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🧵 Aikido

Anonymous No. 128319

Do we have Aikido practicioners here? have you ever had to use your skills outside of Dojo? how did you fare?

Anonymous No. 128324

Aikido is fake stop LARP'ing do Jiu Jitsu retard

Anonymous No. 128326


It's useful *if* crosstrained with Judo and BJJ. Otherwise yeah it's shite by itself. I love combat sports that focus purely on fighting but martial arts does encompass styles that have goals other than just combat.

It's not larping it just has a bunch of non-combat aims like preservation of traditions, culture, and philosophy.

And there's nothing wrong with that as long as you don't think it's great alone for fighting.

Anonymous No. 128333

>no bros it totally works and doesn’t suck you just have to get good at non shitty martial arts first
The biggest cope

Anonymous No. 128343

Jiu Jitsu is fake stop LARP'ing do Karate retard

Anonymous No. 128367

Not really, but I have used variations of aikido throws in randori with great success in the tail end of the round. Blending's a real thing.

Wouldn't want to try it in a hakama, though. I don't know how the Tomiki guys do it.

Anonymous No. 128371

About a year ago I started Aikido, I was an experienced martial artist before hand; In the brief time I was there I actually saw quite a bit of utility in the art, it was quite fun too.

It didn't take long however to see why Aikido gets the bad rap that it does and I quit soon after.

To anyone who thinks Aikido is useless, it isn't the systems fault, it's the people who teach and learn it. Hear me out.

1. Almost every single Aikidoka has a hugely inflated ego and a authoritarian personality. Example, they demand that you fall exactly the way they want you to, even if theythemselves aren't performing their technique right.
2. They are often psuedo spiritual and have no idea how a fight works. They legitimately think they can magic their way through it.
3. They're usually cowardly and neurotic people, even the most mild injury or illness scares them. During covid only 1 out of 6 Aikido dojos within 3 hours drive of me wasn't insisting on vaccine mandates or double masking and wearing rubber gloves.

Atleast 90% of Aikidokas are toxic and entitled karens. They're the SJWs of the martial arts world.

It's a shame because it's a kind of cool art.

Anonymous No. 128376


Are you retarded? I said that. I don't train Aikido or any TMA. I do kickboxing, submission wrestling, and MMA. So it's not cope as I have no skin in the game. I said martial arts as a term means more than just effective combat styles.

It's perfectly ok to have non combat aims like cultural preservation and philosophy like Aikido has. And as a bonus it's actually useful when cross trained, which I believe the original creator meant for people to do.

Anonymous No. 128416

They have the coolest outfit

Anonymous No. 128417

They have. That is one of the reasons I want to take up Aikido. Imagine showing to a MMA meet in that outfit.

Anonymous No. 128438

>And as a bonus it's actually useful when cross trained, which I believe the original creator meant for people to do.
Ueshiba's minimum bar for getting accepted was at the very least 1st dan of judo and you had to be recommended by Kano. At the beginning, aikido really wasn't made for people with no experience, it also wasn't made as a standalone, Kano explicitely sent some of his judoka to Ueshiba in order for them to get better at judo, not to lose student to his friend.

Also, Ueshiba was the typical very strong martial artist whose pedagogy really isn't that good because he just didn't want to keep to the traditional method, but more serve as an exemplum, by feeling alone. But if you let your student figure it out, well...

Anonymous No. 128492

>Ueshiba's minimum bar for getting accepted was at the very least 1st dan of judo and you had to be recommended by Kano.
Citation needed. Certainly many of his students had some Judo experience, but most men in Japan at the time had some. HIs chosen successor was a kendoka, not a judoka, and he hand many students with little connection to judo.
On the other hand, sumo was the warmup around Ueshiba's dojo. They also had kendo classes, so the idea they never sparred is a joke. They might not have sparred in aikido, but they sparred in sumo.

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Anonymous No. 128549

I did Aikido as a kid and I've used it heaps. It works very well on drunk people especially if you punch them in the eye first to knock them off balance.
A few months ago this drunk idiot tried to punch my teeth out so I threw him like 2M+ down a hill and he landed on his head on the road I thought I killed him by accident but luckily he was ok.
GIF related is the end of me and my drunk friend sparring. I could have ruined his wrist with this throw but he was my friend so I didn't.

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Anonymous No. 128550

It's a great martial art to learn as a foundation as a child as it teaches you how to fall, footwork and how to control weight and momentum and use it to your advantage. Then you learn other styles on top of it once you are older.
A bad thing about it is the respect it teaches you and how it teaches to do as little harm as possible until you have to can get you killed in a street fight.
GIF unrelated is my friend from previous GIF dropping my other friend by the river.

Anonymous No. 128551

This wrist throw that was movement 16 in the first set I learned as a kid is lethal and is used in both Systema and Krav Maga. Other similar styles used by various armed forces probably use it also. It's "you will never fap again" lethal.

Anonymous No. 128615

The way they land after this throw sets up for the perfect position to step over and sit down with an arm bar.

Anonymous No. 128630

I think some of their wristlocks are interesting.

t. BJJ guy

Anonymous No. 128632

That's literally ass backwards. You want judo or wrestling for that foundation - and then go to something soft like aikido after you've been broken down by years of full contact grappling.

