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🧵 Mastering your boxing

Anonymous No. 135327

Itt we talk about boxing techniques, ask questions about boxing techniques and share boxing tips.
I've recently found this video and I have a question. Should we really be so desperate to hit the jaw? After all, you can also land your hook on the temple.

Also, where to land straight punches in self defence? Jaw is the most obvious target in a ring but I'm nowhere near as strong as pro boxers (yet) and I think I can do some damage to nose and incisors with less power than to jaw.

Anonymous No. 135330

Not for any target. It's fine to have a handle of what you're better at, or if you happen to have knowledge of another boxer's tendencies. But don't pass over perfectly viable body shots, especially if you're not exactly facing a genius baiter. In the same fashion, if he's tired or just doesn't hold a high guard, thwack thwack bye bye birdy.

Anonymous No. 135565

How do I uppercut a heavy bag?

Anonymous No. 135566

your punching arc should be angled away from you

Anonymous No. 135568

but so far I only make good contact if I step in and hit the bag at the bottom of the arc like a dick shot?

Anonymous No. 135573

aim for the solar plexus (or where it would be) on the bag and don't step into it: against a person, if it misses the chest, it arcs straight to the chin

Anonymous No. 135574

In addition to what the other anon said, there are uppercut specific bags. One is sort of chalice shaped, that hangs like any other bag. The other is the same shape as a normal bag, but hung sideways, with straps on either end. A wrecking ball style bag is also good for uppercuts, but not necessarily designed specifically for them.

Anonymous No. 135588

>Should we really be so desperate to hit the jaw? After all, you can also land your hook on the temple.
Somebody's jaw will break before you punch a hole in someone's head. So yes

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Anonymous No. 135589

Got a swimming pool installed in our backyard. How can I work this into my boxing training?
Is is practical or even possible to make progress with with shadow boxing/footwork drill in water? Should I just do plyometrics and swimming for basic conditioning instead?

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Anonymous No. 135719

>arcade has a punching force measurer thing
>been boxing for six months
>friend does MT
>other friend is a manlet 1/3 my weight
>mfw I get the lowest of them both (500, they both got 600 and 700 respectively)
>mfw im a punchlet

Anonymous No. 139270

strap weights to your feat (not to the point were you cant get them off easily)
then just start shadow boxing the drag of the water will give your muscles more of a memory force

Anonymous No. 139296

You know those are fake right? The number is only slighty raised with each punch to lure drunk idiots into paying more with "hey I can hit harder than that, i wasnt using my full strength"

Anonymous No. 139304

Yeah, arcade ticket machines are often rigged as fuck. So don't feel bad. I was watching this the other day, you can even see later in the video where he shows the owner's manual explaining how it limits jackpots.

Even if the punching machine isn't outright rigged, it's definitely not an accurate measurement of punching power.

Anonymous No. 139335

Many of them also score by how long you wait to hit it after it drops. The longer you take, the worse it is. Bar I bounced at had one we'd set to free play after hours, didn't take long to figure out how to "hack" a good score.

Anonymous No. 139367

I do Muay Thai. How the fuck do I get rid of bad habits like lowering hands, flinching and overthinking? I've been doing it for about a year now, and made some improvements but fuck.

Anonymous No. 139380

Boxing technique hasn't been optimized for power since the 40s or so. You can thank the influence of amateur boxing for that.

Anonymous No. 139381

>flinching and overthinking
Stop being an incel, simple as. Take the plunge and trust your instincts.

Anonymous No. 139565

when it comes to check hooks, do you guys typically step first and then throw the hook/pivot, OR do you step as you throw the hook then pivot the rear leg after? im trying to learn both but the 2nd style is less natural to me

also favorite ways to land the rear hook? I like to set it up by jabbing as i step my right leg out and forward, kind of almost putting me in a southpaw position where i throw my right hook and pivot back toward my left foot back into orthodox

Anonymous No. 139566

can you elaborate on this a bit? its more optimized for speed and defense nowadays right? does this have to do with the way they score amateur matches? what does this look like in terms of differences in actual punching technique?

