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Anonymous No. 133647

>hate between martial arts

I recently discovered, after two years of doing karate & judo, that people actually sees traditionals martial arts as trash, so i want yall to reply on your reasons to hate a fighting style, or a reason to love it, (also it would be very funny to see people arguing about if box is better than capoeira and that kind of things)

Anonymous No. 133654

Traditional arts have bad reputations because of traditional schools that don't do any kind of full contact sparring. You get guys who have spent decades learning how to fight but have never tried anything against a resisting opponent and insist that they're simply too dangerous to unleash. Traditional schools that spar hard or compete in full contact bouts get the respect they deserve.

Anonymous No. 133663

Is it due to mcdojos?

Anonymous No. 133671

I wouldn't call Karate nor Judo "traditional" and both are top tier when not taught by frauds

Anonymous No. 133676

>, that people actually sees traditionals martial arts as trash,

Not all. There is almost nobody who did train Boxing, wrestling or Judo for 5 years and would not be able to defend himself in an attack. But there are many Martial arts where most practitioners can not defend themselfes after 5 years of training.

Anonymous No. 133678

You significantly underestimate how many LA Boxing niggers think they can fight, despite being in a McGym. Less. sure. But not "almost nobody."

Anonymous No. 133679

>he saved the thumbnail

Anonymous No. 133684

I've heard many people say its not enough to have full contact sparring if there isn't a thriving competitive scene or people using it for MMA. Heck I've heard people say Judo of all things doesn't work.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 133688

(the other guy just downloaded the thumbnail lol)

I think you are right, but most of people just heard that mcdojo thing and now we have "alpha boxers" who bassically try to bully martial artist, i personally have some friends who do box and when we spar most of times it ends up in tie, so i have troubles when its the time to tell why people thinks MA makes you weak

Anonymous No. 133704

I get why people dislike Olympic Judo, since a lot of it gives up your back or brings you to the ground as well.

I feel like it's essential to supplement BJJ with Judo, and vice versa. They also work great with wrestling. BJJ lacks good standup (hate to see people immediately go into a guard, or just use basic wrestling takedowns), and "Sport" judo has a lot it can relearn from BJJ.

Anonymous No. 133707

People who talk about martial arts are 90% retards who don’t fight anyways and it’s obvious. I know that’s a meme but I swear the next time I see some dipshit talk about how great lethwei is and how all other striking styles are for pussies I’m going to ask him for a picture of himself in fucking Burma since there’s no other place you can train that.

Anonymous No. 133729

The funny thing is most people don't seem to like Olympic judo. Traditionalists think its goes too far from Kano's vision and doesn't focus enough on the kata and traditional techniques and culture, the sport fighter types don't like the removing of techniques, rigid rules and bans of cross competition. It raises the question of who is happy with it?

Anonymous No. 133732

From the outside, it looks like they only care about maintaining that Olympic status. If the IOC was willing to put fucking wrestling on the chopping block, they'll axe anyone.

Anonymous No. 133733

the idea of "traditional" martial arts is one that necessarily puts forward culture and ceremony more then actual fighting. You see this distinction especially in "traditional" martial arts that now want to be seen as "REAL" by picking and choosing what traditions they incorporate to go "see, our thing is a legit fighting style" while whitewashing and ignoring much of what the thing actually historically consisted of that really wasnt that "real". case in point Karate. they will go "Yah, it can be bullshit, but if you train the shotokan veriety, THATS the real deal" no true Scotsmen kinda stuff. People in this thread will no doubt sing the same tune.

I think Judo and karate probably do this the most. Even though you can literally find documents from the late 1800s and stuff detailing all the artifacts of ceremonialization that were broadly employed in these forms. I think Capoeira has a bad case of this two since people dont feel like examining the nature of it too deeply past the one off story about dancing that doesnt make much sense with a secound of thought.

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Anonymous No. 133735

For instance, Judo Was really a "thing" created by one man as a partially cultural, partially self developmental thing in the late 1800's, using a number of desperate traditional martial arts collectively known as "jujitsu" to complement a specific philosophical bent.

and that's what most traditional martial arts are, something that forms as a tradition first rather than as a method "to win" in a sporting or broader battle sense. These sort of "semi legit" trad martial arts then developed more "practical" aspects when put towards this distinct endgoal of effectiveness rather than particular ceremony. Which the later is a legitament thing, but people misconstrue things along this sliding scale.

Anonymous No. 133740

Kano certainly cared about winning, but yes his goals were varied. He wanted a practical art that also preserved the older traditions and served as a practical method of physical education and competition. You could even argue all of that was too much for any one art to handle.
Of course Judo isn't called traditional in Japanese, its literally called a modern Budo, and like most modern Budo it was the product of a lot of compromise with various regional groups, dojo, and the Japanese government. He was arguably unhappy with its direction within his own lifetime since by then it had spread all over Japan and even internationally and was somewhat beyond the scope of his control.

Anonymous No. 133747

Traditional arts just baffle the fuck out of me. In every facet of human achievement, we update what previous generations did.

Take music. We still learn the fundamentals of notes, establish melody, rhythm, form, and harmony in a coherent system. But there have been advancements in tools and methods to extrapolate sound in ways that composers from previous centuries could never dream of.

