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Anonymous No. 133964

Is stinking real bad to throw off your opponent a valid tactic in combat sports involving grappling? Are there any rules against that?

Anonymous No. 134056

not really
I competed in some judo tournaments and about 3 weeks before the fights I would stop wiping my ass and make sure to never shower or brush my teeth

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Anonymous No. 134072

sure is, smash bros players do it all the time

Anonymous No. 134156

Tony Gellento did it all the time. That's who OPs pic is based on

Anonymous No. 134157

Yes. It's forbidden jutsu but it is effective. It won't turn you into a champion but it can throw your opponent off their game. There are social consequences to being the guy that smells like shit that may or may not be worse than any competitive advantage though. ymmv

Anonymous No. 134160

There has been a gentleman's agreement to be clean at every Judo tournament I've ever been to. One time we had a kosen bracket and a bunch of BJJ guys showed up. They had one Indian kid who just reeked of poop. He wasn't obviously filthy in any particular location he just generally smelled like shit. No idea how he managed it. Everyone talked smack about him but no one mentioned anything to an official. Realistically, even if it's against the rules on the books I don't think it would be penalized. Unless you came in smelling like Surstromming or something truly hideous.

Anonymous No. 134171

If there aren't, it still may not be a phenomenal idea. Opponent may decide to just rip the first thing he secures so he can be done with it. Or in a team situation, someone has an "accidental" DQ that takes you out.

Anonymous No. 134683

All things considered it would help just a little bit.

Anonymous No. 134684

I've read several stories of indians that smelled like that but otherwise looked clean, I have to wonder if it's a genetic thing for some people.

Anonymous No. 134695


Anonymous No. 134728

James Kirkland did that, said he wanted to get his smell all on his opponent. Didn't help vs Canelo though.

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Anonymous No. 134731

How do you maximize the Stench-Jutsu strategy beyond not showering?
>orange juice every morning
>beans every night
>raws onion before the fight

Anonymous No. 134740

Never ever wash your gi. Let no fluid besides sweat touch its fibers. Over time you will develop an ungodly, rancid musk. Your enemies will tap when they're breathing in your jacket.

Theoretically, the same thing could apply to any rashguard or singlet or other grappling apparel. I guess the only style this doesn't work for is classical greek naked wrestling.

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Super Smash Bros ....gif

Anonymous No. 134751

I found some good Stench-Jutsu technology. Apparently eating sulfur-rich food gives you mouth odor, so your diet should look somewhat like this
>nuts with orange juice in the morning
>frice with broccoli and onions
>fish with eggs and more onions
The downside of this diet is that there is a small chance of your ass exploding in shit and developing Chron's. Of course, you could use disease to furtherly boost your Stench-Jutsu, but at that point, you might as well turn into an herald of Nurgle.

Anonymous No. 134754

Have you never eaten raw garlic? I'm guessing it has way more sulfur than those since it makes your whole body stink.

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Anonymous No. 134758

Yes, onions should be eaten raw, the same way the Japanese do. I couldn't find any desserts rich in sulfur so feel free to contribute.
Regarding sweat, men have most sweat glands in their nuts, armpits and feet so Stench-Jutsu should, somehow, incorporate exercise and wrestling moves that make use of these three sweaty areas.

Anonymous No. 134782

Garlic... Lots of garlic.

Anonymous No. 134813

sometimes people will poopoo a bit in their mma shorts or bjj yoga pants if that counts, sort of like when long distance runners also crap themselves

Anonymous No. 134818

it's probably due to their diet. I saw a curry muncher on instagram using that as an excuse and she might be on to something. Indian food is great but it's greasy oily and smelly as fuck.

Anonymous No. 134848

I used to spar and roll with a guy who competed in ONE FC
Got held in an armbar and I farted