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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 134331

What do people on this board think of airsoft? I have had a pretty fun time with it, all things considered, but I understand how it can be seen as cringe seeing as its infested with operator larping tacticool Timmies who think that shooting plastic pellets at each other makes them Navy Seals or something.

Anonymous No. 134332

Airsoft kids are more based and masculine than the average /k/uck

Anonymous No. 134333

I'm so grateful I didn't have social media during my awkward years.

Anonymous No. 134334

Based Hellwolves slidin on the ops

Anonymous No. 134335

It's fun when you're 16-19 but I grew out of it really quickly. I think it was the fat neverserved guys in their late 20s and mid 30s wearing UCP head to toe and barking orders at me that killed my interest.

Anonymous No. 134336

Yea once you're old enough to actually be in the military it's kinda pathetic. I used to fuck some chubby goth chick who's now super into airsoft at 35 years old.

Anonymous No. 134337

To be fair, you cant dual wield automatic glocks and wear anime patches in the military.

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Anonymous No. 134338


Depends on where/how you play.
Milsim West has literal SF, MARSOC and Rangers running games.

Anonymous No. 134339

It would be fine if people treat it as the game that it is, but unfortunately it attracts way too many try-hards who think being good at airshit makes them a legit operator. It'd be fun if so many people didn't take it so seriously.

Anonymous No. 134340

wtf are red aces?

Anonymous No. 134341

I don't want it to be like the military, that's the problem. I'm not a grunt. I want to run around and play Max Payne IRL with my niggas without killing each other.

Anonymous No. 134342

That doesn't make it less cringy to play. It just means they charge 5X as much for the venue.

Anonymous No. 134343


Anonymous No. 134344

>Yea once you're old enough to actually be in the military it's kinda pathetic.

How the fuck is it ''pathetic''? It's just harmless fun.

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Anonymous No. 134345

>tons of fun when I was younger
>there was a great outdoor airsoft place nearby that was cheap
>go to college and actually join the army
>the place I moved to only had indoor ranges and they were too pussy to let me use my 400fps AEG indoors
>one of the screws was stripped on the receiver so I couldn’t change the spring inside
>stopped going airsofting
>it’s been like 6 years now

It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had, and it was good exercise and good tactical training. Fight me nerds
>pic related was my gat

Anonymous No. 134346

had fun with it with my niggas but after the jewtube gunfags started the trend of airsoft = training all the larptards started ruing games

Anonymous No. 134347

I posted this on /k/ because I wanted to see what people who own actual guns think about it.

Anonymous No. 134348

That's because they teach tactics, strategy and teamwork while you play

Anonymous No. 134349

Its a good thing that teens are interested in military gear, guns, tactics and willing to enact this on an actual FIELD. Even if it is a cringe larp. The ruling class is redlining on all cylinders trying to turn young men into fat, helpless, estrogenized, terminally online consoomers. Gate-keeping faggots only help them accomplish this.

Anonymous No. 134350

It's as valid as WH40k and vidya gaemz threads.

Anonymous No. 134351

I just posted it because historically that was /k/'s boilerplate response to any mention of airshit. While it may be a valid topic it's important to keep traditions alive.

Anonymous No. 134352

I don't see anything wrong about kids playing around, seems like a fun and cool hobby to have at that age. The gear and guns they use is ovepriced plastic garbage though.

Anonymous No. 134353

Airshit can be pretty cheap these days. There are electric guns that do 350fps+ for under $100 if you shop around. 20 years ago all that was available was expensive Japanese stuff or slightly less expensive Taiwanese stuff.

Anonymous No. 134354

It's fun if you have a good group to go with. People that understand that theyre there to fuck around with BB guns and have a good time are fun to go with. It's the tacticool tards and people taking it super seriously that make airsoft shit.

Anonymous No. 134364

absolutely love it, it's my "main hobby" and i've put a lot of time and money into it mostly via driving and night vision. I think the initial cost is quite low but you can really go off the deep end if you can justify it. i focus on having fairly high-end stuff but with redundancies..two is one, one is none etc. i don't like the phrase "milsim" but i try to get to a 24h game once a month, do day games here and there. during the week i lift, do judo, play vidya and of course work a very normie job. its that winning combination of what i like about physical exercise and /out/ stuff and gaming combined. i have found very few things to be as fun as getting all nodded up with your bros in an urban training environment with toy guns. i will openly admit to taking airsoft quite seriously (or at least having fun with airsoft quite seriously) however the important thing is not to take yourself too seriously. looking forward to a 4 day game in the woods later this summer...hiking+camping but pvp.

