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🧵 snowboarding...

Anonymous No. 132970

is it a bad idea starting at 26? i tried it when i was 23 (out of shape at that time too) with shitty used up gear, i got the hang of the "just get down the hill with no fall" after 3 times the first day at home, also Im in much better shape musclewise now.

Extra notes:
> I'm NOT good at skateboarding, but it really feels different. if this matters
> Sports background: Taido and a little judo.
> skiing is not fun, and i'm sick of not taking advantage of the snow here where i live.
> when i was in the age of 7-11, I used a sledding to LARP as a snowboarder, and was ok at it.
> only done it at home during the winters, never been in ski resort in my life
> not interested in jumping tricks, maybe a Cloudburst would be cool.

Am I about to blow $250 on gear to only to end up with permanent injuries before reaching 30? Just looking at the green text, it really looks like a mid-twenties cope.

Anonymous No. 133000

You don’t have to be pulling sick tricks off the superpipe to enjoy snowboarding, Anon. Old ass grandpas get up and go skiing on the mountains every morning and do just fine.

Anonymous No. 133005

>is it a bad idea starting at 26?
jesus christ, what is with all the limp wrists and weak personalities? You can start at 50 and still be good provided you are in good shape. I never cared for all the rails and crap, I just stuck to free riding and some half pipe ( I know I sucked at that but don't care it was fun). I was boarding all over the mountain until about 52 but I have arthritis and my back is ruined now. The most fun is to learn basic tricks, to ride different conditions, learn the mountain so you can cut through sections and avoid lift lines. When you are in shape you can litteraly cover the whole mountain in a few hours. Once you get good enough you can stay higher on the advance runs/lifts and there are no lines. Take training seriously and ride a lot to develop the skill and conditioning, record your favorite songs and listen to music while you ride. Wear a helmet I have see people get serious head injuries, and pull the bar down on the lift so you don't fall out. Keep yourself in shape and you have high performance to at least about 50.

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Anonymous No. 133198

ok, I just yeeted 310$ on the stuff i need to go snowboarding, i will be going in two weeks with my brother to different locations every weekend (if there is snow ofc).

Anonymous No. 133223

congratz, have fun Anon!

Anonymous No. 133238

my protips:
get a true twin board, fuck directional
why? because if you want to prioritize non groomed / wild, get a dedicated board
if you want to specialize into carving, get an 'alpine' board (the one you ride with ski shoes and can only go one direction)

get a normal camber, true twin
reverse and hybrid camber (banana shape and other shape) are fun and you should try later but for getting good, stick with a normal camber board

so you have a true twin, normal size (around 155cm) camber board, good
now fixation, easy, get what you like but maybe avoid burton proprietary shit or meme shit like flows, same with boots, go for traditional lace ones, stay away from boas and other shit
also don't fall from the 'freestyle' (fucking loose, unstable and too low at the ankle) boots

it's not bad per say but like banana camber it's an acquired taste for special use so stick with normal laces boots and traditional fixations

now your stance, jump from a sofa or whatever and land naturally while crouching (let your butt almost touch the floor before going up a little without moving your feets)
observe your feets (distance between them is your stance aka comfortable distance to land and have stability, report on the board moving your fix appart

turn your fix at 15° front foot and minus 15° back foot and obtain a symetrical duck stance

so to recap your position on the board is the same riding normal or in the other direction (fakie) and your feet position is the same and the amount of board on each direction is the same

now you're ready
other than that:
(helmets and protections are for pussies outside of the park with huge tables etc)
never wear a scarf or something that can detach or get in the wind and distract you, never use a backpack, don't listen to music it's for fags,
finally the board you buy will never be as good as the one you borrow from a friend or get for free ,a bit like women or sunglasses

