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🧵 best martial art for small weak people?

Anonymous No. 133030

im 5'5
i weigh less than 100lbs
which martial art would give me the best chance of survival against an average man?
id carry a weapon like a tazer / pepperspray / knife and just learn how to use that but i suffer from being bongish so those are illegal
pic unrelated

Anonymous No. 133032

Bjj and bulking.

Anonymous No. 133033

what are those?

Anonymous No. 133036

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and eating to gain mass

Anonymous No. 133038

i have an eating disorder thats not habbenin
what makes bjj good for someone like me?

Anonymous No. 133044

The meme is that 90 lb Helio Ghacie invented Bhazilian Jiu Jitsu to beat everyone because he was small and weak.

In reality, BJJ is going to teach you what to do if you get put on the ground. You’ll be paired with people bigger and smaller than you in rolling (wrestling around) and you’ll get a realistic idea of how to apply leverage to get out from under somebody, how to stay out from under people, and despite not having a developed takedown game, you’ll be better at takedowns than a lot of dipshits.

It won’t be easy. Especially if your opponent has some mass on you. Nonetheless, at any school, just roll with a black belt that’s smaller than you and see what happens.

A lot of BJJ places are attached to a larger MMA gym, so you can set up a smoker if you’re really not convinced.

>inb4 why would you want to be on the ground?

You don’t. The ground is where you’ve ended up and it sucks if you can’t get up, out, and run away.

Secondly, if you’re better at grappling than someone else YOU decide who’s going to the ground.

>inb4 learn striking

If someone wants to punch me, I can still run. If somebody get ahold of me, I’ve got no choice but to grapple

Learning striking is still a great complement to any grappling art, and it wouldn’t be bad to learn both. If you can only do one though, learn grappling. Pure grappling vs pure striking wins. Source: UFC 1-10

I’m not saying “don’t learn striking” or “you’ll win against every striker regardless of skill at blue belt” That’d be ridiculous. I’m just saying grappling is a need to know skill.

Honestly, any of these 5 will turn you into a beast regardless of size (assuming you’re not a straight up halfling)

Muay Thai
Brazillian Jiu Jitsu

Anonymous No. 133047

ok that sounds good thankyou <3
are there any good youtube video examples of this?
specifically someone my size and weight vs someone much bigger

Anonymous No. 133048

there is no good martial arts for small weak people.
technique is the efficient application of strength. The more strength you have the better you can apply technique. bulk up and get stronger.
bjj is probably the martial art where technique matters most because strength is mitigated since you cant use your strongest muscle (legs) as efficiently when rolling on the ground, but any martial arts that spars regularly is great.

Anonymous No. 133049

i mean i dont necessarily want to fight just to be able to survive and escape if someone tried to rape or kill me
right now if a guy started on me hed proly kill me by accident and id have no idea how to defend myself

Anonymous No. 133052

i dont plan on fighting either, but surviving and escaping works alot better if youre stronger and know how to fight, so i think its essentially to spar and safely get combat experience.
but if youre actually very serious about self defense and have good reason to be scared, the best tool is a weapon. weapons are the greatest equalizer.
getting stronger is mostly eating, but its also lifting and working out.
if your eating disorder is psychological, then lifting may get your endocrine system to make you more hungry and eat more.
if your eating disorder is inflammatory (i.e.krohns/ibd) then strength training is actually known to reduce inflammation.

theres no reason to not do strength training because it not only makes you stronger but makes you physically and mentally healthier

Anonymous No. 133053

yeah i wish i could just carry a weapon but i live in cuckland :(

Anonymous No. 133072


Anonymous No. 133074

track and field and anal sex

Anonymous No. 133075

your best shot is probably grappling as they said
bjj can be over focused on ground work so judo and wrestling can complement it nicely
I'd also recommend taking some boxing classes just to learn how to protect yourself against incoming strikes and get hit a few times to get the feel

Anonymous No. 133129

If you're British, do Catch Wrestling, it's the most effective modern grappling style. It's less limited by rules and bad practices than the others.

