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🧵 How to start a fightingsport?

Anonymous No. 128649

how to start a fighting sport? I have trained some regular weightlifting and i know getting a PT is the biggest scam of them all. so i wonder whats the most optimal way for me to learn how to fight without spending the most cash. is it just go to the fighting club i want with sparring classes?

Anonymous No. 128678

Dont over complicate it and dont listen to retards on the internet

Anonymous No. 128680

No martial arts club is going to let you jump into sparring without any training. The only exception to this is maybe inner city boxing gyms but they’ll do that just to use you as a punching bag for being a retard.
Trying to learn martial arts without taking lessons is the retard move.

Anonymous No. 128685


My boxing school which is more urban and blue collar only let's you spsr after you have been there for a while regularly and it is fairly hard sparring in a ring.

My MMA school has sparring on the mats in each discipline (kickboxing, BJJ, wrestling, MMA) from day one but it is very light and technical.

Anonymous No. 128693

What? He asked if he should go to a martial arts club with sparring in it
Of course he should

Anonymous No. 128699

If that’s what he meant then I apologize, based on the fact that he said personal trainers are a waste of time I interpret “go to a club with sparring classes” as “I want to go and just spar”

Anonymous No. 128704

yes and no
after some deeper "dive", seems like im gonna go for a intro package what that means idk for 6 weeks then they will let me in in sparring sessions. This cost alot more than lifting at a gym does thought this would almost be the same where PT in gym is just waste of money.

Anonymous No. 128706


Yeah martial arts classes are generally a lot more expensive than a lifting gym membership. That's normal.

Anonymous No. 128708

You gotta remember teaching is the full time job of the coach there. Plus there’s a lot more money going to insurance when you’re running a gym where the risk of people getting injured isn’t just a possibly but a given.

Anonymous No. 128728

First thing you need to learn is that you suck, don't know anything and is learning from scratch, go to your non meme martial art class (boxing, muay thai, bjj, judo) and learn from the instructor

Anonymous No. 129396

Well honestly this is how I started. I got too old to be in soccer and floorball teams so what i do is running and self defense. Since im almost 30, gotta be smart about it. You gotta make training calendar match with days off from work, then sometimes have bullshit days like first 9 hours at work then you go to gym, gyms closed so you go run 2 hours for cardio.
You cant smoke or drink if you want this okay. That means you bail from hanging out with the fun guys or fun girls and skip parties. Parties are where you get fat and Lazy coz youre surrounding yourself with losers who want comfort.
This is no backrub fighting sucks and its hard. You wanna do it? Google a place, walk in, ask time and price. Show up. Suffer. Do it again.

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Anonymous No. 129405

> Well honestly this is how I started. I got too old to be in soccer and floorball teams so what i do is running and self defense. Since im almost 30, gotta be smart about it. You gotta make training calendar match with days off from work, then sometimes have bullshit days like first 9 hours at work then you go to gym, gyms closed so you go run 2 hours for cardio.
>You cant smoke or drink if you want this okay. That means you bail from hanging out with the fun guys or fun girls and skip parties. Parties are where you get fat and Lazy coz youre surrounding yourself with losers who want comfort.
>This is no backrub fighting sucks and its hard. You wanna do it? Google a place, walk in, ask time and price. Show up. Suffer. Do it again.

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Anonymous No. 129428


You mock him but he's not wrong. What he described absolutely is the reality of training over 30. Especially if you want to compete at Master's level in whatever your discipline is.

Anonymous No. 129441

I wouldn’t have mocked him if not for the air of smugness he added to it.