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Anonymous No. 124304

What's an underrated style MMA meta is sleeping on

Anonymous No. 124305


Anonymous No. 124322

Homoerotic groping to cause psychological damage.

Anonymous No. 124324

ball twist takedown defence

Anonymous No. 124335

I think if you crap or piss your pants it's considered a no contest right? What if a fighter just go into the match with a full bladder or bowel and hold them for the duration of the match. If he thinks he's going to lose, he can just piss his pants to avoid a loss. You could probably get three losses off your record before you get suspended.

Anonymous No. 124337


Anonymous No. 124340

no if you have a guy fart in your face and you scream/vomit/tap you lose by technical submission
I've seen it happen

same if you piss/shit yourself and stop fighting
most guys shit themselves and just keep going, that has happened in the ufc at least 3 times

Anonymous No. 124342

Having springs all across your body so you can't get knocked down.

Anonymous No. 124343

Things that aren’t legal in MMA aren’t going to be a part of the MMA meta your dumbfucks.
>that has happened three times in the UFC
Lmao what the fuck? When?

Anonymous No. 124363

This might technically be ruled a NC and preserve your record, but Dana is going to fire your ass at the press conference and you'll be sucking dicks at the PFL.

Anonymous No. 124424

Explosive subs

Control based fighters fear the explosive sub

Anonymous No. 124428

julian kisch shit herself as has yoel romero I think twice
here's a video on what he claims are 5 poops but I don't count the tim sylvia poop as it could be sweat and the randalman poop was contained so you didn't notice
forgot the yancy poop and this is a old list so he doesn't have the kisch poop either
anyway, hope you appreciate this moment of mma history

Anonymous No. 124443

Youd be in deep shit when it doesnt work tho

Anonymous No. 124536

>4/5 of the fighters who shit themselves won the fight
makes you think

Anonymous No. 124542

We already had Jon Jones, my dude

Anonymous No. 124578


Anonymous No. 125063

It got some decent shine when Ronda Rousey was basically the "it" girl for like a year, and people already include most of the more effective gi-less throws and subs as standard when training for MMA.
I think it is less of a style being slept on and more of it's rare for someone who's main background is high level judo to come over to MMA.

Anonymous No. 125141

Judo techniques are based but for some reason actual judoka dudes eat shit

Anonymous No. 125143

That's because only the bad ones have any incentive to hop over to MMA. This isn't true for wrestling or sambo because there's no money or security in either sport, even for the best in the world.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 125151

Islam is right about women

Anonymous No. 125155

It's because the high level players only use like 4 throws and spent most their lives not learning strikes or getting good at more MMA adaptable throws. I'd unironically expect a black belt who trained kodokan style judo in some hole in the wall ass dojo to fare better in the UFC than a pro judoka

Anonymous No. 125208

Pretty sure you get banned from competing in judo if you try out mma as a judoka.

Anonymous No. 125241

ronda rouseys meta game of just getting into full mount then going for armbar was pretty good. More people should do that. Just strike to the takedown, get full mount, armbar victory. Basically flawless gameplan.

Anonymous No. 125254

Judo is probably the correct answer. But there hasn't been anyone at the top with enough other skills since Parisyan and Gamburyan. Closest I'm aware of is Satoshi Ishii, and that dudes 35.

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Anonymous No. 125279


This. So much this.

Anonymous No. 125955

Savate has some stuff but the general level in savate is lower than other sports as there's not many people practicing it so you don't see pros going from savate to mma.

Anonymous No. 125959

this is true

karo parisyan had some sick judo and wrote the original book on using judo in mma
ronda rode his coattails

karo was the best, ishii was highly touted but he never had the drive to train and compete in mma, biggest bust of a prospect ever

Anonymous No. 128985

Then Again cheerleaders use to be a man thing.

Anonymous No. 129030

87% of mmaites are already homosexualized, so this is an inefficient technique

Anonymous No. 129036

>the more effective gi-less throws and subs
which are pretty much all wrestling moves.

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Anonymous No. 129040


Anonymous No. 129079

it's not that judo is underrated, the harsh truth is it sucks ass

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download (3).jpg

Anonymous No. 129097


Sanda and Shuai Jiao for sure if China got off it's ass about protecting CMA's image and put time into developing those would be a great base for MMA. But not any particular traditional CMA style like Bajiquan.

