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Anonymous No. 133549

Is eye gouging the only way to get out of a choke in a no holds barred fight?

Anonymous No. 133566

The choke is already as deep as it is in the op pic your probably fucked and no amount of eye poking is going to save you. You defend against the choke by not allowing it to get into that position by keeping your chin down and creating space between their arm and your neck, then pressuring backwards into them in order relieve as much pressure as you can. If your standing there’s a couple different ways you can throw them. Once on the ground you can escape, though I’m not sure if he able to explain how through writing. Essentially you need to move your body more perpendicular to their own which will weaken their ability to maintain the hold.

Anyways stop being retarded. Krav Maga is a larp.

Anonymous No. 133571

no and its not even particularly effective. especially in this position where you have to reach behind yourself.

Anonymous No. 133574

You have 5 seconds to muster enough energy and efficiently poke an eye at random hoping that will make him loosen up and after that you’re sleeping
So no

Anonymous No. 133585

You will only make the guy with control over your life angrier
If he planned to choke you out now he is killing you

Anonymous No. 133598

This. Once an RNC is locked in, you're 100% fucked. If you're fighting to the death, I guess you could try. If the person wasn't intent on killing you before and you hurt his eyes? Yeah I'd just keep squeezing. A well laced RNC should have you out in 5-10 seconds even if you're well trained.

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Anonymous No. 133599

Also the OP pic isn't that well done. My pic is a better representation. The RNC is a blood choke, so the adams apple should be roughly at the crook of the elbow and back of the hand to the back of the head. Rowing back with your lats cuts off both arteries and you shut down pretty fast. If you fuck up and only cut off one side, the opponent can last longer.

Anonymous No. 133858

don't get into that situation in the first place.

Anonymous No. 133863

Go for the Nuts

Anonymous No. 133879

If he fucks up the RNC, you can bite the arc of his forearm at full force which will weaken his grip enough to break free. This only works if choke hold is imperfect though.

Alternatively, if you are strong enough and have adrenaline going, you can jump and twist to then loosen the grip and throw him midair. This is basically an insane move that requires years of training. Only do it if you have nothing to lose.

Anonymous No. 133934


Lmao, stop talking shit. If you try biting the forearm they’ll break your jaw. Whatever jump shit you’re talking about is going to end up with a fairly serious neck injury.

Anonymous No. 133963

Couldn't you grab and twist his left hand fingers with your right hand?

Anonymous No. 134007

that pic a marine recruitment poster from the deep south?

Anonymous No. 134052

Getting out of a chokehold is really difficult but not impossible, If I were you I Would try some Aikidio classes they are really good for these kind of situations, just ask your sensei for some tips

Anonymous No. 134061


Anonymous No. 134068

You do not have the leverage to manipulate his hand or fingers in that position. And even if you're way stronger or whatever, choker can just curl his fingers up. That's not gonna do shit.

Anonymous No. 134119

This must be a meme in /xs/ that I was not aware about lol

Anonymous No. 134162

sambo is also helpful here

Anonymous No. 134173

man, why are u shilling aikido so hard? this is the 2nd thread on here i've seen u do it. most ppl won't learn anything useful from aikido except breakfalls, breathing techniques(?), and redirecting of energy maybe.

Anonymous No. 134259

No way to get to his eyes if your opponent is even remotely competent. The only vulnerable spot you might have access to are the ears. Grab then and twist and be prepared to rip it clean off that's pretty much the only option and you will have about 5 to 10s to pull it off before your lights start to go out.

Anonymous No. 134260

Its a meme in all martial arts circles anon...

Anonymous No. 134263

>thinking you can rip a guys ears clean off with your bare hands
>thinking you can do that while reaching behind your own head
>thinking that even if you tried to do that a person choking you would just let go instead of strangling you harder
Lmfao what world do you live in?