Anonymous No. 133146

Didn't unranked bjj practitioner lose to a world class catch wrestler?

Anonymous No. 133179

There are tons but you need to got to a school for this. It won’t make any sense unless you pressure test this shit against actively resisting opponents

Anonymous No. 133183

If you mean a little dude beating a bigger dude, then there’s that too, but I’d be lying to you if I said that strength and size magically won’t matter if you just train for a couple years >>133048 put it best.

While you learn to efficiently apply strength, gain strength and size so it’s even harder for people to fuck with you.

Someone once said that every belt in BJJ (2-3 years of grappling) lets you comfortably handle someone around 20 lbs heavier than you.

I’m 160 lbs, and I’ve beaten 260 lbs motherfuckers that are totally new, but they need to do so little to catch up with me it’s ridiculous. (I’m blue by the way)

Seriously, just go train and you’ll see what I mean.

Anonymous No. 133191

>i have an eating disorder
use an IV.

Anonymous No. 133201

Complete MMA training is probably the best but I don't know how being small will affect it because smallest MMA fighters are 110-115 pounds.

Anonymous No. 133247

>there is no good martial art for small weak people
vovinam viet vo dao in your path
literally made by and for the viet
- percussion
- projection
- wrestling
- self defense
- weapons (traditional and moderns, offense and defense)

it's very no nonsense and pragmatic (vicious)
always goes for eyes balls, stomping feets, punching solar plexus or jabbing the throat
also pragmatic in the sense you will learn how to disarm someone with a gun, attacking with a bottle or knife etc

example: opponent attack with the normal 'hammering / stabbing' move going up to down
imagine someone trying to break a bottle on your head
you block and twist your other arm around his elbow while your blocking hand push his wrist to the outside
if correctly done your opponent will be disarmed and won't have an elbow anymore

other ex, forst offensive attack they teach
left jab to throat, hand come back to guard your face, right punch to plexus, step forward, diving elbow to tip of skull
if correctly executed, opponent can't breath, anymore / is knocked down
even if only the two first connect, he can't breathe with a collapsed trachea followed by a straight punch in the plexus and you have a good minute to fuck off (tried irl)

Anonymous No. 133251

there was a small and cute asian in my vovinam class, I had many opportunities to spare with her
sure you can probably knock her off with one good punch but if you blink she will be around one of your limb trying to break it or will get you in a lock you can't get out, also don't even think about grabbing her anywhere without a plan because she learned how to escape any basic lock or grab using your ballsack etc
also don't give her an umbrella or a fan or she will try to slice your cornea or to rekt you in a very humiliating jackie chan way
I would be very worried about even a fat fuck or tiny person I know is a vovinam practitioner because you don't need to be in shape at all
a bunch of viet cong gathered post ww2 and catalogued every pragmatic way or killing your opponent immediately regardless of your odds

Anonymous No. 133298

god i wish that was me

Anonymous No. 133308

the only good martial art is MMA

Anonymous No. 133310

>i have an eating disorder thats not habbenin
I don't care what it is, you already seem like someone who is going to make excuses to not actually do something and just be interested in it instead. In other words, start looking for answers instead of excuses.

Anonymous No. 133325

thats what im doing thats the point of this thread

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Anonymous No. 133328

Running isn’t always an option, you should be able to put up a fight if you have to.

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Anonymous No. 133338

>the only good martial art is all of them

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Anonymous No. 133340


Anonymous No. 133354

hes kinda got a point mma is just taking the best bits from all of them and discarding the rest of it

Anonymous No. 133370

Just keep a weapon with you. 5'5 female has no chance on a murderhobo on a raping rage. If you try to fight him with your bare hands you're just gonna make the crackhead angrier. Even if you're trained it's never a good idea to fight in the street

Anonymous No. 133422

im bongish tho if the police catch me with a knife or even illegally bought pepper spray il be fucked
my goal isnt to fight but just to be able to survive and escape
like if i can dodge or slip out of being grapped or something so i can avoid having my face smashed in against a curb
im scared because im a tranny and living in a really shit part of london i dont feel safe here :(
in a free country id have a tazer

Anonymous No. 133431


Most of the Judo throws are designed to be performed and completed while standing, and from there you can proceed into a Jiu Jitsu choke or lock if you need to. Judo has the exact same ground components (minus a few moves and components) baked in. We spend a lot less time on the ground but it makes for a more well rounded self defense program.

