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🧵 /esg/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 131241

2023 edition

Old thread: >>130102

Thread question: What is your 2023 skateboarding resolution?

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Anonymous No. 131256

>2023 skateboarding resolution
I'm going to learn how to 360 flip or else

Anonymous No. 131260

>2023 resolution
Learn how to skateboard

Anonymous No. 131261

>2023 skateboarding resolution
Learn how to change a car battery.

Anonymous No. 131268

>2023 skateboarding resolution
Throw a car battery at a skateboarder

Anonymous No. 131275

>2023 skateboarding resolution
Learn how to dodge a car battery

Anonymous No. 131287

me too, I've had a couple sketchy lands before but I wanna really master them

Anonymous No. 131290

>tfw i can fakie tre but i've never landed a regular one in all my years ;n;

life can be so cruel bros

Anonymous No. 131291

tony trujillo is a wife beating schmuck who deserves to be dropped from all his sponsers

Anonymous No. 131292

>What is your 2023 skateboarding resolution?
Eat better and get fitter so I can go hard again. 2022 was just okay. Lack of sleep led to bad habits that left me an achey, heavy mess.

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Anonymous No. 131295

What do you guys do when you hit a wall with a new trick? Like when you get to that phase where you're just making the same mistake over and over?

Anonymous No. 131301

record yourself, compare it to a pros / youtuber who can do it well, try different things, get pissed off after 20 mins of trying, do a different trick, fail that one too, repeat. you get it eventually just keep at it

Anonymous No. 131306

any tips for someone who has totally plateaued?
i'm 26 so i feel like it's time to just pack it up. Is it really worth getting injured to learn new stuff?

I want to learn 50/50, shove-it, kickflip, 180s.. Ollie up onto the funbox.. meh

also the "real" skateboard I bought is totally fucking crooked, so frustrating.

Anonymous No. 131312

and you are a midget chink who will never touch a vagina

Anonymous No. 131313

Recording yourself is a good thing to try like the other anon mentioned. You can study your own technique.

Anonymous No. 131328

if you just got your first real skateboard and can't ollie 6 inches yet I don't think you can possibly have plateaued.

Anonymous No. 131331

> want to learn 50/50, shove-it, kickflip, 180s.. Ollie up onto the funbox
These are all the basic tricks.
If you think you've plateaued on an ollie , maybe it is best if you didn't skateboard anymore.

Anonymous No. 131332

I like to cruise around the bowl, so flat ground isn't really my area of expertise and I don't even know how to start, I've just been practicing getting a nice pop on my ollies and trying to bring my legs up high.

I've never really skated to do the tricks though, I just like riding the board around the streets, carving the bowl and doing kick turns..

Anonymous No. 131339

>2023 skateboarding resolution
i wanna land my first tre and maybe master them
i also wanna master my bs flips and learn fs flips
also maybe i should give varial flips a chance

Anonymous No. 131340

>2023 skateboarding resolution


Anonymous No. 131342

1080p. Also fuck this captcha.

Anonymous No. 131343


Anonymous No. 131347

>I just like riding the board around the streets, carving the bowl and doing kick turns..
Then keep doing that and getting better at that. Switch up the bowls and you'll just naturally progress while having fun. How it's meant to be.
You don't need to learn the other shit and it sounds like you won't get much satisfaction from doing so.

Anonymous No. 131349

>I've never really skated to do the tricks though, I just like riding the board around the streets, carving the bowl and doing kick turns.
Ok, so then you know you haven't plateaued if you've never tried anything. Did you just make that post so people could encourage you and give you positive words? Are you looking for trick tips?
>i'm 26 so i feel like it's time to just pack it up. Is it really worth getting injured to learn new stuff?
Was this just a cry for attention so we can all tell you things like "never give up!" and "keep skating baby!"

Anonymous No. 131350

that's the most common thing in skating, and it's easy to fix. the issue is that you are not staying over your board with your shoulders. you must be kicking your tres out too far in front of you when doing it regular. this doesn't happen fakie because you have most of your mass leaning away from the popping foot. when doing it regular, literally lean your shoulders towards the nose more, this will make the board want to pivot around the popping foot more, and then you jump more "forward" with the board. you will know you are doing it right because you will start jumping too far ahead of the board. then you just dial it back. you have to commit though. tldr, you're leaning too far back/straight up, and or not committing. this is why doing it going up a bank is easier for people just learning than doing it on flat, the board naturally wants to stay under you.

Anonymous No. 131351

What if it was?

Anonymous No. 131352

you can just be a man and straight up say what it is you want instead of acting like my wife and saying something like "the trash is looking full" when you could just ask me to take out the trash.
No need to beat around the bush

Anonymous No. 131353

Great post and I suspect the shoulder thing is the tip Rodney gave Antwaun.

Anonymous No. 131355

Do you blow up at your wife too?

Anonymous No. 131356

Ok I got you bro.
Go on flat and practice ollies.

Anonymous No. 131362

lord let my rolled ankle be 90% healed and stable by week 4 tomorrow amen

Anonymous No. 131363


Anonymous No. 131364

Who else would fuck Chris Hiett?

Anonymous No. 131367

dont know who that is

Anonymous No. 131371

if i had a choice between fucking chris hiett and the chink twink itt i would probably choose chinktwink

Anonymous No. 131373

team powell’s token hesher

Anonymous No. 131374

you're absolutely right about that. i've always recognized it to be the problem but i could never seem to fix it. it just never clicked for me, so i stopped trying them for a while, but i'm not gonna give up on it. i'll get them eventually.

Anonymous No. 131379

ew yuck

Anonymous No. 131386

>Ok, so then you know you haven't plateaued if you've never tried anything.
I've plateaued because I don't feel the urge to try more because I don't think it's worth it getting injured in the process.

>was this just a cry for attention so we can all tell you things like "never give up!" and "keep skating baby!"
I think it's a legitimate question, is it worth it to keep on learning new tricks when eventually you're going to eat total shit and have a serious injury? It seems you already answered it and said it's best to not skateboard which is a reasonable position

shit like this is why I don't think it's worth it

Anonymous No. 131387

>I've plateaued because I don't feel the urge to try more because I don't think it's worth it getting injured in the process.
Ok then get out.