I agree with preserving the original tenets and methods as a historical basis. It's like a museum piece; something to examine and compare, but it remains in the past.

Martial arts have to constantly evolve and not stay stagnant. It's like grafting new stock on a severed tree trunk. The branches are new but the roots are ancient. It survives by being a hybrid.

Most of those actually skilled old-timer martial arts masters and founders got to such a high level because they were either rich enough to pursue training 24/7 or they were autistic enough to focus their lives on it. Their muscle memory, reactive instincts, and technique were finely honed to such a degree that those traditional arts could work if someone could devote their life to it.

But most people have to work and training in unrealistic too-deadly-to-practice moves is the cancer that ruins martial arts. Training must be alive. There's no system or style that 100% addresses the streets or a self-defense encounter, but stuff like Boxing, Judo, Muay Thai, Savate, etc. will give you the tools and physical conditioning to edge over some untrained asshole.

Like Mike Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" Unless you've been drilled in how to deal with actual physical force against a resisting opponent and not choreographed moves that are telegraphed a mile away, this is the hype that deludes people into thinking several hours of kata or acrobatic moves will somehow make them ready for dealing with deadly force.

Anonymous No. 133749

This is a point most people really don't appreciate. Especially combined with even being able to have access to multiple good teachers of one style, let alone multiple styles of multiple approaches. If a guy could spend most of his life working on something you didn't even know about, let alone have years of tape and writings on, he could make you look really fucking stupid with something that's currently considered low percentage, unrealistic, etc. Even 100 years ago, that shit suddenly becomes magically undefeated poison hand kung fu from heaven.

Anonymous No. 133751


I had a trainer who visited Jan Plas' Mejiro Gym in the early 80s. The way Plas instructed his guys (who didn't have the luxury of living as pro kickboxers because the purses were small) with utilizing as much as their spare time as possible. So they focused a lot on combinations, sparring, padwork, and conditioning drills. And they usually did a lot of boxing, low kicks, knees (no real clinching technique), and some teeps/high kicks.

This approach was broad enough for Mejiro fighters to compete in Muay Thai rules or a WKA match (which allowed low kicks). That way, Plas' guys could fight in whatever rule set and earn from whatever match they could get booked in.

In Thailand, training is literally a way of life. Most of them are poor and fighting is a means to get out of poverty. So the camps invest time and resources to hone these promising kids into becoming champs. They wake up, go for a run, eat, spend hours doing padwork and perfecting their technique, not as much sparring compared to the Dutch because they can't afford to get injured, eat again, rest for a few hours, do another set of training, and then eat and then rest. If there were thousands of Westerners that spent years in Muay camps as little kids to adulthood, they'd all be technical wizards in Lumpini and Rajdamnern.

Anonymous No. 133762

Is it really "no true scotsmen"? I don't know about karate, but if a martial art is made up of multiple established lines, and some of those lines have obviously begun to focus on different things like acrobatic performance or health maintenance or day care for kids who want to be Danny LaRusso, why would it be fallacious to call the one line which does have a fighting focus "the real deal" in the context of fighting arts?

Anonymous No. 133766

>Traditional arts just baffle the fuck out of me. In every facet of human achievement, we update what previous generations did.
HEMAfag here. Newer doesn’t necesssrily mean better and neither does older for that matter, but I’d like to point out that even back in the 1600s there were guys saying the newer methods of fighting sucked ass and the “old ways” were better. An example of this would be George silver, a British fencing master who issued several challenges to several rapier masters which was the contemporary method of the time, even offering to fight them with their preferred method. As for whether his methods were correct, well, you be the judge.

When it comes to the broader subject of martial arts in general, I’d remind you that a lot of the bullshit traditional arts are starting to see a resurgence in the mma meta as pros are now constantly looking for a leg up that their competition won’t be prepared for. We’ve had karate based champions and tae kwon do instructors helping out some of the best strikers in the game, despite these being “traditional” arts that initially were getting dominated by the Gracie’s way back when, trying to go into mma has just a bjj guy nowadays would be idiotic.

Tl;dr yes things evolve but that doesn’t mean we can’t benefit from revisiting older theories as well.

Anonymous No. 133769

I think you are right, MA at the end has to evolve, and that falls again in what i was saying, i recently took the belt exam on Judo, and the most advanced Sensei told us that in the deportive way, our techniques may be outdated. So at least Judo still evolving, i can't say too much about Karate, most of the techniques we learn are actually outdated, and the tell us that so we don't use them, in the deportive field we cannot use our techniques (WKA federation at least) because we cannot actually hurt our opponent.
Im saying this because most of people don't know that some traditional martial arts are actually evolving and just say the are useless shit.

Anonymous No. 133770

Judo has always evolved. They changed stances and gripping after being exposed to Sombo and the way Europeans do judo. Anton Geesink even commented that Japan was constantly incorporating modern weight training to have the edge back in the 60s for judo. Now they're starting to seriously give more newaza time some thought because of BJJ.

Anonymous No. 133778

The idea that "traditional" arts do not evolve is extremely questionable in itself. Its just a question of how to evolve without destroying the core. Weight training in Judo was ironically introduced by Donn Draeger, a man who considered Judo kata an essential part of judo training, even for a competitive focus and is regarded as virtually synonymous with Japanese TMA today.
Personally the designation of "traditional" arts is horrible as most "traditional" arts in the west are actually modern. They are only called traditional cause they have costumes, bowing and things like kata.

