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🧵 How does krav maga training looks like?

Anonymous No. 130421

Please, no stereotypes and things you saw on youtube. I'm only asking people who actually trained it or at least have first hand info.

Anonymous No. 130435


Anonymous No. 130437

Wildly depends on the place you go to. From absolute crap to very good.
Best to find a gym where only people who already are versed on various martial arts are training krav maga to supplement. If you don't have any boxing, karate, kick boxing experience you should do that first

Anonymous No. 130443

I took a free intro class once and they had me walk around in a circle hammer striking a pad the trainer was holding and walking away with. Dumbest shit I’ve ever done in my life.

Anonymous No. 130569

Where I trained we did one day of basically kickboxing and then one day where a BJJ guy would come in and teach us grappling. Intermix it with some self defense shit where you spar 2vs1, one of you has a rubber knife, etc.
Virtually no retarded choreographed drills or anything like that, but it was also basically just MMA-lite so after I got the basics I went on to do more legit martial arts, for more 'depth' in training.

Anonymous No. 130673

This is what I mean by it's wildly different.
Where I trained the focus was how to specifically counter boxers, kickboxers, karate and so on. There was knife training with emphasis on always run from the knife and only if u backed up somewhere u can't run u fight. Most of the times even w training there is little u can do if the other guy is not a complete retard or pussy

Anonymous No. 130761

>How does krav maga training looks like?

extremely jewish

Anonymous No. 130787

It mostly looks the same as MMA training, except for one major difference. There is more focus on learning how to fight opponents that don't know how to fight. In MMA, you learn how to box/clinch/grapple against someone else that also knows how to box/clinch/grapple. Krav Maga has some of that, but leans more towards how to most efficiently punish someone for shoving and throwing haymakers.

Anonymous No. 130847

Kek, that's kinda funny, where I did krav maga it was exclusively focused on how to fight someone who is trained, as it was presumed we can already fight untrained (all of us had significant experience in various other martial arts). That said it was a tiny niche place with usually just 3 of us besides the instructor.

Anonymous No. 130849

Krav Maga is absolutely mogged by gouging in actual self-defense.

Anonymous No. 130864

It is kind of funny, but I can sort of see the logic. A martial artist trains to perform a textbook technique and spars against other martial artists that use the textbook technique, only to be caught completely off-guard by an opponent that just swings wild. You should still practice those techniques, but it's important to experience things outside of what you normally train against.

Anonymous No. 130878

>only to be caught completely off-guard by an opponent that just swings wild
If you get caught off guard by someone doing random shit, you haven't trained long enough to spot the weaknesses before they even take a step. Stance, fluidity, confidence, these should all be apparent to you as soon as you look at them

Anonymous No. 130907

I'd add it only works of you are already trained in martial arts versus another trained opponent. As in you have to execute them with proper athleticism and form, otherwise if untrained chud just throws a weird sequence against a trained opponent it will just amuse him

Anonymous No. 130908

Gouging is also taught in proper krav maga. Reason you don't see krav maga in mma is because virtually all it adds outside conventional martial arts aside from some out of the box thinking is illegal. Groin, eyes, throat are primary targets.

Anonymous No. 130918

A good example of krav maga implementation in UFC. If you are not well versed in martial arts it's hard to see the difference in style. If you pay close attention you will see that krav maga guy punches in deeper with his punches and often steps in. Jabs are pretty much removed.

Anonymous No. 130923

So Krav Maga is bad boxing?

Anonymous No. 130931

>Where I trained the focus was how to specifically counter boxers, kickboxers, karate and so on.
You are either LARPing or your went to a mcdojo
Imagine falling for this shit
"Shortcut to defeat martial artists who trained for years with 3 months of hitting knees on a pad simulating a groing strike"

Anonymous No. 130944

Neither. Small place in eastern Europe. I found it through a friend, it was usually just 4 of us including the instructor.
99% of all krav maga in western Europe or in Americas is essentially a scam. Or at least all that I find in advertisements. It's been popularized to the masses but watered down to where its essentially nothing but the name.
I also did boxing, karate before. All of us had other martial arts xp