Anonymous No. 131388

so you don't think it's worth it?

Anonymous No. 131389

Anonymous No. 131395

I can FEEL it bros, i WILL get front smiths in the deep end soon. I found the line that makes it comfortable, I just need to throw one up there and fucken commit

Anonymous No. 131399

My most hated /xs/ poster
Just skate you don't have to do shit you don't want to any anyone who says anything different smack them in the head with your board and keep skating

Anonymous No. 131407

You don't have to ollie down stairs bro. Yeah, street tricks will net you more injuries than transition, but if you just pace yourself they'll be fairly minor. Session a little curb or something and you can have hours of fun and challenge yourself to get creative with how you use it. Try some freestyle basics first, then take your new techy skills to a curb and see what you can come up with.

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Anonymous No. 131448

Wake up goobers

Anonymous No. 131454

look at this interesting collection of old zines

Anonymous No. 131458

dude this is fucking gold. Lots of transition skating and punk stuff, it's like a bunch of hand made collages you can tell it was before spell check because there's a good number of minor typos about. saving the link to browse around later thanks for sharing it how did you find this?

Anonymous No. 131459

this insta account posts really neat stuff from the 80s

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Anonymous No. 131483


Anonymous No. 131497


Starting back after 10 years away. Only really did transition, knew a couple stalls. Never did street.

2023 I'm going to kickflip

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Anonymous No. 131511


Anonymous No. 131512

look at this Deedz rough cut. I can't believe he doesn't have a board sponsor.

Anonymous No. 131513

wasn't he with enjoi? when did he leave?

Anonymous No. 131515

half of the team left. apparently they havent been getting paid for several months now.

Anonymous No. 131516


Anonymous No. 131521

so many illegal tricks

Anonymous No. 131522

kys zoomer

Anonymous No. 131523

the goat

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Anonymous No. 131524

>so many illegal tricks

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this is who is ca....png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 131526

>so many illegal tricks bro 100 where was the cloudmumblerap and inclusion of non-binary skateboarders frfr

Anonymous No. 131527

>can't practice ollies in the garage because I don't have the balance and familiarity with my board down yet
>can't practice that familiarity because of rain and galeforce winds

Anonymous No. 131534

Take the Jamie Griffin Pill and use some carpet

Anonymous No. 131538

Pivtos. Do pivtos. Tail, nose, backside, frontside, 180s, 360s.

Anonymous No. 131540

But he could already skate
I can't

Anonymous No. 131547

Eastern yurop skateboard.

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Anonymous No. 131552

/esg/ can't ollie and it shows!

Anonymous No. 131556

thanks for that. eastern bloc videos always have interesting spots.

Anonymous No. 131557

For me I always tried a new variation.

Try it fakie, try it moving, try it up a bank or even switch. Also helps to skate with a person who has em on lock so they can see what’s wrong

Anonymous No. 131560

question for the older skaters here. i'm in my early 30s and try to skate every day, but after 3/4 days of skating my muscles are so tired my consistency goes down like crazy. 2 days off for rest isn't enough.

i recently took a week off for holidays/new year and skated for the first time in a week yesterday and was super consistent and my pop was crazy high.

what do you guys find is the best routine for rest? i'm not only trying to keep my skills but actively continue to get better.

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Anonymous No. 131561

For me, it's one day on, one day off

Anonymous No. 131569

31 here. Feeling pretty achey today but will try to have a light session in a bit. Mostly it's a matter of, sadly, actively staying fit the usual boring ways; diet, sleep, strength training (and maybe some cardio). I don't really know what schedule of skating works best for me because sometimes I can go for literally the entire day and be fine the next morning, and sometimes a 2 hour sesh will leave me fucked for most of the week, but I think I was at my best when I would alternate between a day of skating and a day of weights and walking with plenty of sleep at night, no junk food and minimal beer, and one day a week where I basically do nothing but sit and play video games.

Anonymous No. 131572

i just turned 38
I only skate Saturdays, holidays and the occasional Sunday if one of the kids are sick and we get to miss church. You gotta give your body time to recover.

Anonymous No. 131575

Late 20s and i can skate about 4 times a week without feeling like i'm overdoing it. I usually skate Tuesday, thursday and then i'll skate saturday and sunday. I only skate transition which i think is easier on the joints but fatigues your muscles faster.

When i went to oregon i tried to skate for like 5 days in a row and by the end i was so over it and could barely even kickturn in a ramp i was so fatigued

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Anonymous No. 131587

>the moscow killer was wearing vans
It's over

Anonymous No. 131602

>board/general can't do something they're talking about

🗑️ Anonymous No. 131611

Plenty of us can it's just your depressed ass spamming this board shitting on everyone and anything that means no one wants to post. Fuck off kook. You don't skate.

Anonymous No. 131612

Yoga and calisthenics workouts for me. I work an office job so my hips are always tight. I stretch daily.
Protein really does work to help muscles recover and feel better but I'm not a fan of supplements.

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Anonymous No. 131615

Please post the webm guide

Anonymous No. 131616

>What is your 2023 skateboarding resolution?

Learn frontside flips and backside heelflips

Anonymous No. 131617

Everybody who says Julian Stranger is the goat is indirectly regurgitating suckassery from Deluxe employees or riders. There is nothing extraordinary about Julian Stranger's skating and I say this as someone who enjoys his early 90s parts.

Anonymous No. 131618

Stretch and pick up a little routine. Skate more often actually.

Anonymous No. 131622

Webm for lazies on github. Trim clip to desired length. Resize to 720. Put a size limit of 3 mb. Enable VP9/Opus. Press convert button. Ignore what anyone else says.

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Anonymous No. 131626

He learned that way, mostly. It NEVER stops raining in his part of Ireland, and there are literally no smooth surfaces.


Also freestyle. Mullen did freestyle in his barn until he moved out. Stop making excuses. Stand on your fucking board and push yourself off the wall both directions if you have to.

Anonymous No. 131628

The MASHER videos are always the best. Jesus what a bunch of gnar motherfuckers!

Anonymous No. 131629

this is how i feel about cardiel

Anonymous No. 131632

kys dumb zoomer

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Anonymous No. 131633

Anonymous No. 131634

>tfw just realized I do that awkward no skill zero style arm swing like this dumb whore when I land too

I hate that shit.