Anonymous No. 139568

if youre too scared and nervous to control your body while sparring, you may be sparring too hard for your level. take it down to light technical sparring, eliminate the fear, and consciously focus on keeping your hands up and not flinching

Anonymous No. 139571

for hooks to the body, do you guys like more of a traditional hook where the head moves over the opposite foot, or do you like more of a shovel style body hook thats more like an uppercut with the head going to the same side?

Anonymous No. 139576

Determined by opponent. Reach, height, etc. Very generally, trad on the outside, shovel inside. But those are far from hard rules.

Anonymous No. 139653

I like the second check hook style you described better, but its important to know both. I'm usually the one coming forward anyway so don't have much opportunity to throw it.
I wouldn't go full southpaw like that, but squaring up a little is fine. If you're at long range like that really you just shouldn't be throwing the rear hook. I only tend to throw it in combo, maybe I'd take a potshot to the body if they're in high guard, often off a jab.
Good advice. It's incredible how much faster you gas if you spar when you're not relaxed, but almost everything else suffers too.
Do a pure defensive sparring drill where you're just blocking and trying to hold your ground, obviously tell your opponent to go light since if you can't hit back they can get away with a lot. Ideally they're still thinking about defending themselves during the drill, you can throw feints if you see openings to remind them.
Yeah it depends. A big strength of the hook is you can redirect it in the moment, making it look like you're going for the head then hitting the body or vice versa is cash.

Anonymous No. 139686

Wait why would you move your rear leg after, let alone pivot on it?

Anonymous No. 139697

depends. I see some pros just miss the bag completely on purpose while other guys angle the upper in a way that makes contact either early on (looking like a shovel hook) or a little later (going diagonally up). Other than that, getting a dedicated "uppercut friendly" bag or lifting up a smaller bag higher until the bottom is around where you want your opponent's chin to be.

Anonymous No. 139698

if you have money, get a better coach and learn to listen to them/follow directions better. if you're poor, learn to listen/follow directions better and watch stuff online. and spar with people who are below, equal to, or above your level as regularly as you can. dedicate each sparring sesh to one specific goal and try to put it all together over time.

Anonymous No. 139699

fury licking the blood off of wilder was wild btw. i want to see more weird ass gypsy king shenanigans

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Anonymous No. 139980

Hey guys, really fucking new to this.
getting my first kit, ordering 16oz velcro gloves, and RDX inners.
Is this fine for a beginner's "jack of all trades" glove, or do I need specialisation sooner?

Also, what other kit do I need? My gym has all the pads and bags in the world.

Anonymous No. 140225

im brand new, i just had my first bag session, my knuckles were fucked and were about to bleed so I went to the equipment desk and bought wraps and gloves (uni rec center with heavy bags room). How do I practice, I was just doing left and right jabs to the bag the entire time. I dont even know where to go for info on how to train properly. Also I lift a lot and my shoulders were aboslutely on fire

Anonymous No. 140369

The only place I can recc is youtube "boxing drills".
Repeat and iterate drills over and over.

Anonymous No. 140544

Sounds Iike you need to do more sparring and defensive drills

Anonymous No. 140619

So you went hard on the bag without any gloves or wraps like a retarded newfag and hurt your hands. Dont do this. The good news is that your bones and skin will toughen up over time with diligent practice. Tempted to go into other training methods of hand toughening but i think you should just stick to proper training

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Anonymous No. 140627

coach says I'm too polite to people in sparring, wtf does that even mean? ofc I am, I'm not trying to knock their head off?

Anonymous No. 140632


Anonymous No. 140645

He's telling you to stop being such a pussy in a nice way

Anonymous No. 140667

Is Peek-a-boo a meme style or worth learning?

Anonymous No. 140719

At the very worst, you'll get a better appreciation of angles and movement. Probably output management too, since it requires better conditioning. Fwiw, it's probably the best style for real world "extra curricular" work.