Anonymous No. 133244

oh yeah and you don't need a $600 burton jacket
you only need a wide and comfy pair of ski pants, beanie mask and gloves, the top can only be stacked long sleeves,woolies and sweatshirt
get a waterproof jacket or shell if you want
avoid sunglasses because they will rekt you in a face plant, stick with a mask even in good weather (change tint if you feel fancy)

backpacks and helmets fuck your freedom of movement and balance imo as the shit you carry in your pocket if you take too much
you don't need your diary journal or coffee thermos
tailbone padded boxers, knee pads etc are fine
go full armor if you plan on mainly riding the park and trying to fly
don't fall for the meme of smallish board because it will wiggle at high speed and lack in the area you need for tail/front presses

if I wanted to get a new board I would go for something like the doa in 155 (not the super doa)
burton is nice but the channel and other meme keep you in the walled garden of burton proprietary shit
before trying air tricks, try buttering and propelling 180s without a jump, just by sticking your board nose or tail laterally, creating resistance and turning the board as a spring
also practice tail and nose presses at various speeds and switching with small 180s from nose press to tail press etc
then practice going literally as fast as you can relaxing your legs completely and turning them as buffers that absorbs the irregularities while your upper body barely move and try to move using balance and you hips instead of your knees, just moving your weight on the board to do things like lifting the nose in the powder to stay afloat while almost sitting on your back foot and pulling on the front foot
opposite for nose presses and doing a roll forward which later can turn into a proper front flip with a jump
also force yourself to ride fakie an entire slope regularly, swallow your pride of not looking as cool for 10mn

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Anonymous No. 133258

>250 on gear
>like that's a lot
lmao what are you buying? A new pair of boots costs at least 200. Don't be a Jerry and buy used boots. Get new boots, new bindings, and then throw them on a used board if you're on a budget. You CAN get used bindings but you won't be able to get the warranty if they break and it's hard to tell if the components are close to breaking. You probably want goggles too, which are gonna run you at least 50 bucks for last year's models. The helmet is a non-negotiable necessity, and that's another 80 bucks at least. Snow sports are expensive, so be prepared. Snowboarders are just skaters with a spending problem. If you have none of the gear and have to buy it all at once it should be 500+. A decent jacket is at least 100, same with pants. I not an elitist about gear, but there is a lot of cheap shitty stuff out there you just shouldn't buy. If I see you out there with Amazon goggles and dope snow gear I'm gonna spray you like the kook you are.

Anonymous No. 133277

Feel free to meme me, here is the temporary (probably china YOLO) gear I just got. If it goes well this, I will buy better stuff during the summer.

> DREAMSCAPE All Road 500 boots
> DREAMSCAPE Snowboardjacka SNB 100 Herr
> 58$
> WEDZE SKIDBYXA VARM 180 (my brother had them as temp. pants, and were loose enough for him)
> 49$
> CROSS SPORTSWEAR so aspen frame ii googles
> 29$
> SALOMON pioneer lt 4d Helmet
> 59$
Total: 327$ (15$ added for shipment)

I got a bunch of old boards and bindings at home that I will disassemble and match up with what works for me, and hoping that they wont break.

> it's hard to tell if the components are close to breaking.
any hints?

I will use the helmet, I'm a pussy like >>133005 hinted at
Tricks doesn't appeal to me as much, I want to freeride (I will get a GoPro and be one of those annoying wannabe faggot YouTubers).

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mr slushy and me.jpg

Anonymous No. 133365

>Decathlon Boots, Pants and Jacket
I have never heard of them so Id be wary, looks like walmart stuff. If it works it works though, since youre starting mid-season it will probably get you through, most people ride less than 10 days a year.
>Cross Sportswear
again never heard of em, with how cheap those goggles are Id worry about them taking an impact if you do faceplant. Lens quality and clarity also tends to suffer when you buy unknown brands. Again will probably? get you through this season
>Salomon helmet
finally, a reputable brand. Not my choice for helmets, but id trust it.
>telling if bindings will break
its really really hard to tell unless it looks sunbleached and you can see the plastic failing.

This is my personal setup, I get about 25-30 days on the mountain a year.

>Oakley Black Forest 2.0 Shell 3L Pants
100 dolla, and incredible. Oakley makes great stuff
>thirtytwo TM Jacket
200 dolla, and completely worth it. breathable, has tons of great pockets, good zippers, and is super sturdy
>Salomon Dialogue boots
200? boots are all personal preference beyond buying a good brand
>Salomon District bindings
250? again mostly personal preference
>Anon Highwire Helmet
90 dolla
>Smith Squad goggles
120, has interchangeable lenses that fuckin rule, awesome clarity and FOV
>Spring Break Slush Slasher
fun board, highly recommend for shit n gigs. The new one sucks. When you do eventually buy a board/bindings check out Angry Snowboarder, hes got super honest reviews on shit and has a lot of knowledge. I just picked up snowboarding again last year at 28 after not riding for about a decade. Feels fuckin great, so get out there and stop acting like 26 is old.

