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Anonymous No. 127116

Okay, so I'm still confused on the whole 'palm strike' thing. If palm strikes don't theoretically work as effectively as a punch. How come Bas was able to knock people out with them just as efficiently? Was it because he was technically using his wrist bone instead of his cupped palm which was more blunt and sturdy?

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Bas Rutten palm s....webm

Anonymous No. 127181

Bas hits with bones more on his palm "hooks". With his straight palm strikes, he's still connecting with the heel of the palm.

>How come Bas was able to knock people out with them just as efficiently?
Bas hits hard and knows where to hit people.

Anonymous No. 127196

punches are better, however the downside of punching is the risk of hitting the target with the ring finger and pinky which causes a torsion of the hand and consequently injury. That`s why fighters use hand wraps and gloves. Without hand wraps palm strikes and punches are much more evenly matched.

Anonymous No. 127200

They work fine they just have a risk of fucking up your tendons if you hit wrong which in a fight with a moving opponent is very easy to do. The only reason he uses them is because it's bare knuckle which has a risk of fucking up your knuckles and hand bones. With wraps and gloves though the risks of fucking your knuckles/hands from punching is greatly reduced while the risk to your tendons from palm strikes is always there.

Anonymous No. 127244

He literally wasn’t allowed to use closed fist punches to the head in pancrase you fucking retard. He did it because he had to, not because it’s better.

Anonymous No. 127794

Striking with the bottom ridge of the palm is a surprisingly solid striking surface, and can do just as much damage as a closed fist or even more when utilized properly. Palm strikes legitimately work have a lot of benefits too. Bas Rutten had flexible wrist and he would throw palm strikes like a punch.

Anonymous No. 129553

>How can a weaker strike knock someone out?
If the weaker strike comes from someone strong and skilled.

Anonymous No. 129730
What do y'all think about following palm strikes with unusual techniques like eye gouging?

Anonymous No. 129757

Ehh, maybe cuz the fights were scripted

Anonymous No. 129760

>why are there exceptions to a general rule?
This might be the worst board

Anonymous No. 129797

In Shotokan Karate we always did palm strikes that way. Probably a bit weaker than a punch but if I strike with my palm, I don't know how to explain it but it seems easier to give it strenght, also you can more easily hit from more direction (es. Hitting the chin from the bottom, with a punch you'd need an uppercut to get some strenght, with your palm is somehow easier, or at least it feels that way) also you can transition to a grab a lot easier

Anonymous No. 129799

If you are barehanded palm strikes actually apply more force than punches. The problem is that they have less range to work with, and narrower angles at which you can strike.

Anonymous No. 129844

He used them because closed fist strikes were illegal in Pancrase at the time

Anonymous No. 130294

based schizo

Anonymous No. 130438

I can see that at close range. It's because you can utilize motion from your wrist to accelerate which u can't do with an uppercut. Force = mass *acceleration right?

Anonymous No. 130608

Also obviously because those were the rules in japan at the time in that organization. In sumo they allow palm strikes and slaps and there's been plenty of knock outs.