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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 128750

hii anon. i’m a 5’6 male that weighs around 120 pounds and i am reasonably fit. i’ve been researching some material arts for self defense because people around me are fucking taller and could actually fuck me up. i’ve came to the conclusion that i should focus on grappling in a hand to hand combat situation. the material art im going to learn is judo.

why judo over bjj, muy thai, wrestling, or literally anything else is for one reason. if i can get someone on the ground, what’s stopping me from just stomping on them? most people ik don’t really know material arts and if they do, it’s something like really basic boxing. also most people are taller than me, and that allows me to knock them off balance, in the eyes of judo, id have the height advantage.

i’m making this thread to have some advice for judo, grappling, material arts in general, self defense, literally anything.

if you have any other materials arts i should learn over judo rn im open

Anonymous No. 128751

If you wanna learn how to fight just do MMA

Anonymous No. 128768

What's the biggest size dildo you can fit in your asshole? It's important to know this because if your twink manlet ass ever tries to fight a nigga you will be brutally sodomized, and preparing your anus through daily dildo sessions with progressively larger toys may be the key to your anal survival.

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Anonymous No. 128794

This, never EVER try.

Anonymous No. 129284

while i do recommend that you do judo (because most people wear clothes and throws can be lethal), if you are very serious about self defense, get a nonmeme weapon (knife, gun, etc) and learn to use it. also, i highly recommend cross training bjj because frankly judo submissions outside of arm bars suck, and bjj complements greatly with any takedown art.
>t. judofag who dabbled in bjj

Anonymous No. 129286

You're very quickly going to learn from judo that size matters immensely, and the only people you really have a fighting chance against are people your size or who are extraordinarily unfit.

Anonymous No. 129287

this. and its not even height its lean muscle mass. Grappling might be more lenient in terms of size differences compared to striking, but if youre up against 200 lbs mfers, unless theyre drunk and completely untrained, youre going to have to start bulking up to 140-180 lbs.

Anonymous No. 129288

Really? As someone for whom grappling is my main hobby, I feel like size matters more in grappling than striking. From my more limited striking experience, it seems like there's always a puncher's chance, and it's easier to be evasive and have slicc footwork.

With his stature, he'd more more competitive in 60kg. 66kg would be pushing it.

Anonymous No. 129293

i think weight matters more in striking because weight means you strike harder and youre tougher. in grappling however weight means stronger kuzushi for judo and more successful takedowns, but once on the ground weight means a hell less than technique because the ground mitigates the use of legs, which is the main power generating limb in any stand up technique (striking and takedowns). Thats why its not uncommon for guys 40 lbs lighter than you to constantly dominate you in bjj classes.

>60-66 kg
i may just have a really stocky frame but im also 5'6 and i hover around 170-190 lbs. im currently around 165-175 lbs, but when i was my heaviest at 195, I didnt look very overweight i was able to go against the 200-220 lbs 5'11+ dudes at my judo club. That being said, my judo club is not competitive at all and we all kinda suck.

Anonymous No. 129295

>also most people are taller than me, and that allows me to knock them off balance, in the eyes of judo, id have the height advantage
I'm sorry manlet-kun but if we're doing randori I'm grabbing the back of your collar and hitting you with o-sotto-gari
you control the head you control the body
6'0 180 lbs btw
that said you will have an easier time with hip and shoulder throws
is entirely correct if you're primary goal is self defense start running and practicing with a handgun
judo will teach you how to take someone to the ground while staying on your feet which is certainly a valuable self defense skill but by no means the end all be all
t. six month judofag

Anonymous No. 129304

HARD disagree. I do bjj and I'm decently skilled, but i get struggle with dudes who weigh 100 pounds more than me, who aren't even muscular or anything. They're just fat fucks who've been fat fucks for many years.
>>128750 if you want to be able to win unarmed, one on one fights, do mma and GAIN WEIGHT. I cannot stress this shit enough, being strong and having weight is EQUALLY as important, if not MORE so important than being good at fighting. Obviously, you can do both, so arguing which is better is pointless. Do fucking both. Also, if you throw someone to the ground and try to stomp them, what's stopping them from just getting back up? unless the throw knocked them out, which would make the stomping redundant. I agree though, get on top and ground and pound, aka do mma dude.
In summary: get larger and stronger, learn a couple really good take downs, get decent at striking, then learn to take people down by using your striking to get into grappling range. From there, ground in pound into victory.
tl;dr MMA

Anonymous No. 129307

why the fuck in every fucking threads some socially inepts ameritards have to talk about guns

Anonymous No. 129340

OP gave his height & weight in American units meaning it is more than likely he has access to guns
also OBSESSED lmao

Anonymous No. 129356

because having a firearm kind of lowers the need for martial arts.

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Anonymous No. 129357

>i am reasonably fit.
>i’m a 5’6 male that weighs around 120 pounds

Anonymous No. 129367

Back to discord, tranny
Good post
Also a retard. “200lb mfers” who don’t know how to grapple go down too. It’s important to train outside your weight class in randori if you’re concerned about self defense though.
Half this thread really overestimates the untrained persons ability to fight. Most of what big fat retards do in street fights is actually counterproductive to their own safety. This is not an endorsement to not take your training seriously, only an acknowledgement that if you want to succeed you need the confidence to do so. If you’re fighting someone it should not matter to you how big, strong, or we’ll trained they are. They’re only a man and all men bleed.
>newfag with six months of experience giving judo advice
This fucking board…
>I'm sorry manlet-kun but if we're doing randori I'm grabbing the back of your collar and hitting you with o-sotto-gari
At your level (barely past white belt) I’m willing to bet you don’t even stand up straight most of the time and get counter thrown half of your osoto attempts.

Anonymous No. 129397

The answer to most of the retarded threads on this board

Anonymous No. 129559

>get counter thrown half of your osoto attempts.
lmao yeah you have me there
I admitted myself that I'm new the to sport but surely you don't think that OP is correct in assuming being small gives you an advantage in judo
There are a lot of other factors in a fight other than size but it's pretty much always going to be easier to beat someone who is smaller and lighter than you vs someone who is taller and heavier
I do agree with you that training is going to trump size but that doesn't mean being 5'6 120 lbs makes you a judo prodigy

Anonymous No. 129561

No being small is not an advantage except in regard to preforming certain throws against lanklets. There is some advantage not to being small in general but to being short and stocky though provided you still have some agility to keep up with lighter people.
> do agree with you that training is going to trump size but that doesn't mean being 5'6 120 lbs makes you a judo prodigy
Stop being reasonable that’s not what this board is for.