Whatre you gonna do in a self defense situation with BJJ, lie down and wait for them to join you on the ground? Sure its more likely the fight will end up on the ground but how we end up there is very crucial.

inb4 BJJ Cope

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Anonymous No. 133438

So, I’m not one of those people who believes that “size is the only thing that matter in a fight”. I believe that a relatively undersized male (like 5’6 or 5’7) who works out and trains a martial art can defend themselves effectively against bigger opponents, especially if the opponent is untrained. There is a fighting chance there. For OP, who is less than 100 pounds and is probably on estrogen, I don’t see Judo working in their favor. Judoka I know are strong as fuck and built like Lord of the Rings dwarves if they’re not tall. BJJ seems like a better choice for OP, since it might give them the chance to survive on the ground long enough for help to arrive. OP probably isn’t taking the average male to the ground on their terms.

Anonymous No. 133813

Art this point mma can be considered a martial art of it own

Anonymous No. 133948

great combat sports for fitness and self-defense.

i'd like to add:
>catch wrestling (likelihood of finding a gym is prob the highest in the UK, correct me if i'm wrong)
>kickboxing (the technical kind, not the cardio/fitboxing variety)
>taekwondo if there's no kb or muay thai nearby (at least they spar every few weeks, and it's especially beneficial for women bc they have relatively strong legs, plus a lot of the kicks carry over into kickboxing/mma/etc)
>kyokushin if available?
>sambo perhaps? again, depending on availability

admittedly these are somewhat iffy due to varying quality of schools and availability, but bongistan should have plenty legit kb gyms, and in both tkd and kyokushin, competition is almost always highly encouraged, so schools often spar.

tho tkd today is glorified foot-fencing, at least OP would learn distance management and become flexible, tho boxing would teach the former too and they could get the latter from kb (results may vary) and things like capoeira.

the biggest problem w/ kyokushin, and tkd to some extent, is the lack of punches to the head obv, which is huge if training for self-defense. getting punched in the face at least once is a crucial experience, as it humbles u and prepares u mentally for the off chance that u get ya shit rocked playa.

i could list more martial arts/combat sports, but despite being effective they're so obscure that u may not find any place nearby that teaches it.

so my advice to u >>133030 :
see what's available in ur area.
hygiene is a must: gym is cleaned after every class, everyone cuts their nails, took shower before class, is wearing clean gear, etc).
make sure the gym/club/school/whatever produces capable fighters (quickest way to find out is to watch them spar).
if male, wear a cup ALWAYS (learned this lesson the hard way).
if striking art, avoid gyms where they spar hard by default, if possible. if not, ask ur sparring partners to go light before each round. ur brain will be thankful.

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Anonymous No. 133975

>hygiene is a must: gym is cleaned after every class, everyone cuts their nails, took shower before class, is wearing clean gear, etc).
>make sure the gym/club/school/whatever produces capable fighters (quickest way to find out is to watch them spar).
These are making me doubt my gym a bit.
I seriously doubt people are showering every day before class, I got cut by some newfag's nails just the other day too.
I've only heard about someone getting a skin infection once or twice but now I'm paranoid cause I don't think they clean mats nearly as much as they should be.
Worry less about the latter since there's been some fairly successful fighters of at least some renown in major promotions.

Anonymous No. 134016

do urself a favor, anon, and put ur health first. leave the gym and check out other gyms in ur area.

Anonymous No. 134041

it's not tho. it's a sport one adapts his training to, with rulesets within which any style can be used w/ the goal of winning fights. it's combat in a specific, limited context, and as soon as u train for anything besides the sport itself it's no longer mma. there's no mma fo da streetz, there's only mma for mma.