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Anonymous No. 133785

Judo works.
It has some limitations, namely that it emphasises throws and and that judo players are very conditionned by the ruleset.
But if someone throws you head first into the ground it will work.
Judo players practice groundwork, which means that they are not as good as BJJ players but far from defenseless.

Anonymous No. 133786

you wanted "disparate"

Anonymous No. 133787

Aren't traditional martial arts just philosophies that adopt techniques suited to them?

Anonymous No. 133798

No that’s retarded

Anonymous No. 133801

No, they are actually fighting styles, i can say Karate is a good example, most of "useless" techniques like nuki-te can look like pure demonstration without any purpose, but in Okinawa (original karate) people train their fingers with bamboo walls so they actually can use the technique

Anonymous No. 133802

Kata does have a place in martial arts instruction, but it's AFTER you learned the fundamentals (Kihon) and you spend serious time sparring (Kumite). You do Kata to refine your coordination and application of technique.

So the breakdown should be this in traditional schools:

- Fundamentals practice: 30%. You learn the mechanics to how to properly generate power, use torque, etc. for strikes or grappling
- Sparring and live drilling: 50%. Wear safety gear and test yourself against a partner that's going to do the same to you. Don't go full-out, but hard enough that both of you will develop good habits and condition yourselves
- Forms (Kata): 20%. This is after you spend some time developing the basics and sparring that you better emphasize your footwork, stances, breathing, etc. to be as technically proficient.

My karate instructor was a Bykauren Kaikan disciple and he always emphasized muscle development and toughening up the body as we learned how to kick, punch, throw and of course do joint-locks in a safe yet plausible manner.

Anonymous No. 133825

Meaning they applied a practical philosophy of turning the body into a weapon and adopted techniques and training regimens suited to that philosophy.

Anonymous No. 133847

Any martial art that doesn't have an emphasis on headshots is garbage. Not everyone is a weeb weakling who can't take a strike to the chest.

Anonymous No. 133853

BJJ is almost same with KOSEN JUDO. Old Judo is totally different from Olympic Judo. Many moves was banned by IOC.

Anonymous No. 134122

Are those martial arts for ants?

Anonymous No. 135388

Headshots are something we over emphasize because of boxing gloves. It's dangerous to punch the head. Now, I don't think the emphasis on headshots should be zero, but it shouldn't be your default punching target. Before boxing gloves, boxers' guards protected their bodies, not their heads.

Anonymous No. 135389

That's because bare-knuckle boxing was a more versatile art. They used elbows and forearms to deflect and subtly use against their opponents while palm strikes were used against the head. Body punches and throws were what really helped win in pre-Queensbury matches.

But you have to have some idea of knowing how to defend against punches to the face as well as how to take a head shot.

Anonymous No. 135432

>Headshots are something we over emphasize because of boxing gloves. It's dangerous to punch the head
I say this as a trained fighter: if you fight me and punch to the body, that will do absolutely nothing to slow me down. Pain just makes me angry, and I'm fairly sure I outright lack a flight response. Your only hope is to cause injury, to break my face so I can't see or breathe. I apply the same logic to my opponents. Even if they don't have my resilience, I always assume they do. If they fall to a body shot that was to set up a headshot, all the better

Anonymous No. 135436

lmao you've never taken a good liver shot. it's an incredibly painful experience that has made some of the toughest boxers ever stand down

Anonymous No. 135440

>lmao you've never taken a good liver shot
Correct, nobody has hit me hard enough to do any damage

Anonymous No. 135452

Its more traditional than MMA and that's what it mostly means, comes from the east, builds upon a pre-existing legacy or claims inheritance from such school of martial arts.

Sort of like Chuck Norris' school Chun Kuk Do could still be called TMA, it has the formalities, the legacy and training methods of the TMA that you know from older schools of martial arts such as Karate.

Anonymous No. 135453

Only because Sambo guys wrecked Judokas.

Anonymous No. 135545

because "real" is usually used to imply being more true to an original purity then other things by the same name that have "deviated". But when in reality, the thing was usually all over the map to begin with by and large. and its usually never a "single pure line" its almost always someone pruning a line after the fact and then presenting their version as the the "real" thing post facto. Like ,"this is what Karate was really originally all about", but the "real" is usually suppositional rather than actual. Since historically it was more descriptive of the wide variety of martially related things, ceremonial, practical, recreational, and otherwise. There is almost never a promethean core. There wasnt THE karate master that all karate developed from, it was a suffusion of various chinese martial art influences and native okinawan stuff in a dispersed sort of way.

Anonymous No. 135595

Funny, the 1964 Soviet Judo team consisted of Sombo players and the Japanese won all the medal except for open weight (Anton Geesink). Or how Nobuyuki Sato and Katushiko Kashiwazaki competed in Sombo tournaments in Europe and won silver and golds.

Sombo players who competed in World and Olympic Judo did indeed leave an impact like new grips and set-ups. Not to mention performing the 1st flying armbar seen in competition when Boris Mishenko juji-gatamae'd Isao Okano in 1967. But it's not like completely steamrolled Judoka; the exchange went both ways.

