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Anonymous No. 124308

How would you train a bunch of guys if they had to compete in a weeks time, but have unlimited budget and facilties.
5 guys, some basic knowledge (near end of whitebelt level), but very fit/athletic.
Ruleset: 5m round, nogi, submissions/hold down wins fight, no lower body locks.
Thats not the situation I am in, but I am in a very similar one.

My plan:
>Train how not to get injured first (breakfalls, basic defensive position (tuck neck, etc))
>50% learning, 50% just rolling (either from standing or from positions that we were just learning in)
>Work backwards from finishing the fight;
>then hold-downs/dominant positions
>guard/turtle/other stalemate positions
>Standing takedowns/throws (may not get time)
>arm fighting/initiation (may not get time)
>do a single rehersal with proper format so they have the feeling of a real match with a referee enforcing rules, have someone record said match
>1-2 days before tournament, no real rolling, maybe some soft rolling but a lot of going through the recorded videos, showing more techniques, questions/answers, stretching/recovery, looking at what good fighters for each persons weight/height do (analyzing matches of real fighters)
>all training is done with warmup consisting of a lot of breakfalls and working on wrestling stance/step (as well as other normal shit like short runs)

anyone got any suggestions? anything retarded im doing?
and no I can't just roid them up.

Anonymous No. 124312

I would just drill one takedown and one submission, probably a front face lock because people don't know what the fuck it is and I can grab it standing
trying to get good at to many things in 7 days is retarded, in striking terms I would do the same and have the guy just work on his jab all week
if you're going into live fire at least you have 1 thing you're reasonable confident with (even training a jab in a week is lol not enough time but fuck it)

why? just build up a sweat on your warmup so you're limber, that's the purpose of warming up in the first place

Anonymous No. 124334

Are you under the impression judoka are constantly training breakfalls to get “limber”?

Anonymous No. 124336

I would have a dedicated amount of time set aside every class to train break falls, doing it during a warmup is a invitation for injury because you aren't stretched or warmed up, especially during winter
rolls are fine enough for a dynamic movement
breakfalls are not that

Anonymous No. 124341

I see, I misunderstood your criticism. Personally though, my judo class usually opens with calisthenics and stretching, then goes into breakfalls and rolls, then uchikomi and/or kumi kata before the actual lesson begins. I consider all of that part of the “warm up”

Anonymous No. 124358

>5 guys
>near end of white belt level
Is this a BJJ ruleset?
With only 5 guys, you can address each of their skillsets individually. The people with awful wrestling need to drill pulling guard effectively. Everyone should know basic escapes. Everyone should be rolling as often as possible, half of those rounds should be positional (ie start from closed guard or mount or whatever). Everyone should have somewhat of a gameplan: pulling or wrestling, a guard pass or two, a sub or two that they are great at
>warmup consisting of a lot of breakfalls
This isn't necessary for people with some experience. They should focus on scoring/winning skills, not breakfalls. Judokas work on that because they are getting thrown constantly in drilling and randori. Their "warmup" should be good focused drilling during class, and an 80/20 drill before live rounds: for a few minutes, one person attempts a takedown (specific or not) with 80% effort. The other guy gives 20% resistance (ie realistic reactions but lets them finish the takedown)
>source: I train at a competitive (ADCC medaling) no-gi gym
With white belt tournaments, it's mostly about managing cardio and adrenaline. If they are used to rolling a lot and sometimes rolling hard, they will likely do pretty well. Some of those rounds need to be from bad positions though.

If you're talking about some other type of ruleset, clarify and I might be able to advise.

Anonymous No. 124365

>The people with awful wrestling need to drill pulling guard effectively.
>this is what bjj fags actually believe
Why not just drill their standup so that they don’t have to rely on the “fall atop me, and meet your doom!” Strategy?

Anonymous No. 124378

>Why not just drill their standup so that they don’t have to rely on the “fall atop me, and meet your doom!” Strategy?
It's just unrealistic to think that you can teach someone to wrestle effectively against a decent wrestler (many are found in white belt tournaments) within a few weeks. It would be a waste of time. You could, however, teach someone with a threatening guard to effectively pull someone into it and attack. If you're going to end up playing guard, it's better to do so on your own terms (i.e. not getting double legged by your opponent who was a wrestler throughout high school)
>you should lose the competition and because muh guard pulling is bad
>faggots who don't train actually believe this

Anonymous No. 124394

I’m considering their long term development not just a single tournament. Guard pulling is mega gay though and should give takedown points to the opponent.