Anonymous No. 134049

don't listen to them. weapons are useless if u don't train to use them. a weapon carried by an untrained person is a weapon a bigger, stronger, aggressive person can wrestle from them and use against them. ofc it's always helpful to train in hema in case u face the imminent threat of getting shanked by de mandem, but it's important to know how to box first since a lot of the movements in boxing carry over, so hema can wait.

instead, u should choose a reliable unarmed martial art/combat sport as a foundation which u can further build upon later.

to simplify my earlier recommendations a bit:
for grappling, i'd say judo, bjj (if u can afford it), catch wrestling (if there's a club nearby), or freestyle/greco-roman wrestling (depending on availability) will give u a solid foundation.
for striking: boxing or kickboxing (as in the combat sport, not the cardio kind offered at commercial gyms) should be a good start.
for both: muay thai, kyokushin (if available), sanda (good luck finding a (legit) place to learn it at), shootboxing (even rarer, if i'm not mistaken).

i rescind my recommendation for tkd bc i realized u live in the UK, so no need to settle for a questionable martial art like a lot of americans do bc often there's nothing else where they live besides ur typical strip mall mcdojo. ur country is the birthplace of modern western boxing, and has produced many legends in the sport. so come to think of it, def visit some boxing gyms nearby and see if there's a good kb gym (i'm completely unfamiliar w/ the martial arts scene in london).

also, if u have the opportunity, try out one of the british folk wrestling styles.

i hope u come back to this thread and heed my advice. don't be afraid to ask questions on this board, but be aware that we do have our fair share of keyboard warriors who don't go out and train. have a great journey.

Anonymous No. 134055

I see a lot of missinformation being posted
yes you can practice judo,bjj,boxing but they are all styles that require a lot of strenght

what i recommend it's that you find a aikido dojo, you can learn a lot about redirection and takedowns with minimal strenght there (only using the movement of the body)

I been practicing for about 4 years now and when I spar with my friends they are really surprised on how easy I can throw them to the ground

shortly my advice is go find a aikido dojo now

Anonymous No. 134062

all martial arts that involve grappling use the opponent's momentum against them, judo especially. moot point.

also save for shodokan aikido, sparring is strictly forbidden. only a few techniques in aikido are proven to work against a resisting opponent w/ varying success, and i've only seen (former) aikidoka who also practice functional grappling arts pull them off.

the only useful thing OP would learn from just aikido is breakfalls, which they might as well pick up from judo or bjj (beginners in judo must first learn breakfalls before doing randori from what i've heard, dunno how it is in bjj).

Anonymous No. 134063

I never said that those styles lacked using opponent's momentum, I said that they require a lot of strenght to be effective

OP is very small so he should learn aikido to learn to manipulate larger opponents also wrists locks and finger locks could work for his advantage against someone bigger

as I said I practice with some friends and one of them is a Brown belt judoka 9 times outta 10 he ends out on the ground

He's about 6'5 220
and I'm only 6'0 175

take out of that what you will

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Anonymous No. 134098

It's the only gym in the area which is why I'm not to gung-ho on leaving.
People say only good things about the gym but one or two bad experiences are making me doubt this but also I don't wanna just stop doing what I'm doing cause I'm stuck in this town until I graduate.

Anonymous No. 134104

>eating disorder
I try to say this as nice as i can bc of /xs/ anons are fucking retarded and i want to give you a bit of common ground. Martial arts are mentally taxing and getting stronger with just technique is a pipe dream. You need to also eat correctly and if possible excersize. All technique in the world wont help if you dont have any strength to execute it. I dont know why self defense is a priority for you with a eating disorder(competitve fighters often have developed eating disorders thanks to weight cutting but thats a whole other can of worms). If you really want to help yourself, learn to live with yourself first. Every other improvement related thing comes afterward. If you are serious about this, challenge yourself otherwise all technique in the world wont help you.

Anonymous No. 134105

The answer is to firstly get over your eating disorder if you really want to get stronger. As everyone pointed out here, real martial arts are 50% technique 50% the physical ability to make the technique work.

