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Anonymous No. 129819

Reminder for the manlets.
Size beats skills

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Anonymous No. 129839

I can also list many fights where manlets win. Moreover, giants like Hong Man Choi, Paulo Silva, sumo wrestlers and even Bob Sapp all have rather bad mma record.

Anonymous No. 129840

>See: Fedor emelienko’s entire career

Anonymous No. 129848


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great antonio vs ....jpg

Anonymous No. 129857

>size beats skill
real niggas remember my pic rel.

Anonymous No. 129910

Tell that to Tyson, Rocky Marciano, Dempsey, Fedor etc. etc.

Anonymous No. 129926


Size wins when skill is equal. This isn't difficult to comprehend. Even the 120kg powerlifters I lift with would get manhandled and fucked up by the 83kg BJJ and Muay Thai guys I know.

Anonymous No. 130033

>not a single webm

Anonymous No. 130469

Bob sapp actually threw a lot of fights cuz he didn’t get paid

Too think if he was would he beat fedor?

Anonymous No. 130470

All at least 200lbs that seems to enough to be a force

Anonymous No. 130504

He probrably would, sometime after the Sapp vs. Noguiera fight took place Fedor or I think his manager did not want a potential bout with Sapp to happen. At that time the dude was genuinely a serious threat to every other heavyweight in Pride and the he had only had 3 mma fights.

Anonymous No. 130625

Dam goes to showing combat sports is just military training for runts to protect themselves from the rugby/football players.

Anthony smith funny enough couldn’t ko a 160lb high school wrestler on drugs and he was the lhw ufc contender

Anonymous No. 130672

Lmao yea just watched cro cop beat Bob Sapp by purely skill being 50kg lighter

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Anonymous No. 131144

Anonymous No. 131209

hoost still won the tournament

Anonymous No. 132206


Anonymous No. 133091

Where I live most people are around my size and don't know how to fight and really heavy and muscular dudes are super rare, the most dangerous are the obese ones but they also are relatively rare too

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Mainoumi the based.jpg

Anonymous No. 134234

>Reminder for the manlets.
Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, not so much...

Anonymous No. 134448

Cro cop was Hoost’s size and he cracked Sapp’s orbital. Research this shit more man

Anonymous No. 135608

There was a lit documentary about the strong canadian man.

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Anonymous No. 135785


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Anonymous No. 135810

Reminder that size isn't just height. Tyson would be a manlet by 4chan meme standards.

Anonymous No. 135822

Wasn't it a powerlifter? When did it change to be a bodybuilder?

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manlet rage is real.webm

Anonymous No. 135861


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Anonymous No. 135869

Anonymous No. 136080

>what is the super hluk tournament

🗑️ Anonymous !ELEGANTQQo No. 139727


Anonymous No. 139754

Maybe in a sport with no technique like boxing. In Judo, skill beats size, and if you get beat by someone bigger, you just need to train Judo more.

Anonymous No. 139760

>No technique
Rough N Rowdy boxing isn't what all boxing is, anon.

Anonymous No. 139801

It’s no technique compared to Judo. If you want an art where skill beats size, then train Judo.

Anonymous No. 139899

Boxer and Judoka here, you're absolutely full of shit. Bigger men have been defeated by smaller guys in boxing, but they had to have a good game plan and stick to the strengths while nullifying their opponent's.

>Head movement
>Fighting in angles and gauging distance
>Developing the flow in combinations
>Knowing how to execute proper technique and rotational power
Boxing + Judo is practically an unstoppable combo. You only need to add Muay Thai. BJJ too if your dojo doesn't practice enough newaza.

Anonymous No. 139917

throwback 5 years ago how for a full year no ufc champ was over pEaK mAlE hEiGhT
>inb4 Max & Bobby
5'11" retard

Anonymous No. 139920

>Boxing + Judo is practically an unstoppable combo. You only need to add Muay Thai. BJJ too if your dojo doesn't practice enough newaza.
Or don't do this ghetto shit and just do MMA.

Anonymous No. 139925

>This combat sport has no technique compared to this completely different combat sport
Karate has no technique, wrestling is better

Anonymous No. 140252

>using this argument with Bob Sapp

Anonymous No. 140464

Training multiple styles at different gyms is kino

Anonymous No. 140475

MMA training is just bjj with additional kickboxing lessons

Anonymous No. 140664

Training at several gyms for specific martial arts is based and you could not afford that if you lived in the ghetto.

Anonymous No. 140773

>gets heemed by a sub 6-foot Ray Sefo
Cope Boob Sap

🗑️ Anonymous No. 140806

>posts this thread with a picture of a huge man notorious for losing fights
most intelligent /xs/ poster

Anonymous No. 140808

>says this while posting a picture of a huge man notorious for losing fights
most intelligent /xs/ poster

Anonymous No. 141542

low quality bait.

A 220 pound fat incel like you will never beat a well trained lightweight fighter

Anonymous No. 143040

Not a single pre-weight class UFC tourney has been won by the biggest guy.

Anonymous No. 143042

these fuckers are so strong, god damn