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Anonymous No. 126573

What is /xs/ opinion on Isshinryu Karate?

Im testing for my black belt in january but have never taken the time to see what people on the internet think about it, whats the general consensus here?

Anonymous No. 126580

my opinion is that im proud of my friend OP for his black belt test

Anonymous No. 126694

if you practice punches to the head in your live resistance sparring, based. If not, cringe.

Anonymous No. 126935

I've never seen it in action in person. There was an isshin-ryu dojo in the area that I moved to but it was in decline, and then COVID-19 finished it off. Most of my knowledge of it is derived from surfing web resources. I know, and find appealing, that it's descended from shorin and goju-ryu and that it's notable for teaching vertical fist punches with the thumb on top as if wearing boxing gloves.

Outside of a karate or TMA general thread, though, there isn't much room for discussing it. The "general consensus" is that MMA is the end-all, be-all proving grounds for worthwhile fighting styles and that any karate that isn't kyokushin kaikan or advanced shotokan is bullshido/mcdojo etc.

Anonymous No. 130290


Anonymous No. 130292

Ironically, MMA is the Mcdonalds of martial arts. Its fast food, basic shit served by the quickest means. Of course it's effective, when you're objectives are limited and your environment is controlled. There are far more important aspects to martial arts beyond what's taught in MMA. MMA is Kobra Kai basically. A douche factory, maybe that's a little harsh, but when nearly every single professional of MMA acts like a nigger...

Anonymous No. 133809

>limited objectives
What do you mean by this?

Anonymous No. 133810

I took it up to yellow belt, so only about to six months. My understanding is that black belt took at least 5-6 years which is a good sign. Out of curiosity, are you in the southeastern US? It’s the only place it seems to exist

I’ve taken more Muay Thai now (1 year+) but as far as all the karate styles go, isshinryu is my favorite. My instructor made us live spar and do a lot of fundamentals with only a small amount of kata and traditional stuff, so it ended up working well for me.

I like how everything was practicable (mostly, aside from the weird knife defense class we had. If I ever see a knife I’m running. There’s no way any of that shit works)

Never did competitions, but the competitions I was told about started doing more full contact sparring instead of just playing tag.

Congrats on your achievement OP.

Anonymous No. 133811

Lmfao, oh sensei tell us what you train.