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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 124813

I almost died in my wingsuit yesterday- AMA

>Ominous feeling a few days leading up to First flight course
>30th bday is next week
>dads bday is the day of the flight course
>had to buy a bigger and more aggressive wingsuit than I should be flying as a student because my body is
>dreaming of flatspinning and dying
>cant sleep for a few nights
>day of FFC finally comes
>ask instructor "how many people have you had flat spin on their first jump?"
>"oh zero dude- I have never seen it you will be fine"
>in plane
>exit was actually pretty good, I correct my heading and start doing "practice pulls" so I know where my handle is
>first practice goes badly, didnt feel handle and went head down
>next 2 practice pulls were equally as bad
>make final turn and keep flying the suit
>5500 feet- time to pull for real
>reach for handle
>do NOT close leg wing
>immediately go head down
>cant find handle
>4000 feet
>suit pressurizes from the airspeed, I now know where my handle it but I can't physically reach it because of how much air pressure is in the suit
>reach hard as fuck
>flatspin initiated
>3000 feet
>now spinning on my back, head down
>dads b day
>screaming in my helmet I rip my cutaway handle and reserve
>reserve pilot chute comes up between my legs
>instantly my reserve inflates and snatches my shoulders up under my legs, cracking every bone in my back in the resulting backflip
>I look up still seeing stars- no twists it's good
>*beep beep* my alarm says
>1400 feet.
>time to begin my landing pattern

Anonymous No. 124818

did you die?

Anonymous No. 124864

If you were flying anything smaller than an aura/jedei/sukhoi you should kys rn... Go buy a sumo and track for the next 100 jumps unironically before you get into a wingsuit again. Then get a babys first wingsuit and try again. Fukin nerd...

Anonymous No. 124869

He didn't reply to I guess so

Anonymous No. 124994

wow scary

Anonymous No. 125068

How many jumps have you done before?

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Anonymous No. 125176

I think wingsuiting is a pretty based way to off oneself, keep at it you fine gentleman!

Anonymous No. 127790

this is why training is important.

Also when going for your reserve, no need to pull the cutaway first

t. AFF-I

Anonymous No. 128197

Way to keep it together and survive. Glad you're still breathing.

Never thought I'd see a thread on 4chan on this subject. I've almost killed myself with a wingsuit three times. Here's one:
> at exit point, 7 second rock drop, maybe 2500' above lz, maybe 5000' distant from lz
>have to cross a set of high tension power lines and a freeway to reach lz
>worked a night shift the night before and drove four hours to get there
>exhausted, not on my A-game
>jump, fly
>realize I'm not really flying in the right direction, turn left
>lose altitude in turn, now flying straight into headwind, forward motion mostly stopped
>out of altitude, pitch
>canopy opens in perfect 180
>now flying perfectly downwind, directly at powerlines
>fix my shit, pop toggles
>directly over powerlines, unable to clear them in either direction
>commit to shooting the slot down the middle of the lines
>canopy barely fits between both sets of powerlines
>can't believe I fit, look down at pile of jumbled boulders
>whatever, broken legs are better than getting electrocuted
>somehow stand up a landing on some shrubs between two massive boulders
>in disbelief at what just happened

Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.

Anonymous No. 128198

Ok call me crazy but I found pitching in a sumo harder than any wingsuit I've flown because the ass inflated so much that it swallowed my handle. Not a fan.

Anonymous No. 128211

Y'all are nuts just saying. I heard this rush results in addiction until you inevitably due. I want to learn ice climbing though so I guess I can't judge.