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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 127449


Anonymous No. 127457

Is this a controversial take? You dumbasses are sparring at 100% wtf lol. Natural selection at its finest

Anonymous No. 127463

Man it must be shitty learning a martial art that you have to "go hard at" to cause brain trauma

Anonymous No. 127464

>getting injured in training where it doesn’t count and there’s no record is so hecking based and badass guys
Go back to drilling your combinations, newfag

Anonymous No. 127473

how do you get injured? you're wearing 16 oz. pillows lol

Anonymous No. 127481

Yeah, people should man up and get CTEs like real chads.

Anonymous No. 127484

Great, these faggots found /xs/
It was nice while it lasted gentlemen

Anonymous No. 127511

>Has never boxed

Anonymous No. 127513

Stop being retarded on purpose

Anonymous No. 127516


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Anonymous No. 127519


This. Anyone who actually is big balled enough to compete doesn't go at full intensity in sparring. The point is to practice what you learnt in training without getting injured. Then you push yourself to your maximum in actual competition.

Anonymous No. 127524

my nigga do you understand what a concussion fucking is?

Anonymous No. 127530

you knew the risk

Anonymous No. 127532

And by anyone I mean me.

Anonymous No. 127535

you have clearly never done judo

Anonymous No. 127784

lol I say this and also look like this

Anonymous No. 127827

Hard sparring constantly is maximizing that risk for minimal gain. i.e. it's retarded behavior which is why only uneducated, dirt-poor kids with no other options in life train this way.

Anonymous No. 127836

that's who sparring is for, not pompous faggots like you looking for cardio bunny classes

Anonymous No. 127840

Is your world this stupid and binary? You're either doing cardio shadowboxing or giving yourself CTE? I don't think you even believe that.

Anonymous No. 127841

God I hate autistic people like you. Don't you have some clock to stare at?

Anonymous No. 127842

I prefer posting with my fellow autists

Anonymous No. 127844

It's growing on you.

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Anonymous No. 127853

>when rolling, make sure to suprise your unsuspecting partner by breaking his knee!

Anonymous No. 127856

this, he signed the waiver

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Anonymous No. 127858


I'm gonna end the new kids career tomorrow. Coming into our gym thinking Jiu jitsu is all friendly and shit. He doesent know whats coming!

Anonymous No. 127859

Exactly, this mindset is what separates the weak from the strong. If he's weak, he'll learn. If he's strong, he'll exceed faster.

Anonymous No. 127895

>The point is to practice what you learnt in training without getting injured
I've said this before on jewtube, sparring my teammates is not remotely close to the same as fighting. Sparring is for getting used to being hit. We spar like we're pointfighting, but I would use the peekaboo method in a real fight because the objective is to win as fast as possible.

Anonymous No. 127907

The classic guy commenting on youtube that doesn't know shit about fighting himself

Anonymous No. 127921

Anyone who thinks sparring=fighting doesn’t actually fight

Anonymous No. 127940

>he thinks opponents will react the same when you throw at 100%
You're dumb. When you pointfight, your opponent doesn't respect your power because there is none in your strikes.
Real fighters need head movement, not just static defense. If you guard up while sparring it might work, but when I throw full force and without 16s on, I'm smashing right through your guard and you will feel it.
I dumb my style down a ton when I spar, because using everything I have would look like I'm showing off.

Anonymous No. 127942

Is Judo that rough? I know you gotta breakfall yourself but don't you save your partner at the last bit?
Also >>127859 that one taiwanese judo instructor throwing a 7yo newbie who wasn't taught uke TWENTY SEVEN times in a row, the kid later died in hospital

Anonymous No. 127943

Judo is no joke. These boxing niggers in this thread have not one iota of true fighting condition when matched with any Judo Randori. You have to go 100% every time in Judo Randori because if you don't your throws won't work and you won't actually succeed at doing any of the techniques properly and will get blocked/countered each time. And when you, you'll know it. Unlike in boxing where you get love-tapped on the nose by a little pleather pillow you're instead going to be shot up in the air and slammed onto the ground. Bouncing your head against the mat beneath you while also having the wind blown out of you. Do this 3-5 times in just one session and you'll realize what time it is. That whole 'sparring' meme is over, dead. You have to find every bit of strength and mental timing in order to throw a successful throw on anyone worth fighting in Judo. I've taken both Judo and Muay Thai and I can assure you, Judo is the the more taxing one.

