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🧵 Sparring is easy

Anonymous No. 124991

I can't believe how fucking easy sparring is. Literally just walk into them swinging as fast as possible with all of your weight and they can't do shit, it's like making someone fight the back of a UHAUL truck. I was sparring this 6'1, 39-year-old Muay Thai Marital Artist and all I did was just push into him while throwing over heads and occasional headbumps, elbows and sometimes a knee. It lasted all of it 4 minutes before we both kind of gassed and classed ended, but this has now forever cemented that sparring is incredibly easy. I've done plenty of other 'sparring' like Randori in Judo, but THIS has now made the impression that fighting is easy and it's 90% mental hesitation from pain.

Anonymous No. 125002


Anonymous No. 125039

>Be me, a middle-aged father who has been training Muay thai 2x a week for 18 months
>Pretty fun, nice workout, nice people
>New guy comes into class, coach reminds us to take it easy with him before sparring
>Start sparring session with new guy by throwing a couple of light leg kicks and jabs
>New guy starts spazzing out on me, throwing wild overhands, elbows and knees at near full power on his first sparring day. He's not even keeping his eyes open most of the time.
>Remember coaches advice for new guys
>Just take what little punishment he can dish out while remaining calm and allowing him to work out his frustrations on me
>After class, new guy comes up to me with a smug grin on his face, says "that was tough, we really gassed"
>I say "haha, yeah, good class"
>Coach winks at me
>New guy never comes back

Tale as old as time

Anonymous No. 125051

Who's the new guy and what's the first class?

Anonymous No. 125081

You just sound like a spazzy asshole beginner that doesn't understand sparring should be light and technical, not a time for you to stroke your ego.

Plus it's pretty pathetic that you came to 4chan to tell everyone how did you think you did

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Anonymous No. 125084

op is made up but if you're trying to "win" sparring you're not sparring right

Anonymous No. 125085


Anonymous No. 125213

Woman moment

Anonymous No. 125217


Anonymous No. 125221

Because you sound like a little white girl, do you want your caramel macchiato? little white girl?

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Anonymous No. 125225


Literally happened to me the other day. Fucking noobs. Dunno why coach lets them spar.

Coach repeatedly says do some slow technical sparring, practice footwork, defence, be slow and methodical as guy is new.

Dude starts totally spazzing out running around the ring wildly throwing lawmakers, jumping like someone playing 2D Mario in a speed run. Fucking numbnut. Coach has to stop kid from sparring as he doesn't listen to basic instructions.

Be nice to the guy at the end so don't discourage anyone from joining the club especially with costs going up, clubs closed left & right since the pandemic, and coach gave me discounted monthly rate compared to noobs as been there a few years.

Anonymous No. 125228

Not me but ok

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Anonymous No. 125275


Yeah no. OP sounds like child who button mashes in a fighting game. That's literally the exact equivalent. Sparring is meant to be practice. That means it has methodology and technique as it's focus so is by purpose slower and technical, compared with competition where you can actually show off and pressure test your skills.

Sparring!= competition. And button mashing in a competition is a quick way to get fucked up. You're the little girl as you clearly never actually put your balls on the line and competed in a sport, *any* sport.

Anonymous No. 125289

In a fight you're usually not going to remember perfect practiced stances and strikes. You're either going to be reacting or causing a reaction.

Anonymous No. 125296

You have to train your reactions to not fight like a retard through drilling and light sparring before you fight at that level you fucking tard. By all means, take your single sparring session experience and take a fight tomorrow. See how it goes.

Anonymous No. 125323

Too many buzzwords. You've never been to a boxing gym.

Anonymous No. 125326


Motherfucker not even that anon, you have had one sparring session. Spazzing out like a retard won't work in an actual fight. It only may have worked in your one sparring session because the coach told them to not knock you the fuck out as you're a noob.

I train boxing, kickboxing, or MMA 6 nights a week at 3 different gyms. Every coach says be controlled and technical in sparring and don't act like a fucking tard, so you don't spaz out in actual fights and get fucked up when you are under real pressure.

Anonymous No. 125333

Why are you so angry? You don't seem like very good fighter if this is all it takes to get you to become hyper emotional.

