No. 126451

>spends multiple Tl;dr posts in multiple threads talking shit about training and how it makes you worse at fighting and you can learn everything on your own
>says he trains and didn’t learn everything on his own

Anonymous No. 126453


Anonymous No. 126456

I'm not the same guy you've been arguing with. I just jumped in a couple posts ago

Anonymous No. 126480

Sorry I didn’t realize there were two speds in the same thread

Anonymous No. 126483

There's already at least three of you, but I guess you don't realize that being sped and all

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 126501


>nah uh u!

Truly an epic brain at work with its superior will and no training or conditioning or sparring or or fighting competitively or learning to fight in any way at all really.

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Anonymous No. 126502


>nah uh u!

Truly an epic brain at work with its superior will and no training or conditioning or sparring or fighting competitively or learning to fight in any way at all really.

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Anonymous No. 126534

Yes, coach. Whatever you say, coach.

Anonymous No. 126553

You’ll never be a real martial artist. You have no fights, no training.

Anonymous No. 126555

I've pissed several coaches off by questioning the methodology. If someone can't explain every detail of their technique, I don't think they know it very well, and I'm quite justified in questioning it

Anonymous No. 126558

Give us an example. My guess is your just a know it all faggot who refuses to do drills because “what if I teleport behind you.”

Anonymous No. 126559

>Just turn your brain off and do what I say!!!

Anonymous No. 126565

>dodges the question
Lmao nice try LARPer

Anonymous No. 126568

Hey, coach. Could you show that mov-
NOOO!!! SHUT UP!! You should've been paying attention. I've BEEN DOING THIS FOR 10 YEARS, 5 OF THEM SOBER. I'M NOT TAKING SHIT FROM ANYONE !!!! GIVE ME 100 burpees!!!?

Anonymous No. 126576

You have literally never been in a combat sports gym

Anonymous No. 126579

You're just mad you didn't get the answer you wanted. Keep coping

Anonymous No. 126582

Why would I be mad about you embarrassing yourself and acting like a retard lol. The real cope is calling yourself a martial artist when you don’t train or fight.

Anonymous No. 126589

you could just go out and start punching people.

Anonymous No. 126592

Unless you’re trying to get into a fight with the police and/or shot that’s probably not a good idea

Anonymous No. 126612

Artist or fighter? Pick a lane already.

Anonymous No. 126613

Lmao what is this line of thinking? are mixed martial artists not fighters? What does that make you? You just fantasize about fighting at home.

Anonymous No. 126618

Its been years since I trained so I don't remember the exact situations, but I have been told to just shut up and drill it, which is the last thing my DNA allows me to do. I've been noisy and disruptive my whole life (school, hobbies, friend groups) and its worked out pretty well as far as my income goes. Never do anything out of dogma, and that's kept me out of some bad decisions
>school has been a lie and relatively unimportant
>didn't fall for the college debt meme
>never believed in muh global warming and muh ice caps
>earth isn't underwater in current year like Al Gore would have you believe
>never got the clotshots
>turns out covid was a scam

>My guess is your just a know it all faggot who refuses to do drills because “what if I teleport behind you.”
lol mad. I do the drills and I demonstrate them better than everyone else, but sometimes something doesn't feel natural and I suggest an alternative. Or due to my incessant need to understand, I ask questions, which some coaches don't like.

Anonymous No. 126621

>are mixed martial artists not fighters?

Anonymous No. 126629

So you’re an autist who can’t follow direction and has authority issues. Shocker.

Anonymous No. 126645

Then go sign up for an amateur mma fight. Have one of your friends corner you. You need to actually test yourself. The only reason you think the way you do is because you haven't been tested. I doubt you have the balls for this considering this thread has been up for over a week and you haven't even gone to any open mats yet. You can read books and debate theory on 4chan all you want but the only thing that matters is results.

Anonymous No. 126646

>but sometimes something doesn't feel natural and I suggest an alternative.

It probably doesn't feel natural because you are uncoordinated.

Anonymous No. 126660

Who would you consider a fighter then? I think you a liar and have never trained. You are intentionally being as vague as possible and refuse to elaborate or give any examples to the claims you are making. I will give you the benefit of the doubt though and just assume you have very poor social skills.