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Anonymous No. 133371

I’ve been snowboarding for 15+ years here’s just some bullshit I’m posting after a sick pow day today

>wherever your lead shoulder is pointing, is where u will go.
>get comfortable with speed. Losing the fear of going fast is important in building your core skills
>learning your stance is important to feeling comfy on a board. Figure it out
>tits up! Have your upper body in a relaxed but confident posture.
>learn to get loose and also learn different stances. Even if you’re not doing tricks, learning how to ride in reverse (switch) can help you avoid fucked up situations
>learn what brand suits your needs. Some shops will let u rent for a season for cheap. Experiment with diff brands and equipment
>learn to do maintenance yourself. Figure out how to change your stance and understand the different components of your board. This is super helpful when shit falls apart on you and helps you limit cost
>ride with friends of different levels or follow randoms. It makes you push yourself.
>it’s a good idea to take one lesson. Snowboard instructors are really cool people and have helpful tips that really open up your skills (unless they’re some preppy kook)
>always spray skiiers

Anonymous No. 133384

No, start whenever. I haven’t been in awhile but I was usually up 50-60 times a year. Ride with people better than you. Get off the lift, strap in, point straight down the run and keep a little pressure on your heels or toes. Eat shit, rinse, repeat.

Anonymous No. 133401

>I will use the helmet, I'm a pussy like >>133005 hinted at
I used to not wear a helmet, then I saw a skiier slip on ice and bang the back of his head. He slid down a long way. I boarded over to see why he was not moving. his eyes were open, he was in the fetal position and he was convulsing. some other skier came up and I said I would ride down to the lift or find ski patrol. About half way down I found ski patrol putting some guy on stretcher and told them, ask them to hurry as the guy looked. They called it in. Conditions were bad so i put stuff in the car and grabbed bear at the outside bar waiting for it to warm up. About an hour later I over heard some guy talking about it. They said paramedics showed up and they guy was still unresponsive. I boarded some more carefully and left early and that day I bought a helmet. I tried some boxed and rails and banged my head on them, it was great I had a helmet. I even banged my head on a tree branch and surfing the trees - I did a little drop in and had to turn sharp to the left and there was low branch I could not see and bang right to the forehead area but the helmet and goggles protected me. I also used mx knee pads, they are like $19, I already had them because I ride mx. I bought impact shorts with tailbone protector. I went and rode by myself a lot. I made the time, had the money, enjoyed riding all over going where ever I wanted and practicing and listening to music. Watch out for tree wells in deeper snow. I still have my first board, K2 fat bob with the red and yellow sunburst. I bought it in like 1996 I think. Just go as much as can, get as many laps in. Learn to ride switch - practice on skateboard if you need. Get a true twin. The last board I got is an attack banana. Good board, but now it just sits. Sucks getting old.

Anonymous No. 133427

Am i a kook if i buy Dope stuff if it is on a discount, is it a quality problem or just a snowboard meme.

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Anonymous No. 133470

>Am i a kook if i buy Dope stuff
Skiing became full of posers dressed in bright colors who bought the most expensive gear possible and just sat at the bar talking about their gear. Snowboarding was more like skateboarding on the snow and just having fun. In the early days boarders never cared about matching clothes or looking cool, they just wanted to ride and have fun, that is why it was banned at many resorts for so long. But of course now every kid is worried about looking cool and getting 'dope stuff' and the sport became like skiing where gear and clothes were more important. Buy last years stuff on sale without regard to matching colors or outfits. Its about riding and having fun. None of my gear matches I look like a bum, but my clothes work well and that is all that matters. just enjoy the ride

Anonymous No. 133529

do you wax your boards? (((Google))) tells me every 3-4 days, have never done it, and wondering if it is noticeable.

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Anonymous No. 133535

Waxing depends on 3 things: the conditions where you ride, how often u ride and how aggressive/the style of your riding

If you are buying a new board, it is recommended you wax it even before taking the first ride. I’d recommend checking the base, you can see if it’s devoid of wax because it looks a bit paler.

If you’re riding in powder/out west I’d say maybe wax once every 2-3 weeks if that. In these conditions, too much wax can cause your board to stick in the snow.