Anonymous No. 125335

>one session
Didn't OP say he's done plenty of other sparring in better arts like Judo?

Anonymous No. 125336

OP is kind of a tard, but he's also partially right. Having the right psychological mindset and being able to turn on your aggression is like 30% of fighting.
Too many dudes are too timid and technical and subsequently freeze up when faced with a lot of pressure, even if they're otherwise accustomed to sparring. That's why it's important to go hard every once in a while during training (in my opinion).

Anonymous No. 125340

What fucking buzzwords did I use? Do you have TBI related dementia before getting a single fight?

Anonymous No. 125341

>if you call me a retard it means you’re mad
Lmao ok buddy

Anonymous No. 125349

Being a racing driver is fucking easy. Yesterday, I was in traffic, and all I had to do was completely push down the gas pedal, and I was faster than the other guys. The key to racing is just having more balls than the other guys and go as fast as you can the entire time

Anonymous No. 125350

Is that all?

Anonymous No. 125393

It's obviously a troll.

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Anonymous No. 125397


I mean this should't happen with good training and enough regular sparring. It should then just come down to muscle memory and trained instincts in the actual competition from personal experience.

Though you are correct that psychology is a big factor, for me having a clear mind tends to work better than using emotion though at the very end of a competition when physically exhausted and making the last push have had to dig deep emotionally.

Anonymous No. 125412

So because I call out his garbage opinion that makes me a troll? He can't even get a point across without using some petty insult.
No! Because I know how to fucking block and roll punches you fucking muppet. You keep missing the point BECAUSE YOU HAVE TBI !!!

Anonymous No. 125445

The way you write is like how chris Chan talks.

Anonymous No. 125448

Thanks for proving my point.

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Anonymous No. 125449

>heh, thanks for proving my point

Anonymous No. 125457

Hyper emotional.

Anonymous No. 125462

Pretty much anyone with a few months experience in competitive sport martial arts could beat you up, hold you down and put their dick in your mouth. You're delusional if you think otherwise. One goober took it easy on you and now you think you're hot shit for some reason.

Anonymous No. 125465

was the purpose of you learning a martial art to stick your willy in some guy's mouth?

Anonymous No. 125466

Nooo!! You can't be confident in your skills. You have to be a pathetic cuck like me, let coach plan out evey move like a fucking puppet. I hope coach dries you tears when lose your first fight. It's a given at this point.

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Anonymous No. 125479


Best way to assert dominance. It makes you gay not me when I throw a 1-2, knee into double leg takedown, get mount and put my dick in your mouth. Alpha as fuck move.

Anonymous No. 125481

the best way to assert dominance is to actually kill the other guy

Anonymous No. 125498


Killing a dude is beta as fuck. They aren't around to basque in your glory. Putting your willy in their mouth then watching as they basque in all your oozing glory is the move of Kings.

Anonymous No. 125499


A dude who had one sparring session where he flailed around like a spaz has no fucking skills retard.

Anonymous No. 125500

only niggers do that

Anonymous No. 125501


>says the dude who eats dick

Anonymous No. 125502

>done plenty of other 'sparring' like Randori in Judo
you have to READ the op

Anonymous No. 125527


>Randori in Judo is just like Muay Thai or MMA sparring guiz!

You're hopeless. You spazzed out and made a dick of your yourself. You only didn't get killed because they went easy on you being new. Anywhere else they would have beaten the ever loving fuck out of you or just straight up told you not to come back. You cannot fight.

Anonymous No. 125530

Is that all? You disproved yourself by saying I can't fight even though I've gone through the hardest kind of fighting. Being thrown on my back repeatedly for 3 years, 3 days a week. Nice British insult, can you say it with spraying cold beans and wet bread in my face you filthy, meek, wench-kissing blob goblin sack of horseshit?

Anonymous No. 125532

>the hardest kind of sparring
Sparring isn’t fighting, and no one is impressed that you do judo randori you fucking faggot. I know 60 year olds who still get tossed around. Moreover, the only people who brag about how good they are at sparring either don’t compete or have a bad competitive record.
t. Judo brown belt

Anonymous No. 125533

>Sparring isn’t fighting

What is it?

