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🧵 I started climbing yesterday

Anonymous No. 134178

My hands skin is fucked, it hurts and i cant climb as much as yesterday because of it. What should i do ?

Anonymous No. 134181

you little baby come here
*kisses hand and tucks you in bed*

Anonymous No. 134188

You should probably KYS and never climb again. We’re full.

Anonymous No. 134189

You probably should man up
It’s extreme sports sissy

Anonymous No. 134191

Jesus Christ. Stop. Your pulleys look like they are on the verge of tearing.

Anonymous No. 134227

I've never seen pulleys so fucked up with skin so intact

Anonymous No. 134230

just rest

one of the biggest things, especially for new climbers, is just not getting injured. So no back to back climbing days, probably no comically long sessions.

I have done those things. Do not do those things.

climbing is fun. it is not fun not being able to climb because you fucked your pulleys or your skin just burns at baseline

Anonymous No. 134261

>My hands skin is fucked, it hurts
that's normal (at least for me)
unless I only do slabs I always have fucked up skin

Anonymous No. 134276

how can you "see" that his pulleys are fucked up? i didnt realize that stuff was visible without x-rays or some shit

Anonymous No. 134278


Take it easy, bro. Give yourself some time to recover, at least a week before you go again. Climbing is awesome, but take your time with it.

Anonymous No. 134280

That's what everyone's first session is like. Just go back when it stops hurting(it was a week for me) and eventually you'll build up the stamina necessary for climbing.

Anonymous No. 134319

Look at his hand, it's so evident I feel for the dude
If you don't see anything wrong with it, you never had a pulley injury

Anonymous No. 134366

Pulley injuries fucking suck.
>got one working on construction.
>decided to be macho and ignore it.
>still fucking hurts sometimes.

Anonymous No. 134372

are you talking about how the knuckle looks depressed on his index finger (and middle, but less so)? i've never had a pulley injury but i would like to continue avoiding them
idk what else looks off to you, his skin doesnt look great but hes a new climber so about what i'd expect

Anonymous No. 134374

He’s a retard. A pulley doesn’t tear through your skin. OP didn’t use chalk and his skin isn’t use to the resin.

Anonymous No. 134709

Oh poor baby

come here op I will kiss your boo boos better

Anonymous No. 134904

Chalk up more. Have 1 day inbetween. You will get "pillows" on your fingers soon enough.

Your pulleys are fine. If you feel tingling just stop.

Also stop being such a pussy.

Anonymous No. 135540

anyone assessing pulleys is a goofy little trolololo silly jester

you're being a bitch though just take a rest day after every climbing day and you'll adjust. Everyone goes through this and you will always have to manage skin as a climber

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 135831

Stupid fucking nigger. Why did you feel the need to make this its own thread? Was /cg/ not enough for you? You just had to put your bitching on its own pedestal? Fucking leave and never return.

Anonymous No. 135845

youre not gonna form callouses overnight, climb 1-2 times a week for a month or two until you can feel your skin getting stronger.
yes it will hurt, dont overdo it.

Anonymous No. 136197

Use chalk and tape
Stop climbing before your skin breaks, it'll heal faster

Anonymous No. 136506

Rest up. Your hands will become suitably calloused in time. With experience, you'll learn to rely less on your hands for climbing and more on your feet.
It's natural to cling on with your hands as a newbie, with practise you'll learn that your feet can support literally all of your bodyweight on the smallest of nubs - your hands are there often just to maintain posture by pinching protrusions on the wall (overhangs being an obvious exception.)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 139644

no one cares faggot

🗑️ Anonymous No. 139645


wth experience you can learn to take the cock out your mouth faggot

Anonymous No. 141852


This. Just take longer rests between climbs. 1 day minimum. If your still sore, give it another day.