You seem to think that people just follow coaches advice blindly for no reason but that is not the case. They listen to their coaches because it produces real tangible results. Many coaches are former champions with proven records, and they train fighters that actually win fights. If a coach didn't know what they were talking about, they would be exposed very quickly as there is no bullshitting in the ring or cage.

Why would a coach take a suggestion from a totally inexperienced person off of the street taking a free trial class? Maybe i can understand if you don't like a particular coaches teaching methods but you claimed to visit multiple gyms and every single one was not up to your standards? Maybe you live in a tiny little town and only have access to Mcdojos but I doubt it. It sounds like the problem is you. You seem to be way too focused on theory and hypotheticals but that shit doesn't matter. Your either winning fights, or your not. Every gym I've trained at the coach did not mind at all when people were asking questions. In fact its encouraged. It sounds like your questions were just unbelievably retarded or you were being an arrogant cunt thinking he knows better than everyone even though you have no experience. But once again you are probably lying considering you can't provide a single example.

Anonymous No. 126665

>So you’re an autist who can’t follow direction and has authority issues. Shocker.
Yes. Why would you willingly follow direction without question? Are you stupid
No because I'd have to do all the blood tests and shit, which I realize is not that big a deal to most people, yet it is to me. I would rather just walk into an underground fighting ring on a tuesday night, but the guy I knew who said he would talk to them is now dead as of at least a year ago (bone cancer, stomach ulcers, lifetime of drinking and drugs). Plus I make 49/hr net as a subcontractor at the moment, so signing up for a bout just to prove to a bunch of randoms on 4chan that I can fight is kind of a waste of my time.
>It probably doesn't feel natural because you are uncoordinated.
lol you guys are just mad that some people aren't humble. Go on disbelieving though

Anonymous No. 126666

Also why would I go to an open mat, I just joined in this conversation like 2 days ago

Anonymous No. 126674

>Yes. Why would you willingly follow direction without question? Are you stupid
Are you? The only question is are the students winning fights. If yes, then the coach is worth listening too. Cope more, you are mentally deficient. Contrarianism isn’t intelligence.
Most kids grow out of it. You literally have baby brain as an adult, loser.

Anonymous No. 126677

>Yes. Why would you willingly follow direction without question? Are you stupid

Asking questions totally normal if you don't understand something. But you go to the gym to learn right? Why would you think you know better than the coach when you have no experience? Why would any coach put up with some newbie off the street with no fights trying to suggest to him an alternative drill? The coach has fighters to train doesn't have time to deal with some unteachable moron.

Anonymous No. 126678

>I would fight but I don't like blood tests for some reason, Also i was going to fight in a secret underground fighting ring but the guy died so too bad. btw I make 49 dollars an hour so I don't gotta prove anything.

Lmao you are so full of shit but i'll bite. It's not about proving anything to us on 4chan its about testing yourself and seeing how your home training is measuring up to others that train at gyms with coaches. You sound so sure that your method is superior yet you stay in your bubble and refuse to test yourself in reality.

Anonymous No. 126710

>You seem to be way too focused on theory and hypotheticals but that shit doesn't matter
Isn't that what training is?
>you were being an arrogant cunt thinking he knows better than everyone
And you would gladly throw away knowledge from an outsider of the same reasoning, hypocrite.

Anonymous No. 126726

>Isn't that what training is?
Not in the way you think it is. A reasonable hypothetical is
>he throws left you slip right, he throws right you slip left, drill that everyone
Some window licker endlessly asking
>why would I do that with if I slip the opposite I can do xyz and also this is dumb we should be doing something else instead
A lot of coaches will put up with this a few times but it’s inevitably going to lead into “just shut the fuck up and do the drill or leave, I’m not changing my entire lesson plan to cater to your autistic nonsense”
> And you would gladly throw away knowledge from an outsider of the same reasoning
You literally don’t have any knowledge. You have no fights. We regularly invite coaches from other gyms and experienced pro fighters to teach seminars where I train. You don’t know shit.

It’s funny because I’ve dealt with Oppositional defiant disorder in adults before. I can probably guess exactly how you did or would act in a gym. You have a tendency to think you’re really smart when you’re actually knuckle dragging retards because you don’t listen to anyone or anything. You’re not a free thinker, you’re developmentally stunted.