If you’re riding the ice coast (like I am) waxing once every 2-3 trips is normal because of how often your base layer may be exposed to shitty conditions.

Like I mentioned it’s also impacted by your style so let’s say you just ride the trails and don’t do a whole lot, this means you will need to wax less than say a person who hits a lot of features/rails: and again this is common sense because In this case, if you’re actively scraping the bottom of your board on metal it’s gonna remove wax.

Find a good balance. It’s not so much a huge deal if you’re just learning but once u get good or are proficient enough, you will notice the difference when you wax vs when you don’t.

Theres also different temp waxes as well. So I’d also reccomend using the one that fits the temp profile of the snow. There’s usually an “all temp” wax too that works pretty good as well.

In a pinch or even as a basic way of waxing: you can even get cold wax and just quickly rub ur base before a session to make it a bit greasier to ride

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Anonymous No. 133576

Poast update after you start.

Anonymous No. 133600

Take a lesson if you can, to jumpstart the process. Otherwise you can get pretty far with youtube and the advice of friends.

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Anonymous No. 133660

I was thinking about the brand Dope Snow if it's shit or not (I know it's over priced). Saw that they have had pants and jackets down to 70-80$, at more than 50% discount, i don't think they look that bad (inb4 kook for thinking the jackets are looking nice).

I think I will wait with the wax then

plz dont laugh when I do

Anonymous No. 133788

I started when I was 23, you will want some kind of instructions though. Either a friend who is willing to help you or a lesson from someone at the ski area. Originally I tried to learn just by myself and by watching YouTube vids but it's so much easier having someone break it down and explain it for you, also they can directly see what you're doing wrong and correct it, no guess work involved.

Anonymous No. 133832

I would never laugh at a beginner (unless you post a scorpion webm)

Anonymous No. 133846

i'm 25 and i'm going for the first time in a week or so. the only difference is that i was good at skateboarding as a teen and have an excellent sense of balance and flow

hopefully it'll be worth my time. also i'm watching a bunch of youtube videos in advanced

Anonymous No. 134019

I'll be starting next week and I'm 46 you fucking pussy
t. just bought a 30€ board and 25€ boots and ready to shred

Anonymous No. 134020


Anonymous No. 134036

I think I'm getting into skiing.
Apparently did pretty well first day at newbie hill, but when I went at higher, more difficult hill I tripped and circled a lot because sudden gain of speed made zig-zagging difficult and legs went sideways. V-braking doesn't work well at steep slopes
Is it a matter of practice or is there something I should know?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 134288

I'm not sure exactly what kind of advice you're looking for so I'm just gonna dump a bunch of stuff I think is related to what you're asking.
I find that when you're skiing a really steep slope, the best way to control speed is to carve and dig your skis in harder. Not sure if you're at that level yet though, so another option is to simply skid down the hill. As you learn to control your skis better, you'll be able to turn them on demand and slide sideways for a brief duration to scrub speed.
Few examples of things I'm talking about:
Either way the last thing you should do is zig zag. You have to turn almost a complete 180 degrees at low speed with each turn which fucking sucks even for an expert, and you get in the way of uphill skiers too. If you insist on it though, doing a little hop with your turns will help prevent you from catching an edge, especially on super rough terrain
Basically yes it is a manner of practice, but there are all sorts of techniques you can use to ski steeper stuff properly. It depends on how steep and moguled out it really is though.

Anonymous No. 134289

I'm not sure exactly what kind of advice you're looking for so I'm just gonna dump a bunch of stuff I think is related to what you're asking.
I find that when you're skiing a really steep slope, the best way to control speed is to carve and dig your skis in harder. Not sure if you're at that level yet though, so another option is to simply skid down the hill. As you learn to control your skis better, you'll be able to turn them on demand and slide sideways for a brief duration to scrub speed.
Few examples of things I'm talking about:

Either way the last thing you should do is zig zag. You have to turn almost a complete 180 degrees at low speed with each turn which fucking sucks even for an expert, and you get in the way of uphill skiers too. If you insist on it though, doing a little hop with your turns will help prevent you from catching an edge, especially on super rough terrain

Basically yes it is a manner of practice, but there are all sorts of techniques you can use to ski steeper stuff properly. It depends on how steep and moguled out it really is.

