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Anonymous No. 129457

>oh is that a fighting art that isn't boxing or wrestling? it's fake.

Is he actually correct about anything or is he just a massive faggot?

Anonymous No. 129467

No he’s correct

Anonymous No. 129487

>the ben shapiro of fighting
Mostly correct but incredibly annoying

Anonymous No. 129564

No idea who that is, but one look at him proves he's a massive faggot.

Anonymous No. 130174

This guy looks like he would say a lot of correct points about how tae kwon do is a shit martial art and then a tae kwon do plus sized american mcdojo black belt would kick his ass.

Anonymous No. 130179

doesn't this guy spars with his 90 lbs. girlfriend to prove his points about fighting techniques?

Anonymous No. 130306

Literal who? Just based off the example you gave, yeah he's a massive faggot, and is wrong.

Anonymous No. 130307


Anonymous No. 130401


Anonymous No. 130415

Anybody knows what did this guy achieve in mma or at leat his real name?

Anonymous No. 130417

This guy is named Armchair Violence on Youtube

Anonymous No. 130511

Kickboxing/MT/Boxing are all solid choices and have their own strengths and weaknesses to consider. even as a boxer myself, I cant see how he can discredit kickboxing or muay thai?

Anonymous No. 130579

>Actually, spinning shit would never work in a real fi-ACK *gets TKO'd by a spinning back kick bodyshot*

Anonymous No. 130581

Oops! Muh spinning shit doesn't do anything.

Anonymous No. 130617

Lmfaoo. This was just sad to watch. His kicks were doing absolutely zero damage and he couldn't even put a guard up when in punching range.
Why do taekwondo flowers think they can actually fight?

Anonymous No. 130620

You're kind of misrepresenting him. He says that generally anything that doesn't have live pressure testing doesn't work. Boxing and wrestling (and muay thai too, i dunno why you didn't mention that one as he wouldn't have any problems with it) always have pressure testing and live sparring, if they didn't then he wouldn't respect them. Most other martial arts DON'T. Therefore he doesn't respect them.

Anonymous No. 130629

No he’s right he just doesn’t look imposing

Anonymous No. 130699

>no kicks
it's retarded

Anonymous No. 133106

I hate this faggot

Anonymous No. 133618

Both, hes correct about a lot but he is a massive faggot/pussy
one of those martial arts youtubers that constantly beat a dead horse of debating whether combat sports are effective for self defblahblahblah

I fuck with the Inside Fighting youtube channel, his intro is annoying AF but he covers super obscure cool martial arts and istn a whiny cunt like the pic in OP

Anonymous No. 133746

Judo is fake ?

Anonymous No. 135838

>mostly correct
He has a video saying shin conditioning isn't real.