Sage No. 135747

>he doesn't sparr in lethwei in the local guy with his BKboxer buddy, slowly teach him lethwei without being explicitly told.

Anonymous No. 136221

actually people usually know that old was better in other facets of human achievement
why do you need to update a martial art anyway does the body change shape over the course of time

Anonymous No. 136316

Compare Taekkyon vs Taekwondo... Or Sumo to say Folkstyle Indian Wrestling (Kusthi/Pehlwani.) They are continuing different types of traditions because they are sports that people who do them like, they might not be "practical" even though they have their moments or techniques.

Anonymous No. 136317

Yes, just look at pictures from 1940s general population of USA to modern.

Anonymous No. 137107

I think with martial art that especially the complicated moves got lost.
A master needs pupils and those pupils might not remember everything.

Anonymous No. 137668

My local Muay Thai gym has full contact sparring and a competitive team

Anonymous No. 140792

You have never been in a fight

Anonymous No. 141740

What are the most insecure martial artists/fighters?

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Anonymous No. 142609


Its what put me off martial arts until HEMA, HEMA has an extremely strong sparring culture that for some reason a lot of TMA's hate for some reason. Fuck, for some reason kendoka fucking hates us but i think its because we dethroned their larpy "WE'RE REAL SWORDSMEN!" thing.

HEMA has rustled so many weapons TMA jimmies purely because we actually spar and crosstrain between numerous martial arts including wrestling, and boxing. Hell, ive seen HEMAists do more dagger and wrestling sparring than fucking FMA or other weapons/knife martial arts.

Honestly, all the weapons TMA need to do is fucking spar, its not so fucking hard.

Anonymous No. 142611


Pretty much any eastern martial art, especially ones that dont pressure test/spar. Iaido and Aikdo are the most biggest examples because their arts are actually fucking useless.

In my experience, filipino martial arts are the most insecure for some bizarre reason even though theyre on the cusp of something great if they actually adopt modern sparring gear and do actual sparring. Even Kali dudes are basically using modern HEMA gear to spar now and its why their stuff has improved massively as of late.

Kendo is another one, theyre just insecure as shit, especially the club in my city that just bitches and whines to the HEMA and MOF clubs they share a hall with that theyre not doing "real sword fighting" and that they have "no actual lineage". Also most kendoka i talk to online are horribly insecure, especially when anything HEMA pops up. Also i never understood why "police kendo" is a thing, just make that regular kendo, hell, maybe even modernize the gear and use steel blunt katanas or something.

Anonymous No. 142615

Hema is great. Its more the attitude that comes from thinking you know better than all the other weapons arts, and constantly preferring learning from books over living system.
the were real swordsmen thing hardly exists in Kendo, they will straight up tell you they are not a pure sword fighting system but have other considerations like the proscribed form and their own competition rules.

Anonymous No. 142616


I mean the "living systems" dont fair much better, a lot have weapons TMA masters that are worse than even mid a mid tier HEMAist who once read Fiore or Mair. European masters basically spent hundreds of years trying to find ways to properly make manuals that taught their techniques in the most effective ways possible, its why some early manuals fucking suck but newer stuff such as radaelli and barbasetti are still used even in MOF.

HEMAists have massive advantages compared to TMA in that if you are suspicious your teacher doesnt know shit, you can check the original source. TMA you have to blindly trust that your teacher knows what hes doing. This is how the cult mindsets in TMA form, HEMA doesnt really have this issue because youre literally taught to read the fucking sources and never blindly trust people.

>the were real swordsmen thing hardly exists in Kendo, they will straight up tell you they are not a pure sword fighting system

lol no, theyve always prided themselves as the go to "real sword fighting" martial art. Also kendo has some pretty janky rules that make very little sense even in a sporting sense. I almost did kendo if i didnt discover HEMA, thank fuck i didnt because the local kendoka are whiny as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 142627

HEMA is probably the best weapons related system, but it's really not that far off from TMA as people make it out to be.

>HEMA has an extremely strong sparring culture
For every person that does spar, there's plenty of other HEMA people who don't spar or only do slow TMA-style quasi-sparring. pic related

>crosstrain between numerous martial arts including wrestling, and boxing
Cross-training wrestling and boxing isn't that common in HEMA. Allowing grappling in HEMA competitions has always been a debate topic because neither the interest nor the knowledge to grapple safely has been all there. People throw a shit-fit to this day about that one slam at Tossetti's being too hard when it would be considered average in an actual wrestling or judo competition.