Anonymous No. 134266

I never said he would stop I merely mentioned that this is the only feasible spot to attack to distract the enemy in this situation also yes everyone who isn't a muscle bound oaf can reach behind himself and grab the ear and the grip strength of the average untrained male is more than enough to rip the cartilage of the outer ear if you use a twisting motion.

Anonymous No. 134271

>I never said he would stop I merely mentioned that this is the only feasible spot to attack to distract the enemy in this situation
How about fighting for position instead of trying to “distract” someone who’s choking you out, retard
>yes everyone who isn't a muscle bound oaf can reach behind himself and grab the ear and the grip strength of the average untrained male is more than enough to rip the cartilage of the outer ear if you use a twisting motion.
>he actually believes this

Anonymous No. 134412

You need to twist that dick clean off. Only escape. Japs-eye gouge

Anonymous No. 134601

I never understood why you can't just lurch forward and let gravity do the work. Nobody is going to keep a choke going if they are facing the prospect of a concussion or broke neck.

Anonymous No. 134607

By lurching forward you are leaning into the pressure they’re applying to your neck and making the choke tighter. You will go out even quicker if you try. Paradoxically, the thing to do is actually throw yourself backwards to relive the pressure from your neck and then fight for position from there. If you are able to do a shoulder throw from a rear naked choke, they probably didn’t know what they were doing to begin with.

Anonymous No. 134638

If you have very powerful grip, would pinching out a chunk of flesh work?

Anonymous No. 134643

No one has a grip that powerful, you can’t just rip chunks out of peoples bodies you’re not a bear. You have to fight for position. There are no shortcuts to learning this.

Anonymous No. 134652

I watched Baki too.

Anonymous No. 134653

If you have the flexibility, would kicking his right elbow help?

Anonymous No. 134656

You would have to be plastic man. No human could kick with enough force to dislodge his arm.

The reality is that there's no real defense or counter to an RNC that is fully sunk in like that. If you're not both lying on your back already you can try and sink low and back, pry your fingers between your neck and his arm, and "scoop" your way out, but you should have done that while he was taking your back. Too little too late when the choke is in.

Eye gouge is probably your only real chance. It's more likely that you'll just piss him off but idk, if you're being attacked by a rapist murderer you may as well try.

Anonymous No. 134687

>stick thumb right into groove of attackers armpit to create a wedge
>kick straight up at the bracing arm causing him to loosen grip as his wrist/forearm punch him in the face
>reach down with all your might and grab the guy's foot
>pull up hard as you jump with your feet

If he doesn't let go, at the very least he's walking away from the fight with a dislocated knee and a serious concussion.

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Anonymous No. 134714

>pinching out a chunk of flesh

Anonymous No. 134745


Anonymous No. 134776

Have a hidden knife, stab him in the armpit that's furthest away from being seen. Proceed to murder him.

Anonymous No. 134777

Not impossible... Just takes accuracy and 350 grip strength minimum.

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Anonymous No. 134783

there is another

Anonymous No. 135383

no. the best defense against a chokehold, other than not getting into one, is to create space with your hands and keeping your brain oxygenated by blood. in the 1 second it takes to find and gouge someones eyes you just tightened the choke and now theres even less blood, not to mention that the choker can just press his face into the back of your head to restrict access to his eyes and make the choke even tighter.

Anonymous No. 135412

There is but one way. You won't find this technique anywhere in the world of normies. It's a secret art known only by the strongest underground grapplers. To attempt this technique without first becoming a master of your craft is suicidal, and likely to leave you crippled for life.

Anonymous No. 135447

Nah, I'd just break your jaw. It works almost as well as the blood choke as your jaw/head is being forced downward into your throat. Also, good fucking luck throwing me when I have a solid grip on your throat and head. You'll likely just slam your face into the ground. Straight power fantasy bullshit talk. Lol. Spar with someone and try that shit. Get laughed out of the gym.

Once it's fully laced like the pic? No. Best bet is to pull down as hard as you can om the forearm to buy time. Tuck the chin to reduce the choking pressure. My pic you'd be 100% fucked. You try to get your head to the opposite side and then drive your elbow down to the ground as you turn into them. Op pic they're standing, so no hooks to prevent turning. Much easier.