Anonymous No. 140739

The biggest problem is finding a legitimate fighting coach to teach you but its not a "meme"

Anonymous No. 140747

Does anyone have a good conditioning workout for if you're out of shape

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Anonymous No. 140756

>ex powerlifter
>to generate power, heels flat, body square, full control and stability

>try boxing
>to generate power you need to have bent knees, hips, heels, and be on toes
>never be square, always twisting
>coach tells me to "relax" by standing on toes with bent knees

You people fucking believe this shit?

Anonymous No. 140768

You're gonna fall over from over committing inside of 2 rounds. Either from your own stupidity, or getting punished.

Anonymous No. 140794


Anonymous No. 140847

>not overcommitting
>coach tells me to twist/rotate more
>legs squished, facing away and off balance
>"there, perfect"
if anything, i'd be under-committing by not twisting, and I won't be working as hard for pointlessly standing on tense/moving legs.

Anonymous No. 140853

>arm punching
Punishment, then

Anonymous No. 140885

You sound genuinely retarded anon. If you don't want to learn boxing then just don't

Anonymous No. 140900

>>arm punching

I don't want to call BS, (like i do to shitty martial arts teachers), I am trying more to point-out where I am not understanding something. Can you explain it to be please.

Anonymous No. 140901

I can't really help you online. If you are are really trying and struggling my advice is to just to keep an open mind and practice as instructed. Also try asking some of the other boxers at the gym

Anonymous No. 140982

If your legs are squished and making you unbalanced your feet may be too close together. Checkout this guys video as he explains the spacing of your feet fairly well.

Another problem could be your weight distribution when punching. Your weight should generally be transferred to the opposite foot of your punch. Throwing a right, weight on your left and vice versa

Anonymous No. 141005

Noted, this guy makes some helpful videos, especially his equipment vid.

>Your weight should generally be transferred to the opposite foot of your punch. Throwing a right, weight on your left and vice versa
This is helpful to know, thank you.

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Anonymous No. 141008

Boxing and combat sports in general are about using rotational momentum to generate power for multiple strikes that have to flow together, as well as vary depending on your opponent's timing and speed. Powerlifting is just one repeated movement using absolute strength. Its the complete opposite

Also post form cunt

Anonymous No. 141122

How do you actually fight someone bigger than you in a streetfight?
I used to get into little play fights with my buddy and hes bigger like fat and a little taller. His punches are naturally stronger. We werent trying to kill each other. But just taking his punches to my bones really fucking kinda hurt a bit. I cant imagine if he was actually trying. Also he has zero fight experience street or gym.
I had been doing boxing about a year.

Like in the ring sparring is one thing, both people are wearing gloves, and ive taken and given some clean powerful punches to the body and face. But its just not the same. Ive never been in a streetfight.

You can say oh just be faster than the bigger guy and dont get hit.. but is that really all? They can absorb more punches, also I feel like it actually hurts a bit more to punch them wout gloves because theyre denser.

Anonymous No. 141146

How are you built?
I'm the smallest of my friends. We like to "fight" but it goes: me gloved up, missing all headshots on purpose, while they just let lose on me. The skill gap is big enough to make it fairly safe for both of us.

>But just taking his punches to my bones really fucking kinda hurt a bit.
It's normal, never thought about it but I guess fat people won't experience this as much with all the cushioning. This is supposed to stop however, look up many eastern martial arts, they do special training to strengthen the bones on their fists, shins, and forearms. Some people might pull "studies say that's bad for you" but like, you want to fight for real you gotta do it. Since I'm used to my friends hitting me bare-handed I don't fell pain in my forearms anymore. No health issues to speak of. I think as long as you don't overdo it it won't become a problem in the long run.

>it actually hurts a bit more to punch them wout gloves
Naturally, you want to punch without gloves you have to strengthen your knuckles.