>This is how the cult mindsets in TMA form, HEMA doesnt really have this issue because youre literally taught to read the fucking sources and never blindly trust people.
explain ARMA, Blood & Iron, etc.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 142629

There are so many assumptions there I'm not sure where to start, just just about TMA but about Hema as well. How do you know the old manuals are worse because the later masters were better researched? This is pretty much what classical fencing instructors said about early modern manuals. Maybe the older manuals were not meant for learning from or assumed you already could not only fence, but fence in that specific system.
f you are well informed you don't have to be suspicious your teacher doesn't know shit. That might be the case if you have no experience and are training in a vacuum. But if you've been around, have tried different things or know people who have.
>lol no, they've always prided themselves as the go to "real sword fighting" martial art.
Well, you and I must talk to different Kendo people. Regardless the level of technical skill they have in their matches and training drills is nothing to sneeze at. There rules make a lot of sense given the historical context as well.
> Also i never understood why "police kendo" is a thing, just make that regular Kendo,
Because Kendo has always been a staple of police training in Japan since the country modernized, and they are virtually the same, its just the regular rule set is a lot safer. Modern Kendo was modified so it could be practiced safely all levels of society, not just adult men or the athletically gifted. Most of the top competitors in Kendo are policemen and train in police Kendo. Though while they are police men, a lot of them are basically professional athletes who joined the police so they could pursue a career in Kendo. They are essentially the gifted, professional echelon that will make up the tournament winners and highest level teachers.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 142636

How do you know the old manuals are worse because the later masters were better researched? This is pretty much what classical fencing instructors said about early modern manuals. Maybe the older manuals were not meant for learning from or assumed you already could not only fence, but fence in that specific system.
f you are well informed you don't have to be suspicious your teacher doesn't know shit. That might be the case if you have no experience and are training in a vacuum. But if you've been around, have tried different things or know people who have.
>lol no, they've always prided themselves as the go to "real sword fighting" martial art.
Well, you and I must talk to different Kendo people. Regardless the level of technical skill they have in their matches and training drills is nothing to sneeze at. There rules make a lot of sense given the historical context as well.
> Also i never understood why "police kendo" is a thing, just make that regular Kendo,
Because Kendo has always been a staple of police training in Japan since the country modernized, and they are virtually the same, its just the regular rule set is a lot safer. Modern Kendo was modified so it could be practiced safely all levels of society, not just adult men or the athletically gifted. Most of the top competitors in Kendo are policemen and train in police Kendo. Though while they are police men, a lot of them are basically professional athletes who joined the police so they could pursue a career in Kendo. They are essentially the gifted, professional echelon that will make up the tournament winners and highest level teachers.

Anonymous No. 142660

>For every person that does spar, there's plenty of other HEMA people who don't spar or only do slow TMA-style quasi-sparring. pic related

Those are quite rare in my general experience and those people usually get dismissed by literally everyone. For e.g John Clements and ARMA.

>People throw a shit-fit to this day about that one slam at Tossetti's being too hard when it would be considered average in an actual wrestling or judo competition.

That was a more complex issue because one dude wouldnt stop pommelling and the other threw the other on a hard surface. This isnt an issue in Swordfish where they have mats. Local tournaments used to allow grappling if both parties agreed but because of women, troons, and honestly small weak people they had to throw that out. However those same people are honestly just getting filtered.

>explain ARMA, Blood & Iron, etc.

ARMA is literally just John Clemments coming from TMA and thinking its the same thing. He got where he was just by being first.

Blood and Iron's problem is theyre canadian.

Anonymous No. 145164

We should actively call anti-grapplers sissies and that if they don't like it they should go somewhere else.
I hate the current "Athleticism... LE BAD!" attitude HEMA has. I want HEMA to have as much contact as possible. Have laxer protection standards, stop being a PUSSY.

Anonymous No. 145338

My Aikido school spoke positively about Judo when I brought it up.
The other schools I checked out also didn't think badly of me when I mentioned that I was checking out multiple schools.
>Kendo is another one, theyre just insecure as shit, especially the club in my city that just bitches and whines to the HEMA and MOF clubs they share a hall with that theyre not doing "real sword fighting" and that they have "no actual lineage".
Have they challenged the HEMA club to a duel yet?
It would make for a fun youtube video.

Anonymous No. 145341

BJJ guys are the most egocentric currently?

Anonymous No. 145344

You should challenge any of the kendofags to a first blood duel with actually live (but not deadly) bladed weapons to make them fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 145410

How does this one weapon generate so much seethe over such a long time period? It's by far the most hated sword, even today.

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least assblasted ....jpg

Anonymous No. 145564

Kendofags REALLY have a hateboner for HEMA.
Just look at the l*ddit post. Feels a lot like "The fox and the grapes".

Anonymous No. 145568

I have honestly not seen it irl. 9/10 kendoka you meet are japanese diaspora who consider it a cultural sport. There might be some weebs who have a zeal of the convert thing going on and hate hema but I find that attitude really bizarre. Never run into it at my club. To what extent they are aware of hema the reaction is usually mild approval, but mostly disinterest.

Very occasionally the topic of real swordfighting comes up and the consensus seems to be that kendo is not much of a weapon art. It's more of a sword themed contact sport. The real stuff is koryu and you can talk to those guys if you want a shouting match, because they do seem uppity and insecure. I checked that dudes comment history and sure enough, he's a koryu and iaido guy who never posts on the kendo subreddit.

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Anonymous No. 145570

>becawse thine rapier be too damn longe!

Anonymous No. 145574

>wall of text
>morally superior lecture
>calls someone else a LARPer while comparing himself to a feudal warrior
>says dumb platitudes like “nothing is like a sword fight except a sword fight”
>gives a “if I was your dad” lesson at the end
Holy shit it’s like I’m looking at distilled, purified, cancer. I want to find this guy and just bully him.