Trust me, I just got RNC'd several times tonight and defended 6-7 other attempts. Back control king of the hill tonight ironically.

Anonymous No. 135448

I'm not sure if I should advise you to train at a gym to dissuade you of your power fantasy.

U wot m8?

Probably the most logical answer in this thread.

Anonymous No. 135654

If it's like pic related, that's not really a great RNC, the black man can try to push down the forward elbow, get a hand pulling the forearm down and tuck his chin in then twist inside to create space. Next is pushing the other elbow up to create even more space, since the white dude has no hooks in and has his hand on the back of the other dude's head instead of staying in close and tight and doing the smarter move of locking it in with his own head, which would bring his second arm further back while still tightening the pressure, and protecting his head by having it behind nigga's head. Pretty sure I saw that in a Danaher instructional.

In reality, unless you've been completely surprised, just don't let the choke get that far by hand fighting properly and escaping the back as fast as possible. If you're standing it's even easier because there are many opportunities to flip the fucker.

Maybe what I'm saying not always applicable, but nothing is and it works for me with the spastic kids I roll with. I'm a white belt but I get people trying to surprise choke me all the time and I always get out pretty easily.

Anonymous No. 135832

Dude if you can bite the forearm, you can push it up to your mouth and alleivate the choke that way. Its a better option and doesn't make the guy want to kill you

Anonymous No. 135922

Nah, someone had me in a headlock like that before but there was a nice brick wall behind us so I just used my legs and jumped backwards hard, banged that fuckers head into the bricks lmao. Helps that I'm tall and a big dude though so I could literally lift up the guy choking me though.

Anonymous No. 136084


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Anonymous No. 136388

hi conor

Anonymous No. 136396

>thinking some faggot could put me in a RNC with my blade dancing across his neck
KEK yeah I don't think so chief, make sure you tell them to give you the "sugar-free" apple sauce in the hospital.

Anonymous No. 136408

I love how Herr Star beats him to death after he knocked him out. Helluva show.

Anonymous No. 136593

it requires 5 pounds of pressure to rip off a human ear, and the psychological effect of holding someone's ear in your hand and they see that is not a joke

Anonymous No. 136597

>source: your ass

Anonymous No. 137031

This, or I'd try to lift the guy and slam the back of the head on the floor.

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Anonymous No. 137035

Do what Rambo did.

Anonymous No. 138455

This, but just grab and twist genitals instead of hands/fingers

Anonymous No. 139341

Ive known somone who probably could if they tried, but he's a genetic freak.

Anonymous No. 139392


Anonymous No. 139396

that doesn't work with everybody but if the guy is sloppy and does a closed guard on you from behind you can put your leg over his and triangle his foot. sorta like a half guard position I guess? might surprise some enough to let go for a second

Anonymous No. 139404

Dude getting rear naked choked feels like absolute garbage and makes you want to throw up as your windpipe gets crushed. You do not have the mental faculty to go "ah what I'm going to do now is ignore the ridiculously uncomfortable situation around my neck area and instead go and attack his ear". Stop living in dreamland

Anonymous No. 139427

No that's one of the most retarded questions ever

Anonymous No. 139436

he wasn't doing it right

Anonymous. No. 139469

Make space by stepping your hips to the left, reach around behind their back with your hand.
Come up under the nose/chin, and tilt the head back. Consider shifting stance to sweep.
Might not get them off you, but it might break their hold enough to work into an escape.

Old Karate trick, once did it and dropped a dude onto concrete. Though it was taught without a back mount, and from standing.

Anonymous No. 139842

If it's standing, just fix his elbow and turn to the left while bending at the waist.

Anonymous No. 139873

What did Bas Rutten do in his self-defense video? He just stepped to the side and picked them up by their legs? Do that, that's probably a good idea.