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🧵 Rate these styles from most to least efficient on the streets

Anonymous No. 129255

>Brazilian ju jitsu
>Dutch kickboxing
>Japanese ju jitsu
>karate kyokushin
>krav maga
>mma (that's not one style but there are mma trainings)
>muay thai
>wing chun
>carrying a pepper gas

Anonymous No. 129262


>muay thai

>Japanese ju jitsu
>Brazilian ju jitsu
>Dutch kickboxing
No knowledge about/Still least:

>krav maga
>karate kyokushin
>wing chun
>carrying a pepper gas

Anonymous No. 129271

defining efficiency as in needing the LEAST amount of strength and conditioning to win a 1v1 fight against the average man that has no rules and no time limit.
most efficient to least:
>pepper spray
competition striking arts all cant spar as hard as grapplers:
>muay thai
bordering on bullshido because no sparring or shit competition rules:
>japanese jiu jitsu
doesnt spar at all and bullshido:
>krav maga (alone without any other sparring base)
>wing chun
essentially the most efficient arts are the arts that can spar the hardest and have the least restrictions during sparring.
sparring hard is important to refine technique and develop efficient techniques that actually work, the less the restrictions the more efficient techniques you can actually do.

Anonymous No. 129272

Its tough to just rank them because its situational and the level of skill in them doesn't scale linearly with how effective they will be either. How big / athletic you are matters too. For example a bjj black belt is pretty well set vs any one attacker even if that guy is a good boxer. But vs like 3 rando untrained hooligans the bjj blackbelt isn't very useful but a guy with an armature boxing record might just knock them all out a pro boxer almost certainly will unless they are all much bigger than him. What we can say for certain though is aikido is mostly useless, tae kwon do, japanese jiu jitsu, and wing chun aren't very good, and kyokushin is handicapped by not having face punches.

Anonymous No. 129273

I love streetfighting threads
>the guy who thinks kicking in a street fight is a bad idea
>the guy who thinks he's gonna draw his gun, aim, and take down in one shot the attacker that is 3ft away
>the guy who thinks a knife will magically negate martial arts
>the guy who thinks lifting weights is all you need
>the guy who thinks being fat is a advantage

Anonymous No. 129274

A mixture between muay thai/ Judo/ and gouging as number 1.

Anonymous No. 129275

you forgot the guy who thinks he can just run away from every verbal confrontation he ever has

Anonymous No. 129292


>systema not listed

Anonymous No. 129297

Most to least:
1. JJJ, Judo or wrestling - Depending on clothing situation.
2. MMA
3. MT
4. DKB
5. KK
6. Box and WC
7. Taekwondo (Put this higher for women at 5, because they're generally weak in the upper body but have leg strength).
8. BJJ - Really lacks good takedowns and the ground is a bad place to be.
9. Aikido - Has its uses, especially against a baseball bat.
10. Carrying pepper spray - From what I've seen, people can never get to it in time.
999999999999. Krav Mag-shit - Only true meme on this list.

Anonymous No. 129298

Based on my foggy memory of watching street fighting clips, from best to worst.
>kickboxing/muay thai

Everything else is a meme.

Anonymous No. 129299

>the guy who thinks a knife will magically negate martial arts
"Heh he's got a knife, I will try a double le--" ACK

Anonymous No. 129305

2/10 how they teach it in modern life
>>Brazilian ju jitsu
>>Dutch kickboxing
>>Japanese ju jitsu
9/10 if no gi
>>karate kyokushin
>>krav maga
>>mma (that's not one style but there are mma trainings)
>>muay thai
>>wing chun
>>carrying a pepper gas

Anonymous No. 129309

Knife can negate martial arts because the knife guy may stand your kick and several punches while he will knock you out with one deep cut.

Anonymous No. 129317

I've thought about adding systema and keysi but then I thought they aren't popular enough to compare them.

