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Anonymous No. 124171

How effective are groin strikes in a fight? Could you easily disable a much larger opponent with one?

Anonymous No. 124172

They aren't the end all be all but can be pretty effective sometimes.
It is a bit of a dice roll though, so I would make it apart of a combination rather then relying on expecting ta single strike to be a fight ender. Depending on temperament so dudes can power trough a full blast to the nuts. Other times a slight tap is enough to crumple someone.
Also most guys instinctively and reflexively protect their junk, so that is another reason why it should be apart of a combination and not just a stand alone technique.

There is one exception to all of what I said above. And that is THE CLAW.
Aka getting a good vice like grip on the balls and not letting go. Or using that grip as a set up for a throw or slam.
Though you said "groin strikes" so it's not really what is being talked about.

As for if it can easily disable a much larger opponent.
Sometimes. Like I said it's a roll of the dice. They could power throw it or they could hit soprano and drop to their knees.

Anonymous No. 124174

You be the judge

Anonymous No. 124175

How does one avoid this in a fight?

Anonymous No. 124195

The other guy already had top position, he could’ve easily pummeled the guys face in but chose to crush his nuts instead. If he tried that shit on bottom he likely would’ve gotten g&p’d into the dirt. The secret as always is position before submission. If you have dominant positioning you win.

Anonymous No. 124197

The secret is to not go to the ground.

Anonymous No. 124201

Yeah because no one’s even been kicked in the balls while standing.

Anonymous No. 124203

you can delete posts

Anonymous No. 124204

Cool, delete yours retard

Anonymous No. 124205

ladies first

Anonymous No. 124206

In this instance, dickgrabber took down the victim. So it would behoove you to do a lot of grappling and learn takedown defense, standups, and sweeps if this situation worries you for some reason. It probably wasn't our victim's gameplan to end up there. He just grabbed a guillotine while getting taken down and held onto it for dear life because he was clueless.

Anonymous No. 124806

they are a supplemental technique. not a garenteer or mainstay.

Anonymous No. 125111

God I want a PAWG to wrestle me and beat my by squeezing my balls

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Anonymous No. 125905


Anonymous No. 125948

Does it even hurts more than a good liver shot.

Anonymous No. 126514

>Could you easily disable a much larger opponent with one?
If they are taller their knee will be usualy weaker

Anonymous No. 126653

>How effective are groin strikes in a fight?
Depends on who you're attacking. If it's some pussy, then sure, they'll stop or hesitate, but anybody that's ever played tackle football has been hit squarely in the balls by a blocker or tackler while running and ignored it until the end of the play. Same with most grapplers. I don't think it's an effective technique, and would avoid it in favor of knockout blows.

Anonymous No. 126699

>The secret is to not go to the ground.
and how do you manage to do that, if not by being the better wrestler

Anonymous No. 126738

throw them

Anonymous No. 126743

Wouldn't similar logic dictate that most "knockout blows" should be avoided too since they don't work all of the time, or hell even most of the time by percent thrown compared to fights ended.

Fact of the matter is groin kicks are effective, but like any other technique it isn't a end all be all strike that is 100% certain to win the fight even if it lands.
Which could be said about literally any technique.
Sometimes landing a punch or kick square on on someone jaw doesn't end the fight.
Sometimes a stiff head but to the face or elbow to the temple aint a finisher.
Sometimes a dude just powers through a clean hit to the liver.
And yes, sometimes a guy can walk off getting hit right in the balls.

Doesn't mean any of those things mention above aren't' effective. Just means you should use combinations and not rely on any one hit to be a instant fight ender.

Anonymous No. 126791

>Wouldn't similar logic dictate that most "knockout blows" should be avoided too

If you want to try and kick dudes in the balls, go ahead. Do what you think is best. In my experience it's a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 126801

Bite his face or ear off. Push your thumbs in his eyes. Gripping one's balls is the lowest one can sink.
I'd rather have a gay son, than a son you grips balls in a fight.

Anonymous No. 126805


Anonymous No. 126809

you know what, of all the dumb ass fights I've gotten into, groin strikes didn't happen often and people who threw them usually didn't know how to do it properly so I got off easy.

I have "accidentally" kicked people in the balls during competitions but they usually shake it off in a few minutes or so. If it happens during sparring and they forgot to wear their groin cups, it's their fault desu.

Anonymous No. 126810

>eat your opponents face
>ewww dont touch their wiener what are you gay?

Anonymous No. 126840

Your experence sounds like fully suited up footballers indirectly and unintentionally making mid contact with the balls through a full body tackle.

I mean it's pretty retarded to imply these strikes weren't effective or that the guys getting hit were pussies because they weren't able to power through getting blasted by a full strength hit to the junk.

Anonymous No. 126844

They dive because they know they can take a break as groin attacks are against the rules. Same with headbutts in boxing.