Anonymous No. 131635

The pivot thing is a good idea, I didn't think of that. I think I can make enough space for that

Anonymous No. 131648

thanks boyz. i guess more rest is the key. i just kinda lose my mind days i dont skate. it's the only thing that makes my brain stop.

yeah I did yoga for a while as well, but I have been lazy

i stretch for about 10 minutes before every session. i've actually got some of the local zoomers to do stretching too lol. i heard stretching AFTER skating is also super important so maybe I have to start trying that

Anonymous No. 131653

Based and same. If Cards never got in the accident the industry wouldn’t be constantly sucking him off

Anonymous No. 131656

My resigution is to loose a weight so I can finally ride a board without the wobble

Anonymous No. 131657

>i just kinda lose my mind days i dont skate. it's the only thing that makes my brain stop.
100% get you. I try to get outside and be active on my non-skate days, usually just go for a bike ride or something.

Anonymous No. 131658

Ventura anon here. Going back to Australia for a holiday in february, gonna skate with my best mate and make a clip of us skating all the parks we grew up skating. So keen

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Anonymous No. 131665

Why is FS180 so much harder to me than kickflips/pop shuvits/no comply fs180? I can't help but just fall off forwards when i land

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Anonymous No. 131667

>i just kinda lose my mind days i dont skate. it's the only thing that makes my brain stop.

Anonymous No. 131668

I had to learn the hard way that I can probably only handle 2 sessions week, realistically. I had to take a 3 month break from over-doing it and that was not fun. I find I can do two sessions of about 3 hours max each, but that's plenty for me because I tend to skate non-stop as soon as I get to the park. I don't fuck around much and I only take short 5 minute breaks to have water every hour or so. By the time the 3rd hour is up I'm fucked.

Anonymous No. 131674

>I had to take a 3 month break from over-doing it and that was not fun.
Jesus, why? Literally just fatigue?

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Anonymous No. 131675

It was my own retarded fault, but I actually bruised all the muscles around my ankle by going too hard too fast without giving my body a chance to adapt to the new muscles being used etc. Like I would do a 2 hour session at a skatepark, then sometimes come home and do another half hour session of ollie practice. Then I would also just do them when I was bored in the house on my off days, which means I was never recovering properly. Kept this up for about 8 months before I started limping after a heavy week and realised I had actually damaged my muscles. I was new to skating at 33 as well and already unfit. The damage was so deep that it took 3 weeks of not skating before the bruise actually showed up.

I made fast progress considering I was new to skating and quickly caught up to and passed other boomers who had been skating a lot longer, but I paid the price for it.

Anonymous No. 131676

Fuck, that's rough, didn't know you could even do that. I started back at 29 and I've had to take a week off here and there because I'd overworked some leg, core or groin muscle I'd never really used before, but it wasn't THAT bad.

Anonymous No. 131680

That's pretty sick. I didn't know that you're from there.

Anonymous No. 131689

fs 180 is all lower body where as backside is upper.
And before any of you armchair skateboarders start trying to contradict me you're wrong and i'm right.

Anonymous No. 131695

Wanna skate this weekend if you’re free?

Anonymous No. 131703

Dude I think I'm actually going to pedlow Saturday morning with my boomer friend. You should come out and we'll meet up. Don't you live nearby?

Anonymous No. 131711

Yea, it’s like 10 mins away from my house. I’ve been feeling like shit and just getting off an injury but I’ll come skate because I’m itching for the sesh. I don’t think they open the front gates until 10AM though

Anonymous No. 131713

Gotcha. Well I'll confirm that I'm going later tonight and let you know what time I'll be there. I think there is some kind of boomer session happening at the bowl.

Anonymous No. 131715

Can’t wait to mog them all with my mobbed out flip tricks

Anonymous No. 131726

Lmao being able to do a kickflip instantly mogs me

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Anonymous No. 131734

Do not ever buy Miles griptape. This is the biggest piece of shit ever. It's actually peeling off my board, I setup yesterday. If it sounds like I'm mad it's because I am.

Anonymous No. 131758

hm i was always told to just move my shoulders and legs will follow but thats bs.
the only way i can do them is by kind of popping a fs shuv it and just keeping my feet on the board and following it

Anonymous No. 131759

Anonymous No. 131761

'bev' is simply so ugly that i cannot watch his videos

Anonymous No. 131764

Tyshawn Jones on Hot 97

Anonymous No. 131768


should have been t-funk on there

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nooo it are my eb....jpg

Anonymous No. 131774

I have 4 large pieces of carpet that I push together in my garage to make a practice area for flat ground tricks. I spent 6 months relearning how to do tricks and finally landed some heel flips. Got really consistent with them and then starting doing short runs in my limited space that is about one car length. It feels totally different while out on the rough streets but it gives me an option when it's raining outside or I don't want to be bullied by kids 15 years younger than me (lol, for real though one of the kids in my complex saw me wearing a skateboard shirt and started asking me about skating and now I meet up with him a couple times a week and his mom watches us skateboard which is funny since I'm the same age as her).

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Anonymous No. 131776

Do you guys like Vincent Huhta? He has one of strangest styles in skateboarding.
He's so floppy. I love the Sour guys so much.

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back five o.webm

Anonymous No. 131777

Gonna be at pedlow at 10am

I'll be the tall-ish white guy probably wearing shorts and adidas

Hopefully see you there and we'll do a few tricks fren

Anonymous No. 131778

bam losing it on instagram rn

Anonymous No. 131779

i didn't know his kid was retarded. i guess having kids with a drug addict is a bad idea. im honestly surprised Bam hasnt died yet.

Anonymous No. 131780

he's retarded? i know he looks weird but what's wrong with him?