Anonymous No. 127944

>Unlike in boxing where you get love-tapped on the nose by a little pleather pillow
you are literally one of these "boxing niggers" but for judo, you judo nigger. you give the sport/art a bad name.

Anonymous No. 127945

can you say that while going "1-2, 2-3, 3-4" after you finish your sentences so I can understand your boxing nigger speak better?

Anonymous No. 127946

you are a very sad and ignorant man, enjoy getting your face rearranged when you try to pick on a boxer

Anonymous No. 127948

yeah, is that all?

Anonymous No. 127949

yeah, yeah and anudda thing! reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep the game

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Anonymous No. 127950


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Anonymous No. 127956

Anonymous No. 127984

Judoka don’t do randori at 100% all the time

Anonymous No. 127985

if you want to do it seriously then you'll have to at the end of class, that's how any Judoka get's serious training in Judo.

Anonymous No. 127986

Gym wars are for people too scared to take a fight.

Anonymous No. 128015

I’ve been doing judo for almost a decade

Anonymous No. 128020

You know what happens when a fighter gets hurt in training and has to pull out of a fight?

No money.

Stop being a retard.

Anonymous No. 128046


Anonymous No. 128071

I'm training for my first fight. They're having me do plenty of hard sparring rounds with professional and amateur fighters in preparation. Generally we go pretty light outside of fight camps.

I think it's important to do hard sparring before your first few fights. Otherwise, you're going to feel completely overwhelmed in the actual fight and you won't be used to striking to hurt your opponent. By the time you get to your 6th or 7th fight it probably isn't necessary or beneficial anymore. Don't want to end up like the boxers I know who seem to have completely altered personalities from when I first met them. Noticably off and clearly brain damaged.

Boxers also encourage you to continue sparring even when you get rocked on knocked down... Which is where real damage happens. It's retarded. Kickboxers will take a break if someone lands a flush shot, a nose starts bleeding, or a liver gets smashed.

Anonymous No. 128073

Judo is not fighting, boxing is.
I train both and while judo randori may be a bit harder on the body than normal sparring, there is no comparison between shiai and a boxing match.
The pain and fear fighters have to bear is something judokas who have never fought will never know.

Anonymous No. 128074

Have you ever fought in a Muay Thai match fag or only sparred with people who went light on you on purpose?

Anonymous No. 128075

>i know no true pain of the fighter, ive only been slammed on the ground repeatedly

Anonymous No. 128076

why do you assume everyone is just going light, if I tell someone to go hard what does that ring in your little fart brain? if I keep saying to really go for it and come at me with everything they have does that mean they're just purposefully going soft? you're autistic you should know this

Anonymous No. 128079

so you never fought in a real full contact match, that explains everything
but don't worry, with your attitude you will suck at judo too

Anonymous No. 128082

i am talking to an actual retarded person, please actually go practice a fighting art and come back better

Anonymous No. 128087

Is this the power of MMA

Anonymous No. 128123

nice argument ""judoka""

Anonymous No. 128142

>if I tell someone to go hard what does that ring in your little fart brain?
That you don't actually know what you want because you're nowhere near the level where you should be sparring hard, which is evident from reading your posts. Thus, I'd only spar as hard as you can go, which is probably not a lot, and try not to overwhelm you with the volume of punches so that you can focus on your technique and get better, so that maybe in a couple of months or a year you can box at a level in which you can spar hard without getting absolutely heemed.
I don't even think hard sparring is harder than randori, they're entirely different things with only a shared level of intensity but I can tell you're incapable of breaking fall because hitting your head on the tatami so many times has made you retarded.
Shame on you.