Your height doesn't matter, UFC flyweight and featherweight champion are about your height and two of the greatest fighters of our generation are also about your height. (Dj and cejudo) Tl;dr: try harder

Anonymous No. 134107

Super based and informative response, although seeing OPs replies, looks like he just wanted to check if there was some bs like aikido that he could use to skip the grind of true strength.
At that point just learn to use weapons, dawg.

Anonymous No. 134108

Fake and gay, sounds super choreographed

Anonymous No. 134109

OP is a woman

Anonymous No. 134111

Why does everyone that doesn't train BJJ assume that you start on your back? You always start on the feet but the main focus aren't throws but to wrestle them to the ground cuz not everybody is a 6'4 meatball fighting someone 40lb lighter

Anonymous No. 134112

Not him but the focus of most bjj schools is ground fighting and most stand up grappling that is taught was at best correct means to an end to get the opponent to the ground and took up 20 percent of the class at usual. Its better then nothing but personally for self defense scenarios i prefer Wrestling

Anonymous No. 134113

Man, Aikido has been exposed so many times for being totally ineffective. Have you ever thought that maybe it is not that you are studying the greatest martial art but that you are a great martial artist with a good understanding of grappling fundamentals? You should try studying something else and seeing the effectiveness by yourselve. Or even better, sparring for your first time.

Anonymous No. 134114

Just checked the thread, OP is a troon.

And even then, does it matter?

Anonymous No. 134116

Then all effort is wasted here

Anonymous No. 134117

I mean, I've studied both wrestling and bjj and they go with each other really smoothly, but the main difference is that in wrestling the main goal is not to finish an opponent, but to control them and to do that for a long time you need to be REALLY strong. It's easier to choke someone out.

Anonymous No. 134177

this is the shit that makes me hate men
why am i subhuman :(
this is exactly why i want to learn to defend myself every nigger wants me dead for no reason

Anonymous No. 134184

stop giving this person attention

Anonymous No. 134185

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 134187

You have other problems then self defense shit, tranny
Learn to love yourself first

Anonymous No. 134190

>eating disorder
Girl just drink protein shakes and lift, it's known that people with EDs end up lifting, because it's a healthy way to deal with it.
And yeah, do bjj, it's a slow process, but it's also fun and will give you a lot of confidence.

Anonymous No. 134192

how the fuck am i supposed to do that when everyone else hates me :(
ive been trying but the protein stuff just fills me up too much to be able to eat real food

Anonymous No. 134194

If you can’t eat much, eat many times

Anonymous No. 134197

thats what i try to do but thats hard too

Anonymous No. 134210

You are subhuman because you are weak and mentally handicapped. Strength is a choice.

Anonymous No. 134219

this isnt about martial arts, this is you making something about yourself. find better ways of doing that please

Anonymous No. 134245


Anonymous No. 134265

wtf does any of this mean

Anonymous No. 134282


Anonymous No. 134356

great advice
see, this is how u escalate an argument into a fight if this was irl. physically defending oneself makes up only a small portion of self-defense (read: self-preservation). way more important skills are awareness of ur surroundings, reading the room, reading ppl's body language, tone of voice, etc. u may get away w/ being that rude anonymously to strangers on the internet (who probably lift and could snap u like a twig btw), but saying that shit to their faces would be dangerous.

if u're rlly from a rough part of londonistan as u claim, u would know this from experience and wisdom family and friends share w/ u. any hood nigga w/ half a brain knows better than to talk crazy to a stranger, even if they're being rude to u. instead, u hold ur tongue, ignore them and remove urself from the situation.
u only receive the treatment u allow others to give u, by setting boundaries. and u get back the energy u put out in the world. i believe karma is real, and if u're nice to others, they'll be nice back.

and for ppl to love u, they must respect u. for them to respect u, u must first respect urself (part of this is setting boundaries, as i mentioned earlier). and to do that, u must love urself, and want what's best for u, and then undertake the necessary actions to realize those ideal circumstances. u can't expect anyone to love u if u don't first love urself.
do it anyway, no matter how hard it is. the best things in life require effort - lots of it. there's no shortcut to a healthy, meaningful, peaceful, content life. eat several small meals from the moment u wake up til maybe an hour before bedtime. do the hard work and stop whining.