>They can absorb more punches
While true, that tends to be overstated. There's no fat protecting your head, nose or teeth, and unless we're talking 600-pound-life level obesity, there won't be much protecting the shins either, a kick to the shin of someone that doesn't kickbox will hurt like hell. And to be honest, most fat guys I know are wusses when it comes to pain. I think that depends more on the person. From four of my friends, two that weighted just over 90kg couldn't take a punch from even my stick friend. Said stick friend however, and another fat friend that used to be around 85kg, can take a lot of punishment. 85 can take a whole lot, stick friend can get hurt easily but has high pain tolerance.

Anonymous No. 141148

>You can say oh just be faster than the bigger guy and dont get hit.. but is that really all
It's not really speed as it is skill. The strongest of my friends is a couple inches taller and about 25kg heavier than me currently. Not too fat anymore, he lost some and then replaced it with muscle. He can punch really hard, but they're all haymakers I'll see coming from a mile away, I had no trouble evading even back when my head movement sucked. He also doesn't put his guard up, even my slender friend whose entire martial art experience is sparring with me mentioned how ridiculously easy it is to land a clean hit on him. Grappling him is a bad idea.

>How do you actually fight someone bigger than you in a streetfight?
The problem with asking about streetfights is that you don't know how your opponent is gonna be.
In a pro fight, the skill gap between fighters will never be too big, so weight will matter a lot. Also, everyone there is a fighter prepared to get hurt.
When talking about untrained people there's so many variables, size is really not the most important.
Toughness and "natural style" is what I'd say matters the most.
Toughness, as in how much punishment someone can take, from my experience doesn't increase with fat alone, but muscle+fat will help a lot. However no matter how much mass you have, your nose and teeth will still break just as easily as anyone else's so never think you're invulnerable.

By "natural style" I basically mean how well does the person fight without training. It varies A LOT believe me. I sparred loads of people without training and they were all completely different. Like I said the strongest of my friends loses his advantage by telegraphing his punches and never protecting his head. Another friend has a style that might resemble a boxing one but with a some problems like not tucking the elbows, the punches aren't telegraphed but they still aren't the strikes of someone that knows what he's doing. cont

Anonymous No. 141151

So, if my friend who's really strong happened to have the same natural way of fighting as my other friend, it would be a really bad idea to fight him.

To wrap this up:
>You can't predict how well someone can get hit, fat people are a coin flip, however muscular or builtfat are likely to be tough
>Some people naturally fight better than others. I don't know about your friend but if you've done boxing for a year and still get hit he probably doesn't telegraph his strikes. Or you maybe suck, work on your head movement, one year isn't much but with two or three of serious training you should be able to easily evade punches from any person without training.
>You don't need, and really shouldn't, slug it out with someone who might be stronger than you. If you're agile enough you can drag the fight untl they're tired and then it will be really easy to beat them after it. And the bigger someone is, the faster they'll be out of breath. Just probe them with jabs, never lean in, dodge everything which you should eventually be able to do with ease. Then attack vulnerable areas like nose, teeth, temple, shins if you can kick. 12-6 elbow to the back of the head if they bend and shell up. Might go to jail for murder if you do that.
>Don't grapple people bigger than you.

I guess that's it, sorry for the wall of text. Remember there's also the chance of meeting someone who actually knows how to fight in a streetfight, so watch out and be safe out there anon.

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Anonymous No. 141164

You don't, that's why boxing bags used to look like pic related before the 1920s.

Anonymous No. 141165

Ammys wear big gloves where knockouts won't usually happen so they concentrate on combos and flurries to win by points. This rubbed off on pro boxing, so you now have all these guys peppering each other on their double guard while standing still. Back in the day, boxing was about power punching and quick footwork. Just look at matches from the 20s and 30s. It was basically a wholly different fighting style.

Anonymous No. 141166

>I'm not trying to knock their head off?
Why not?

Anonymous No. 141167

>Slow grinding strength
>Fast explosive strength
And now you know why weight training was frowned upon in boxing until recently. Two different kinds of strength which don't mix.
If you want to weight train, train like track and field guys, throwers, decathletes, sprinters, with lots of explosive movements, throwing, jumping etc.

Anonymous No. 141168

>off balance
That is a good thing. You will never generate power if you stay balanced. You want to throw yourself at your opponent, that's how you get your body behind your punch.