Anonymous No. 128635

Anon I’m glad you’ve got some sparring experience but you need a real coach this shit looks awful and you would get torn apart by anyone with real striking training or grappling for that matter.

Anonymous No. 128643

>It's useful *if* crosstrained with Judo and BJJ.

I used basic Aikido techniques, like the sankyo and ikkyo, quite frequently in the army. You do a lot of waiting in the army, so sometimes you'll do combatives to pass the time. There's also dudes that are trying to test you by fucking with you, so the Aikido / Jujitsu combo works well to manhandle them and assert yourself without hurting them or having to punch them.

Aikido has a lot of good skills that you can use when you definitely have a strength advantage, but I would definetly consider it a secondary or tertiary system.

Anonymous No. 130771

big boy comment

Anonymous No. 130922

>Do we have Aikido practicioners here?
I've been training since 2010
>have you ever had to use your skills outside of Dojo?
never in a serious situation, thankfully my neighborhood is peaceful. if you asked because you're curious about what techniques would be more likely to work I'd say: ijikimeosae, a direct form of iriminage, some kokkyunage, and shihonage if you're sitting

Anonymous No. 131058

Aikido is incomplete without striking, but when combined with atemi-waza or whatever it was the samurai did, it will fuck someone up.

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Anonymous No. 131962


Anonymous No. 132417

Watch this chanel. This master's explanation is understandable and clear. There are subtitle.

Anonymous No. 132509

I don't know how Aikido attracts anybody actually serious about learning how to fight. Whenever I've been to mutliple arts doing public demos the local Aikido group has only ever put on these ridiculous wuxia looking skits where the head of the dojo stands there moving his arms around while his students run at him and do flips like it's him that's throwing them. It's fucking embarassing to watch and I don't know how anybody could watch that and be like, "yes, that looks like it is totally real and not fake at all and I want to learn his secrets of how to make anyone who might attack me cartwheel down the street with a mere wave of my hand. I cannot wait to learn to defy both physics and commons sense and be a wizard in my own right."

Sanki No. 132514

Bro i trained it its a cool martial art
but i left soon after
like the people were like toxic becouse i was new
The kimono is sort of not good for wear

Anonymous No. 132518

you're evaluating the whole of it in terms of how effective it is in practice, but that's not the only, or even main, thing people look for when they decide to start a martial art. just look at how judo attracts a large audience simply because of how well it advertised itself as a sport.
>like the people were like toxic becouse i was new
the quality and attitude of the average dojo is unquestionably aikido's biggest problem at the moment. the attitude is poor because of the classical "niche hobbies fuel elitism" mentality, and because if a dojo doesn't travel to public stages it starts to live and stagnate in its little bubble.
the quality is poor for the same reasons; more specifically, the lack of numeric/objective measurements of quality, like sanctioned competitions, means that even if you go to a lot of stages you won't learn anything with the poor attitude I was talking about above.

Anonymous No. 132528

Why do the instructors in Aikido technique videos always look like greasy neckbeards?

Anonymous No. 133093

There is a "style" created by a mexican called Gendai Aikido that its supposed to be the most effective version but he refuse to go international and create more schools

Anonymous No. 133131

Even in the US you can find people who have "retooled" aikido to be more effective in a modern context, and even in the dojo of standard styles there can be alot of variation since their often isn't the same level of standardization and quality control found in other modern budo like Judo and Kendo.

Anonymous No. 136519

I'm currently deciding between judo and aikido.
Should I do both or will I learn bad habits?

Anonymous No. 136531

Lots of people do both, there is even something of a truism that aikido is where old judo players go out to pasture. That said, beginning two arts at the same time is probably a bad idea for several reasons, both time management and keeping them separate.

Anonymous No. 136558

Is it normal to "test" a teacher?
I'm going to check out an aikido dojo later today and I want to know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of an aikido move under normal conditions.

Anonymous No. 136561

Happens all the time in every style. If you want to go out of your way to avoid seeming like a dick, schedule a private lesson. But otherwise, no one worth even a week's training with would care that you want to know you're at a good place.

Anonymous No. 136635

Aikido is GREAT for learning stuntwork. The structure of training is designed for safe falls and compliant partner drills and looking good.

It has very little to offer in terms of grappling or combat sports. When people who are experienced in other combat sports are able to pull from Aikido something useful and incorporate it into their own style, that doesn't mean Aikido is valuable, it just means that practitioner has the ability to learn different things.

Anonymous No. 139666

>Aikido works very well

Stop fucking lying, you're not steven seagal. do different martial arts that's actually effective you larpers

Anonymous No. 139728

I only used it a couple of times and it worked but I work as a bouncer in a club, so it's not exactly a great victory to restrain someone who is drunk or on drugs.

Anonymous No. 139749

Because they are neckbeards. If you want a real and applicable martial art then you'd train Judo, which is actually good grappling unlike BJJ or wrestling. Wristlocks aren't going to work when you get slammed on your head as soon as you're within arms reach.

Anonymous No. 139817


Former "event security professional" and it's the absolute Greatest of All Time for bouncing without getting fired/sued.

Most schools that teach it are trash at teaching it, though. Not quite as bad as trying to find actual Tai Chi, but real fucking close.