Anonymous No. 124401

Thanks for all the advice, im taking it all on board.
Just wanted to clear some things up:
these guys im training do not seem confident with breakfalls (still planting arms when falling/not tucking chin), hence why im getting them to do it after/at the end of the warmup (still doing a normal warmup with running and all that shit, just doing breakfalls after that before we get into the actual lessons).
They arn't competing in a white belt level tournament. If this was a judo comp, they would be around the yellow to orange level, maybe even some green belts in the tournament.
>skill level.
Its hard for me to explain where these guys are at, because half of them cant break fall properly yet they can easily submit eachother and people around a whitebelt level. They also don't make the mistake of going stiff or using 100% effort like white belts (they remain calm in training). In a white belt tournament they would be between middle to high in the rankings, but they are competing in the grade above.
>you only got 7 days
These guys are also very fit, on a controlled diet, getting good sleep and have no other commitments. From the movement they wake up till the moment they go to sleep they only have to worry about training.

if you guys are interested ill keep you guys posted on the results.
I am making some simplifications about the scenrio to simplify/conceal information, but for things like "no other commitments", obviously there's shit like picking kids up from school or gotta walk the dog, but these guys do not have to worry about going to work.

Anonymous No. 124413

Dude, that isn't enough time to do anything.
What kind of hypothetical is this?
Unless they are already experienced they have no business competing as they are just going to get totally destroyed due to the skill gap.

I am honestly getting sick of these stupid questions.

Anonymous No. 124429

Ahh fair enough

Anonymous No. 124436

montages with 80's power ballads playing in the background

Anonymous No. 124473

>I’m considering their long term development
That's not what OP is asking about, retard. Competition prep/camp is different than regular training, but you wouldn't know because you don't train
>Guard pulling is mega gay though and should give takedown points to the opponent.
Can you explain why you think this? (without bringing up self defense or street fighting) The majority of point scoring and submission threats occur on the ground. If anything, pulling guard and attempting to engage is better than exchanging collar ties for 5 minutes.
Btw there are rulesets that penalize guard pulling.

Anonymous No. 124482

>Can you explain why you think this
>be standing
>throw yourself on the floor
>might as well have been taken down
That’s why. As for “street fighting and self defense,” martial arts may not be a direct analogue but should be considerate of real violence in their practice. I think turtling should be penalized as stalling in judo too since doing so in a more open ruleset that includes striking or in a real fight is borderline suicidal. At least in combat jiujitsu if someone pulls guard you can slap the shit out of them I guess.

Anonymous No. 124496

Pulling guard is a choice. Being taken down is not a choice. See the difference? If top position is all that mattered, you wouldn't see people stall and disengage from someone's seated guard all the time.
>martial arts may not be a direct analogue but should be considerate of real violence in their practice
BJJ is absolutely considerate of that. This is why top pins are scoring positions, and submissions result in a victory. No one that trains would ever pull guard in a fight, which is why your argument is fucking retarded. Every sport has a rule set, and every combat sport has rulesets that aren't realistic to "real violence" (as if the threat of a broken limb isn't real violence):
>boxers can't do takedowns
>kickboxers can't do takedowns
>judokas can't grab legs
>wrestlers battle from a belly down position (possibly the worst self defense position)
By this logic, only MMA should exist (which ALSO HAS RULES)

Anonymous No. 124543

Its not a hypothetical tho. It's something that is happening. I know the chances arn't great, but its about increasing the chances as much as possible. Sure its near impossible to make these 5 guys place 1st, but even if it could get to a stage where some of them win some fights instead of all of them getting obliterated within 5 seconds, that would be an improvement.

Anonymous No. 124545

guard pulling is fucking retarded. if thats all BJJ wants to be just take throws out and start on the ground in the first place

Anonymous No. 124546

I would suck their penises and them kill them in the forhead.

Anonymous No. 124698

>guard pulling is fucking retarded
>just take throws out and start on the ground in the first place
>start on the ground in the first place
Aka guard pulling... retard alert.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 124728

I meant as a rule. Just make the two retards start on the ground, retard