Anonymous No. 141169

You simply fell for the memes.

>Never lose your balance
>There is only one kind of strength
>Be cool, stoic and collected in fighting
All of those are wrong.

Anonymous No. 141170

Dirty fighting is your only option.

Anonymous No. 141181

I am not saying those things, those are just carry-overs from powerlifting.

Anonymous No. 141196

it's rude, we're only sparring :/

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Anonymous No. 141197

>doing defensive drills with coach, hit and move
>he starts philly shelling when I get too flat footed

Anonymous No. 141201

>>Be cool, stoic and collected in fighting
>All of those are wrong.
This one isn't wrong, but beginners need to get over their anxiety about punching and getting punched. You WILL hurt people in combat sports, that is the name of the game.

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Anonymous No. 141358

19 years old recently started muay thai im trying to work on getting better straight punches and better boxing technique overall
how to improve [Embed] [Embed]

Anonymous No. 141408

Go to a gym, get a couch, spar. Or get a buddy if you're poor, though doesn't look like it from that garage.
For your shadow boxing put the bag in the middle and circle it a bit more, you're just moving back and forth. Do rounds of just footwork, just jabbing, just 1-2s, etc. Stay on your toes more, move your head more, twist more.

Anonymous No. 141424

I see you brother, first thing I noticed is you gotta get off those heels. stay on your toes seriously, at least always be on your front toe, but both is ideal. you do this to help you bounce more, the more you bounce the easier its gonna be to move around, pop your punches, take hits, and the more your head is naturally gonna move and you want your head to always be moving, never keep it in the same spot I learned that the hard way. also loosen up in general bro shadow boxing, and all combat is felt in the flow. when you loosen up you'll be faster and smoother. keep working man, just stay on your toes and move that head around more. also spar. the only way you are gonna get good at fighting is by often and consistently sparring. Godspeed!

Anonymous No. 141426

You're not turning your fist over enough. You're basically just twisting your body without corkscrewing your arm for maximum reach and power. You need the corkscrew

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Anonymous No. 141572

So many newfags need to read Jack Dempsey's Championship Fighting. It's still the best, most in depth boxing tutorial ever written.

Anonymous No. 141575

>join new gym after not training for a year
>tell coach I want at least 4 months to train before I fight (amateur)
>he doesn't like this, says ill be ready in 1 month
>tell me he lined me up a fight 2 weeks into training
>coach hasn't even let me spare yet
>I can't turn down a challenge so spitefully agree
>2 weeks till fight, just getting used to training regularly again, slowly improving skills and fitness
>finally sparring but feel out of shape, heavy breathing and pissing sweat, punches not crisp
>take straight rights to the body and eventually feel pain
>go home still hurting like there's a cramp in my ribs
>intercostal muscles of ribs strained or minor tear
>recovery time looks like 6-12 weeks
>can't throw punches, lift weights and struggle rolling over and sitting up
>haven't gone back to gym in 4 days and haven't contacted coach

I know he'll make me fight so I'm not going back till I'm at least able to punch without rib pain. Coach was even talking me into being fine with losing and getting knocked out for some reason before this happened.

Why are some trainers like this? Why rush people into the ring when they're not ready or conditioned to have a decent chance at victory?

He says the first fight doesn't matter because I'll be nervous anyway so cardio doesn't matter but I'm soft from being a lay about and need time to harden up.

All the world loves a winner. Nobody has time for a loser. Got to do what's best for me and train by myself till injury heals outside the gym. Fuck peer pressure.

Anonymous No. 141577

Do you think this style is more effective for real life and if so how do you train it?

Anonymous No. 141579


Anonymous No. 141580

Jack Dempsey talks about this very same problem. He doesn't blame amateur boxing, he blames know nothing trainer's that are trying to make money off pro boxing without knowing how to actually train fighters. Then these half baked fighters eventually become the trainers themselves and pass down bad punching techniques.

Read the book. It's short and easy read with pictures.

