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Anonymous No. 132380

What are your favourite Combat Sports/ Martial Arts-related bullshit excuses that you hear in sparring?
Mine is
>roll with someone
>have him in a precarious position
>fag starts "teaching" how to finish the submission aka prattling.
It is sly and the inexperienced practitioner may see it as benevolence. I hate this shit but I always laugh when some cunt is trying to pull that off. Ace-tier excuse.

Anonymous No. 132390

I'm faceblind. Is that Dana White or Jon Logan?

Anonymous No. 132511

>My techniques are too deadly to use, so I can't use them in a fight.
I actually knew a guy who talked like this. He even made the infamous claim that his hands were registered at the police station as deadly weapons. Why are some people like this?

Anonymous No. 132646

>You must be a wrestler.
When you crush some weak BJJ faggot who has a higher belt.

Anonymous No. 132761

Send me his location. I'd like to fight him

Anonymous No. 132764

Yes. It is.

Anonymous No. 132795

I mean i do it sometimes but only in cases where my sparring partner is trying some submission totally wrong. i've had countless spars where the dude cranks a choke or lock without feeling anything, in that case its better to let the other guy know.

Anonymous No. 133037

>I have a bad [body part]

Then don’t fucking spar? Maybe go back to resting?

Anonymous No. 133152

>Bro, I just trained with X
Similar vibe.

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Anonymous No. 133157

>ITT: Newfags who think you’re supposed to “win” sparring and can’t handle getting direction from more experienced fighters when they’re doing shit completely wrong

Anonymous No. 133280

>*gets caught in a perfectly fine RNC*
>b-bro let me t-teach you. y-you are doing it wrong
>l-listen please.

Anonymous No. 133337

I agree with you if I haven’t finished the sub on a higher belt after 10-15 seconds of attempting it, but otherwise it’s definitely an excuse

Anonymous No. 133348

>things that didn’t happen
If you executed it perfectly then your partner wouldn’t be able to explain how to do it.
>it’s an excuse
Excuse for what? You don’t “win” sparring.

Anonymous No. 134284

>rolling with a dude slightly bigger than me
>get him in baseball choke from bottom half-guard and bait them into moving to side control
>he moves into side control and I turn away applying the choke
>doesn't tap
>hold it a bit
>still doesn't tap
>put the choke on harder
>doesn't tap
>put it on more
>starts making the gurgling noises and bodyweight sags down onto me
>immediately let go and ask if he's ok, he was out for a sec
>he says "Nah I was fine, just the humidity is all"
>okay, whatever, continue rolling

Anonymous No. 137087

i lol'd

if im dominating someone in a sub and they refuse to tap i just drop it and honk them on the nose

Anonymous No. 137100

I specifically wait until I've fully escaped and gotten to a dominate position to give finishing deets.

Anonymous No. 137102

You sound like a guy that is constantly getting his ass handed him during sparring sessions

Anonymous No. 138833

higher belts allow OP to get into dominant position so he can actually learn some subs and he dosen't even realize it

Anonymous. No. 139472

>Teaching from bottom is an excuse.
Just because you got the dude down doesn't mean you've got the submission.
Either you're worse at submissions than grappling, or they're harder to submit then take down.
Sometimes, they're better at defending. Sometimes, some submissions just don't work on people, because they don't move right or react right.
>T. BJJ white belt who's lanky, flexible, high pain threshold, who's spent a full five minutes on his back on multiple occasions, while a black belt or brown belt tries to submit me.

Now a real excuse is flipping between not taking it seriously, and going super hard.
Going light, playing around, slap-boxing, barely engaging, and when the other person gets their measure and begins to get control, stepping off, looking away, and acting disinterested in continuing, so your sparring partner can't pursue without looking like an opportunistic dick.
The round doesn't stop just because you got tired, or you're no longer winning. Put your hands up, stand and fight.

Anonymous No. 139493

They're probably referring to a long term chronic injury anon. You have to train around those.

Anonymous No. 139992

If you stick to training long enough you will understand them
Fucking white belts

Anonymous No. 140538

I feel like I need to point out that sparing isn't a competition, however I do get tired of the constant excuses of smokers who think they can keep smoking while being martial artist.

>*Huff puff* It must be the humidity
>*Wheeze* news said there's a lot of pollen in the air
>*Hacking cough* wow that leg kick really knocked the wind out of me
>*Gasp* I should have eaten a better breakfast
If you want decent cardio quit smoking. It's a bad example for the kids and exactly the reason a chubby dude like myself can out pace you for round after round after round despite endurance not being a strong suit of mine.

Anonymous No. 140540

It’s funny that you think that, white belt.

Anonymous No. 140646

Weapons grade copium

Anonymous No. 140670

Post your belt

Anonymous No. 140824

Isn't this the whole reason we train after all?