Anonymous No. 134382

Fun if you treat it as a game, gay if you pretend to be le operatoor. Also it seems infested with tryhard 15 year olds and adult men who take it way too seriously because they couldn’t make it in a real sport.

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Anonymous No. 134387


Anonymous No. 134636

>Go to /toy/
>Get told to post on /k/
>Go to /k/
>Get told to post on /xs/
>Post on /xs/
>Get told to post on /toy/

Anonymous No. 134640

Airsoft is embarrassing shit. Just play paintball like a normal person.

Anonymous No. 134724

paintball is for faggots though
are you a faggot?

Anonymous No. 134739

Great fun if you treat it as half LARP and half real-life COD

Milsim is gay.

Anonymous No. 134747

Drill or easy out that ruined screw and do a spring swap. That rifle/LMG is far more badass then a rifle from my fleet of obscure beaters. (I'm not buff enough to schlep an LMG around).

Anonymous No. 135220

I basically quit playing because the game is filled with prepubescent child with the latest COD edition rifle and the annoying teenagers thinking they’re the next Norvitch or Kicking mustang, with their “sniper rifle”.

Anonymous No. 135221

I really thought paintball was going to have a resurgence after Tippman came out with their mag fed paintball rifle.
So yeah, paintball is dead.

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Anonymous No. 135245

just shoot youselves with real weapons
>play like real men
>die like real men

Anonymous No. 136072

Getting a few guns and playing in the woods with your buddies is underrated

Anonymous No. 136077

Paintball is superior becuase you can't pretend that you haven't been shot unlike most airsoft faggots

Anonymous No. 136134

Every fat slob that showed up new to airsoft, and really stuck with it for years instead of dropping it in a month, tend to lose a lot of weight, if not also actually get into great shape, just as a side effect of running around covered in hot gear and carrying sometimes heavy guns. Its a great sport. And I think the big appeal to it is that its not just another a traditional ball sport with super strict rules. You can really play it any way you want that fits your style.

Anonymous No. 136138

Meh, that only really applies to people who make it out like they're in the military, you know, the multicum types with the nickname they think sounds badass that they gave themselves. If you just wanna fuck around in the woods and not be a tryhard it's cool

Anonymous No. 136939

This. At least they get exercise and use the guns for something other than shooting targets.

Anonymous No. 137749

Played airsoft for nearly a decade, been on hiatus for the last 2 years. Was the most fun active sport I've enjoyed. I pulled my kit back out, I'm thinking of getting back into it.

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Anonymous No. 138800

>hello fellow person that enjoys guns
>since you love guns so much
>have you ever thought about
>signing yourself to die for the military?
>ayo lmao jk but fr fr no cap sign it.......i want a raise.

Anonymous No. 138860

Pretty much this. /k/ is full of trannies and shills who think they can win the war in Ukraine by accusing the other side of being jewish trannies

Anonymous No. 138957

Tell me one war that has been won without accusing the other side of being jewish trannies. I'll wait.

Anonymous. No. 139477

You get the occasional diamond in the rough, but most of them are gun obsessed yet gunless Spic's who think that owning a gun with the largest caliber (muh 'stopping power') is the be all and end all of both personal safety and capacity for violence.
Try telling them that one of us with a day of firearms training would make a better operator than most of them, by familiarity with combat stress alone, is a good way to tell who's who.

Anonymous. No. 139478

Just turn up the power on the airsoft gun my dood.
Hard to pretend if the pellet breaks skin at close ranges and leaves welts at longer ones.

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Anonymous No. 139758

I only run kits that are 20+ years old or reproductions of them. Modern stuff is boring


Anonymous No. 139797

Airsoft is an unrealistic art. If you really want to train something real, then train Judo.

Anonymous No. 140395

extremely based. i see hundreds of modern
tacticool blackbeard opr8ers at my local weekly milsim spot but the occasional western kits from 1980-2000 easily mog any other period or style

Anonymous No. 140455

It's about as much of a sport as going hiking is, so I'm not sure why it's allowed here.

It's a fun, and goofy, way for kids/teens to pretend like they're playing COD in real life. But, that's really it. It's impossible to actually take seriously since the rules are inherently unenforceable in a competitive setting. It's not particularly realistic since everyone I've seen runs around with 500 rounds in their mags, shooting at an unbelievable rpm. The adult larpers I don't really get, but we all have our cringe shit we like doing I suppose.

My opinion? If you want to goof around in the woods, airsoft is fine. If you want to play an actual competitive sport, that's paintball. If you grew up on airsoft and don't like how paintball normally feels, but still want to play an actual sport, play magfed/pump paintball. If you want to train to shoot guns, go join a shooting league.

