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Anonymous No. 123873

How did he hit so hard, /xs/? What determines punching power?

Anonymous No. 123879

God gave him a gift

Anonymous No. 124065

lets see because he is a 6’4 260 lb black man, also because his punching technique is from the hip which makes them more powerful apparently

Anonymous No. 124392

he ate his greens

Anonymous No. 124435

follow through
too many fighters try to punch their target
to hit really hard, you need to punch behind your target, but your target is in the way of your fist

Anonymous No. 124465

You can watch that video where he hits the bag and try to copy that. He’s literally blasting all his weight into it. If most people tried it they’d fuck up their wrists

Weight transfer and acceleration are two big factors that determine punch power, but it’s a lot more complicated than that. George just represented the weight transfer part perfectly, in addition to his natural strength and leverages

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Anonymous No. 124535

cuz he's a big ass nigga and throws his weight behind every fuckin punch he threw
here's someone whose power really is a marvel; Julian Jackson, the Hawk. was one punch knocking mothafuckas out. boxing fans from back in the day remember watching this dude on Mike Tyson undercards. ridiculous power and just a middleweight

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Anonymous No. 124547

>What determines punching power?
Honestly I think that's something you got or you don't. Take someone like Deontay Wilder very lanky and would probably be better as a finesse fighter, but he has absolute dynamite in his hand. David Tua as well doesn't really look like a knockout artist but he'd knock you into next week. Pic related is the hardest hitter in Boxing histoy, Earnie Shavers

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Anonymous No. 124570

He was BIG for his time hence the name big george, 6'4 and about 230 in his prime, was pretty huge for 70's standards

then the fucker came back even heavier! so there is a chance he somehow got even stronger.

Anyway truth is some people have it, some ppl don't - there's been studies suggesting its to do with wrist size but ppl like Duran and Hearns have pretty small wrists and whack like a mule too so idk

Big George was one of a kind - could actually lift a cow dude, would you wanna mess with someone who fucking hossed a cow?

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Anonymous No. 124689

Thick hand bones

Anonymous No. 124697

a big d too

Anonymous No. 124892

Another trick I think no one really pays attention is connection with the knuckles and wrist, it is taught in boxing classes to keep your wrist in a certain position to protect it but once you put big gloves on and in the heat of a fight it's hard to concentrate on.

The best example i can find is this one of GGG knocking out daniel geale, now i'd argue they both throw the punch with the same force but look how geales punch lands slight off angle and on the side of the glove and GGG's lands directly on the center of the glove in the middle of his face and you can see his head jolt from the force transfer, your middle knuckle is only a few cm contact point but makes a big difference, it'd be like striking a nail on the side of a hammer instead of the head.

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Anonymous No. 124965

naturally. it's not just to protect your wrist but also to maintain an optimal path for power to transfer through your body into your target. in Dempsey's book Championship Fighting he calls it the power line, most boxing coaches just call it "keep your wrist straight"
it's extra important in bareknuckle boxing, or "gypsy" boxing. in shit like BKFC they still use wraps which help keep the wrist straight and in place, in straight up bareknuckle it's really easy to break your hands if you don't keep the power line straight.

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Anonymous No. 124966


Anonymous No. 126757

Do not pull punches, punch behind your opponent and through, show no mercy, be blessed with genetics and work hard on your body (one can only get so far but working out and training clearly helps to reach your maximum potential), in his case be a fucking giant, take supplements and diet properly and that really is it. Some have a natural higher bar than others.

Anonymous No. 126780

his hands were heavier.
momentum= mass * velocity

Anonymous No. 126792

>What determines punching power?

Force = mass x acceleration or F = m x a

That, combined with using proper punching technique, is what provides power in boxing. When you have a fighter that has mass, can accelerate that mass, and can transmit as much of that mass as possible through the use of good technique, then you have a powerful fighter.

Anonymous No. 127095

I live in the area where he retired to. He does a lot of local charity stuff, or at least he did a few years ago. I think she is getting to him now. Anyway, my brother in law got to take a picture with him at an event. He said when he shook George’s hand it was like shaking hands with a catchers mitt. His fists are the size of saucers.

Anonymous No. 127096

*age is getting to him

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Anonymous No. 127097

I mean look at this thing. And this pic was taken in his old age.