Anonymous No. 128143

My cock is growing IN you haha

Anonymous No. 128144

can you post a vocaroo of you saying all of this, usually when a person writes a lengthy cope paragraph i'd like to hear them actually say it in person instead of spewing it from their fingertips

Anonymous No. 128146

>lengthy cope paragraph
As opposed to your short cope sentence.
Here you go:

Anonymous No. 128147

The kid died from throws? Can someone explain what damage it caused. I remember being thrown like 10 times in a row in wrestling as a 6 year old but that shit never happened to me?

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Anonymous No. 128148

>twink european lisp

Now it's all coming together. This is the person who argues against hard sparring, a literal wallflower.

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Anonymous No. 128150


Anonymous No. 128152

I'm so triggered by the fact Anonymous made fun of my Joker impression which I posted knowing you'd make fun of because you literally have no arguments besides being a retarded NARP who took a free boxing class once and thought he was Mike Tyson.

Anonymous No. 128154

It was a pretty half-assed impression. Even without it I can hear exactly who you are.

Anonymous No. 128157

I was in support of you before but now I think you sound like a homosexual.

Anonymous No. 128164

It's okay to come out closet. Nobody will judge on an Anonymous messages board.

Anonymous No. 128165

this is just getting sad

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Anonymous No. 128166

Should’ve quit while you were ahead. Sorry gay boy.

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Anonymous No. 128168


Anonymous No. 128178

lmao why the fuck did he do this

Anonymous No. 128318

this guy got everyone together to murder a child and they all clapped when he was done lol

Anonymous No. 128321

>Average day at the Clinton foundation: Zimbabwe

Anonymous No. 128351

You have the voice of a child lmao, even disregarding the impression

Anonymous No. 128353

into the trash

Anonymous No. 128380

Post yours, bet you legit sound like a 4 year old since all you can do is talk down online behind a keyboard.

Anonymous No. 128388

kek get outta here kid

Anonymous No. 128392

You sound like Vagrant Holiday. Also, why do you guys all sound like you're being put on a spotlight? You sound very strained and nervous. Maybe it's the microphone or Vocaroo's software.

Anonymous No. 128404

this but unironically. a moment of being slammed, at worst knocking your breath out, is dozens of times softer than being constantly pressured by punches.

Anonymous No. 128406

>having the wind knocked out of you and hitting your head on the ground and not being able to composure yourself for 20 seconds is leagues better than getting hit in the face

Anonymous No. 128408

yes. speaking from experience doing boxing, judo, and football. constant pressure over time is degrees of magnitude more uncomfortable then a sudden shock. Getting a liver shoot, not being able to breath, then getting continually pummeled after that IS indeed a worse and more stressful experience.

Anonymous No. 128413

Maybe you're right, however when you're being thrown REPEADTELY (like in Randori) it's definitely a lot worse.

Anonymous No. 128441

while i agree that judo is inherently harsh on the body, saying that judokas do 100% randori is wrong. ive done wrestling, judo, and bjj, and its an accepted maxim that you spar moderately, around 40-80% of effort, to maximize experience gain and minimize injuries. going 100% may be more useful for learning but then you risk injuries which is counterproductive because it affects your competiton performance and make you train less efficiently next time. Even top BJJ competitors like gordon ryan dont roll 100% all the time, and BJJ is an inherently safer martial art than any other MA because its on the ground.

Anonymous No. 128442

You can't go "40-80%" in Randori. What are you not understanding? If you think 100% is comp-tier ragdolling than lets say 99%. If you don't go 99% in Judo during free practice your throws won't work because you're trying to pull/push a full grown man and throw them. Do you do 40% power of your 1RM power clean? No, you do 100% or '99%' You HAVE to go hard on this. You can't limpwrist throwing another human being, no matter how lax your technique can get away with.