Anonymous No. 141662

>>tell me he lined me up a fight 2 weeks into training
So what? Just don't go to the fight, then? Can't you stand up for yourself? Is this guy your officer?

Anonymous No. 141679

>Why are some trainers like this?
9/10 its becuase your coach is an unscrupulous grifter that had lined you up as a can to be crushed by a fighter he's invested in who he is probably training as his "main guy"

Even as an experienced fighter I was taken in once so don't feel bad but avoid this guy

Anonymous No. 141690

I will never read this book, but I know what you're talking about. The most memorable fighters with big draws are the ones who'll knock your block off instead of pitterpattering

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kkatyonak kerfus.jpg

Anonymous No. 142114

what are innercity working class boxing gym like? would I get actually worthwhile instruction as a 24 year old twink having no full-contact combat sports experience with the view of getting to the point of being able to take part in amateur fights?

Obviously I accept that any fights I do will probably just be giving easy wins to bussin zoomers half a decade my junior.

Anonymous No. 142163

lmao this nigga really wants to box with his heels on the ground

Anonymous No. 142164

you dominate them. in any fight, you must dominate and control your opponent. It doesn't change if they're bigger, you just need to be more wary of them grappling you.

Anonymous No. 142168

Every time you do a jab you do this weird thing with your arm first. It is a dead giveaway. You need to be able to throw from any position, not picking a set starting point every time. Also, your stance is too bladed, you're standing far too upright, and you're too flat footed. Bend over loosen up stand on the balls of your feet, practice ducking, don't stand high like that.

Anonymous No. 142169

He probably just wants to see if you're worth training or not. It will only become apparent in your first fight.

Anonymous No. 142219


Anonymous No. 142246

yes, it just make sense for a beginner to me

Anonymous No. 142418

How to check if my punches have enough power to knock someone out without knocking someone out?

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Anonymous No. 143246

Visit your local arcade.

Anonymous No. 143288

Not the guy but I usually get the highest score
When I don’t I’m just below guys far heavier than me doing crazy wind up runs while I just send a straight or a hook
Do I have a chance at being a hard puncher ?

Anonymous No. 143623

Is spending the beginning of the fight on punching opponent's nose to disable him by pain and deteriorated eyesight a good strategy?

Anonymous No. 143649

Being a one trick pony works great, right up until it doesn't. Especially if it's on film.

Anonymous No. 143815

If you can land the blows, of course

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Anonymous No. 144241

Me again, been doing a few weeks now, and I am getting better at using my body for momentum.
But one thing I still fucking can't grasp is when my coach says to relax.
>relax, stay loose, be soft and bendy
>also, stand on your toes, with bent knees, ideally always moving

I am trying to keep an open mind for this, but I just cannot comprehend what on earth kind of double think he is saying here.

Anonymous No. 144336

I have more than 10years fihgting and I believe this is the best way

>learn jab + cross properly

>learn how to parry jabs

>learn basic head movement

>timing over speed
>precision over power

Then just light spar 2 a week at least

In no time you'll be good and once you are actualy good you'll know how to improve further

With the basics only you can destroy 90% of fighters desu

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Anonymous No. 144339

to move properly you need to be relaxed, when you're tense you can't dodge, you can't move around, you can't throw punchs without telegraphing and you also lose speed

fighting is not about making use of force, it is about moving yourself properly and efficiently

look at how loose this mother fucker is

Anonymous No. 144369

But that's literally not how muscles work.
Can you explain it in a different way?
You cannot physically have relaxed muscles while they are activated and taking your bodyweight. It's not a mindset or anything, it's inarguably how muscles function.
I am trying to understand here, can you use a different expression?