Anonymous No. 135685

>the best things in life require effort - lots of it. there's no shortcut to a healthy, meaningful, peaceful, content life.
not OP, just random anon, but thanks for saying this, its great to have a reminder when you're as dumb as I am

Anonymous No. 135743

Let me just chime in here and say something no one else is willing to say: don't step into a combat sports gym you fucking freak. No one wants to touch you. Training is a very vulnerable and intimate thing, and you're going to creep people out in an environment where they should feel safe. I don't think I've seen any fags on the mat and I've lived in the SF Bay Area my whole life.

Here, I'll answer your question too. There's nothing you can do. At 5'5" 100 lbs you're getting ragdolled no matter what. Up your cardio, and practice situational awareness. Maybe go to an aikido dojo and learn how to break a wrist-grab. Just don't set foot in a combat sports gym because you're not fucking welcome.

Anonymous No. 135791

>reeeeeeeeeeee get out of muh gym tranny!!1!1!1!

You’re right in that trannies are weird, but I’m honestly more disgusted by the god damn fat people in my gym. They injure small people all the fucking time because they can’t control how much fucking food goes down their gullet. Their slimy disgusting sweaty bodies roll over every decent and in-shape person in the gym. Don’t get me started on how the fat ass white belts think they’re so good because they can hold a blue belt they outweigh by 200 lbs down for a whole 3 minutes. I fucking hate those pieces of shit. I honestly wouldn’t welcome them in if I had a gym, regardless of how financially stupid that is, but fuck it.

All that aside, if fat people are welcome, the tranny ought to be welcome. I don’t really give a fuck what’s between your legs unless it’s me in guard, in which case, I’m gonna pass (no pun intended)

Anonymous No. 135797

You have to live it.

Anonymous No. 135806

>Training is a very vulnerable and intimate thing
Projection. You are gay and feel gay feelings when you roll. The rest of us are just training, and the sexual facets of our training partner are irrelevant. It is not very intimate, it's just playing a sport.

Anonymous No. 136001

Live what?

Anonymous No. 136341

I don't want to be transphobic, but honestly I think you're right, it would make everyone uncomfortable.
Nobody would like to deal with "her", and nobody would like to be perceived as transphobic, so it would be a tense environment, which shouldn't happen in a gym.
Also, I guess it would be harder for the coach to assign a training partner, they're taller than women and weight less than men.
And in my very limited experience, trannies smell weird, and we already have to deal with so many kinds of smells.

Anonymous No. 136350

Ynab, just let them rape you

Anonymous No. 136351

Ywnbaw* thx autocorrect

Anonymous No. 136354

you never a broad

Anonymous No. 136403

Yo I did Aikido in San Jose before

Anonymous No. 136405

endurance running
fast sprinting
quick draw shooting
real time threat assessment techniques and risk management

Anonymous No. 136443

Kali/Escrima with heavy emphasis on stand up grappling.

Also parkour, those are your choices as a manlet.

Anonymous No. 136444

Based bongistanian.

Anonymous No. 136582

Hope you are not the tranny gotting murderd. Ignoring the level of macabre, put on some muscle mass but first off try to get past your body issue. You see self defense is a lot about mentality. If you seem/are weak and feeable, this will make you an easy target. You dont have to be a pussy, despite being a tranny. The rest is awareness (you can train that) and if you want to learn self defense, do something like Boxing/Wrestling. Like some anons already suggested Trannys arent really a liked site in most full contact sports (has to do more with macho ideals then anything else though and you are the complete anti thesis of that). I suggest Judo or some weapon based matial art. And get pepper spray, your muscle mass/hromone levels are probpably fucked beyond believe now and i doubt you seek strength.