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Anonymous No. 131781

i dont know but you can tell by looking at his face

Anonymous No. 131783

isn't his mom/bam's ex scandinavian? they all kinda look like that

Anonymous No. 131785


Anonymous No. 131786

Carlisle pants are too damn big! i cant even watch his skating without being distracted by them it's annoying he looks ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 131787

i hate how hard he tries to have steez plus he's a skate industry nepo baby

Anonymous No. 131788

I don't think it's that strange. This is what all the teenagers who go to my local try to skate like

Anonymous No. 131794

Cheers m8s
Day well spent

Anonymous No. 131795

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>illegal tricks

Anonymous No. 131797


Anonymous No. 131805

It’s a real shame because I really used to like his skating but now it looks like he trying to force his own style extremely hard. The heitor effect. You can see it in real time if you rewatch his chocolate part. The earlier clips with the slim fitting jeans looks so good on him and his style is dialed in, but the later clips look like a parody of current skate trends

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Anonymous No. 131813

business and company is back. i hope marc is ok.

Anonymous No. 131817

At pedlow right now

Come skate

Anonymous No. 131818

Are you still at the park? I slept in lol, gonna leave in about 20 mins if so

Anonymous No. 131819

Yeah dude come out! There is a good session

Anonymous No. 131820

Shorts and adidas? If so I’ll come talk to you once I show up

Anonymous No. 131821

Yeah you'll recognize me

Anonymous No. 131825

I don’t see you :( I’m the niggy in the blue flannel smoking a cig

Anonymous No. 131826

This anon >>131347
is right, but so is >>131349

if you don't want to get injured buy 187 pads, if you don't want to get injured progress with steady increase in confidence on stuff you know how to do

go out and learn something new can be fun
mastering what you got is pretty fun too

this anon can suck a dick
>maybe it's best
could you be any more of a fucking pussy
but also this is pretty pussy
>wh-wh-what if i get injured skating a 3/4 stair that leads into another 5 stair
well dumbass you don't skate beyond your capabilities then, and wear a helmet if you're concerned about slamming your fucking head
like this guy said >>131407

i gotta think this is just a really well crafted bait, because on one hand i relate
>aging skater has trouble progressing without injury
is just a believable enough hook but pussy you way cry about danger in an inherently risky activity is so weak, like you know the answers and chose to intentionally mislead and just bring the shittiest aspect if skating to the forefront of the thread like you are such a cunt honestly so bitchmade

Anonymous No. 131829

i know anyone can skate but how much physical strength does it take to be actually good at skateboarding? like core and leg strength

Anonymous No. 131837

Nobody cares about that. Half of the professionals are crack addicts. You guys have to stop autistically analyzing everything.

Anonymous No. 131838

I’m fat and I can get by. Just be passionate about it and have fun and stop worrying about what you can’t do because of physical limitations

Anonymous No. 131839

just answer the question im going to start lifting so i need to know which muscles my skating will benefit from the most
you guys are taking it the wrong way, my question is solely research for future progression

Anonymous No. 131842

Hold 3-8 positions for 3 deep breathes, the others 1 deep breathe, then you transition on next the inhale. Do it 3 times with small breaks daily.
I do much more but this helps core balance, leg strength, flexibility, overall circulation and breathing. Will also help weak knees/ankles.

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Anonymous No. 131843

Of course I forgot to attach

Anonymous No. 131844

An average amount. You just build it up by skating. You don't have to exercise beyond that if you don't want to.

Anonymous No. 131846

It takes very little strength. Some of the best skaters are rail thin.
The only muscles that matter are your leg and hip muscles and squats will train all of them.

But it's pretty much impossible to seriously train your lower body and still skate regularly, both of them fatigue your legs too much.

Anonymous No. 131847

Good to meet you today valleybro. Next time we meet up we'll make sure we get a longer session in!

Anonymous No. 131848

IMO, unless you're trying to lose weight first and/or can't skate as often as you like, upper body strength training is all you need. Pumping transition is all the cardio and leg strength you need and basically everything else is core.

Anonymous No. 131849

You too dude! Fun little session while it lasted. I’m always down to come up to where you’re at as well and skate some transition and get my out of my comfort zone. Of if you’re ever willing to come out here again, Santa Clarita is a must skate. You’d love the transition at that place, it’s such a flowy park

Anonymous No. 131871

Why is #9 a man?
Could she not hold the plank?

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Anonymous No. 131876

Anonymous No. 131905

She's doing all the hard stuff and he nips in at the end to steal the easiest pose going.

Anonymous No. 131906

Depends what you mean by 'actually good'. What does that mean to you? If you mean contest skater level of endurance, then yes, you will need to have particularly strong legs and core.

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Anonymous No. 131917

guys wake up

Anonymous No. 131918

Isn't github an app?

Anonymous No. 131920

I'm kind of jealous of you guys. Nice going.

Anonymous No. 131923

It's a repository

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Anonymous No. 131933

Hey Floridian posters, there's some RedBull tour soon. Jamie Foy and friends are going to
Miami Lot 11 Feb 10
St Pete Feb 12
Daytona Beach Feb 17
Tallahassee Feb 19

Anonymous No. 131934

Come through next time, anon. Maybe I’ll hook you up with a spare deck or some extra wheels I’ve got laying around

Anonymous No. 131941

I am awake, but it's fucking raining in Bongland and I need to recover.

Seriously considering making sure I spend a month in the Southern Hemisphere every winter from now on.

Anonymous No. 131945

>What does that mean to you?
idk skillwise, maybe a little below an AM skater, think of the best guy at your local that doesn't have a sponsor but is still fun to watch and skate with, that level of "good"

Anonymous No. 131946

You're not going to improve at skating by lifting weights

Anonymous No. 131949

okay how about squats and sit ups

Anonymous No. 131951

It won't help but if you're a pussy who has never done anything hard in your life it's probably a good idea to lift weights for a while and just skate like once a week

Anonymous No. 131956

>it's fucking raining in Bongland
It's fucking raining in Socal too

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Anonymous No. 131960

Went to the skatepark for the first time after work today, was intimidating but not as bad as I thought.
There were 2 flat, shallow ramps set up like
> ____
> ____/
> ___/

And I didn't leave until I could roll down both in a row

Thanks random guy, I bought some proper bearings on the way home and just installed them. My board no longer feels stuttery as I shift my weight around it.
I hope there's fewer people next time so I can use the larger flat areas to keep practicing not wobbling.

Come to New zealand, we're about to get hit by another cyclone

Anonymous No. 131961

Oh nice it deleted the spaces in my extremely high effort diagram
It goes flat then down then flat then down again

Anonymous No. 131972

how does the trucks size affect my skating?