You can do kata which is practicing form or do drills of certain moves, but that's not Randori.

Anonymous No. 128443

This is absolutely not true and you’re retarded. Stop posting you stupid white belt and quit spazzing on the mats

Anonymous No. 128444

How is that retarded? Why don't you tell me right now. Actually, tell me in a Vocaroo. Right now, lay it out for me. It is physically impossible to go '40%' during Randori unless your opponent is a 100 lbs. 4'9 girl

Anonymous No. 128461

I don't know who that is
>why do you guys all sound like you're being put on a spotlight? You sound very strained and nervous
Mic probably doesn't pick up the quieter ends of words
t. doesn't own a mic for his PC and my phone isn't high quality either

Anonymous No. 128464


Anonymous No. 128472

i feel like theres a misunderstanding of what 100% means. when i say 100%, that means that im using my entire body weight into a throw, where im straining so hard i fall on top of them, and i keep a stiff hard grip the entire time and play rough and fast. that shit will get you and your partner injured very fucking quickly, nobody trains like for competitions because then everyone will have broken knees, ankles and ribs.

i dont know how you train but with dominant grips and combos its absolutely possible to throw people with timing at 50% strength, the trick is to use movement of your body as kuzushi instead of raw pulling strength. heres an easy one. when they go for a turn throw you do go for a kosoto or tani otoshi counter, this is how ive thrown people 20 lbs larger than me. takes no strength to do it. a uchimata to a kouchi combo also requires little strength and just good timing and reactions, which i literally pulled off last week.

Anonymous No. 128480

> It is physically impossible to go '40%
You’re so retarded and new it’s painful. If you’re positioning and timing is perfect most throws take very little physical strength. If you’re going 100% all the time you’re probably wasting a lot of energy and doing the opposite of judo’s core maxim, minimum effort, maximum result.

Anonymous No. 128481

why would you not go 100%? are you just a pussy who doesn't want to actually go to their fullest maximum potential in free practice? i've only been training 2 moves for the last 7 months after i took a break and they are koshi guruma and osoto gari. on ocassion i hit ippon seoi nage but that's if i fail koshi. anyways you have 0 reason to not be going 100% everyime you practice unless you're injuried or feeble. but maybe you're just incapable of doing anything not half-assed. you won't even post a vocaroo you fucking bitch

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Anonymous No. 128482

>if you don’t take retarded risks during training that will inevitably lead you to being injured and missing competitions or end your competitive career altogether you’re a PUSSY

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Anonymous No. 128484

yeah go lay down

Anonymous No. 128487

>can't even give a 80% rebuttal post

Anonymous No. 128488

I don’t even know what this means

Anonymous No. 128489

You just have soft writing. Like 'no.' and 'ok.' I feel like you just Eeyore. Just a sad little dude.

Anonymous No. 128493

Is the gay twink the one asking for vocaroos to jerk off to? I can't follow this conversation anymore

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Anonymous No. 128495

lol ok then. Just remember your dojo thinks you’re a spaz.

Anonymous No. 128496

No it’s the smooth brain who thinks randori is the time to go full retard on the mats.

Anonymous No. 128497

Is that like a British insult? 'Spaz.' Like Spazzkid? That's a lame ass insult. But now I know where you're from, you're from England. Well, BABABABABA To you good sir.

Anonymous No. 128500

Are you high?

Anonymous No. 128502

No why

Anonymous No. 128512

Spaz means spastic you retard and it’s not a UK thing. I have no idea what “bababa” has to do with the English either. If you’re not high then you’re having a manic episode

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Anonymous No. 128514


Anonymous No. 128518

> Black man giving opinions on voice.

Dropped and brain damaged, that's you.

Anonymous No. 128519

>he thinks I'm black
Usually I get "230lb 35yo white man"

Anonymous No. 128584

Justify it however you want but I'm not sparring with you if you are always going hard. Find someone else to juice your grey matter.