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Anonymous No. 127238

What's the best martial art for defending against a dog?

Anonymous No. 127263

a kitchen knife

Anonymous No. 127264


Anonymous No. 127290

BJJ, some 9 year old saved his sister from one with jiu jitsu, got his face fucked up and then rolled with a Gracie a year after

Anonymous No. 127304

MMA Kicks worked well on a powerlifter.
maybe learn how the guys durying ww1 killed them.
you put your useless arm in a piece of thick cloth and give it to the dogs then you can shove your hand inside his troath and choke him out

Anonymous No. 127319


Anonymous No. 127793

I would say Muay thai or some form of karate. Grappling can also be extremely useful to.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 127915


Anonymous No. 127920

a fucking steel toed boot.

Anonymous No. 128262

Gun Kata

Happy days . No. 128742

Easy but out your foot when it bites you drive your foot back down its throut fight over grab its tail and back leg lift it off the ground it fuckes up thair joints real fast.The best way to defend your self is to make a nuce with your belt even the meanest dog remembers being on a lesh and will avoid that shit at all costs.picking a dog in the face or ribs is a good way to hurt a dog but it will grab you and youse you as a chew toy grab a fist full of dirt a dog can't block a hand full of shit in its eyes. Its an amazingly defence.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 128759


Anonymous No. 128814

This post gave me cancer. Jesus Christ did you even pass grade school

Anonymous No. 128821

pocket knife between the ribs

Anonymous No. 132493

Foo you ain't smart
Grade school is over rated
Just remember those instructions in case
You're ever attacked by a doggo.

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Anonymous No. 132496


Anonymous No. 132523

Any stick fighting art.

Anonymous No. 132703

all I can hear in my head when I watch this is Joe Rogan screaming in ecstasy at that slam

Anonymous No. 132704

would grip strength (I mean to say the kind that lets you deadlift 2X BW with one hand)be enough to crush a pitbulls throat ?
>or is it true that if he dies the jaw gets clenched way more and its impossible to open again?

Anonymous No. 132791

Man, I would have slammed the dog over and over and over, probably would have gone overkill.

Anonymous No. 132840

and correct.

Anonymous No. 132841

what submission works best against dogs?
eunuch triangle?

Anonymous No. 132858

An art with good tai sabaki

Anonymous No. 132889


RNC or ezekial. Pro-tip, if they have a collar on grab it with a fist and twist it until they start to choke, grab their scruff with your other hand as well if you can. They’ll let go of whatever they’re biting. If you give them a deep oil check they generally let go as well.

Anonymous No. 132922

>RNC or ezekial
horrible ideas. getting their face close to your neck is the absolute worse things to do vs dogs. no guaranty they wont slip with loose enough skin and crunch your trachea. Neck shit is like THE endgame for animals, and you'd serve it on a silver platter.

No, if you are going to do grappling shit, It would probably be best to keep the at arms length and sacrifice your arm to a bite, or hopefully grab them and either punch or kick it with your other extremities.

Anonymous No. 135940

Your priority would be to trick the dog into biting onto a protected area, grab a thick jacket emphasis on thick since you'll need as must protection as possible: wrap it around a limb. If you choose use an arm make sure to keep your hand in a fist since if any of your fingers are exposed you'll probably loose them. Keep your face and neck as far away from the dog as possible, from there either use a knife to cut through its neck arteries or get it on its back and start pummeling exposed areas like its throat or ribs if your strong enough.
Depending on the dog you may be able to snap its legs barehanded by twisting the joints while its preoccupied with biting your padded arm/leg, but honestly best bet would be a knife or a firm stomp to the back of the neck.

Anonymous No. 138040

dog spray-fu

Anonymous No. 138044

how are you going to draw your gun when the dog is biting your hand?

Anonymous No. 138045

Butcher knife and Chinese background

Anonymous No. 138048

yeah I would have carried it inside and cut its throat, always carry a knife on me when walking mine in case this type of shit ever happens

Anonymous No. 138049

I've seen videos from south america where RNC worked well on nigbulls

🗑️ Anonymous No. 139096

A heavy blunt object

Anonymous No. 139192

Assuming no weapons, taekwondo for striking with your boot at range and judo for when it gets close to you. If you practice throwing dogs around there's actually a sweet spot on a lot of them where you can grab the scruff of their neck and they can't bite (or lick) you so long as you hold on. Keep this hold while you trip, drag, or throw them on their back and you can pin the dog with its throat exposed. I would imagine you would then crush the throat if it were trying to hurt you but I've never done more than wrestling hyped-up dogs that were just trying to play rough so I don't know how the coup de grâce works in practice.

The only time I've ever dealt with actual aggressive dogs I had a pistol and didn't need to employ my autistic dog judo.

Anonymous No. 139239

Might work, but you are running a fine line glass cannoning yourself. Their main weapons right next to their main fucking target.

Something like that shouldn't be a go to tactic

Anonymous No. 139240

lol why. wouldnt muy thai be better due to focus on low kicks.
judo I get though.

Anonymous No. 139246

>lol why
Personal bias. I've done taekwondo but not muay thai.
>wouldnt muy thai be better due to focus on low kicks
There's definitely a strong argument for that.

Anonymous No. 139371

This is actually great advice. I bet this anon would tell great stories with the homies. Disregard that rude cocksucker.

Anonymous No. 139372

Dude punches from his hips. This is no wrestler

Anonymous No. 139390

Why would a wrestler not have an instinct for basic body mechanics?

Anonymous No. 139409


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guidelines for eu....png

Anonymous No. 139421


Anonymous No. 139438

You probably don't punch with your hips standing up, let alone in a squat like that.

Anonymous No. 139443

Have you ever wrestled or interacted with wrestlers in an athletic context?

Anonymous No. 140298

said the one armed man without thinking how everyone has two hands

Anonymous No. 140326

interesting shit, thanks man