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Anonymous No. 131298

Why is everyone shitting on Karate when it comes to self defense and other combat events ?

Anonymous No. 131309

Karate started off as an efficient way of self defense but it has been used way too much as a name by people who knew next to nothing about real self defense.
It has been used by people who develop mc dojos, where you train lightly, pay a lot and are given a lot of lip service.
The major competition system is point based and very not realistic.
Ground fighting is almost non existent in karate and hardcore prcaticionners will insist that you just have to not fall on the ground.
All of the above attracts weird or weak people to karate classes.
It is still possible to find good karate teachers but it is not guaranteed.

Bonus, what to look for in a good karate dojo :
People who sweat the skills, meaning that they drill, spar and do physical conditionning.
People who understand that kata/forms is an important par of karate but the ability to perform a flashy move in kata does not translate to you being a master fighter.

I hope that I have given you an honest answer, I practiced traditional Okinawa karate, Kyokushinkai-ryu and a bit of Judo, thus why I answered.

Anonymous No. 131370

Because people who are not shit at fighting won't fly back 10ft in disbelief when you palm strike them in the chest, which is the problem with all traditional arts. Even Bruce Lee's one inch punch into the chair is just theatre. Nobody stands completely square to you in a fight except autists who still believe their powerful chi deflects all attacks

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Anonymous No. 131477

Who is "everyone?" I'm seeing a lot more open-mindedness towards karate, and not just kyokushin kaikan, these days. Not just in fighting but in the old school hojo undo training and kata analysis. A lot of it has to do with karateka reciprocating instead of coping with faux spiritual arrogance.

If everyone = /xs/ users or some subreddit (which is probably shortbus /xs/, which is saying something), then browse or surf around.

Anonymous No. 132244


Anonymous No. 132329

A lot of Karate people i talked to here have delusional ideas of what karate can and cant do
The worst ones are the schizos that think it makes them inivincible. Like any martial art it has its pros and cons, Karate biggest one is too much Kata and not enough sparring. Most Kyokushin schools have an ok balance in that regard thankfully which i always recommend styles that go for more sparring oriented content. You dont learn to fight unless you, well figtht

Anonymous No. 132361

My brother was a tangsudo practitioner - traveled internationally and competed/won tournaments in asia, did really well.

He claimed that in real combat, karate is still effective because you're not using gloves while fighting and the stance is more effective than a mainstream boxing/striking one - you can see that in bare-knuckle boxing styles they have a similar stance to karate. Also the not going to the ground thing is true which is why they focus so much on balance.

But the most telling thing, he claimed that in tournaments it pretty much never ended in point. It was pretty much nothing for 15-20 seconds until one player just KOs the other with some quick movements. Which is one reason karate isn't popular. People want their money's worth and get to see stars brawling for 10-20 minutes, not 30 seconds.

Anonymous No. 132384

Thais have been decking each other since forever too, even in old films where you can barely see shit the square stance is still recognisable.

Anonymous No. 132471

They are literal basedboys. You need to be built to effectively use karate. That means benching and squatting le big number, demolishing the punching bag and running at least 20km daily.

Anonymous No. 132472

Huh, this board has that

Anonymous No. 132488

Because when it comes to self defense you have two priorities
>Disengage and escape
>Incapacitate your opponent
All the stances, movements and elaborate techniques might look fancy but in real life brawl or situation you want to be as effective and as safe as you possibly can. This is why you need to either strike vital points and escape or strike vital points hard enough that the opponent is permanently incapacitated, im talking eyes, crotch, spleen, sternum etc.
Karate doesnt really teach you to do that iirc.

Anonymous No. 132495