Anonymous No. 131975

a few different ways. Try something new and find out equipment is pretty inexpensive if you spend enough time on board to actually notice a difference and it's nice to have a few different setups. makes you a better skater.

Anonymous No. 131977

Any good parks in New Zealand?

Trucks more narrow than your deck = having to lean less to turn
Trucks wider than your deck = having to lean more to turn

Some of my more techy friends will opt for smaller trucks because it lets them do quicker turns and adjustments. I keep mine flush with the rails of my deck though and it works well for me.

Anonymous No. 131979

Wanna try some new bearing as my reds are finally packing in. What's a good upgrade option that are not big balls, cause I've already tried them? Nothing as expensive as swiss, either.

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Anonymous No. 131985

>What's a good upgrade option
The majority of skate bearings are all the same pieces of shit from China. The cheaper bearings are all just" alright". When you finally try their Swiss bearings you'll notice an actual difference.
In this case just get another set of Reds like everyone does. If you want an actual upgrade get the Swiss. Buying the Super Reds or Race Reds or whatever else they sell will only be a marginal if not lateral move.

Anonymous No. 131986

i've used so many bearings over the years and even expensive ones can't outlast reds.

just buy a new set of reds.

Anonymous No. 131989

i buy Black Panthers because i like to be different

Anonymous No. 131990

A friend gave me some bones super reds and they didn't last any longer than regular reds so don't get them. Honestly I think that unless you want to shell out for Swiss bearings then you might as well just get reds again

Anonymous No. 131992

I live in Europe my man

Anonymous No. 131993

It's ok just book a flight.

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los angeles rain.jpg

Anonymous No. 131997

socal bros? when will it stop?

Anonymous No. 131998

Are you being invaded by aliens?

Anonymous No. 132006

Swiss are the only worthwhile upgrade from Reds

Anonymous No. 132008

Yeah and they wear funny little hats. I think they call them kippahs.

Anonymous No. 132009

Not him, but say I were to travel from Bongland to SoCal for a week of skating, what are the must-visit parks and spots?

Anonymous No. 132011

I've outgrown that real hip hap big pants rapper skater phase but Tiago's new part was pretty sick.

Anonymous No. 132021

Is there a problem with two different width trucks on a board, I have a wide gullwing on the front for good steering and normal sized Ind on the back, Is this kook status?
>>131972 Its really fun and feels like more front drive, easier to ride switch and stuff.

Can any anons recommend a normal width truck that don't get speed wobbles easily?

I like to go really fast and if I cant fix I might have to buy rollerblades instead if I cant find a good match -_-

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Anonymous No. 132024

It's over

Anonymous No. 132025

wider trucks = less speed wobbles

Anonymous No. 132037

Suspected as much - cheers anons

Anonymous No. 132038

time to start extreme boogie boarding

Anonymous No. 132045

what is considered cheating in skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 132048

Being a woman.

Anonymous No. 132057

>Venice- Touristy but lots of butts you can look at. Get there early to avoid crowds
>Sheldon- trannybros itt might disagree , but this is the best skatepark in the valley
Some people might say El Sereno or Stoner but idrc about them and wasn't blown away. the best plaza in LA is probably Westchester- only because there are more doable stairs and ledges but it still has a big set on there too.
Someone already listed other parks if you're more into transition, i don't remember if it was this thread or the last one but im sure you'll find it.

Anonymous No. 132058

i think its accepted by everyone but i always think people who finish their 180s or 360s on the ground are cheating

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Anonymous No. 132059

Any downhill bros lurking?

Anonymous No. 132065

Agreed, though anything less than 90 degrees/they maintain the direction they're travelling is passable for me. If you come to a stop because you're reverting around you didn't do the trick.

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Anonymous No. 132078

OG's check in...
How sick is this AH/BB/RB collab?

Anonymous No. 132085

Una didnt go pro at the krooked premiere, tragic

Anonymous No. 132086

Imagine coming out of that ramp and just going nose-first into her ramptramp asshole haha

Anonymous No. 132087

Pretty fucken dope, i don't really like boards that big but i'd buy one and put rails on it and just have it as a cruiser board

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Anonymous No. 132089

The road trip is tomorrow. I have 15 parks on a list but I really doubt I'll go to all of them. I have narrowed it down to 5 really good ones. You guys can come if you hurry and show up. Bring snacks.

Anonymous No. 132092

Where are you going? I'm jealous

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Anonymous No. 132098

Hi anons. Is there anyone aware of bearings oils?
Picrelated is my belongings. May I apply Bones lubricant (right) for the Bronson ceramic kit (left) at a regular basis or worth it using oil of the same brand? The key word is "ceramic" which doesnt stand for my Bones speed cream product. There's lubricants produced by Bronson's - I haven't got ones yet.

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Anonymous No. 132102

As a mountain bike fag I recommend specific "ceramic safe" lube/grease here
Regular stuff may be fine or may not be fine, but that's your call
Shop around for ceramic grease, then compare the price with a new set of bearings and decide if it's worth it
Though I have no first hand experience with ceramic components because I'm too poor

Anonymous No. 132103

Wait, I did a bit of digging

>Lubricate your bearings: We recommend 2 drops of Bones® Speed Cream® per bearing for bearings with steel balls. For Bones® Swiss Ceramic Bearings, only one drop per bearing is needed.

I think you'll be fine using it

Anonymous No. 132105

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Anonymous No. 132108

Haha! Now there might be an assumption to get made that these oils are kinda versatile and may fit to every type of bearings whether they are ceramic or steel.
Btw I'm not even a skb riding fan. My passion is on usual unmotorized kick scooters – they use the same type of bearings. When I'm on the ride feel happy and free a lot. But even so there's risky chances to fall over the scooter when driving fast especially in the night – a moment of "extreme" so Ive come on the right board.
Thanks for you help anon! Get the rays of joy and fortune and be careful when riding down the mountain on your bike next time.

