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๐Ÿงต /dance/ - Dance General

Anonymous No. 126515

I wanted to make a /dance/ general and figured that /asp/ would be the best board for it :DDDDD

So, Anon, do you dance? What type of dance? What do you like in dance?
Are you more of a ballet guy
Or more of a footwork guy
Or more of an irish dance guy
Or more of a Zulu stomper
Or into some cool ass chain dance perhaps

Please anon, don't tell me you awkwardly jump around on EDM songs, right?

Anonymous No. 127291

Only type of Dancing that attracts me is Ballroom dancing

Anonymous No. 127375

do you dance it yourself or just watch?
And what's your favorite dance amongst ballroom dances?

Anonymous No. 127918

I know very little to nothing of the sort, and in my country it does exists but very fucking far away from me lol
Vals obviously, seems like the type of high class stuff i admire

Anonymous No. 127919

umm, anon, this is /xs/, you should have instead nMed this thread EXTREME dancing, and limited only to particularly EXTREME dances.

Anonymous No. 127961

I know a few vals... always fun to dnace but imo it quickly gets boring
I think the videos I put in OP are pretty extreme, but I guess dancing drunk on a roundabout is too)

Anonymous No. 128589

if you speak french there's a cool documentary about classical dance that ARTE just released

Anonymous No. 130002

very cool. do dance games belong in this thread?

Anonymous No. 130928

I guess yes

Anonymous No. 132358

Are their any good channels for freestyle?

Anonymous No. 132377

for learning or just recording uploads?

Anonymous No. 132386

>be 25 ,man
>can do a full split and put my foot behind my neck
i-is it too late to try to learn the ballet?
im already getting good at piano,violin,and want to update piano to learn the organ

Anonymous No. 132387

Hard to say anon, you'll probably never be the top 1 ballet dancer because by the time you get to a high level you'll probably be too old, but I'm sure you can get to a good level if you start now

Anonymous No. 132429

exxxxtreme dance you say?
who /jumpstyle/ or /shuffle/ here?

Anonymous No. 132442

I tried to do jumpstyle/hardjump with youtube tutorials, never got good, but it's kinda nice to watch. Love the music too

Anonymous No. 136382

Would expect a webm or something

Anonymous No. 136467

I randomly dance by myself in my apartment. No choreography, just flowing and making up moves sometimes. Feels good.

Anonymous No. 136493

Looks fun af. I think I'd be good at this.

Anonymous No. 136935

I like the c-walk

Anonymous No. 136941

I want to learn vogue

Anonymous No. 137034

vouging looks cool but it's really gay. here's my favourite clip

Anonymous No. 137057

ofc it's really gay, it was literally made in gay clubs
I just like the thingies with the hands

Anonymous No. 137098

I awkwardly jump around on EDM songs

Anonymous No. 137106

I like the falling thing they do

Anonymous No. 139591

That's extreme.
Hakken can get rather extreme:
But I think everybody would agree break dancing is the MOST extreme:

Anonymous No. 139615

I like Hakken but find it a bit disappointing how it never lasts more than a minute
break dance is very accrobatic but I find it a little slow too. I much prefere footwork because it fits the music a lot more imo

Anonymous No. 140161

I know this sounds weird but does anyone know of any dance youtube videos with
>upbeat song
>female dancer
>fixed camera angle
>woman is 6'0"+ and skinny

Anonymous No. 140164

This very much doesn't belong here and you know it.

Anonymous No. 140180

where does it belong then faggot
jannies nuked /asp/

Anonymous No. 140744

It absolutely belongs here. Dance competitions are a physical sport and the moves being done here are absolutely extreme.