Anonymous No. 134300

It’s rare that I wax a new board. Partly because I’m a lazy ass and partly because factory waxes are enough.

Anonymous No. 134312

you rock grandpa

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Anonymous No. 134375

King shit boys!

Tips from someone that's been doing this a while

-Take a lesson your first time. Youtube is also a great resource.
-Learn to fall NEVER try to just hardstop your wrists are weaker than your momentum just roll with it as best you can.
-Practice your mobility like can you touch your toes? Stand up from a sitting position quickly?
-Lastly there is no such thing as a wrong way to snowboard so long as you're having fun!

Waxing depends on a lot of different things I usually do it every two weeks. I ride fast and often out west. A good waxing will last on your base a LONG time but not the edges. You can totally get away without waxing but it is noticeable. Be sure to wax before long storage.

pic related

My oldest board you can see whites streaks on the edges that is a burnt base. I didn't know how to take care of my board and never got it waxed now the edge will never soak up wax in the burnt spots.

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Anonymous No. 134562

I turn 31 in March and I'm going out this weekend for the first time in ~10+ years. I also broke my ankle in April of 2022 skateboarding, lol. The body heals and is meant to be tossed around, bumped & bruised a bit. Let's shred anon.

Anonymous No. 134592


Nice man! I once saw a 58 year old man start snowboarding for the first time. He had been skiing for a while but within 5 days of self teaching he was making S-turns on green runs confidently.

Anonymous No. 134649

If you’re a good skater a lot of things transfer over into snowboarding.

Only difference id say is pressing/butters vs manuals is a completely different ball game. Have fun with it bro

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Anonymous No. 134755

How have lift lines been at the big resorts this season? I haven’t had any time to venture out from my tiny little local hill and I keep seeing videos of massive hours+ long lines at the lifts

Anonymous No. 135226

30 year old boomer back from my trip, it was a blast. First few runs were kinda shaky but it came back relatively quick! Probably gonna go to a local hill this weekend. Might go to tremblant before the season ends. Snowboarding is fun.

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Anonymous No. 135244

OP here again, day after getting a blue bruise on the upper knee and some sore shoulder muscles (from tensing up hitting the ground). It was fun, the best 3 hours I have ever had in a long time. I had by mistake only a twin directional board, with one direction angles on both binders and on the wrong side too (i'm regular, board was goofy). So I had an "everything wrong" board, but I adjusted it today so it's in the middle as a twin, and -14, 14 degree. I hope the first ride doesn't affect my future progress.

Some interactions:
> a kid around 2 -3 y/o was pointing at me and the mom said "that's a snowboard" (99% were skiers). a kid offered a glove to me and I just said as a joke "wanna try it" (at the same time posing with the snowboard). Kid was very amused by that, and for some reason now tried to give both of the gloves to me, mom just laughed. So, yeah, I'm now some kids' first introduction to a snowboard, god help that kid...

> On the drag lift, there was a spot where a few people (obv. incl me...) fell a lot into a pit, right before the top. Every time I fell (the 3 first times), there was a kid who always asked me if I was fine, just weird how it was always the same kid. Thanks for checking up on me being alive i guess.

> There were only 4 snowboarders, me, my brother, a kid, and a boomer dad. The boomer dad was actually good, the rest of us kinda sucked compared to him...

My next ride is this Saturday, or Sunday depending on weather.

Anonymous No. 135539

Good shit fren.
It only gets more fun the better you get at it. Sounds like it went really well.

Anonymous No. 135572

Before this thread dies, is there any tips on how to snowboard on ice. I'm not talking about YouTubers posting semi snow, semi ice and calling it "ice". I'm talking about pretty much melted snow becoming ice all over the hill over the night. We (both skiers and snowboarders) got refunded because it was really bad after an hour of just getting beaten up by a hill. is there any special boards for it? Like steel edges to act like ice skates for carving. I couldn't control the board for shit today and just became a human ragdoll 90% of the way down. I was litrally sliding even balancing on the edge of the board, it just wouldn't go through the ice and break.
> inb4 git gud
please just gibbs me tips, my left side of the ass has scratch marks now,

> Sounds like it went really well.
yes it did. only wish that it went that way today too.

Anonymous No. 135637

>how to snowboard on ice
You grow up in the Midwest and get used to it your whole life.
Sometimes the snow just doesn’t work with you and the best you can hope for is that it melts enough to become slush.