Anonymous No. 132132

Nigga what

Anonymous No. 132134

Thank you anon, I'm waiting for the cyclone to pass then I'll be out riding and skating again

Anonymous No. 132137

ollie a 8 stair

Anonymous No. 132138

I did when i was 17

Dont think i could now

Anonymous No. 132142

Biggest stair set i ever did was a boneless down a 9 stair. Illegal, I know. there is a video of it somewhere on youtube, i'll screenshot it later

Anonymous No. 132143

that is actually the most stairs i've ever ollied

Anonymous No. 132145

more egyptian skating bros they just dropped a new video

Anonymous No. 132152


Anonymous No. 132154

Is skateboarding even legal in eygpt?

Anonymous No. 132156

Stay low. Tip yourself over on purpse. Wear pads. Run up ramps and kneeslide down them.

Anonymous No. 132159

bronson g3 is the new standard, trust me. good bearings

Anonymous No. 132160

It's not November yet

Anonymous No. 132161

That photo is sick
It is, quite literally, a tail tap

Anonymous No. 132164

>Wear pads. Run up ramps and kneeslide down them.
i don't skate transition though, how do i fall while ledge skating? I'm trying to learn how to crooked grind and nose slide

Anonymous No. 132167

You don’t “fall”, you run out of your tricks when you’re skating ledges. For example on nose slides always watch your front foot so if you just land with your foot on the ledge you can hop right off.

Anonymous No. 132168

I’m still scared of rolling my ankle I had a really bad sprain 2 years ago. I’m also scared of busting open my knee by accident.

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Anonymous No. 132176

Just spent like 2 hours cleaning the bowl with my buddy after it filled with muddy water

Anonymous No. 132182

get half a dozen reds or big balls off aliexpress and youre set for a decade

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Anonymous No. 132183

does any1 have advice on how to ollie into something? Like if you skate regular and go for a FS 5050, how do you get better at ollieing up to something? I can ollie up from the left like I'm doing a fs180 but can't ollie up things if I'm approaching it like pic related

Also I skate regular if that helps

Anonymous No. 132184

Look up stake hacks on YouTube for good tips

Anonymous No. 132185

Get up right now. Jump 20cm forward. Now do it in an Ollie motion. That's how you do it.

Anonymous No. 132187

Lift your back foot up.

Anonymous No. 132188

Also commit bro

Anonymous No. 132190

Are Jordans skateable?

Anonymous No. 132192

why wouldnt it be?

Anonymous No. 132195

our girl marbie isnt safe there

Anonymous No. 132197

Egypt is a weird country and people tend to have less rights.

Anonymous No. 132204

Love that guy

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Anonymous No. 132207

I skated in these for like 3 months and they were fine.

Anonymous No. 132210

It's a debate but instead of lining up parallel with the ledge for a 50, come at it a little more of an angle. In my experience, not only does it help lock a 50 in, but easier to pop out of since your weight will probably be leaned back a little more than locking it in parallel to the ledge.

Anonymous No. 132218

You are the hero we need.

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Anonymous No. 132219

Post yfw one of your homies gives up on skating.

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Anonymous No. 132220

Why didn't you believe me when I told you this guy was a complete piece of shit?

Anonymous No. 132222

Just wait for the Nike SB Jordan 4s that come out in a couple of months

Anonymous No. 132224

Berra's a faggot but this dude also looks like a faggot who tucks his ears into his hat.
Why should i care about how two faggots conduct business?

Anonymous No. 132225

>who tucks his ears into his hat
Goto bed Steve

Anonymous No. 132226

We believed you. We didn't care.

Anonymous No. 132228

everyone's known he's a retard for years

Anonymous No. 132231

lizzie armanto is aging like shit

Anonymous No. 132232

Leticia Bufoni had the last laugh after all

Anonymous No. 132234

shes still cute and still my waifu i don't really care what you think about that . Bufoni is bogged as hell

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Anonymous No. 132235

Based Mo-Fi

Anonymous No. 132241

berra is a con, has a revolving door of people he uses then lets go, and tried to fully profit from six figure deal without their 51% owners knowledge.
hat guy worked for free like a janny for 2.5 years.

Anonymous No. 132242

>tucks his ears into his hat.
i got a small head and big ears, stop making me self conscious

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Anonymous No. 132243

Big eared nigger dabbed on all you playas

Anonymous No. 132248
sovl is back

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Anonymous No. 132250

Went to the west LA courthouse and the stage was completely covered in a mountain of homeless bullshit and the only people there were a bunch of bums and Luis Mora. What the fuck?

Anonymous No. 132253

What about the ledges?

Anonymous No. 132255

Pretty boring and unoriginal.

Anonymous No. 132257

she looks perfectly fine.

Anonymous No. 132271

I'm saving a cool little post for the new thread. It should get at least 5 replies.

Anonymous No. 132275

change up the skatepark crush meta

Anonymous No. 132276

How important are wheels? I think I bought my current wheels 15 years ago, I just never changed them, am I missing out on something? Will new wheels allow me to finally powerslide somewhat properly or help with noseslides or something? I felt a difference every time I changed something on my setup but somehow never considered changing my wheels. How do you pick yours? I skate transition and I'm getting into ledges

Anonymous No. 132277

No need to change wheels if you don't skate.

Anonymous No. 132278

That’s what spots look like outside of the skatepark, yes

Anonymous No. 132279

>I bought my current wheels 15 years ago
Either you skate like once a month for an hour max or you have the wheels they pulled out of the Roswell UFO crash.

You pick your wheels based on hardness and size.
Harder wheels = roll faster, don't bounce as much when you land, less grippy/able to slide more, can't deal with rougher terrain, cracks and stones as easily
Softer wheels = roll slower, bounce, grip more/can't slide easily, deals with rough terrain, cracks and stones easier
Small radius = takes less strength to push them at top speed but will retain that speed less, will get caught on cracks and stones easier, brings your deck closer to the ground so popping takes less moetiong
Larger radius = more strength to get to push to
top speed but will retain momentum better, will roll over cracks and stones easier, raises you deck so popping tricks takes more effort

For transition you'll want a bigger wheel for sure, then hardness is based on what kind of surface your ramp has. Wood = softer so you don't slip out, rough concrete = harder so you don't lose too much speed. For street you might want a smaller, harder wheel. Or you can just be like me and get a bigger harder wheel and do a bit of both.

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Anonymous No. 132280

>I think I bought my current wheels 15 years ago, I just never changed them, am I missing out on something?
Do you guys not skate at all or something? Why is this thread like this?