Anonymous No. 129101

Does bjj and sambo suck ass too? They’re both direct descendants.

Anonymous No. 129105


Anonymous No. 129247

capoeira: (watch the first 2 minutes for a good summary of capoeira)

Anonymous No. 129248

I bet you’re the kind of retard who unironically thinks dim mak is a real thing

Anonymous No. 129251

dim what? literal who martial art.

hi No. 129257


Anonymous No. 129260

when the opponent is on the ground and throwing up his legs, why has noone thought of the opportunity to just take him by the legs and starting swinging him 360 degrees?

Anonymous No. 129786

trad judo is based, modern judo is dogshit. No single legs, no double legs, no kata guruma, no ashi garami for fucks sake. Damn judoka, they ruined judo

Anonymous No. 129794

>trad judo
no, trad judo would be like shitty aikido. Sport judo purified the martial art of all techniques that don't work

Anonymous No. 129796

Touch grass man, capoeira is a funny dance, not a martial art

Anonymous No. 129833

Ah yes the ineffective technique of grabbing your opponent's legs, that never works in a fight. Good thing they banned that

Anonymous No. 129891

A technique perfected against a skilled athletic opponent is better than a technique against air.
Judo is shit for self defense either way

Anon No. 129901

>Judo is shit for self defense either way

worst take on this whole board

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Anonymous No. 129902

Everything is shit for self defense except this super niche martial art I saw on YouTube but I don’t actually practice.

That and a well placed pipe bomb.

Anonymous No. 129905

Catch Wrestling
Luta Livre

Anonymous No. 129906

Yes, including standing submissions.

Explosive subs always work. They're just so brutal only a handful of psychos will use them.

Anonymous No. 129907

Problem is that nobody is wearing clothes, if a gi was mandatory, Judo would be as important as BJJ.

Anonymous No. 129908

The main problem is you don't wear shoes in MMA, so Savate is basically robbed of its arsenal.

Anonymous No. 129909

Greco guys don't shoot either and it doesn't hurt them in MMA.

Anon No. 129911

you don't need a gi

Anonymous No. 129921

What the fuck would you use HEMA for in mma? I’m saying this who actually does HEMA. There’s nothing, even in the unarmed plays, that’s of particular use that isn’t either a part of or done better in a more modern martial art. The only reason to do HEMA is if you want to fight with swords because fighting with swords is fun.

Anonymous No. 129952

every technique in judo is already taught in wrestling. osoto gari is indeed useful imo but it needs a jacket

Anonymous No. 129955

>needs a jacket
no it doesn't

Anonymous No. 129981

>every technique in judo is in wrestling
>people don't wear jackets in wrestling
>so this judo throw that is in wrestling doesn't work without one

Anonymous No. 129989

kek at the assmad judokas, find me where osoto is used in high-level wrestling competitions.
You must accept that you suck at fighting and the percentage of successful judokas in MMA is self-explanatory.
We've seen Judo golden medals like Pawel Nastula and Ishii beaten by literal whos.
Cope, seethe and dilate

Anonymous No. 129993

>osoto gari needs a jacket
You are literally too retarded to live. How do you supposedly wrestle and then look at osoto without imediately figuring out a way that you could do it nogi intuitively?

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Anonymous No. 129994

>high-level wrestling competitions
Will you settle for professional mma?

>the percentage of successful judokas in MMA is self-explanatory.
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 130000


Anonymous No. 130001

why would someone try to perform osoto gari on a wrestler when you have a dozen better moves?

Anonymous No. 130004

It’s the only one he knows

Anonymous No. 130087

that's exactly what I said faggot, osoto without a gi is useless/no effective

Anonymous No. 130088

>lol, lmao even
nice argument faggot, considering the enormous talent pool judokas make little success in MMA

Anonymous No. 130097

There's a non-compete clause

You can find champions from almost every sport losing against literal who's in MMA.

BJJ/ADCC world champions like Marcelo Garcia and Rodolfo Viera lost MMA fights to nobodies.

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Anonymous No. 130108

>ignores the picture of a highly successful judoka in mma
The real problem isn’t that there aren’t successful judoka in mma circles, it’s that you pretend they don’t exist or that their judo training doesn’t count. Here’s another.