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Anonymous No. 135663

Boarding on ice you say?

Anonymous No. 135676

Keep your edges sharp and do lots of transitional turns to keep your speed in check. That's about the best you can do in shitty icy conditions dude.

Anonymous No. 135678

At 26, you should be in your super human phase of life, but I guess you're a typical fat out of shape fuck that was raised by some single woman to be a limp wristed blue haired faggot that never exercised. I encourage you to stick with it, as it should build some leg strength for your pussy ass, and if you don't quit, will be something you can enjoy for the rest of your miserable life.

There isn't much better in life than the exhilaration of boarding over fresh powder at max speed on a beautiful winters day.

Quit being a faggot for once in your life and get out there on the slopes and learn how to board.

Anonymous No. 135878

Good to see someone mention to learn how to fall. I still use wrist guards, but you can get away without them by landing on the sides of your forearms and hands rather than risking a fractured bone in the wrist by trying to cushion the fall with open palms to the ground. My buddy fractured one of his wrists the very first day on the slopes, but yeah, don't have your open palms out in front of you to try to save you should you fall face first.

Anonymous No. 135888

I just treat the patches of ice like a rail and go knuckle down. Can’t slip out if your edges never touch it

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Anonymous No. 135892


I'll sell you this board for $150.

Anonymous No. 135929

Show base.

Anonymous No. 136418

>how to snowboard on ice.
Don't waste your time. Melted snow that froze overnight is like concrete. Even with good sharp edges you will slip or catch an edge and falling on concrete hurts. Earlier I posted to get a helmet. About 14 years ago on a superbowl sunday I went boarding. First run in the morning and the hill was all ice - froze over night. Sketchy as fuck because it was steep and really slippery. After like 100 feet I said fuck it I am going slow, getting to the bottom and waiting till it starts to thaw. I was going slow on a steep section, I could hear some buy behind me. He lost edge started accelerating down sidways on skis, hit some kind of bump in front of me went up in the air and fell backwards hitting the back of his head and his brain was seriously fucked up. In addition to getting a helmet, I wore motocross shin guards (about $20), impact shorts, and if I wanted to ride more aggressively motocross elbow pads (about $15), or an impact shirt. With baggy pants and jackets you can't even tell. As some other anon posted learn how to fall, get good at it and how to easily get back up. don't lock your arms outs and break and arm or shoulder, just go with with the flow and be sure not to bang your head on the ground you don't want a concussion. After like 20 years of boarding I only hit my chin hard once and I was dazed. I never face punched the ground so hard before. Also learn to land small and mid size jumps properly, don't lock out your knees. My neighbor (about 25yo) fucked up his knee like that a few weeks ago, he is still leaning to board and fucked up his knee already. Stay low, stay springy, absorb the bumps smoothly with your legs - dont lock any joints out. Waxing your board is easy, get the wax for your conditions, don't burn the base, you will get it with practice or just have a local shop do it. Don't over think it.

Anonymous No. 136420

>My next ride is this Saturday, or Sunday depending on weather.
just keep going, practicing, listen to your favorite high energy or cool cruise music that matches your riding style and terrain. You will learn about what clothing and gear works best for you. You can make some adjustments how your bindings are set, how tight your boots are, what kind of socks you like. The better you get the more terrain you can cover, faster, with less effort. You can cover a lot of area when you learn which lift goes where, cutting through various sections, where the best runs/drops, powder is (watch out for tree wells - look that up).

Anonymous No. 136526

some things are expensive anon, starting to snowboard without having any of the gear is one of them. If you buy some quality shit at the begining it'll save you a lot of money and headache in the long run.

Dope snow is fucking trash overpriced Amazon gear

Anonymous No. 136759

Hijacking for what I think is a very simple question.
Are your ankles tensed/flexed/braced or are they completely relaxed and all you do is shift your weight and press on your shins when you:
1. switch to your toe side edge
2. on/keeping a toe side turn/carve
I can go down black runs just fine, but whenever I have to switch to my toe side edge, I always shave off some speed first by doing a heel side check, then switching to my toe side edge.

I have always had this problem when doing toe sides, even when downhill longboarding. I can do standup heel side speed checks/pendys/slides, but when I do toe side, I always have to put my gloves down.