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Anonymous No. 145575

Turns out, this faggot wrote not one, but TWO seething text walls about HEMA, the second one being so long that even after zooming out the maximum amount I still couldn’t get all the text in one screenshot lmfao.

For context, the reason he was so mad is because the op of the thread thought kendo seemed kinda gay and unrealistic for simulating a sword fight because you can only attack specific areas and have to shout like an autist.

Anonymous No. 145576

He also describes himself as a “shotokan karate black belt and reality based self defense instructor for police and military with over 20 years experience.”

Why is every useless fuck who can’t fight but talks about martial arts a shotokan black belt and reality based self defense instructor of police and military with over 20 years experience? I swear I must have seen at least ten thousand shotokan black belt and reality based training instructor of police military with over20 years experience on the internet so far. There’s a huge market surplus.

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Anonymous No. 145577

So I’ve clearly become a schizophrenicly obsessed stalker like Sam Hyde but I can’t stop digging into this guy, and I’ve found a ton of hilarious shit, not the least of which is pic related. Watch out niggers, you’re dealing with an international champion and street fighter who also trains with UFC coaches and trains the military and knows every koryu known to man and still somehow has time to write text walls on Reddit every other day.

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Anonymous No. 145578

But that brings me to this, which is apparently his true passion because instead of commenting this is what he actually makes posts about, lol. Fucking toy diaramas. The combatives expert calli BFF you a LARPer makes you diaramas

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Anonymous No. 145579

That led to his Facebook which claims to have his real legal name on it (it’s not, it’s a pseudonym) where he no bullshit says his real name is fucking Batman. Googling his pseudonym will lead you to his website which I won’t post here so I don’t get banned for doxing where he writes ebooks that no one reads, wrote a biography, and posts gem pictures like pic related.
>this is the guy calling you a LARPer.

Googling his pseudonym will also lead you to a YouTube channel where he uploads videos no one watches of him talking about stretching and a couple where he does exercises incorrectly on a smith machine and calls them “isometric”

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Anonymous No. 145646

>Correct gaze
Is this nigger serious? He sounds like some sort of Bujinkan retard.

Anonymous No. 145648

I want to own this retard IRL hard now.
What's the legality of challenging someone to a duel to the death?

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Anonymous No. 145652

>Smug condescending JSAfag
>HE-MAN obsessed manchild
>Actually LARPs as a samurai
>Actual DYEL that doesn't know how to use gym equipment
>Probably never sparred in his life
Holy shit he is the fucking poster boy of JSAfag stereotypes.

Anonymous No. 145668

neither jkd nor kung fu are styles. jkd is an approach to fighting, while kung fu is an incredibly broad umbrella term for, what was it, over 300 flavors of cma?

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Anonymous No. 145675

I noticed that kung fu is similar to HEMA in that aspect of being a broad term. Except kung fu is a "type" of martial arts focused more on the unarmed part rather than armed part (afaik), and has been more or less kept alive as time went through while HEMA is mostly based on weapons manuals and is an attempt at recreating the arts through constant study and simulation of combat (sparring) to understand the weapon, it's technicques, tactics and strategies.
I also noticed that the JKD approach to fighting is also quite prevalent in HEMA, with most practitioners not being too uppity about other styles within it and generally not bound by them. They love to cross-train and cross-spar. I wonder what would Bruce Lee think of what essentially was born out of history nerds fucking around and finding out. Ironically, I think he would praise it over other weapon arts that scoff sparring (such as a good ammount of JSA). It's odd that JSA really doesn't want to spar while, for example, the Chinese do it. There was that one tournament in China in which a bunch of different weapons fought against each other, including the "infamous" (?) hook swords. Can't remember the name of said tournament though. I like the attitude the Chinese have desu (except for Wing Chun practitioners, you all make Yip Man and Bruce Lee cry).

Anonymous No. 145692

how long til those judoka become so great in number that they say fuck it and form their own org to rival the main one, do you reckon?

Anonymous No. 145693

Never. No one’s going to give up the prestige of the olympics as an option. More likely I think the dinosaurs at the ijf are going to start dying off and whoever take their place will (hopefully) be less retarded.

Anonymous No. 145694

A lot of times it’s insurance and venue issues when it comes to tournaments. Nevermind that tossing someone while they’re holding a sword IS dangerous. I haven’t seen anyone get pierced by a cross guard on a fall yet, but the first time it happens I guarantee there’s going to be an uproar.

Anonymous No. 145758

I fucking hate the olympics.
All my niggas hate the olympicss they are fucking GAY.

Anonymous No. 145759

Round em nigga at most you will get a bruise.

Anonymous No. 145767

>require all feders have rounded quillions
A good solution but HEMAfags will never do it because it would mean sacrificing the aesthetics of their gear.

Anonymous No. 145783

>even tho feders are already fake swords/sportive equipment from the rennaissance
Shoo shoo kendofag, go get your throat pierced in a tsuki due your autismal equipment etiquette.

Anonymous No. 145799

What the fuck are you talking about? I’ve been doing HEMA for half a decade. If you think hemafags don’t geek out over gear aesthetics I don’t even know what to tell you because you’re literally objectively wrong.