Anonymous No. 142325

Name one that has.

Anonymous No. 142342

If you dont have social media during you awkward years then that puts you at war with the flying reaper shadows. A war you will not win.

Anonymous No. 142344

Im 35 and fit, went to IRQ and now a ff/paramedic. I am just now getting into airsoft. I read a post that someone fucked a chubby goth chick thats now into airsoft. That alone is enough to get me to show up. its called priorities boys,

Anonymous No. 142463

Airsoft kids are the annoying autists. Paintballers are the actual chads

Anonymous No. 142477

>What do people on this board think of airsoft?
we have an airsoft general, what do you think?

Anonymous No. 142862

>but I understand how it can be seen as cringe seeing as its infested with operator larping tacticool Timmies who think that shooting plastic pellets at each other makes them Navy Seals or something.
Literally no one playing airsoft thinks they are a navy seal outside of cherry picked examples. The sport involves shooting realistic looking replicas of real firearms so naturally people will dress up "as soldiers" because it adds to the immersion.

When you play a first person shooter, your character uses realistic looking guns and wears something that resembles a soldier's combat uniform in the majority of them. This does not mean everyone playing an FPS video game thinks they are a navy seal. This whole "LOLOLOL AIRSOFTERS ARE LARPERS WHO THINK THEY ARE SOLDIERS" shit is cringe as fuck and I can only imagine it was started by obese NEETs who have no friends and are too fat to play the sport.

Anonymous No. 143129

>Practicing martial arts is pathetic unless you're a zogbot
You're a faggot dude. And yes, I consider all forms of mock combat martial arts. Since that's all martial arts is in practice.

Anonymous No. 143444

>Dated a 35 year old chubby goth chick

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Anonymous No. 143713

i recently bought some airsoft / bb guns without the intent of really using them... but guys im getting tempted and i keep buying more guns and attachments

Anonymous No. 143714

Remember kids, everything's political, especially something you don't like

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Anonymous No. 143836

Airsoft / Paintball fill a niche I don't need filled.
>real guns for preppin' + livin' innawoods (coyotes and bipedal coyotes)
>nerf with buddies for fun
Simple as.

Anonymous No. 143891

airsoft is illegal in my country but if its anything like paintball i dont see any downsides. all the running, stance changes and time spent not eating/scrolling/being inside look like a great activity for teenagers to do regularly, operator larp notwithstanding. honestly <18s shouldnt be allowed to use social media at all, because they do shit like OP pic.

pls stop making judo look so cringe
people like you are worse for the sport than ijf

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Anonymous No. 143919

I love how it’s just completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Anonymous No. 144125

i'm going to try it soon. there's a new player day coming up in my state, it's a long fucking drive but i don't care. i've dropped a c note on dumber shit before, and i might like it. if i don't, i have a new gun to go plinking with and co2 carts i can use with a pellet gun at some point.
>t. 22yo
>god i hope im not the only old fuck there aside from the organizers even though i checked the advert vids and its mostly late teens early 20s

Anonymous No. 147157

This dude literally recorded himself spawn camping, and called them cheaters, lamo.

Anonymous No. 149485

What shithole do you live in where airsoft is banned?

Anonymous No. 149494

reaper squad is another north east team just like 811. the north east scene is so toxic it's why i got out of the hobby.

Anonymous No. 149692

full larp or speed fagging is cringe and modern trends in it suck. just buy the most reliable of guns you like and get whatever queer gear you feel good with. larp fags complain about accuracy, simmers complain about cheap ass equipment, speed softers are just full blown homos so ignore those ones the most.

Anonymous No. 149768

Lmao. Go to msw and try telling me this

Anonymous No. 149776


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Anonymous No. 149803

I just hate how, in Canada (or at least my province), airsoft is in such a semi-quasi-sort-of-legal/illegal-grey-area, that it is now treated exactly like paintball.
This means that you can now only use airsoft guns either so far into the woods that nobody will accidentally see or hear you, or in super expensive, highly-regulated, "airsoft arenas", which are always full of the sweaty try-hards in mil-gear (like, radio comms and all) who spend thousands of dollars on their guns, and there is barely even 1 of these spaces per city anyways.
Yes, this even applies to the airsoft guns that have an orange tip, are made of transparent plastic, are only spring-powered, and fire under 100 FPS. You want to set up a few props and cover spots in your sprawling rural back yard and have a few friends over for a cowboy-style shootout? You better hope no cops or helicopters or nosy neighbors see you, or everyone is getting hit with a several-hundred-dollar fine, having their toys confiscated, and possibly even getting a fucking criminal record.