This is what happens when you have to fight despite being kneed squarely in the balls:


Anonymous No. 126849

Vale Tudo had groin strikes. Yes they can be effective but you still had to be better at grappling and or striking than the other guy to even utilize it. Can't groin strike someone if they have wrist control etc. Bottom line, this fantasy of untrained people thinking they can beat trained people with a groin strike is just that, fantasy.

Anonymous No. 126851

The guys dropping and literally throwing up from pain are just faking it to you?

Does this look fake to you.
The pain on his face and how he instantly dropped?
Him literally crying from getting hit hard?

Why are you trying to pretend like getting hit in the balls isn't effective?
Even science explains why it's effective.

It is frankly foolish to try and argue that hitting to the groin isn't effective due to the overwhelming evidence.

Anonymous No. 126853

>The guys dropping
Guys do that from leg and liver shots too, and those are easier targets.

You go ahead and try to kick dudes in the junk, though.

Anonymous No. 126855


Anonymous No. 126861

So you are telling me you admit that liver shots are effective.
And even think that kicking someone in the legs are effective.
But for some strange reason you are in denial about kicking someone in the testicles being effective and instead being dismissive of it being effective.

Every man/boy who has been hit hard in the nuts knows full well how effective it is. So your position on this matter is simply bizarre and runs totally contrary to what is commonly known.

Anonymous No. 126862

That dude fully deserved those nut shots and more.
In fact Joe deserves to be manually castrated.

Anonymous No. 126902

Just bite their jugular. Rip it open with your teeth. Use your fingers to pulverise their eyeballs.

Anonymous No. 126909

>had to look up what you were talking about
What a shithead. Good thing predators get raped in prison. Having their nuts pulverized on national television should be part of the justice system too.

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Karuhat vs Wangch....webm

Anonymous No. 126976

not very. the sack is a small target and it's protected by legs. it's not hard to protect your nuts if you know someone is deliberately attempting to attack them, and if you have the opportunity for a surprise attack you may as well just hit them with a hook to the chin or some shit. you'd be surprised how hard it actually is to kick or punch someone in the nuts in a real fight where they're aggressive towards you.
the problem isn't whether it's "effective" or not. getting kicked anywhere hurts, especially in the nutsack. the problem is actually hitting the dude's nutsack.
and yes, sometimes people do just ignore the pain. in thailand's muay thai, certain kicks to the groin actually aren't even illegal. you can teep to the dick all you want, most people just don't bother because it's damn near impossible to actually kick their opponent in the dick (and it's just disrespectful)

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dickick KO.webm

Anonymous No. 126979

if you can actually kick someone in the nuts it'll hurt of course. it's just not usually viable as a main strategy to attack someone's coinpurse

i guess in theory if you're a good kickboxer and you really really wanted to be that dude who kicks people in the nuts you could get good at it. there's always angles to take and ways to make openings for strikes, just get good at finding that nut kick i guess kek. but if you're not already good at kicking, like with timing and distance management and feints etc i think it's a waste of time to think you're gonna be accurately kicking people in a small target in the middle of a fight

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Anonymous No. 128224


Anonymous No. 129772


Anonymous No. 129913

Yes, if you hit hard enough. Like, bursting balls hard. If you wear combat boots, that is obviously pretty easy.

Anonymous No. 129915


Anonymous No. 129916

They wear cups. Unless you're Batman you won't wear a cup in a street fight.

Anonymous No. 129917

You kick the balls, not the dick.

Anonymous No. 132093


Anonymous No. 132122

Why don’t all men walk around with a cup. It doesn’t restrict movement. And if more people buy cups there will be more sizes so i can actually find one that fits me properly

Anonymous No. 132133

Because most people don’t expect to be kicked in the cock during their daily life. It’s like asking why everyone doesn’t wear bulletproof vests everywhere.

Anonymous No. 132173

he clearly didn't get kicked in the dick in the webm

Anonymous No. 132175

Bullshit its easy to punt someone in the nuts especially if they square up with you in a thai or boxing stance. You might eat a few shots to the face but its not hard at all if they aren't in a side stance or keeping hands low to block. And it is effective the only problem is people who think its some kind of magic off button especially women who think they can use it to beat big guys.

Anonymous No. 132177

>you might eat a few shots but that’s fin-ACK

Anonymous No. 134894

Yes he did. You are wrong...again.

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Anonymous No. 134897

Was nowhere near.

Anonymous No. 134914

Be a bro and let them know if you find a lump down below

Anonymous No. 135013

Not all of us have a micropenis you know. Normal men can get kicked in the dick there. Are you even physically able to penatrate a woman?

