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🧵 /BJSUX/ BJJ Sucks General

Anonymous No. 125195

Discuss how much this martial art sucks. It's totally useless for the streets. Just learn to wrestle or Judo so you don't end up on the ground on your back. Judo has standing submissions. It's boring as ass to watch.

It's gay as fuck and basically just simulated sex with another man. It's pointless except for fighting other Brazilian lady boys on a beach in Rio or in the cage. It's basically run as a combination of a cult and Ponzi scheme. All it's high level practitioners like Gordan Ryan are total cunts. Fuck this gay art man. K1 should have become the dominant martial art & combat sport not this shit.

Anonymous No. 125212

>Just learn to wrestle or Judo so you don't end up on the ground on your back
>gets taken down
Nice bait faggot

Anonymous No. 125226


If you end up on the ground in street fight then fight is over. So you might as well learn wrestling or Judo instead. Only time fight isn't over is when you are on a beach in Brazil or in the MMA cage that's it. For every other situation/venue BJJ is pointless.

Anonymous No. 125255

Judo is more pussified than BJJ, they banned standing submissions because they're soft and you can't even gullotine without someone crying because their neck is sore.

>well that's just sport judo, I do judo the way some faggy nip in pyjamas taught 100s of years ago
The majority listen to the IJF and the highest level is IJF judo. You might as well say no BJJ gyms are real BJJ because they don't teach striking entries to grappling and teep kicks.

Anonymous No. 125258

just don't be a nigger and don't fight on the streets.

Anonymous No. 125267

>haven't competed since 2019
>was about to call you a faggot for saying standing subs are banned
>its true

what the fug

Anonymous No. 125268

meant for >>125255

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Anonymous No. 125273


Fucking IJF. Making Judo as pussified as WT TKD. No one does freestyle wrestling and there's no ADCC Gi competition that rewards submissions as well as takedowns while preventing guard pulling.

Anonymous No. 125285

i got no other choice it’s the only grappling place in the area. I try to be more of a wrestler tho with top pressure, and takedowns

Anonymous No. 125292

You don't train any of them so what does it matter?

Anonymous No. 125301


Because people should know what arts suck and what don't.

Anonymous No. 125302

>wrestling and judo don't have ground work

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Anonymous No. 125319


They aren't ground fighting i.e. for gays like BJJ is. They are exciting with explosive takedowns and robustly heterosexual. And far more useful in a street fight than lying on the ground trying to get someone to sit in your guard like BJGay.

Anonymous No. 125346

I’m starting to think you might be the fag, faggot OP

Anonymous No. 125357

>being so butthurt about the superiority of bjj that you make an entire thread about it
Let me guess, college wrestler that got submitted 4 times in 5 minutes by his blue belt friend?

Anonymous No. 125480

Judo olympic gold medalists get tapped out by blue belts judo is a joke lol

Anonymous No. 125489

>he actually believes this

Anonymous No. 125505

Which judo Olympic gold medalists?

I align more with what the late Carlson Gracie Sr. believed in; Strong heavy pressure on top. You only fight on the bottom as a weapon of last resort.

The reason why BJJ trains so intensively by fighting off the back is because it is the WORST position to be in. You know how to defend yourself against someone trying to rain down strikes on you while grappling on the ground to secure a submission, you're already a league ahead in the survival game. BJJ pressure-tested itself constantly from street fights and Vale Tudo matches to address ground-and-pound as well as dirty boxing/clinch fighting while transitioning to a better position for a joint-lock or choke.

I love an explosive takedown too which is why anyone with gray matter would train in wrestling or judo WITH BJJ. I personally do judo and BJJ because my coach was a judoka who had bad knees and focused a lot on newaza. When BJJ became mainstream in the late 90's, he incorporated it into his curriculum and it's pretty seamless. Plus it helps that I wrestled in high school so I have a fair sense of balance and tripping people.

ADCC has the best submission grappling rules in my opinion. Even better than the IBJJF's Gi and No-Gi competition.

Anonymous No. 126031


Agree with all of this. I think an ADCC Gi competition would fix both Judo and BJJ'sbl weaknesses.

Anonymous No. 126041

Its only useless if you dont pair it with a striking sport

Anonymous No. 126050


As well as an art that actually does take downs like wrestling or Judo.

Anonymous No. 126057

>it’s only useless if you don’t train other martial arts that don’t suck
Lmfao this is exactly what people used to say about aikido.