Anonymous No. 126752

>You literally don’t have any knowledge. You have no fights. We regularly invite coaches from other gyms and experienced pro fighters to teach seminars where I train. You don’t know shit.

You literally don't know that and I would literally have to pay you money to host a seminar just so you would get off your high horse and be humble. You are such a bootlicker.

Anonymous No. 126756

Tell me some sekrit knowledge of yours that all the MMA fighters get wrong, sensei couch potato

Anonymous No. 126778

I never said I knew more than MMA fighters but I know more than you. The only MMA you know is downing M&M's with Alcohol.

Anonymous No. 126779

Lmao, ok guy. I’m not the one claiming to learn martial arts at home with zero instruction or competitive experience.

Anonymous No. 126784

Just look up how-to videos online, Boomer

Anonymous No. 126785

Tell me something you’ve learned from how to videos that I don’t know. You said you know than me. Share your knowledge with the class, anon.

Anonymous No. 126793

Fine. You can open up someone's guard by pushing it open with your fist. It's less of a punch and more of a dragging motion.

Anonymous No. 126796

>this is le sekrit knowledge people who go and train for real don’t deal with on a regular basis
Lmfao. This is it? This is your proof your really know your shit. Damn dude we really should have you host a seminar. No one’s ever thought of pushing on someone’s hands before.

Anonymous No. 126797

Go fuck yourself. I don't see you spilling advice.

Anonymous No. 126798

The funniest part about this is that I literally had someone who kept doing this to me when I started doing Muay Thai and guess what happened? My coach taught me how to stop it from happening.
>as soon as you feel him pull your glove down swing I want you to swing at him immediately. He’ll learn to stop trying that.
He did. Alternatively a lot of people will just close and clinch. Congrats though you know a trick that MIGHT work on someone with two months of training.

Anonymous No. 126799

I’ve given you the best advice possible this entire thread. Go train for real, autismo.

Anonymous No. 126906

Just swallow your pride and go train at a gym. Years from now when you actually developed real skills you will be glad you did.

Anonymous No. 126908


You're just a contrarian with mental health issues and autism. You aren't a free thinker and don't under the world, reality, or people. And you absolutely cannot fight.

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Anonymous No. 126933


This is a lie no one is going to blood test you in amateur MMA until you win something or if you turn up looking roided. That's if they blood test at all under WADA rules.

There's also Muay Thai, kickboxing, boxing, BJJ both Gi and No-Gi/submission wrestling comps literally every weekend. You could get a fight in not tournament booked in for next Saturday if you wanted and show off your super secret techniques you made up in your head with no training to the world.

As others have said. You'd look like a creepy autist, but since you are a creepy autist you shouldn't care, you can turn up to open mats and open rings which tend to be weekly around mid week at most combat sports gyms.

And if you really put your big boy pants on you could go to a class, put up with Nazis aka coaches, making people lick their boots for 45 mins, then spar albeit light and technical for 15 mins at the end; which is how most classes are organised.

Do it the world needs to see these revolutionary ideas only you thought of and no one who fights professionally ever figured out so have never been see or unknown to competing fighters or coach-nazis.

Anonymous No. 127118

I already trained for a year and a half before I met the particular coach I have in mind, off of the recommendation of my previous coach(es). Wasn't a noob off the streets. You guys don't even know the context. But either way, I don't believe in authority and I don't believe anyone should be above me. I talk to everyone like an equal, whether they are or not. You can have all the power in the world and all you are is another person to me.
Literally didn't train at home, I went to multiple gyms. I actually stopped fighting because the starter competitions were so disorganized, plus they told me I couldn't go for KOs because of muh insurance, which is the stupidest thing in the world. I fight to hurt people, not for honor
>calls me an autist as if that's an insult on 4chan
You're in same boat here homie. Never said I was a free thinker, but I will do what I want regardless of what others say.
>And you absolutely cannot fight.
What is with people and thinking you can't be arrogant and skilled? Theoretically skill should make you arrogant, but society is full of faggots that think you should be humble.