Anonymous No. 129330

it's the same as aikido

Anonymous No. 129509

God tier:

Top tier:
>All kickboxing

Good tier:

Meh tier:
>Pepper spray
>Krav Maga
>Wing Chun

Shit tier:

Anonymous No. 129510

Grapplers don't spar hard. You can't go 100% in grappling (Which would mean cranking and snapping your moves instead of giving the other guy time to submit), you can go 100% in striking if you have good protection.

Anonymous No. 129558

headgear doesnt prevent concussion. your brain is still moving around violently.
100% sparring in grappling means you fall hard on a padded matt, or you pop some joints going against some spazz, or you get choked out.
100% sparring in striking means permanent brain damage.
and you can easily see how much safer it is to spar in grappling by the fact that every judo and bjj club ends every class with 60-80% intensity sparring with no moves barred.
on the otherhand, a staple of most striking sparring is light taps for head shot and then 60-80% for body and leg shots.

Anonymous No. 129562

is 87.55% sparring good?

Anonymous No. 129563

No. You will literally be raped in the street.

Anonymous No. 130765

gun>>>>>everything else

Anonymous No. 130769

Jujitsu is a bad idea on the street.
You get that close someone will either rip ur eye out or ur Adams apple or ur balls. Or maybe stab you.
Never wrestle in the street.
Jujitsu is great to know if you end up in that situation but never go for it willingly. Keep distance.
Muai thay is probably best for street. Krav maga, spetznaz or similar style supplement if you already trained (and probably not a civilian)

Anonymous No. 131028

>10. Carrying pepper spray - From what I've seen, people can never get to it in time.
If you're getting suckerpunched, then nothing will help unless you manage to make some distance to prepare.

Anonymous No. 131130

why does everybody rate boxing/kickboxing so highly for street fights? is it because of that one famous webm of the professional boxer beating the shit out of a bunch of attackers? there's a bunch of grab-ass bullshit in street fights

Anonymous No. 131160


i think it's because mostly people just swing wildly at each other. So it would be assumed that a good grasp on spacing and footwork along with good punching technique, you'd dumpster someone whose tossing wild haymakers.

Anonymous No. 134490

as the other anon said 99% of streetfights are standing swingfests that a mediocre boxer with a couple sparring sessions could win (besides some weight disadvantage or glassjaw)

most fights never have kicks and if they do go to the ground, its for a ground and pound anyway not some autistic arm lock.

Anonymous No. 134536

And this is the advantage of unusual styles like bjj. Nobody expects it.

Anonymous No. 134554

The unexpected only works when executed in a quick manner such that the opponent has no time to adjust to it. Laying down on your back and then slowly moving forward won't work.

Anonymous No. 134555

You've never trained in your life.

Anonymous No. 134556

Sometimes bjj looks like this but nobody will fight this way on the streets. Sane bjj user will also learn basic strikes and wrestling so he will be able to take the opponent down.

Anonymous No. 134590

You’d need to define efficiency but I’ll go for the least training needed to help you in most situations

Top tier
High tier
>Muay thai
Good tier
Meh tier
Meme tier
>Jap JJ
>Krav Maga
>Wing chun

Everything without sparring gets the meh
Wrestling is on top because being wrestlefucked by a wrestler is very much a pain in the ass
I put boxing above mma, kick and thai because from my own personal experience you get better at boxing in a little time frame than you will at the other sports
The good tier is there because the competition rules distorts the application you make of it during training

Anonymous No. 134597

>the guy who thinks a knife will magically negate martial arts
No, but you still have to stay the fuck away from people with a knife, your life is at risk, if you're forced to defend yourself that's a different situation.

Anonymous No. 134599

The people that put bjj in least o near least are too funny.

Anonymous No. 134609

All these tiers are fucked up by people who don’t realize mma has existed outside the current meta. Look at this retard >>134590
He puts boxing above Muay Thai and BJJ despite the fact that they boxers got their shit kicked in and/or choked out in early mma by the guys who trained Muay Thai and BJJ respectively. Boxing really shines now because everyone coming in as a boxing specialist in mma knows some bjj and kickboxing so that they can defend themselves. Same goes for wrestling. You think a pure wrestler would do well in a cage match against a pure bjjer or judoka who knows submissions and how to fight from guard? Absolute retardation.