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Anonymous No. 144413

Yes it does absolute sense, you're just beeing retarded and trying on puurpose to not understand

you need to be relaxed then make a sudden move, you don't need to commit with 100% of your strenth this will make everything you do very bad

fighters usualy go for 70% strenth so they can keep good technique and speed

look at how loose he is even when punching, it is about timing and precision not making use of force like I said

If you can't understand that than just kys or give up you're too dumb to fight ngl

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Anonymous No. 144414

when you're stiff like this you can't move properly, you can't think properly, you can't hit properly, you can't even breathe properly

Anonymous No. 144446

Damn son, I think you'd convince him better if you weren't using Mr Gameandwatch to make a point

Anonymous No. 145237

Are there good non retard books/channels about fundamental concepts, not specifics, of boxing? Stuff like Marvin Cook.

Anonymous No. 145238

You initiate the strike via momentary contraction and immediately relax then tense whole body upon impact.

Anonymous No. 145248

ooooh, you're meant to make contact unclenched?

Anonymous No. 145289

You make contact tensed but you're relaxed while the strike is traveling.

Anonymous No. 145294

no there is no such thing as learning how to fight and proper technique reading, this is the most dumb thing you could ever do

just ask your teacher the basics and he will teach you then you practice there is no big secret

Anonymous No. 145307

If I have longer range, should I approach the opponent just enough close to land straight punches or overhand, throw a short combination, step back and then approach again at different angle and throw a different short combination?

Anonymous No. 145308

>Longer range
Of course I mean longer arm reach

Anonymous No. 145313

>just rely on some random guy to communicate every detail to you without paying any regard to miscommunication and do not attempt to seek outside knowledge
Ok retard

Anonymous No. 145326

Have you literally never done any sport in your life? Because this is exactly what you sound like
You use the absolute minimum amount of contraction to keep your limbs in a stance or position. You don't just clench up and use your muscles 0 or 100%. Do you have to manually walk?

Anonymous No. 148002

Is lead overhand a thing?

Anonymous No. 148014

Yes, but it's almost never going to be used without movement. Baited on a retreat, or like a 45 cut when getting passed someone just holding their guard, etc. So it might not look like an overhand. You'll see it more often and obvious in something like Thai boxing, or boxing applied to MMA where they won't necessarily be wanting to high guard.

Anonymous No. 148025

anyone training Savate ?
I feel like trying it out

Anonymous No. 148147

Read Jack Dempsey's book if you want to punch like a Man.

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Anonymous No. 150223

How to hit an opponent who is shorter and holds his chin down without gettig to close to him?

🗑️ Jesus No. 150241

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1282
Sad Jack Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:
Anon's Modded Pre-Install:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 150250

Just hit him with liver shots constantly until he unshells or drops

Anonymous No. 150451

There's a difference in fighting and boxing. Let go and just beat the shit out of the bag once of a while as hard as you can.

Anonymous No. 150452

Bonk him in the temple or the back of the ears.

Anonymous No. 150680

Learn meditation, practice it for some months and then try to meditate and fight at once, and by that I mean thinking as little as possible and just focusing on staying focused on the fight. Things will just flow if you do that, I don't really know how to explain it.

Anonymous No. 150683

not a meme but I don't really think there's any reason to learn it other than having a tiny and stocky body

Anonymous No. 150684

if you're really convinced then try it, your results are all it'll take for your mind to change

Anonymous No. 150687

fighting against a big guy in a street fight is just pure luck, if the guy knows any martial art (especially wrestling) then you autolose
boxing won't save you from a big dude taking you down and ground pounding you, this could even get you killed if it happens on concrete

Anonymous No. 150690

convinced of what?
I think hes saying he lacks convincing of the boxing stances and forms

Anonymous No. 150691

Do you have the accuracy, set-up and timing? targeted punching isn't a bad strat it simply ain't easy, it's only a good idea if you can actually do it

Anonymous No. 151123

>Even tho Daniel Mendoza owned bigger guys all the time in bar knuckle fighting.
Stop being insecure and use your tiny size to your advantage and be a filthy slithering cunning Jew, like Mendoza was.

Anonymous No. 151124

Hook to the temple.

