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🧵 Bjj doesn't always win because of grappling superiority

Anonymous No. 135248

It wins because grapplers learn some striking and wrestling before going to mma while some strikers think striking is enough to win a fight.

Anonymous No. 135253

are you stuck in 1995 ?

Anonymous No. 135255

Early UFC was better measurement than today's because it wasn't ruled by crosstrainers.

Anonymous No. 135354

I lost a ton of respect for Royce when he roided himself in that rematch with Saku. Just be a fucking man and admit you wanted to get a "win" by cheating.

Anyhow, BJJ is still an essential part but it's only 1 part of the puzzle. Only a 1-dimensional dumbass would neglect stuff like takedowns/trips/throws, dirty boxing and clinch fighting, low kicks, etc. in modern MMA competition.

Anonymous No. 135384

early UFC was practically rigged where it was nothing but mcdojo garage karate retards and like amateur boxers or makushitter retired sumo wrestlers, by UFC 2 you already had ninjas

there's only a handful of guys you could say were legit competition, dan severn, ken shamrock, oleg taktarov, etc. Everyone else may as well have been tai chi masters. I think some of them were.

By the time of PRIDE, BJJ was getting exposed left and right. It's not worthless but it's just one tool in the toolbox, it was and still is overhyped. There's tons of BJJ McDojos too.

Anonymous No. 135386

>BJJ McDojos
I'm far from a BJJ nuthugger but I call shenanigans. You can't have a bullshit BJJ school like karate or TKD.

And early UFC was hardly rigged. Gerard Gordeau was not just a savateur as they toted him, but he was a dangerous Kyokushin Karateka (even competed in the 1987 World tournament). Kevin Rozier was a kickboxing champion (and was much fitter a few years earlier). Art Jimmerson was an upcoming Cruiserweight contender.

Yeah they could've gotten more guys from Sombo, Catch Wrestling, etc. but the early UFC was the Wild West and it was bare-knuckle with blood, groin punching and other shit that made it revolutionary in the US.

And Royce defeated a Daido Juku champion, Minoki Ichihara who also competed in a Lethwei match in Myanmar. Problem is, Ichihara's grappling wasn't enough to deal with Royce's BJJ which I believe Daido Juku's founder Takashi Azuma took note of.

Anonymous No. 135444

>You can't have a bullshit BJJ school like karate or TKD.
Did you miss when guys were getting Gracie blue belts from taking online courses? Have you never seen a celebrity brown belt like Ashton Kutcher roll like a white belt?

Anonymous No. 135470

And that's without even getting into rulesets completely disallowing the use of certain locks/throws/slams that completely invalid half of the defense and counters of "real" grapplers.

Anonymous No. 135474

Back then there’s was still debate as to whether those kung fu retards could actually fight. The ufc is what showed they couldn’t.

Anonymous No. 135495

this, Don Frye on top of all of those named had a black belt in judo

Anonymous No. 135500

>There's tons of BJJ McDojos too.
Most people aren't very good and don't train very hard, and no amount of roids and sparring can make them a champion.

Anonymous No. 135501

I actually prefer this. TKD and Judo (in Japan are Korea) are better for giving people black belts for showing up consistently.

Don't put too much weight on the BB, let competitive records speak for themselves, and give them out for people genuinely being competent with the basics and contributions to the sport.

Anonymous No. 135604

>You can't have a bullshit BJJ school like karate or TKD.
You know how many strip mall BJJ schools/scams there are out there and have been for the last decade? Everyone and their mother has over 10 000 underground vale tudo fights and got their black belt from a rainforest shaman in Brazil.

Anonymous No. 135623

Only a schmuck like you would fall for that though. Don’t project your foolhardiness on us.

Anonymous No. 135698

Except how the fuck do they roll? And BJJ lineage is well documented so anyone with a brain cell would ask the strip mall instructor whom he learned from and investigate if their ranking is legit. Not to mention, observe how they train and if they compete in tournaments.

Gracie University did a lot of damage to BJJ's mystique. I still respect the shit out of BJJ, but I'm very wary of particular Gracies and their adherents due to their thuggish behavior and cult-like attitudes.

I do feel that slamming out of a submission attempt is something they should allow in BJJ tournaments because that's more realistic.

My attitude toward stand-up grappling & groundfighting is this:

In a self-defense situation where I can't talk or walk away from and I'm in serious danger, I will NOT go on the ground. I will throw or trip my attacker on hard pavement or concrete. That will knock the wind out of them (though they could suffer a concussion or other serious injuries) but my safety is my #1 priority.

In competition, I'm all about bringing the fight to the ground and posturing for a choke or joint-lock, but I'll never neglect using stand-up or clamming out of a submission because that's instinctive and it helps soften them up.

Anonymous No. 136003

Roids shouldn’t be considered cheating. I think he should’ve done the honorable thing and offered Saku some of his juice.

Anonymous No. 136038

>MMA winners are good because they learn MMA
This board is never going to have good grappling/MMA threads

Anonymous No. 136042

Was old /asp/ this shitty? I remember the combat sports threads being decent at least.

Anonymous No. 136059

More like
>grapplers were better than strikers and wrestlers because they learnt MMA before strikers and wrestlers did

Anonymous No. 136385

Grappling is only superior due to MMA rulesets, change them to add more striking to the ground (even just more elbows) and this whole wrestling superiority will quickly disappear

Anonymous No. 136392

Not exactly. But it does tend rule out anything that isn't very aggressive wrestling. You won't see many bjj guys who can pin you in seconds and start driving knees into your skull, but hammer house "train wrestling from child" types that fought under Jap rules were great at it.

Anonymous No. 136494

>add more striking to the ground (even just more elbows) and this whole wrestling superiority will quickly disappear
Yeah, that really showed in Vale tudo and early UFC.

Anonymous No. 136843

Old /asp/ was way better and had much less shitposting.

Anonymous No. 137171

It's Japanese MMA in the 2000s. EVERTON E was roided, he just got caught because the evento was in the US .

Anonymous No. 137177

allowing strikes to the back of the head, 12-6 elbows, and kicks/knees to the head of a grounded opponent, then we would definitely see a little less grappling dominating the sport

however on the other side of the equation, if they got rid of rounds and just had ppl fight till KO or time limit, it would benefit grapplers more because once they get a dominant position they arent limited by the end of the round and then stood up in the next round, nullifying the advantage of the superior position that they had and resetting it by putting both fighters back on the feet

Anonymous No. 140686

I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not