Anonymous No. 130138

no it's not

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 130139

>no it's not

Anonymous No. 130141

anyway, I think with a double overhook it can be feasible but that doesn't change the fact you judokas are little sissies

Anonymous No. 130150

do you make the cute little 'oos oos' noise when you're hitting the punching bag? what happens when someone comes up to and instead of putting his hand out to do the cool little glove touch thing you do with your bro they just launch into you and grab a handful of your chick hair and throw your face into the nearest countertop? are you gonna try that 'oos oos' thing with them? please tell me if you're gonna do that little 'oos oos' thing. how about when they snatch you by the throat and kick out your leg from underneath you because you didn't make the first move out of bro-respect. are you gonna make that 'oos oos' noise? please tell me you are.

Anonymous No. 130198

didn't read lol

Anonymous No. 130199

Yeah how come we always hear praise from Greco Roman when they can’t touch legs with their hands or feet, the only thing they even have going for them is they are usually stronger or bigger than their opponent in MMA

Anonymous No. 130200

How many judoka even try out for mma? How many people even know judo exists in the United States? Wrestlers almost always have to cross train to be effective in MMA or else they get consistently tapped out. It was proven in the first few UFC, you guys could never beat Gracie even though he was mediocre at best by todays standards and wrestling has stayed the same since then.

Anonymous No. 130208

And Judo devolved from being useful into being shit. Wrestling is superior to modern Judo by such a margin that it's not even funny.
Both should be trained but between the two, Wrestling wins.

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Anonymous No. 130213

> Wrestling is superior to modern Judo by such a margin that it's not even fu-ACK

Anonymous No. 130221

Pre-Queensberry pugilistic boxing

We've seen Nate Diaz use something like it and even way back Igor Vovchanchyn would use his power hand to cover his body and fence/parry/seek to wrestle with his left. There's definitely some things worth delving into that will suit the right kinds of fighter

Anonymous No. 130230

i bet you did

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Anonymous No. 130231

>you guys could never beat Gracie

Anonymous No. 130263

If you're able to clinch up and throw someone to the ground or just drag them around by some hold while delivering elbows and uppercuts, you can pretty much win any fight you're in.

Anonymous No. 130845

cage grappling of any kind. Probably 90% of grappling exchanges in MMA are against the cage. I don't know if it's being "slept on" because all the top guys practice it now but at the lower levels even guys who train BJJ or wrestling specifically for MMA do so on an open mat the majority of the time and rarely wrestle off a wall if they even do so at all.
There's probably a shitload of variations of submissions and takedowns that use the wall that no one's even thought of yet because of how rare it is compared to BJJ, judo, or wrestling. Having two planes to push against instead of just one changes a lot of shit.

Anonymous No. 130863

wrestling vs judo is always funny because neither are complete
wrestling allows single and double leg takedowns but no submissions
judo allows submission but no leg takedowns (thanks ijf)

Anonymous No. 130866

Under unified rules you cannot kick downed opponents. Grapplers with shit wrestling like Damian Maia should spam rolling thunder kicks until they either ko the person or the guy starts to grapple with them.

Anonymous No. 130872

So Judo actually has leg takedowns built into it but are just prohibited by the IJF meanwhile submissions don't really exist in wrestling. Sounds like a Judo win in my book.

Anonymous No. 130875

Becoming fat fucks to absorb impacts like in sumo

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 130876

…that same logic could apply to catch wrestling which has submissions. judofags have this dilusion that their system is all perfectly all encompassing when they take the widest meaning of the term, when the same could be applied to any fighting style really if they are loose enough.

the fact remains that the actual practice of judo WILL focus more on submissions and cloth based grappling and less on leg takedowns by the nature of the standard rules and set-ups while Wrestling WILL focus more on leg take downs and clothing neutral based takedown and less on submission by the nature of their standard rules and set ups.

Anonymous No. 130881

>judofags have this dilusion that their system is all perfectly all encompassing
Do they? I only see this online from people that I suspect don't train.

A lack of leg-grabs is a deficiency of judo. It's not as big of deal, because the nature of jacket wrestling makes getting to them harder; but it's not impossible and something was lost from the expression of the art.