Anonymous No. 145820

In my club people don't care about that shit.
Equipment autism is a Japanese thing in Kendo. You gotta use bamboo even tho it could splinter and get in the other person's face. You gotta use the retarded mask that barely covers your neck. You gotta yell when you attack. You gotta be barefoot even tho you will get blisters on your feet.
Stop bullshitting already you fucking faggot.

Anonymous No. 145826

Calm down you deranged fag. Ive never trained kendo and you’re sperging out about it for no reason. If you’re so insistent that I don’t do HEMA I’ll send you a picture of some of my gear when I get home from work.

Anonymous No. 145836

Watch as this faggot doesn't deliver and even if you did that's just an anecdote therefore I win.
Get smoked.

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Anonymous No. 145846

>that’s just an anecdote
Lmao, go look at any HEMA store page on Facebook. Are you really, unironically, going to argue that hemafags don’t slobber over aesthetic swords?
>won’t deliver
Be back in three hours or so. Stay unreasonably angry for no reason while you wait.

Anonymous No. 145849

>tips aren't rolled over
Cool stainless steel replicas faggot post actual practice blades now.

Anonymous No. 145854

Those malleus martialis blades you fucking idiot. I took the picture straight from their Facebook page. Go look yourself.

Seriously stop posting. All you’re doing is making yourself look like a belligerent drooling retard

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Anonymous No. 145855

Not him, but those are Malleus Martialis swords.
They have thickened tips instead of rolled ones. Pic related, it's one of mine.

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Anonymous No. 145866

Here you go, homo

Anonymous No. 145876

Facebook is lame why would I ever use it?

Anonymous No. 145877

>thin ass dueling saber
>coupled with an overprotective mask
What are you scared of?

Anonymous No. 145896

Because I made a point that hemafags tend to froth at the mouth over aesthetic swords and you can see it in real life on Facebook smith pages.
It’s an overlay for a fencing mask I already had from when I did sport fencing. The overlay is useful for when I’m fencing longsword The thin dueling saber is for Italian saber which i trained today.

Also anyone who thinks they’re tough for not wearing protective equipment in a sport where you have a realistic chance of getting concussed is either a retard or underageb&.

Anonymous No. 145917

>hemafags tend to froth at the mouth over aesthetic swords
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Genuine question. Almost all sports care about aesthetics in some way

Anonymous No. 145925

No, i made a joke about it earlier in the thread though and the anon I was arguing with yesterday just lost his mind and started sperging our over it.

Anonymous No. 145926

Nah you're just a sissy also it's not a "sport". I don't think it's legally acknowledged as one.

Anonymous No. 145927

>HEMA isn’t a sport
>a faggot who doesn’t even compete is the one autistically raging at me for two days now
lol, lmao even. Also
Are you the John clements nut-hugger from the HEMA general thread?

Anonymous No. 145943

Nah I think John Clemments is a dumb faggot who is wrong about most shit he says.
>Muh competition
Sparring with your overweight buddies in your backyard is not competition. I doubt you are allowed to carry your lame old bent and beat up 350N mask to a competition, LARPboy.

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Anonymous No. 145948

>doesn’t realize there’s 350N masks and jackets all over HEMA competitions
>doesn’t even deny that he doesn’t compete
Holy shit lmfao, and you have the gall to call other people LARPers? Do you even fence at all?

Anonymous No. 145953

I do fence but I don't throw lies about competing. Again, unless it's some reddit tournament in some dude's backyard they force you to wear 1350N masks.

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Anonymous No. 145957

>throw lies about competing
Because you don’t compete at all
>unless it's some reddit tournament in some dude's backyard they force you to wear 1350N masks.
You are literally retarded. Swordfish is one of the biggest tournaments in western Europe.This is from their gear requirements page
>All fencers must have a layer of protection that is certified for 350 N (according to EN 13567).
>Fencing mask. Masks must be in good condition, i.e., without dents, cracks, rust, be misshapen or exhibit any other form of overuse that demonstrates it may be unsuitable for competition.
They also have to have back of the head protection. Those are the only requirements. There’s nothing saying you need a 1350N mask or that you can’t wear a 350N mask with an overlay that provides back of the head protection. Anecdotally I’ve never had anyone even ASK what my mask is rated at a tournament let alone actually check or say that I can’t wear it. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Anonymous No. 145958

Post your record brah.
>implying I care about embarassing myself in an anonymouse martial arts nerd board

Anonymous No. 145971

You haven’t so much as posted a feder and you want me to dox myself? lol, ok buddy. I’m sorry you don’t train but think you know all about HEMA and also are vehemently angry as kendo’s existence.

Anonymous No. 145988

I've seen the opposite, HEMA people tend to be really flustered when they're reminded they are doing what Kendo did 150 years ago.

In reality, the majority of these posts are made by beginners that made their newest hobby their entire identity.

>Fuck, for some reason kendoka fucking hates us but i think its because we dethroned their larpy "WE'RE REAL SWORDSMEN!" thing.
No one above 3rd dan in Kendo says this, lol. Kendo is not sword fighting. It's an aesthetic combat sport that derived from sword fighting.

