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Anonymous No. 123833

Anons, I want full ninja traditional history, the best you have, their exercises, their habits, their movements and tradition, diet ALL. I know they had some special techniques for everything, I read books about their meditation techniques and quiet movement techniques. Any recommendations for books/ links/pdf ? I am taking all

((please don't post I want educate myself for real )

Anonymous No. 123844

Ninjitsu doesn't exist and never has.

A ninja was literally just anyone who murdered people stealthily. Prostitutes, street urchins, other samurai.

Anonymous No. 123850

Go read books on the subject or better yet go to a dojo that trains it.

No one feels like doing your research for you.
We ain't ask Jeeves.

Anonymous No. 123896

Unfortunately, you probably read a bunch of bullshit. I would recommend reading "The Ninja: An Invented Tradition." The author was formerly a pretty credulous spreader of ninja myths who upon re-examining the evidence, came away concluding that "the ninja" is essentially a legend. A romantic invention of a later period. At most, the evidence suggests that at certain times certain groups of samurai were trained in clandestine warfare. This was not unique to Japan, nor was it particularly notable within Japan. These were guys who you could count on to commit arson or ambush important people who were traveling, but it's not anymore mysterious or complicated than that.

What this means for you is that anyone who suggests that they know specific techniques or training methods that historical ninja used is completely full of shit and has a "just trust me bro" standard of evidence. No tradition of "ninjutsu" has survived and more than likely, as you're imagining it, it never existed. As to the efficacy of those modern schools of ninja larping? I think the proof is in the pudding.

Anonymous No. 124181

There's only one proper, koryu school with watertight history and claims to teach ninjutsu in their curriculum, and that's Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu.
And all it is, is some generic tactics for guards to protect against infiltrators to war camps, and some folklore smell powder.
Ninjutsu as in pop culture or masaaki hatsumis nonsense is just made up.

Anonymous No. 124207

You have to ask yourself one serious question.

Are you ok with just larping for fun?
If you are then you are in for a really fun time, make some great friend, and read some interesting stories. You might even learn to fight to a acceptable level. People shit on Ninjutu but in amateur and informal events I occasionally see/meet ninjutu dudes and they hold their own just fine. Not the greatest and rarely do any even attempt to go pro, but they aren't helpless in full contact fighting.
It really ain't a bad way to go if martial arts are your hobby and you don't feel the need to be super serious about everything all the time and think martial arts are only serious business with no fun allowed.

However, if you aren't, and are only intrested in the historical accuracy and the real deal you are going to be in for a whole lot of boring research, very little training, and a ton of disappointment. This is due to the fact that Ninja was more some something people did not a thing someone was.
While there were occasionally mercenaries that specializes in one or more aspects associated with ninjas, whatever the image you have in your mind of a ninja wasn't actually real. It was created hundreds of years later as a fiction for entertainment mainly.
As time moved and tactics changed so did "ninja" (as a verb).
Actually now that I think about it Ninja is a bit like viking in that in it's time it was a verb to describe a activity some warriors in a cultre did, but later became mainly a noun.
Anyway, it became less about figuring out how to climb castle walls to set their grain stores on fire before a sedge and more about shit you actually would associate with proto-law enforcement oddly enough. At least from what I have read.
Anyway since it wasn't a really a martial art or class of person, but rather a few tips, techniques, and tactics that were used at the time. They weren't really preserved and changed with the times as needs and tech changed.

Anonymous No. 124449


Anonymous No. 124491

Join the military, try to get into special forces, or the CIA and request field work. That's the closest thing to it nowadays.
Except it did, and you're a fag. Just because there wasnt a codified legacy turned mcdojo doesnt mean it's not a thing.
There is nothing super special about ninja. You could study all the same arts classical samurai did, throw in some spycraft shit, and boom, you got a ninja.

Anonymous No. 128536

> Go to a dojo that trains it.

There's no such things out here in the west, you better believe it, I'm a fuck out of here with that quote.

Anonymous No. 128537

Shinobi and Kunoichi are the male and female terms for the "Ninja" we use in the in the west, Ninjutsu are the techniques applied by and used for Ninja's work which include but not limited to: Spying, assassination, protection and being a messenger, if a Ninja was spotted their job wasn't in danger, their life was over.

Anonymous No. 128558

Ninja were dressed as ordinary peiple because the point is to blend in not where all black. They were skilled in poison, knives and other easy weapons to conceal and carry for assassination. There martial arts was mostly something akin to modern CQC, sharp powerful strikes to weak points, throws and standing joint-locks to break wrists and arms. Nothing else.

Anonymous No. 128579

Ninjutsu is real. There were training camps in the USA and Japan. Not many have history going back to Japan, but it doesn’t matter. Throwing stars and katana mastery is teachable.
Infiltration and camouflage is teachable. Any book that gives real knowledge is the power of the ninja. A real ninja achieves their goals in broad daylight and is never identified or seen.

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Anonymous No. 128614


Anonymous No. 128659

western militaries are just thugs and stooges for contraception companies

Anonymous No. 128661

I wanna be a spy like james bond.

Anonymous No. 128692


There were Ninja training camps in the USA?

Anonymous No. 129336

There are / were more (legit) schools with shinobi stuff. Not everything is TSKSR.

Anonymous No. 129384

Being agent sucks. Fighting sucks. Youre literally asking for things that are no fun. Go watch a fucking movie and stay home.

Anonymous No. 129393

Fun little historical fact, the black outfits associated with ninjas actually probably came from Japanese traditional theater. Actors who would use puppets or move props wore an all black outfit since they were supposed to be “invisible” to the audience. Somehow this got morphed into literally invisible ninja infiltrators.

Borderlands No. 133379

The secret to being manly is sand paper I started with 600 grit and worked my way down to 120 grit my bottom is impenatrable snd my balls are wrinkle free its the only exceptabl toilet papper fore real men.

Anonymous No. 133380

I mean they made renaissance fairs look authentic but yes there were things than called themselves that in the US. The ones in Japan were only marginally more authentic.

Anonymous No. 133626


Anonymous No. 133655

Sadly the truth, even more sadly likely to be ignored.

Anonymous No. 133731

>"The Ninja: An Invented Tradition."
Got to be careful of counter myths too though. all to often people flip back and forth between extremes and overcorrect mistakes to the point of glossing over some aspect of truth that might be given. which can be just as full of exaggerations rather than an even sifting with due diligence either way and admitting degrees and stuff.

Anonymous No. 133808

Hey by any chance did anyone read this teen fiction book about some orphaned Australian (American? British?) kids that are sent off to Ninja school to avenge their family or something?
I used to read it cover to cover over and over again but forgot the title

Anonymous No. 134293

Remove the plug from your ass before coming here, sperg