Anonymous No. 135072

Based Paul Harrel LARPer

Anonymous No. 136409


Anonymous No. 136441

Think of them as the "stun" ability in video games, good for split second distraction to land your finishing blow where you want it. Stronger your kick, stronger the stun counter.

Anonymous No. 137440


Anonymous No. 137445

>>Wouldn't similar logic dictate that most "knockout blows" should be avoided too since they don't work all of the time,
People in fights have a metaphorical health bar. If getting kicked in the balls isn't a kill shot, it probably isn't going become one on repeat attacks, it's either a weak spot or isn't.

"Knockout blows" will basically always reduce someone's healthbar, even if they don't induce the knockout

Anonymous No. 137502

You have to be 18 years or older to use this site.

Anonymous No. 137851

Hits to the groin are the opposite of self defence
Risky low odds move with every chance in the world to escalate the situation and look like a cunt to potential observers

Anonymous No. 137877

They're good for a weaponless woman forced into combat with no other training that doesn't think they're capable of otherwise successfully outrunning, outfighting, or involving third party bystanders. A well-delivered lucky groinkick or punch can straight up disable a man for 10-30 seconds, it's pretty much the closest thing to
>A lucky knockout punch
Most women are capable of throwing

Anonymous No. 138008

Depends maybe. I've been kneed so hard in the nuts that I've had to go to the hospital, however I didn't feel it until 10 minutes later and still won the fight. Other times I've been barely kicked in the nuts during training and went down immediately. I think it should be your go to move in a self defense situation. But don't expect it to finish the fight due to adrenaline being kinda over powered.

Anonymous No. 138009

>we are now at a point in time when American dumbasses are so removed from actual violence they deny the effectiveness of a kick to the balls

Anonymous No. 138077

It's good but overrated. It really hurts, but unless you get a dead-on hit, It's not a guaranteed killshot, and because it's a dirty trick it unites bystander opinion against you.

Anonymous No. 138104

>and because it's a dirty trick it unites bystander opinion against you.

remember, the most important thing is a fight is looking cool in front of other people

🗑️ Anonymous No. 138119

Most of the time? Yeah, unironically.

Most fights in the world aren't mandatory, it's two people that WANT to have them. You both could choose to run and no one wants to, because it's a matter of pride, reputation, and knowing you're someone else's better.

If you're choosing to fight and it's not a fight for survival, fighting's probably more about your honor, reputation, and social status. Groin strikes sabotage all these important goals by making you look like a bitch.

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Anonymous No. 138120

Most of the time? Yeah, unironically. Most fights in the world aren't mandatory, it's two people that WANT to have them. You both could choose to run and no one wants to, as a matter of pride and reputation.

If you're choosing to fight anyways Groin strikes sabotage all these important goals by making you look like a bitch.

Anonymous No. 138729

it's amazing how dense people can be while insulting others.

>how effective are groin strikes in a fight?
>in a fight

not "I get to take a running start and do a sweeping soccer kick to your unprotected nuts"

not "while we are training at the gym and you go to pass and my knee catches your balls and you fall down because it isn't a serious fight and we are just training"

in. a. fight.

>we are now at a point where non-America has finally been afforded enough first world luxury that they don't fight like inbred niggers every moment of every day, so they think that getting tapped in the nuts by your friend at school and falling down like the drama queens you have become is how you would react if someone got a glancing blow to your privates in a serious fight.
you're welcome.

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Anonymous No. 139085

idk you tell me

Anonymous No. 140349


Anonymous No. 140354

Very effective.

Anonymous No. 140356

Don't go to the ground.

>If he tried that shit on bottom he likely would’ve gotten g&p’d into the dirt.
Bullshit, you're not gonna do much anymore when someone crushes your balls.

t. has never been hit in the balls full force

Takedown defense, stiff arming, sprawling etc.

It's MMA logic: Not used in the octagon, so it's useless.
>Guns are useless
>Soccer kicking is useless
>Headbutting is useless

But you don't have any experience.

>muh honor
In a fight it's you or him, everything goes. Grab the balls, bite, pinch, oil check, play possum, doesn't matter. Winning is the only thing that counts.

Anonymous No. 140359

>They dive because they know they can take a break as groin attacks are against the rules.
MMAfag cope.

Go on, try it. Get someone to kick you in the balls and tank it. Oh you won't? Why not, it's harmless.

Eye gouging works great, kicking the balls works great. Deal with it.

Joe Son wore a cup and it STILL worked. Hackney got out of the guillotine via ball punching.

Anonymous No. 140574

sure, it'll work. But the fact of the matter is that you can't even land a decent jab to the face, you can't land an inside leg kick consistently, and those are much bigger targets. What makes you think you're going to land much more precise hits on smaller targets that people want to defend more? Well, I am only assuming that you're not trained. I'd love it if you could prove me wrong, nevertrainedamartialartinhislifefag.