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🧵 What hobbies make you cool?

Anonymous No. 131004

Genuine question. All my friends usually pin me as having cool interests. I've boxed all my life, I ride motorcycles (made me sell my sports car), I backpack, love to travel to cool-ass nature spots, I paddleboard, snowboard.

What else can someone do interest-wise that is cool in the eyes of others?

My take has always been that nobody else ever seems to give a single fuck like 99% of the time. Only friends and people you're dating seem to care in the slightest.

Anonymous No. 131018

>My take has always been that nobody else ever seems to give a single fuck like 99% of the time. Only friends and people you're dating seem to care in the slightest.
what do you want asshole? random people on the street to stop and fawn?

Anonymous No. 131044

>What else can someone do interest-wise that is cool in the eyes of others?
He wants bitches.

Anonymous No. 131251

I’ll say the same thing they said on B bitches only care about money. Women don’t have typically have hobbies it isn’t something they care about

Anonymous No. 131533

>What hobbies make you cool?
Never care what anyone else thinks, do what you want, that makes you "cool".
I used to race motocross. Met some hottie at bar.
her ' what do for fun?'
me 'race motocors'
her 'ooh anon that's neat. I want to see you race.'
me (stupid) arrange to take her to race with me. bitch is late.
her 'anon its hot. anon its loud. anon its dusty. anon the bathrooms are stinky'
me 'bitch get out of my way I missed practice cause you late, my race starts in a minute now shut up.
Go to starting line race starts. Race ends.
Me. ' did you watch the race?'
her 'no, i was just looking around'
me 'get in the truck I am leaving.
never took another woman to the track again.

Anonymous No. 131544

whatever you enjoy doing the most, people will only think its cool if youre passionate about it as emotions are contagious.

you should never do anything for the approval of others.

Anonymous No. 131565

If this is about bitches, be funny. Comedy could be a hobby. I am not a hot guy, but I consistently pull down trim cause I can make bitches laugh hard enough to feel a tingle in their nethers.

Anonymous No. 131666

see you ding all these activities and checking whether or not people notice is what makes you a faggot

Anonymous No. 131827

post bike

Anonymous No. 132937

you already sound cool enough save some for the rest of us

Anonymous No. 135723

If you are not passionate about your hobbies, which it seems like is the case because you want to do them to be cool, then how will anyone find you cool?
People want passion and sincerity, not fake interest you do to seem cool.
Also why do you care what random people do? If you really want to impress randos, just copy some influencer like Dan Bilzerian.
But it will not make you happy or fulfilled.

Anonymous No. 136706

if you want people to look upto you then whatever is associated with being the most expensive and high status,
ergo luxury cars and yachts and high class parties

Anonymous No. 136833


Anonymous No. 136834

>people will only think its cool if youre passionate about it as emotions are contagious
stop dreaming

Anonymous No. 138891

you are not your hobbies anon. get some personality.

Anonymous No. 140266

they want to lock down a man with money

doesn't mean they won't sexually entertain a man without it

Anonymous No. 140268

'cool' is something you can't try for, when you do it stops being cool

there are 'lame' interests that can be approached in a 'cool' way, but what's attractive is what makes a man capable

if your hobby shows off that you have nerves of steel and a body to match and you're not just trying to be 'cool' then that maximizes attractiveness

but there is another side of the coin and that's your emotional capability, artists focus on this a lot and people find that very 'cool' and attractive but in a different way

i'm all over the place and have a lot of hobbies that i think are cool af and show off how capable i am (building stuff, riding motorcycles, sailing, shooting, skiing, kayaking, backpacking, various sports and endurance activities) and people just think i'm fucking nuts (and they probably couldn't keep up)

i try to find friends to do stuff with me but only 1 or two are ever down and even then it's usually reluctantly

like no one wants to do a 30 mile per day backpacking trip with me or go endurance kayak camping, it's too hard

Anonymous No. 140304

None of them. And as other anons have said, identifying too much with your hobbies is extremely not cool. It will turn you into a pussy repellent and youll also spend all your money on gear that is 10% better.

However, music is an exception cause that is cool.

Anonymous No. 140305


Indeed. Your average 4chan autist wont understand this but being someone with no money actually makes it easier to fuck hot girls. By being disqualified from future husband material, she doesnt have to worry so much about your perception of her, establishing long term boundaries, appearing innocent and virginal. They will just fuck guys who are losers, criminals, alcoholics etc. But the guy with a well funded 401k has to work for it lol