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Anonymous No. 136764

Also, if you see anyone on a Korua at Tsugaike later, hit me up. Shinkansen departs at 0630 later and I'm barely gonna have any sleep.

Anonymous No. 136875

General tips:
The entire snowboarding industry is fashion based. They make tons of shit and then give it away post season/summer. Look online, local shops and outlets.
Build from your base layer out. Don’t bulk up as it restricts your movement.
Despite what other anon said, consider boa boots. They are easily adjustable and can go from mountain ready to comfy bar boot in an instant and then back again. Honestly, laces are old tech.

Anonymous No. 138057

I’m 34 and my 4 yr old son has been bugging me all winter to take him snowboarding (not sure what made him so interested) so I took him last week and decided I might as well try it myself. After taking him around the burton riglet park a bit the wife and I took him to the bunny hill and he started getting the hang of it pretty quick. I ate shit lots myself but by the end of the day it seems I learned how to stay on my feet and even do some turning and “carving” though I didn’t know what that was at the time. Anyway it’s fun as shit and I’m looking into buying equipment now. I have pretty small feet and was wondering about binding sizings. If my boots fall into both the small AND the medium range for the bindings should I go with the smaller or the mediums or does it even matter? It seems hard to find small bindings for men.

>in b4 manlet

Anonymous No. 138262

If binding sizes overlap its usually to account for unusual boot shapes. A size 11 boot might fit in a medium binding because its skinny while a size 10 may not because its extra wide.

Its best to use the smallest binding that your boot fits in comfortably.

Take your boots to a board shop and try some bindings to see what you can fit in.

Anonymous No. 138266

something just clicked over this weekend and I figured out linking turns
even broke right through my previous top speed (from 18 to 25mph) no problem
shame that was probably my last trip of the season

Anonymous No. 138293

I might start snowboarding next year at 29. No big deal, just don't be a fag. I tried it once when I was a kid, but I didn't have the coordination or the strength to maneuver myself. Now I have much better coordination than most. I was a late bloomer at everything

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Anonymous No. 138780

gonna try snowboarding next week and intend on wearing my manual labor work jacket (a half decade old Carhartt with paint and grease stains) and a pair of my Dad's camouflage bib overalls he hunts in.

I will be unapologetically redneck bummaxxing

My only experience with board sports was dicking around on a skateboard and skimboard when I was a kid.

Does this make me a kook?

Anonymous No. 138786

>skiing is not fun
If you don't like skiing you're not going to like snowboarding, considering how much skill overlap the two sports have.

Anonymous No. 138803

no but it might make you very cold

Anonymous No. 138827

why? I really don't wanna shell out more cash just to rent clothes.

Anonymous No. 139024

Get a good base layer. Does t have to be expensive. Go to Walmart or Cabellas or Bass Pro Shop and get wicking pants and top. Put a hoodie or fleece tec top over it. Your outer layer should be there to protect you from wind and wet. Of course if you are in Alaska or the depths of northern Canada you will need more to keep you warm. If you are just starting out you will be getting enough warmth just from efforting to get up that you should be ok

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Anonymous No. 139178

okay so I just went snowboarding for the first time and had a blast. Definitely think I found myself a new hobby. However, one thing that confuses me is that the instructor kept drilling us to keep an upright posture. Maybe I just misunderstood him and he meant to keep your chest up so you don't tip over. I thought - with all board sports - you want to keep your center of gravity as low as possible. Going at high speeds while standing upright then wiping out seems like a spectacular way to snap your shit up.

Anonymous No. 139205

I think the instructor meas upright like doing a squat - you lower your knees but keep your chin up back straight and not like bending over to pick something up. standing straight up is the best way to catch your toe edge and slam your face into the ground harder than you can imagine. Always keep your knees bent. Most people stand too upright. Do lots of body weight squats and lunges and calf raises to help train/condition your legs but boarding is the best conditioning. learn to link turns, large arcing turns, sharp turns, then try short steep sections with many sharp turns to control speed, then back to more gradual runs with longer turns at faster speeds.

Anonymous No. 140248

Ride shifty equipment until you're good enough that you feel you need something more responsive.

Anonymous No. 140256

finally got to try a proper pow setup and holy fuck i understand quiverfags now

Anonymous No. 140267

Also, I just realized there is a skiing general, so sorry for off-topic.