Anonymous No. 126141


No argument here. I'm the OP. That's my entire issue with BJJ it's only the best in a very specific domain. One which I don't think really occurs in real life self defence situations. So I don't think it should have eclipsed almost all other arts in the way it has. Boxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, and Judo are better imho for most people & most situations. It's just best for the cage

Anonymous No. 126396

i just like to fuck up skelly 6'6 guys being their same weight or heavier makes judo trowhs perfecr

Anonymous No. 126398

aikido is useless to fuck up people.
boxing isnt.

Anonymous No. 126409


Eh I think Aikido is as shit as the next person but breaking a dude's wrist will definitely fuck them up. Maybe more so than a knockout.

Anonymous No. 126446

Your goal in a self-defense situation shouldn't be to fuck somebody up anyhow purely for liability reasons.

Anonymous No. 126527

>get taken down
>sweep the illiterate nigger which is OP
>ameracana his tiny arms

Anonymous No. 127252

>just don't be a nigger and don't fight on the streets


Holy shit the cope from the people though: oh, sure you can tap me in 14 seconds if we actually wrestled. but what if you were in a bar and 20 dudes with automatic rifles, covered by 2 snipers on the rooftops across the street, walked up to you and started a fight? then what would you do ground boi?

idk. die I guess?

Anonymous No. 127257

>If you end up on the ground in street fight* then fight is over.

* and you don't know any sweeps or escapes taught in BJJ

Anonymous No. 127259

>K1 should have become the dominant martial art & combat sport
Why K1 and not Thai Kickboxing?
Can't stand watching the referee intervene breaking the clinch. Or the lack of elbows and throws that would make the clinch game interesting.

Anonymous No. 127284

Training mixed martial arts you practice striking to submission grappling. Most jiu jitsu implements strike to submission set ups. Street fights go all over the place and leg riding and backpacking as well as getting to mount happen all the time. Not to mention arm bars

Anonymous No. 127309

t. has no idea what wrestling is, has never even seen wrestling footage much less been inside a wrestling class

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Anonymous No. 127311


Removes it too much from boxing as fighters have to use a high Thai stance not a boxing guard and stance. Clinch is just grappling which is teh gay. Look at these alpha chads K1 kickboxers compared to gay lady boy Nak Muay with their clinching.

Anonymous No. 127314

I may just be biased as a tall person. When I see a K1 fight I see taller fighters trying to keep at range then when the shorter guy pressures, my instinct tells he should go for the clinch (taller fighters have leverage advantage) and/or throw elbows. Essentially minimize time at mid range. But due to the ruleset this strategy isn't possible in K1, and I just become frustrated. Can't stand to watch boxing either because of the constant ref intervention.

Anonymous No. 127458

>One which I don't think really occurs in real life self defence situations
people generally go to the ground though and most people have no idea what to do from there
>Boxing, Muay Thai, wrestling, and Judo
baring boxing not all of those are available in most countries easily, and wrestling/judo are hard to train past mid teens on the body
muay thai generally has a high standard of fitness and has associations with high damage
boxing sure

bjj you can generally go all out in and not take any damage

Anonymous No. 127534


Anonymous No. 128072

K-1 used to allow full Muay Thai rules in special cases like a title match for the WMTC and other organizations at stake.

Elbows can end fights too quickly with cuts and the potential of a guy's eyeball popping out. Especially amongst the heavyweights. When Ishii first conceived K-1, it was meant as a neutral stage so that all stand-up fighters whether US full-contact karate (kicks above the waist and wearing those long pants), Muay Thai, Dutch Kickboxing, Knockdown Karate (Kyokushin and its offshoots like Seidokaikan, Ashihara, Enshin, etc.) and other disciplines could pit against one another.

I agree with having throws. Adding those puts an interesting dimension during clinching and neck-wrestling because they'll neutralize someone knee-blasting you constantly.

Outside of K-1, Japanese Kickboxing has always embraced elbows, knees, and clinching. New Japan Kickboxing Federation is as close to Muay Thai rules except for scoring criteria where a punch, kick, knee, and elbow are all scored equally.

Anonymous No. 128078

>fight is over
Not if you took the motherfucker down.

Anonymous No. 128081


Do you or anyone else know if One Championship Muay Thai uses that Japanese style scoring I.e. Punches equal points to kicks or the Thai kick focused scoring?

Anonymous No. 128083

I'm certain ONE MT rules match what it is in Lumpini or Rajadamnern judging from what I've seen in past fights. But ONE's Kickboxing is probably closer to the Japanese scoring system.

Not the anon, you're responding to, but it all depends. A good throw can literally smash a guy's head open or break their neck.

I would only go into submission grappling if I know I have no choice and his buddies aren't there to jump you. Otherwise, it's always better to be on your feet outside of a MMA match.