Anonymous No. 132283

I just measured them and they're worn down to 40mm (probably standard 54mm originally). I've been skating on and off since I was a teenager but I've tried to go at least once a week for the past two years.
Thanks for the advice, I think I'll get medium hard wheels. I used to skate concrete spots but just moved someplace where the parks are wooden and slippery, eating shit on a miniramp several times in a row is what made me wonder about wheels.

Anonymous No. 132284

dwindle in flames. goodbye enjoi i'll miss you.

Anonymous No. 132285


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Anonymous No. 132286

Stairs and handrails is retard-tier jump-in-front-of-a-bus-and-see-what-happens bullshit. It's literally not hard, you just fucking get rekt if you don't land it. Why is that attractive to anyone? "I LOVE EATING SHIT INTO THE GROUND EVERY TIME I DON'T LAND A TRICK, IT'S GREAT!" It's objectively not hard to send it off of a drop or down a rail unless you're doing some legit tech shit (flip in/out, etc). Why is this still a thing in skateboarding? It's complete retard tier.

Anonymous No. 132287

start buying panda boards and sell them for three times the amount next year.
And by three times i mean you'll get 90 bucks those shits are always on clearance

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Anonymous No. 132289

don't cry because it's over. smile because it happened.

Anonymous No. 132291

No, I mean what is going on? Tried Googling and didn't see anything.

Anonymous No. 132292

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.

Anonymous No. 132294

Bro, it's not that hard.

Answers could be as simple as:

-Rodney Mullen stopped giving a shit and just wants out of the business

-Sales are plummeting and their debt is greater than revenue can offset

-High defect rates have made skate shops swear them off

-Selling in toy stores tarnished the brand


There's a two sentence answer you can give without being a sperg about it.

Anonymous No. 132299

Sometimes you will never know the value of something,until it becomes a memory.

Anonymous No. 132300

Nothing happened. Dwindle fired the dude behind Madness and Blind and now Slapfaggots are tripping out over it.

Anonymous No. 132302

Tha FUCK does that mean?

Stop speaking in riddles, take your meds, and say WTF you think is going on.

Behind meaning what? Brand manager? Shop manager? Marketing manager? Team manager?

Firing one guy doesn't mean a company is going down.

Anonymous No. 132303


Anonymous No. 132304

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.

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Anonymous No. 132305


Anonymous No. 132308

I didn't know Dwindle was bought out. You should've known it was over the moment that happened.

Who even cares about the skateboard industry anymore? I buy $20 blanks off of eBay and design my own griptape and print it with Splattergoat. I haven't bought a pro model anything in I don't know how long. Most pro skateboarders are honestly douchebag gutterpunk freeloaders anyway, I don't care if that goes away. Nothing has been innovated in a worthwhile way in over 20 years, I could pull a 1999 skateboard out of the shrinkwrap and it would skate the same as what you buy now. Skateboarding died like 15 years ago as far as I care, I just do it because going to a gym to exercise is fucking homo bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 132310

ok pants have gotten ridiculous the trend is officially over

Anonymous No. 132326

It may not be that complicated to jump down a big stair set or gap but i sure as fuck don't have the balls to do it

Anonymous No. 132330

>worn down to 40mm
I'm laughing because this was the norm when I was a kid. Post photo for nostalgia OP.
I bought two new sets on black friday. What matters I think is how hard they are. I got some really hard ones that slide nicely. I like them and powerslides and nose slides feel buttery. I can't do any blunts (would love to learn).
I also got a soft pair that I use on the haggard skateparks that are uncrowded. Also for cruising. They plow through bumps meanwhile the hard ones feel everything. But don't really slide.
I don't skate transition much but I think they have their own preferences, not too slidey and not too sticky.

Anonymous No. 132332

That was my type of skating as a kid. You realise this is. An 'extreme' sport? One that attracts people addicted to the rush and addrenaline of doing reckless things? The satisfaction I'd get from doing something gnarly (for my skill level) was far greater than that I get from more difficult technical tricks.
I would compare it to riding a big barrel in a surfboard. Pure focus, time dilation, consequence and a hell of a rush.

Anonymous No. 132334

i dont care for it either but jumping off and over things is the purest form of skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 132351

what is pontus doing to do when the Big Boy fad dies and all of his riders dipped from the team because he's a literal sperglord? would honestly be surprised to see Polar last this decade.

Anonymous No. 132354

die in poverty judging by his manic spending sprees he likes to post on his stories

Anonymous No. 132365

Sometimes i wonder what the zoomer chicks at the skatepark would do if i tried to flirt with them. I'm a 30yo boomer. I wonder if they would think i was a weirdo or if they might think i'm cool and be dtf. Sometimes i catch them looking at me. I'm a good looking guy but i'm a weirdo and hang out at the skatepark alone just doing the same trick over and over again because it feels good. I don't know if they're looking at me because they think i'm a weirdo incel or if they think i'm a cool older mysterious skater.

Anonymous No. 132368

>I'm a 30yo boomer
Yeah, you're really not

Anonymous No. 132374

wow this is literally me except when I land a trick near them i pretend like I don't care but on the inside i'm totally gushing and hoping they think (or even understand) my Heath Kirchart LARP is cool

we're going to make it, boomerbros

Anonymous No. 132383

depends on if youre balding or not

Anonymous No. 132391

>or if they think i'm a cool older mysterious skater.
Don't worry nobody is thinking this.

Anonymous No. 132396

I don't hit on the girls because I'm (basically) married, but it's very funny to see their attitudes shift when they find out I'm 31. Feels good to have people think I'm still in my mid-20s.

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Anonymous No. 132409

opinions on my new deck?

Anonymous No. 132412

I definitely thought about this kinda stuff when I was younger, I'd imagine every kid does.

Anonymous No. 132413

>refugees welcome
Oy vey. Just wait until they're all sleeping and shitting down your local skatepark.

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Anonymous No. 132416

Stop skateboarding immediately. Find a double barrel SG, load double barrel with 00 buck shot, place said double in mouth and KYS faggot.
Yes, I'm serious, lil faggots like you ruined skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 132434

do you get wheel burn when you do that trick?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 132435

You know whats the hardest thing about skating

[spoiler]Coming out to your parents[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 132438

what is the hardest part about skating for you?