>clothing neutral
It really depends. Because as soon as you have sleeves and some fabric on the back to grab in a Georgian grip or something, it changes the risk calculus of shooting in on the legs.

Once the hoodies come out, I think the jacket wrestler has an advantage - but with t-shirts, it favors the naked wrestler.

Anonymous No. 130886

>Do they? I only see this online from people that I suspect don't train.
yah, the suffix -fag usually denotes online individuals in particular.
>It really depends
thats why I said "clothing neutral". maybe a better term would have been "non clothing reliant" (not saying that judo is strictly reliant on clothing, but does focus on it much more)

Anonymous No. 130888

>because neither are complete
no system is complete

every martial art will have something it isn't good at because of specialization

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Anonymous No. 130891

The choice is clear

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Anonymous No. 130902

>no system is complete

Anonymous No. 130955

But in a similar way, naked wrestling also relies on a lack of friction and handles to get close enough for a good single or double. With a singlet or rashguard, going from handfighting to a level change for a shot is a lot easier.

I'm not saying this to be a smug judofag (having done HS wrestling and judo now, I actually like the sport of judo more). If judo is clothing reliant, a very fair criticism, in a subtler way wrestling is also reliant on a lack of clothing. It's a spectrum, people scored with morote-gari back in the day - but even pre-2010, the techniques that scored a lot were basically the same as today: osoto, ouchi, seoi nage, uchimata.

Anonymous No. 131055

Aikijujutsu maybe.

Anonymous No. 131073

As an mmafag, i would say judo (if gi was allowed it would be seen more). There are also some aspects of wing chun that would be very useful.

Anonymous No. 131377

what subs are from wrestling? judo has invented the modern armbar, triangle choke, knee bar, ankle locks and various chokes. The only thing I can think of from wrestling is the bulldog choke and kimura lock which was discovered by both wrestlers and judoka.

Anonymous No. 131378

That didn't answer the question at all, wrestlers couldn't even beat a Gracie and their art has only gotten better. Wrestlers come to bjj and get tapped all day, because they are trained to get control a certain way and then end up falling into a trap because they are too stupid to realize there is more than putting someone on their shoulders for a second

Anonymous No. 133163

dont listen to the haters, the roundhouse kick from the floor and the roundhouse/spinning wheel kicks with one hand on the ground are super applicable to MMA, not sure about the ginga, u might be able to use it as a feint type of thing, masking with continuous movement

Danny No. 136614

The 'Mixed' martial arts.
What can I say?
About a woman?
Is it catty of a woman.. if she puts you in an arm bar?
Like-- a leaping armbar?
Is it fair of a 'Martial' artist? You know.. to be a gymnast? Like.. cartwheels u..

Im just asking..

Anonymous No. 136701



Where you splat your opponent time and time again against the floor

Anonymous No. 140005

A full human body of deadweight is A LOT of weight, if you're capable of pulling off a
>So long gay bowser
you're more than capable to
>Just pick them up and slam them down
And the latter's going to be way more energy efficient and way more likely to end the fight.

Anonymous No. 140007

MMA: destroy all girls

Anonymous No. 140020

S&C Meta: Nick Curson/Marinovich/Sports Science Lab speed strength/power training
Psychological Meta: Being a psycho
Fighting Meta: Dirty fighting

>Things that aren’t legal in MMA aren’t going to be a part of the MMA meta
Tell that to Jones, Cormier etc.

But you can only train them in drills, so we're back to old school japanese jiu jitsu haha.

How would they not work? There is no defense against them except refusing to grapple.

Anonymous No. 140021

Judo isn't applicable because no gi.

Savate isn't applicable because no shoes.

They're 10/10 for streetfighting/self defense though.

Anonymous No. 140022

>Hitting the jaw, temple, balls etc. doesn't work

Anonymous No. 140023

>What the fuck would you use HEMA for in mma?
The explosive sub mentioned above.

Anonymous No. 140030

I think seated armbar is from catch, alongside the knee bar and the heel hook. Lots of joint locks are from catch, which makes sense seeing as the sport is basically just pain compliance. As chokeholds would often be banned in catch most chokeholds in submission wrestling would come from judo

Anonymous No. 140044

If you think this talk about Silat before HEMA

Anonymous No. 140045


Didn't work for Justine Kish, they just kept going like nothing happened.