Anonymous No. 134628

>let’s take the organized fights between professionals of the highest level and translate that to the average joe that trained on an off a few years
You’re an absolute retard, any purple belt with no striking background would get manhandled in a sudden confrontation
I put boxing above muay and kick because i see too many dudes get away with poor technique for too long by spamming a weak leg game to try and keep some distance
There is no such thing in boxing, you will accept the punches and you will have to fight

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Anonymous No. 134707

>the guy who thinks being fat is a advantage
Yup, that's me

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Anonymous No. 134732

>tfw she will never push me to the ground and apply a cobra grip on me

Anonymous No. 134855

Kyokushin is all out sparring
And there are no rules against punching an enemy in the face in the streets

Anonymous No. 134928

>He puts boxing above Muay Thai and BJJ despite the fact that they boxers got their shit kicked in and/or choked out in early mma by the guys who trained Muay Thai and BJJ respectively
Those fights were bullshit. That shit would have not went down in the streets.
Side note: Fuck gracie too. Fuck all of 'em, actually.

Anonymous No. 134997

How trashy are you that you get into street fights though?

Anonymous No. 135073

A knife doesn't negate martial arts but it immediately switches the whole thing to who's practiced the most knife-centric martial arts with a side hoping of pray-to-God-you're-the-guy-with-the-knife-regardless-jitsu

Anonymous No. 135280


Anonymous No. 135629

she got some judo skills though.

Anonymous No. 135680

>letting some cow push you around

What a disgusting, castrated, pussy piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 135686


All in order from top to bottom

>Sprinting, running away. Y
>Pepper gas

Useful (good all around(
>Muay Thai

Decent (could give you the upper hand in some instances but flawed)
>Japanese Jiu Jitsu
>Krav Maga
>Karate Kyokushin

>Wing Chun

Dont know about dutch kickboxing.

Anonymous No. 135687

>the guy who thinks being fat is a advantage
Depends on the space around you. If its a narrow room that leaves you with no space with your opponent, the fatter guy will have the upper hand but he will lose if you drag the fight as long as possible.

Anonymous No. 135695

There's fat as in a guy whose clearly an obese motherfucker who can barely stand and fat as in a tank who definitely has poundage but has strength and momentum in their attack.

I made the big mistake in underestimating this roly-poly dude in my judo class. He was 5'7 while I'm 6'2 and even outweighed him by 20 pounds but holy shit, the dude could fucking toss me around with ease. The same thing happened to me in boxing.

Anonymous No. 137760

This is a pretty retarded post.

Anonymous No. 137773

worst take ever

Anonymous No. 138187

This entire ranking is made assuming you are average size. There is nothing you can do to level the playing field if you are a small guy or a woman.
>a gun or knife
>Probably carrying pepper gas lol, just spray and run
>MMA (assuming they are proficient at both striking and grappling outside of MMA)
>judo (depending on climate)
>BJJ (No-Gi)
>Muay Thai
>Dutch Kickboxing
>Karate Kyokushin
>Krav Maga
>Japanese JJ
>Wing Chun

Anonymous No. 138189

the way BJJ is going it will become the new strip mall karate or WT taekwondo, even the shitiest boxing gym will teach you a lot of fundamentals for fighting

Anonymous No. 138198

I highly doubt that. You have to roll in an active and resistant manner when learning guard work, sweeps, submissions and turnovers.

Anonymous No. 138244

Boxing is the most efficient because you can knock him out and never get close you don't know what he's carrying

Anonymous No. 138382

its already happening in some gyms, its the formula for making a style shitty:
Popularity + bad teachers + kids focused class= the dumbing down and striping down of what makes a style great

the same thing happened to TKD went form a style focused on conditioning and perfecting the technique (seriously, some kwans only practiced like 8 kicks, 4 punches and a couple of sweeps); when rolling you can be pushed to do everything with purpose and force, but also it can be done without those things, because of this i wouldn't be surprised if it were to be accepted in the Olympics (which can be a death sentence too)