Anonymous No. 125534

Thats dumb. If someone starts spazzing out you just give them a few hard knocks and they will calm right the fuck down

Anonymous No. 125535

The Coach fears the Spazz.

Anonymous No. 125536

Literally translated randori is free practice. You are practicing without direction.

Anonymous No. 125537

What are you practicing?

Anonymous No. 125540

You are practicing fighting. Practice fighting is not real fighting. Your pedantic questions are not only annoying but embarrassing on your part considering if you wanted to do some real fighting you could. Take a boxing fight since you’re so good at it.

Anonymous No. 125562

So practice fighting is not real fighting, even though you are bought fighting? Man, you should work for the IRS because you're convoluted shit nobody understands.

Anonymous No. 125573

I’m sorry you’re retarded anon. Go compete and you’ll learn the difference.

Anonymous No. 125584

Yeah, I'm sorry I had to talk to a fuckin' retard today.

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Anonymous No. 125665


You're the retarded one here. Sparring is not real fighting. It is practice. Full-contact competitions such as boxing, kickboxing, and MMA matches are hence called "fights". Even though some disagree with that and say, a real fight has no rules.

So go fight trained opponents in a full-contact competition to victory or trained opponents in a street fight to maiming/death; then come back and tell us if waving your arms around like a spastic means you can actually fight.

Anonymous No. 125677

this. sparring is for learning. you can "win" sparring but that's not the goal. you're trying to practice the shit you've been drilling in the gym. see what works and what doesn't, and try to figure out why the stuff that isn't working isn't. "winning" a spar is just a byproduct of developing your game. sometimes when i spar i don't even throw much at my partner, i let them go to town so i can practice my defensive options or try to get the timing down on something i saw and want to incorporate into my game. i'm not just trying to beat my partner up like it's a sanctioned fight with judges watching, they're my sparring partner not my opponent. i have to see these people every day for the foreseeable future. not trying to fight them, just trying to learn with them

Anonymous No. 125681


This. Ditto. Do exactly this too.

Anonymous No. 125684

>55+ replies

Could you dudes really not resist the bait?

Anonymous No. 125689


This board always falls for bait. But then you get people who genuinely believe something a retard said. Then you get people forgetting they are trolling and switching sides. It's a mess really.

Anonymous No. 125894

>hi mate, I'm anon
>hey, I'm anon
>let's go light yeah? let me know if I go too hard
after a few light jabs and kicks, suddenly they are launching mad kicks and trying to punch my lights out
I'm done with training combat sports, I did it for two years with a really good dude, but now he's moved on and I have to pair with random people, it's dogshit. I realised my desire for fighting comes from an insecurity that I can better deal with through a different hobby, through different activities. I no longer enjoy it

Anonymous No. 125941

Isn't it a little extreme to drop the whole thing? It would be such a waste to throw away something you're obviously so passionate about. Who knows, maybe some rando on the beach could feel the same way and be a new sparring partner, completely by chance or maybe even a familiar face.

Anonymous No. 126070

>letting noobs get away with agression
you guys are literal cucks. if a new guy thinks he needs to swing at me I jab him in the face till he calms down.
our MT coaches are also former champs so you get what you sow is our rule

Anonymous No. 126081


I thought I made it pretty obvious in my post that I was pretending to be the sparring partner of OP but I guess it didn't translate.

He said he does it because of insecurity, not passion.

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Anonymous No. 126140


Honestly it's fine. There are other ways to exercise and be healthy. If you don't enjoy something anymore it's hard if not impossible to get that back.

Have you tried cross-training? Doing an art that is the exact opposite of what you mainly did before? I.e. wrestling if you boxed, BJJ if you did Muay Thai/kickboxing?

The other thing that worked for me to fall back in love with combat sports after 10 years off for similar reasons to you was getting into strength training and powerlifting. It's so different after getting strong enough to win regionals it's a nice break to do kickboxing and MMA plus apply my developed strength in another context.

But if you have just got what you need out of it than fair play. Good luck with whatever you do next man.

Anonymous No. 126590

how can i achieve his physique?

Anonymous No. 127140
