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Anonymous No. 134013

>BJJLet think the opponent will grapple with them instead of simply punching them in the nose


Anonymous No. 134014

This thread again..
Anti grappling IS grappling
If you can't do a basic sprawl punching someone who is mounted on you couldn't be less effective
And why don't you train your boxing instead of shitting on this board?

Anonymous No. 134022

i like these nerd emoji memes

Anonymous No. 134026

Boxer or karateka only knows strikes and thinks that's enough and the opponent will just punch him so he doesn't know what to do when the opponent takes him down. Bjj fighter mostly knows chokes and joint locks but he knows it's not enough so he also know basic strikes and wrestling. That's why bjj almost always wins, unless the striker knows enough wrestling to neutralize takedown attempts and get the dominant position in case of being eventually taken down.

Anonymous No. 134027

you can do both. striking and grappling is a nice combo

Anonymous No. 134031

Replace lifting with fighting and that's literally me on the right

Anonymous No. 134067

My weeks are basically me lifting, boxing, grappling, eating or resting

Anonymous No. 134431

I'm afraid that fighting becomes the next made in chan incel personality or Twitter artists create something like "BJJ girlfriend"

Anonymous No. 134441

>I'm afraid that fighting becomes the next made in chan incel personality
It would be an oxymoron, since nogs always want to fight anyone who comments anti-black shit on youtube, and nogs always claim to be alpha. If you can beat a nigga's ass, that nigga is now bitch made, and he becomes the beta in the dynamic. Might is always right

Anonymous No. 134445

Right-wingers obsession with black men gayness just show their level of desperation

Anonymous No. 134449

I would have said chad too, but white chads don't necessarily fight, they just play sports

Anonymous No. 135800

>karatecuck thinks opponent will stop trying to grab them if they simply punch them in the nose


Anonymous No. 135949

>Bjj fighter mostly knows chokes and joint locks but he knows it's not enough so he also know basic strikes and wrestling