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Anonymous No. 132440

Brazenly brave, love wins

Anonymous No. 132451

is it too dangerous if I go down a hill with double cone bushings? 'cause I'm using a cruiser for commute and I could save some time if I just take that hill

Anonymous No. 132453

you'll be fine

Anonymous No. 132455

Getting vibed by zoomer women

Anonymous No. 132464

if you are experienced it's fine, otherwise RIP.

Anonymous No. 132466

How big is the hill? I think the rider matters more than the bushings.

Anonymous No. 132467

intermidiate I would say, I've gone down hill a couple of times with only with a standard setup
like 150 meters, steep enough that at the bottom you cant see what's over the top

Anonymous No. 132482

anyone know anywhere selling 8.75 decks for sale rght now? super broke and need a new deck

Anonymous No. 132485

damn its gone :(

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Anonymous No. 132486

>Isn't github an app?
it's so fucking over

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Anonymous No. 132487


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Anonymous No. 132494

Is Bam Margera ok?

Anonymous No. 132506

the arm swing isn't bad at all. it's shit style because she doesn't bend her knees at all.

Anonymous No. 132510

Yes it is bad, shut up retard. Indicates zero balance and control. Just dropping on your board like a sack of potatoes hoping you landed on the grip.

Anonymous No. 132513

I think I've managed to find a park that is actually quiet after work that I can go to without embarrassing myself in front of literal children
>I WILL learn how to drop in

Anonymous No. 132515

no steez lmao

Anonymous No. 132520

Didn't ask.

Anonymous No. 132525

>”shut up retard”
>thinks swinging arms “indicates zero balance and control”
Stiffness indicates that you just hoped to land, while swinging arms is a relaxed movement. Also, pros like Nyjah, Nick Dompierre, Kader, who have widely regarded as having great style, swing their arms. Torey Pudwill on the other hand, also Jeff Dechesare, are known for their weird style, and they are both stiff as hell, you fucking moron. You just lobbed retard at me because you are a defensive baby who can’t handle criticism. I call you a moron because you don’t know how to defend your own opinion other than by saying “nuh-uh I’m right”.

Anonymous No. 132526

I am literally not reading any of this. And usually I say this and then read it regardless, but this one time I will not.

Anonymous No. 132530

this guy just used nyjah of all people and dompierre, someone who hasnt skated in a decade, as examples of great style.

Anonymous No. 132532

Don't care, I'm still going to do it

Anonymous No. 132533


Anonymous No. 132534

After work I said

Anonymous No. 132535

...did I ask?

Anonymous No. 132537

Don't care, I'm still going to do it.

Anonymous No. 132538


Anonymous No. 132540


ignore the retard with a fucked up acl, he doesnt even skate

Anonymous No. 132553

Is ACL bro the tranny poster? Would make a lot of sense.

Anonymous No. 132558

Retvrn to the roots, Anon. Take up surfing.

Anonymous No. 132560

No, >>132540 is the tranny poster. He hates me.

Anonymous No. 132561


Anonymous No. 132562

well, speed wobble is probably one of the most dangerous things in skating, and you can even get it with a bottom barrel bushing, it's just way more likely with a cone bushings. you might not have gotten it on a small hill, but eventually you will if you push your luck. there are tons of guys who have been skating for a long time, and still get fucked by speed wobble. it's something only hill bombers get really good at controlling. just remember that it's better to collapse and skid than to try and ride a wobble out and slam your head. hill bombing is the most common cause of death or serious injury in skating.

Anonymous No. 132564

20% storewide today

Anonymous No. 132565

Hill bombing and getting speed wobbles is the scariest fucking shit ever. I do not understand how people who live in cities like San Francisco do it so regularly.

Anonymous No. 132566

>Hill bombing and getting speed wobbles is the scariest fucking shit ever

This but while two stray dogs are chasing you.

Anonymous No. 132569

awful sticker job regardless of content of stickers/deck

Anonymous No. 132570

they do it because its scary you silly

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this is who is ca....png

🗑️ Anonymous No. 132572

oh ok

Anonymous No. 132575

and also the dogs have rabies

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ya get me.png

Anonymous No. 132576

Bit of a long shot but do any of you guys remember about 10-15 years ago the short trend for decks to have zero concave but have ridges down the length of the board? Kinda like pic related, I know Flip made some. I cannot for the life of me find any evidence of them existing on the internet...

Anonymous No. 132577

It's also got a tonne of fatalities. Not fucking worth it.

Anonymous No. 132582

I think I remember. Weren't the nose and tail ends polygonal instead of rounded?

Anonymous No. 132584

back then all you had to do to get a board without concave was buy an enjoi

Anonymous No. 132585

Yes it is. Especially if they are on the softer side.

Anonymous No. 132586

if you're a noob and want to start practicing going down hills, I'd advise you to start with some Ventures, and buy stiffer Doh-Doh bushings that match your weight. it's a hell of a lot more stable. hell, I ride ventures to this day despite my experience just because I love bombing hills and skating transition with little worry about getting smoked. the stock purple venture bushings do well for me, I can still turn good, and I'm 135lbs. I could probably bump up to Doh-Doh reds and sacrifice some turning for more stiffness. if you are heavier though, go with whites, and if you're much heavier, go with blacks. I remember when I was new to sakting back in the day, I would try different trucks every year or so, and you can definitely tell the difference when going down hills. got smoked a few times before I learned my lesson. luckily never hit my head but lost a lot of skin.

Anonymous No. 132592

im making a new thread

Anonymous No. 132612

Kek fair. I hate tranny poster far more than anyone else here.

Anonymous No. 132613

Yeh my bro owned one. I didn't really like riding it.

Anonymous No. 132654

Anonymous No. 132680

diff concave tho.

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Anonymous No. 133938

Dude yeah i fucking had one. It was a red flip logo deck with those weird little ridges on the bottom. I was about 14 when i had that deck. Also wore these ridiculous england flag audio shoes (pic related). Takes me back.

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Anonymous No. 134092

I'm going to turn 30 in a few days and kick flip by the end of the year
If it doesn't work out my cope is that I'm already a master level skiier so fuck offffffff

Anonymous No. 134428

it is February