Anonymous No. 127137


Anonymous No. 127143

>he thinks training for a year and a half is an accomplishment
>gets mad after not following rules
>hurr durr I fight to hurt people not for honor
This fucking guy lmfao. Your problem isn’t that you were too school for fight school and arrogant it’s that you’re retarded. Generally people who exude confidence have experience in the thing they claim to be good at. You’re not skilled. Cope more or put your money where your mouth is and take a real fight.

Anonymous No. 127242

I remember being a wee lad in little kids football. there was a kid on our team who said "I don't want to go to practice, and I just want to show up for games, because that was the fun part." guess who was not on the team for very long afterwards.

there is some level of shared suffering we all go through. the people at your gym, well not YOUR gym OP because you are a faggot, but at OUR gyms, are grinding every class. do I like warm ups? no. they suck. I hate doing front and back rolls, I hate doing sprawl drills, I hate shooting drills because I suck at it. I am still there doing the stupid ass fundamentals because they are important. and because I am there sweating, and training, and practicing moves and having moves practiced on me, the people in my classes respect me for it. if you walk in off the street, as someone no one knows, and just ask to roll on an open mat, literally why the fuck would anyone agree to that?

"just as long as you don't injure the guy" and how the fuck would you even begin to promise that? what is your experience? why would anyone have any reason to trust what you say? we all see those faggot ass videos "I pretended to be a white belt lolol" but at least those guys know they aren't going to hurt anyone. they aren't going to heel hook someone thinking 'I know how much pressure I can apply' then twist into orbit and blow someone's knee out because they do know how much pressure they can apply (not that a rando is going to luck into a heel hook against someone who is even remotely practiced), but some dumbass who thinks they have a youtube silver play button belt walks in off the street, somehow gets paired with a white belt, and spazzes their way into a heel hook could very seriously injure someone because they think you can crank the shit out of it.

Anonymous No. 127246

This never happened

Anonymous No. 127250

you know you actually make a really good point here.

>You could get a fight in not[sic] tournament booked in for next Saturday

why go to open mats at all? go spar with people looking to "do the real thing" or as close to it as you can get without catching an assault charge or 15 manslaughter cases for unleashing your dim mak death wave and leaving the entire bar room temperature on the floor.

and what's with the coach hate from these people? you know what my coaches do? spar with us. and I assure you it isn't "oh, he talks a big game but doesn't actually know anything" they put everyone in the gym down when they want to, but they also go slow, and offer different techniques to someone who is learning and can see the openings they make on purpose.

literally today my coach told me "when you are sparring try as single mindedly as you can to hit the move we just practiced while rolling. even ask your sparring partner to go back to the position you were just in and try to hit that move if you missed it. usually they will, and if they won't then ask a higher belt to practice because they should always be willing to do that for you." this idea that coaches are like mystical figures who dispense esoteric wisdom as manna from heaven is some straight up 1980's kung fu worship shit, not modern reality.

Anonymous No. 127251

what, the football thing? lol ok. he wasn't removed from the team, he stopped coming to practice because he didn't want to do it, and stopped coming to games because the coaches never put him in. why would that be far fetched?

or are you saying I never went to practice at my gym and hated warm ups but did them anyway? you guys seem pretty confused with your bad trolling, so I am asking genuinely.

Anonymous No. 127608

The large majority of Amatuer Kickboxing, Boxing and MMA events allow knockouts. I have only been to 1 IKF event that prohibited them. That was a bullshit excuse and you know it.

Anonymous No. 127613

>What is with people and thinking you can't be arrogant and skilled? Theoretically skill should make you arrogant, but society is full of faggots that think you should be humble.

You are an unintelligent moron. You have no reason to be arrogant. You are still inexperienced. 2 years of training is nothing. Unless its a Mcdojo your coach is going to be way more experienced than you. Usually they have decades of experience training, fighting, and coaching other fighters. I don't know why you expected to walk into someone elses gym and question their methods when you have not even been training for 2 years. I guess the answer is because you're just retarded. You don't even have a grasp on how amateur fights work. If I had a gym and someone came off the street with not even 2 years of experience and started questioning my knowledge of the art I dedicated decades of my life too and said they wanted to fight because they want to hurt people I wouldn't want to train them either. You have a total lack of self awareness.

Anonymous No. 127623

this is like the "you are dumbest boy alive" thread all over again