Anonymous No. 140270

on steep, try to traverse the slope on a less aggressive angle in order to control you speed, e.g across rather than straight down. when you switch edges you will sort of fall into your carve which is kind of a scary feeling when you're not used to it because you'll accelerate more than you expect. the big thing is that you can always slow down by turning up into the hill

Anonymous No. 140271

Yeah, the turning moment gets me spooked. Not only I speed up like crazy, but also can lose control and trip, not to mention I fear crashing into other skiers.

Anonymous No. 140343

What did you try and where? I would love a powder board but I don’t think I’d use it enough in New England

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Anonymous No. 140557

kookposter here, yeah but who the fuck cares. Kook is a mindset. you can be a beginner and not know shit, but if youre humble about it and take advice you'll get respect. Newbies who were not introduced to the sport by an experienced boarder and are not kooks are my favorite people. if you go a couple times and you dont buy shit specifically for it its fine. When you go regularly is when you need a more expensive setup. have fun

this anon is correct, most of the base layers I own are from target/walmart and I shred at Loveland, CO mostly. It gets down to like -25f with wind chill sometimes.

Anonymous No. 140857

It sucks to hear but the best way to learn to snowboard is to get up. Eat shit and get up. Catch an edge and get up. Call down getting off the lift a get up. Every single sick snowboarder you see in videos are shit learning to board. I’ve been doing it for 20 years and still eat shit because I want to progress as a rider. You might see me bombing the mountain or falling on my face working on riding switch.

Anonymous No. 140862

desu i think newfags wouldn't eat shit so much getting off the lift if instructors actually made them practice riding one footed.
you're right though. people are too slam-averse general which kind of makes you realize how little experience most people actually have with falling in everyday life

Anonymous No. 140887

I should have also said that falling isn’t dramatic especially as a beginner. You’re not gonna get hurt, just frustrated. That’s why I said getting up is the most important thing. Ya you can fuck yourself up going if a massive jump but it’s your pride that hurts starting out. Everyone goes through it and the feeling you get when you start linking turns is amazing.

Anonymous No. 141499

Bibs or snowboard pants?

Anonymous No. 141501
>can't lift arm or leg without pain
>only 2 weeks of ski season left
is it joever bros?

Anonymous No. 141748

if you venture off to deeper snow and trees beware tree wells

Anonymous No. 142766

i rode a directional board once and now i have autism.
don't do it bros

Anonymous No. 142787

>Wear a helmet

the fuck?

Anonymous No. 142788

Dope stuff?

What the fuck is that? there is nothing cool about snowboarding anymore, all the cool companies don't exist and the clothes are horrible.

Anonymous No. 142789

>gear and clothes were more important.

Gear and clothes are always and have always been important in skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 142790

I hate capita. the most soi of companies.

Anonymous No. 142811

what's the least soi company then?

Anonymous No. 143081

do you fags think a freeride board would be at least decent in the pipe? i mostly just want something for when the snow sucks but i'm also a lazy faggot and the pipe is at the bottom of the hill

Anonymous No. 143270

This is true. Burton bought all the gear/clothing companies and if they decide that plaid is cool this year then that’s what you get. Just make your own gear. I bought clearance pants and cut them to shorts for spring riding. Added bruins long socks and satin jacket. You gotta do it yourself now

Anonymous No. 143271

Nobody wants to listen to your /pol/ rantings on the lift. Just let your mom pick a nice outfit for you and snowboard

Anonymous No. 143274

i rode all season in sweatpants lmoa

Anonymous No. 143921

> Capita
I thought some of their boards looked pretty nice,

Anonymous No. 145543

>freeride board
you can ride pipe or park on any board, but park boards exist (many different brands and types) if you want to specialize or spend most of your time in the park. For board types generally speaking at one end you have freeride, then freestyle, then park. For years I used a 168 Ride Yukon (large, wide freeride) for everything and I could still ride the beginning and full size pipe. It was big and heavy (its an old model bought in about 2008). If I wanted to spend most of my time in the park and going slower and clowning around I would get park board (shorter, lighter, more flexible/softer, easier to spin and not catch an edge). Just buy last years park boards at the lowest price and ride the park as much as you can and just have fun. No point in buying any board if you dont ride it. Wear a helmet. Seen too many people crack their heads on the features.