This is literally why I switched to NERF guns and started modding them to shoot faster/harder. They are WAY cheaper (usually under $50), their power/form is more standardized (you won't get any dudes bringing triple-Co2-powered guns that will penetrate skin and outrange everyone else, just the guys who spent more money on the electric-full-auto things that are easily kept in/out of specific game types), and many of them function even more like modern firearms (realistic ammo capacities and even loading mechanisms due to the cartridge-like shapes of the darts). Sure, they may not leave bruises, so people tend to be more reckless with their "tactics", but you can still DEFINITELY feel a hit through a light shirt, and if you have enough friends, the honor system quickly weeds out lying fuckers. Now we even incorporate interior spaces into shootouts and capture-the-flag type games without the risk of cracking a window/mirror.

Anonymous No. 149808

Sounds pretty cool, but doesn't picking up the darts become really annoying after a while?

Anonymous No. 149810

Only if you're fat and have shitty friends who refuse to help.
Also, many people like to include ammo restrictions in their games just so that you don't have some pay2win cunt toting around a bag of 200 loaded magazines or one of those huge LMG-types that hold a gorillion rounds, just spraying darts everywhere haphazardly.
When everyone gets something like 10 darts per match, the cleanup isn't that bad.
Although if you're playing somewhere with sand and intend to re-use your darts, you may want something like a "dirty dart box" set aside, just to give them a quick rinse after the game so you don't get sand in your guns.

Oh, and sort of unrelated, but apparently all the "NERF communities" out there heavily reprimand the usage of the word "gun" or "bullet" in any Nerf discussions. It has to be "BLASTER" and "DART" because honestly I kind of get it - nobody wants the fucking liberal media to have a field day with that shit and get our damn children's toys neutered (like in Australia) or outright banned.

Anonymous No. 149850

Jesus Christ Canadians are cucked this hard? Godspeed anon.

Anonymous No. 149851

>When everyone gets something like 10 darts per match, the cleanup isn't that bad.
this sounds gay asf.

Anonymous No. 149855

Depends on the match.
If you're using revolvers or pistol-size guns, that's basically either two full mags, or two cylinder loads. It would be a short match, too.
If you're using the more popular/common 12-dart mags, "long arms", or a longer match/game-type, then obviously you get numbers like 12-24 or more.

At the end of the day, it's up to you and your friends what the rules are, because you aren't relegated to only playing in officially regulated ranges/arenas.

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Anonymous No. 149933

It's pretty fun.
The meme is "anyone who puts money into airsoft is a neverserved who wants to live their fantasies as a spec ops badass", but honestly, people larp as knights for buhurt, or actually join the army in hopes of living these fantasies.
Airsoft just fairly realistically, slakes that kind of gun combat desire for people. A little embarrassing if you're talking to an actual ex-spec-ops dude, but no more cringe then a gun nut next to a professional huntsman.
I say go full bore. Get the dress up for extra immersion, try out some combat tactics because working in a group to a plan is kinda fun. Just remember this is all a bit of fuck-about, so remember to have fun in the process.
No one will enjoy airsoft in the exact same way. Just commit to the bit and damn the torpedoes.

Anonymous No. 150543

Everytime I hear about airsoft is about some fag breaking the rules or people getting angry because they thought someone was breaking the rules or playing obnoxiously.

That makes me think everyone who plays it is a butthurt faggot so I'll most likely never get into it.

Anonymous No. 150551

Airsoft in the US is in danger from the Consumer product safety commission. Leave a (respectfully) comment expressing your disapproval of this proposed regulation.

Anonymous No. 152941

I don't want to sound like a queer or nothing, but I think airsoft is pretty kick ass

Anonymous No. 154675


Anonymous No. 154810

you have never been to msw

Anonymous No. 154953

It's fun, then you enroll in any kind of military institution and it isn't so fun anymore since it's used for training in some places.
And seeing civvies doing dumb shit thinking they know something kinda irritates me. Also, milsim is peak cringe. Paintball is nice because it's dumb fun and it hurts when you get shot

Anonymous No. 156170


Anonymous No. 157722

Ok >>134334

Anonymous No. 158112

Been to 8 events, only the first one had actual training which was great but all of 15min before we were sitting doing nothing waiting for cadre to get us moving. Havent been militia or NATO in a bit so maybe they get it more?

Anonymous No. 160954

Because it's faggot shit.
Dressing up in a fursuit and shoving dildos into your ass is also "harmless fun" when you do it right, but you'll still be a faggot