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Anonymous No. 136592

Ishinryu Karate was invented by a very small Japanese man and is about conditioning your body to be harder and take hits similar to goju ryu.

However most teachers of this style local to you might use body pads when fighting to westernize it. Traditionally people fight full contact and don't use pads to train their bones and muscles to get stronger by getting hit. However some western dojos are very wimpy

If you can find a traditional teacher I'd recommend Ishinryu karate, my teacher learned it in Okinawa while there from the American millitary.

Also pic related picturing tatsuo shimabuku, founder of ishinryu karate

Anonymous No. 136716

Are you an actual woman or tiny man?

Anonymous No. 136719

Ok you are a tranny… my suggestion is go join a monastery

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Anonymous No. 136866

Small Japanese man =/= tranny. Small Japanese dude has testosterone on his side and a fighting chance.

Anonymous No. 136894

Master Talk-no-jutsu. Join a BJJ gym. Make friends with the strongest guys there. Hang out with them so people won’t attack you.
Also take up running.

This is retarded. Nobody who actually does any sort of martial arts thinks this. Just don’t be weird and train hard.

you’re a 500lbs ham planet
stop pretending to be a powershitter, and lose some weight fatty

sage No. 138166

What the fuck do other peoples opinions have to do with accepting yourself?

Anonymous No. 139648

That's where basic discipline comes in. I had the opposite problem and finding bullshit, annoying tricks only hurt my progress. The only things I did that ever worked was eat less and lift. If you can do it, even if it sucks and is hard, then do it. Don't be afraid to hate yourself either. Part of how I forced myself out of eating was shaming myself when I did. When I was sitting down not working on anything in particular I would immidately tell myself to go do some lifting. If my arms were too sore to lift, that was core day. If my core was still recovering, that was cardio day. Your mind doesn't want to do these things, they're hard and make your body hurt, but that's exactly WHY you need to do them.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to learn some cooking. If you find eating hard and don't want to force a protein bar/shake down every few hours, learn how to cook some basic but fun meals (soups are great, but that's for weight loss not gain). You'll find every meal you successfully pull off helps with mentallity, small victories and all that.

Anonymous No. 139862

Everyone looks the same in a gi, just don't talk shit.

Anonymous No. 139885

The best martial art is Judo, no matter the situation. Train Judo.

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Anonymous No. 139937


Anonymous No. 141693

>but now I'm paranoid cause I don't think they clean mats nearly as much as they should be.
Be the change, anon. In both wrestling and judo we took turns volunteering to clean the mats before and after class.

Anonymous No. 141697

>my goal isnt to fight but just to be able to survive and escape
cross-country running with sprint training and heavily invest in parkour. literally just run the fuck away as fast as possible, spiderman over some fences or whatever and continue running all the way to somewhere safe.

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defenseless woman.png

Anonymous No. 141699

Dr. Kano, founder of judo, was 5'2" and 90 pounds and was effective against larger jiu jitsu practitioners (notably adapting kata guruma from American wrestling to deal with a particularly large and skilled opponent). In general, judo holds up to pressure testing and aikido does not. Go try your four years of aikido against someone who has done four years of judo (should be a black belt) and who has a similar build and background (what were you doing in terms of athletics and martial arts prior to aikido?) and you will discover what skill you could have been cultivating if you went with something that has proven itself to be effective instead of something that has proven itself to be a meme.

Anonymous No. 142586

run n gun

Anonymous No. 146042

>I have a eating disorder
>I make excuses to stay weak and small
Same thing

Anonymous No. 146058

Just carry a noose and -ACK! yourself before you get beat up.

Anonymous No. 146062

name of the book?
"jujutsu becomes judo" seems the name of the chapter

Image not available


Kodokan Judo by D....jpg

Anonymous No. 146143


Anonymous No. 147985

I teach you ancient secret of fencing masters.
You don't need to carry weapons to cut or stab.
I once saw a dude get his knee sliced open on a field hockey stick.
It doesn't need to be a thin sharp edge. It just needs to be small point, sturdy body, and delivered to the right place (won't go through a bone though) and in the right way.