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๐Ÿงต Thoughts on BKFC?

Anonymous No. 133839

Anonymous No. 133871

I've got nothing against it but my hypothesis is that BKFC, TDFC, Gromda, Wotore and popularization of lethwei in Europe are all because people in 2017 started to watch K.O.T.S. and organizers realized that people want blood.

Anonymous No. 133909

The dumbest shit imaginable, probably the best case ever made for why any political ideology with "Anarcho" in the name is retarded. Claiming you want no rules really just means you want to rewrite the rules based on your own equally as subjective criteria.

Comments on KotS videos are full of phony tough dipshits saying things like "oh it's a fight, if you don't want to see low-skill high-damage bullshit like eye gouges go watch UFC" but that logic would go out the window immediately if someone pulled a knife or had a roll of quarters in their wraps, or just shot their opponent a week before the fight. But guys I thought it was supposed to be "real"

Anonymous No. 133926

Small talent pool, not much more entertaining than backyard brawls. I could unironically be champ without much effort

Anonymous No. 133927

Hard to take anything seriously that looks half teh hardcorez half home for retired fighters. It's hard enough to do one of those well.

Anonymous No. 134015

There is one difference. Both of the fighters can do eye gouges while pulling a knife or having quarters in wraps would destroy the balance. If both fighters had knifes or quarters it would be ok.

Anonymous No. 135101

Why do most of them fight more like a drunk abusive husband than a real boxer?

Anonymous No. 135116

People hate watching eye gouges. For every wannabe tough guy talking about "go watch UFC" there are a hundred people hating on the gouges. That's why KOTS put a rule in place where if you eye gouge to finish you still win but don't get prize money. Tbh people should learn how to defend against eye gouges, which can actually be done, but most combat sports don't learn how to as they are simply banned outright, for sensible reasons obviously

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Anonymous No. 136789

>I could unironically be champ without much effort

Anonymous No. 136814

Pretty dumb to be honest, I can't believe people would do this when you can do the same thing without breaking your hands, I understand that the punches are different and you have to regulate power more but it is just a bad trade off for I would assume a small paycheck

Anonymous No. 136922

Because real boxers arent stupid enough to fight without gloves.

Anonymous No. 138515

Fighting without gloves is safer than fighting with gloves

Anonymous No. 138556

In what way? The measured psi with gloves on vs with them off wasn't must different so you would still get punch drunk just with a broken hand, in fact you would probably get hit more since you don't have the size of the glove to shield you

Anonymous No. 138558

>That's why KOTS put a rule in place where if you eye gouge to finish you still win but don't get prize money.

That's fucking gay.

Anonymous No. 138559

Yes. If you think any of these guys are higher than D tier boxers, you need to up your standards

Anonymous No. 138561

I'm watching the champion (David Mundell) of my natural weightclass's (middleweight) last fight. They're both somewhat pudgy and not in any better shape than the average ironworker. Neither are very fast. Every time Mundell throws, he steps in too far to keep a balanced stance which causes an involuntary level change even if he isn't going for one. He's incredibly vulnerable to a quick uppercut since he leaves his guard hand low or away from his face for some reason. A low left hook would also be effective since the lack of gloves makes general defense much more difficult

Anonymous No. 139719

qualities that make good pro boxer good are not the same qualities that make good bareknuckle boxer good

Anonymous No. 139726

Yes, lack of real boxing skill is a quality that separates BKB from actual boxing

Anonymous No. 142008

You have to be way more picky and accurate with your punches, so its rare to see super high volume combos and people usually get hit a lot less than in regular boxing

Anonymous No. 142084

Go ahead and fight Ben Rothwell then.

Anonymous No. 142087

I crosstrianed and did hand conditioning. It's not this impossible thing. These guys fight like shit though

Anonymous No. 142088

Nta but any of the fighters at my old gym could take this guy kek

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Anonymous No. 142090

This must be a joke. These are some of the shittiest hands to get a quick KO I have ever seen

Anonymous No. 142092

This is literally just retards brawling lol

Anonymous No. 142603

my guess is most athletes have a bias tow3ards causing damage than defending themselves and boxing clean. Having bareknuckles probably taps into some part of everyone's caveman brain which makes them more reckless

Anonymous No. 142617

These guys are incredibly low skilled so flurry is the only move they have

Anonymous No. 142665

Point is he's a giant fucker with lunchboxes for hands. Don't think you're doing anything to him

Anonymous No. 142755

I'm 6'1. 6'4 isn't that much taller

Anonymous No. 142816

Tards like him used to come into the gym the from time to time and then leave. Not sure why you are so hard for this scrub

Anonymous No. 142822

Interesting to say the least, I like how it's a bit closer to old school bare knuckle boxing with clinch work. I hope it helps give some more spotlight to dirty boxing

Anonymous No. 142908

Lol Those two could be put to sleep by the average dominican high school football player. what a joke

Anonymous No. 143045

I like it in theory but because of the lack of decent talent I have only seen 2 or 3 fights of professional caliber.
The rest seemed only a step or two above the skill level of street/backyard boxing.

I just don't think their operation has the cash to entice better fighters. It also doesn't pay enough or have events often enough where it justifies fighters specializing in bare knuckle. So instead you just have mma dudes doing it on the side, sometimes barely modifying their punching style for the different sport.

I want it to do well but I have low hopes it will be around 10 years from now.

Anonymous No. 146768


Anonymous No. 146816

Would be based if they dropped the handwraps and fought under London Prize Ring rules or something similar.

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Anonymous No. 147741

I think it is a sport for crazy ppl and ppl that like to see blood, it is not meant for those that love the fighting arts

it causes way to much damage to the hands and the head of the practitioners

I don't really see the point since they're throwing punches like when they're using gloves anyway