The only thing I have against HEMA is that it's having an identity crisis of what it wants to be and the majority of clubs are full of lardasses who would rather drill a thousand different situational techniques instead of focusing on fundamentals/conditioning. It's too bookish, as opposed to a typical kendo practice that will have you exhausted, dripping with sweat, and drilling the fundamentals hard.

t. done long sword and kendo, stuck with kendo

Anonymous No. 145991

>Equipment autism is a Japanese thing in Kendo
In what way? They all use the same stuff.
>You gotta use bamboo even tho it could splinter and get in the other person's face.
Take care of your shinai and this won't happen.
>You gotta use the retarded mask that barely covers your neck.
Covers it plenty.
>You gotta yell when you attack.
introverted virgin detected
>You gotta be barefoot even tho you will get blisters on your feet.
Ask me how I know you don't train in any real capacity.

Anonymous No. 146059

They autismally follow tradition and use super expensive equipment even if they could use cheaper, better and safer stuff.
Just taking care is not enough and it can still be extremely unsafe. People take a lot of care of equipment in Olympic Fencing and some people have died.
If you think the Kendo mask covers good enough you clearly have never got a Tsuki to slip through and hit your throat. It's why they only teach that to advanced students and not to noobs.
Yelling is LARPish as fuck.
My brother does Kendo and he sometimes comes back with blisters on his soles because he is forced to do it on his bare feet.

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reddit kendoka cope.jpg

Anonymous No. 146063

>HEMA people are flustered when they're reminded they are doing what Kendo did 150 years ago
HEMA people are butthurt at the sportification and eventual degeneration of swordsmanship into something that just is no longer swordsmanship. Classical epée fencing was born in order to actually teach the use of the smallsword when many thought that the foil ruleset got extremely sportified and abstracted from actual swordsmanship. Nowadays epée has completely degenerated to the point even foil is more martial due to RoW disavowing suicidal attacks that epée eletrical equipment doesn't. That's why you see many HEMA people getting butthurt at this trend.
>It's an aesthetic combat sport that derived from sword fighting.
How can it be a combat sport if it neither has proper contact in it nor tries to simulate a proper fight? It's like claiming Chess or Go is a war game when both are incredibly abstract strategy games, specially Go.
>HEMA is bookish even tho they will cross spar (unlike JSAfags) with any other style and practice the techniques with a resisting opponent (unlike JSAfags)
The bookish aspect of HEMA is born out of the desire to research techniques and their validity, something that JSAsheep never do. We have a JKD type of thinking.
>Did longsword
What system? If you can't tell me I will assume you didn't do HEMA, but got paired with some ARMA retard instructor that taught you to parry with the flat.
>Typical kendo practice are about drilling the fundamentals hard.
You mean repeating the same movement for 200 times a day and nothing else, never learning how to move fluidly and being a rigid one-trick-pony, huh? I guess it appeases your autistic mind. With the foolish repetitive "traditions" and etiquette of such sport.
>HEMAfags don't exercise even tho there's stuff on HEMA-optimized physical conditioning like
Shinai are light sissy shit that you can hold on one arm, you are no one to talk shit about physicality.

Anonymous No. 146112

>Shinai are light sissy shit that you can hold on one arm,
A day ago you were giving me shit for Wearing a 350N mask as if it was a safety risk. Now you’re a sissy if you don’t let yourself get bashed by heavy weapons. Which is it? Do you care about safety or does caring about safety make you a sissy?
>you are no one to talk shit about physicality
Lmfao, I bet kendo anon has been to at least one competition in his life. I told you to stop embarrassing yourself before, now stop embarrassing HEMA as a whole considering you’re not even a fucking participant.
I think kendo is pretty cool guy, eh yells very loud and doesn’t afraid of anything.

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Anonymous No. 146153

Not about bashing, more about lifting and moving. Dyel?

Anonymous No. 146165

Can someone who speaks retard translate what this post is trying to say?

Anonymous No. 146167

He's saying that he doesn't do hema or kendo or any weapon art but he does lift, and he's implying that you're a skinny bitch.

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Anonymous No. 146169

Oh, ok then

Anonymous No. 146433

I'm failing to see how your posted image is coping.
>implying HEMA isn't invented tradition
>How can it be a combat sport if it neither has proper contact in it nor tries to simulate a proper fight?
Kendo is full contact. What are you on about?
>You mean repeating the same movement for 200 times a day and nothing else, never learning how to move fluidly and being a rigid one-trick-pony, huh?
You say that HEMA people have a JKD type of thinking, I guess practicing one kick a thousand times is the one exception. Once again, ask me how I know you don't train.
>Shinai are light sissy shit that you can hold on one arm, you are no one to talk shit about physicality.
Majority of HEMA people are fat bodies. Keep coping.

Anonymous No. 146455

maybe my reading comprehension is horrible as an ESL, but wtf is that grammar in the last sentence? would be funny if someone started a yt channel w/ nothing but dramatic readings of these leddit posts. you could call it 'reddit read-n-sneed' or sth like that. just an idea.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 146457

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 146460

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1279
Who Framed /aa2g/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 146475

It’s not grammatically incorrect it’s just a gay and long winded run-on sentence. Redditors get high sniffing their own farts and what you see in that pic is the result.

Anonymous No. 146550

This is why this board sucks. All these issues are purely mechanical. Martial arts, Combat Sports, etc, should be discussed like any other physical activity. But only in martial arts do you find faggots pretending like anatomy doesn't apply to them.