Anonymous No. 151304

"But that's literally not how muscles work"
Hey genius most people actively practicing Thai pads will tell you not to engage muscles not being used
As anon said if you're tense you move like shit, you get tired fast, and you telegraph hard, and aesthetically if you move like a rock em sock em robot you don't even look aesthetically good
They don't even recommend you move like that in judo or bjj, so why on earth would you not want to move better in the most footwork dependent fighting art, boxing

Anonymous No. 151671

So how SHOULD I engage my leg muscles without tensioning them?

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Anonymous No. 151781

I'm thinking on starting to box soon, how does the process of choosing a guard actually work? Do you just practice what your trainer says?
The Cross/crab guard looks cool, does it have too many disadvantages?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 151787

4chan mod is nigger faggot
Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283
Foxy Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

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Anonymous No. 151929

update for anyone that cares: did some sparring and made the guys nose bleed with a single jab lmao. my coach tells me that I have a very heavy jab.

Anonymous No. 151938

those are bs

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Anonymous No. 152142

opinions on the pendulum step/bounce step? im on the smaller side of heavyweight so I feel it'd work pretty well for me in amateur matches

Anonymous No. 152235

have you seriously just been flexing your fucking legs while throwing punches?

think of pushing off the ground and rotating your hips/shoulders as your weight goes to your opposite foot

Anonymous No. 152236

>where to land straight punches in self defence?
Well first off, in a self-defense situation, you just fucking run before anything else. Assuming you have the awareness to even pick out targets & aren't just shitting your pants with adrenaline, anything that's open and vital. Face, neck, groin, whatever.

Anonymous No. 152296

what things should be kept in mind while sparring?

Anonymous No. 152300

Distance and reach. From a practical standpoint they're the same for a long time in training, but not necessarily true once you're getting into real technical differences. If reach is defined by your hands to your opponent, then let distance be defined by your feet. The what's and how's to perform any number of things will become infinitely more clear the sooner you recognize how the two things work, either for or against you. Whether you score clean, whiff, get socked, or slip, know where your hands and feet were, and you'll be more likely to repeat or change the event occurring.

Anonymous No. 152688

That's what I am doing.
But when I do that, my coach tells me to relax and let my legs go limp. And I still have no clue how I am going to achieve that.

Anonymous No. 152690

just through the bunch dude

Anonymous No. 153414

150$ a month

Anonymous No. 153473

this book is so fuckin important to not only boxing but martial arts/combat sports as a whole.

Anonymous No. 153475

glancing blows to the dome can turn the head around, whether it's with a gloved fist or a shin/foot (look up mirko crocop)

Anonymous No. 153476

You practice your basics and learn the pros and cons of each thing and use what works. Outside of competing you're not really going to have to figure out le ultimate guard, just understand how to make each one work in the appropriate setting.

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Anonymous No. 153645

how do stop cramps in calfs after boxing

Anonymous No. 153649

Electrolytes. Time.

Anonymous No. 153683

Stretching my nigga
Also, yes time. Warmups and cooldowns are also important.
Do not believe the electrolyte meme it is made to sell sugar water to crossfitters.

Anonymous No. 153693

Of course the kool-aid American thinks sugar is the only thing that word means

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Anonymous No. 153776

Do you think sparring with those could actually prevent cerebral concussion?

Anonymous No. 155144

What ok sure >>153649

Anonymous No. 155176

eat a banana nigga

Anonymous No. 156712

If push kicks exist, are there also punches made mostly to push someone away and knock him off balance?

Anonymous No. 156715

Post dirty techniques like toe stepping, forearm strikes, Dutch hand trap, etc.

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Anonymous No. 156716

…a push

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Anonymous No. 156717

Try punching in the proper stance with good rotation, pushing off from the ball of your foot, rotating your hips and shoulders, and driving your fist forward. It will be much more effective.

There’s not a single martial art that won’t tell you this. Not even meme shit. Ancient paintings literally show this. It is known.

If you want to know WHY, there’s an entire field dedicated to things like this. Just put “boxing biomechanics” into google scholar.

Anonymous No. 156720

Yes but you can get cerebral palsy

Anonymous No. 156731

>There’s not a single martial art that won’t tell you this
>karate, taekwondo, kung fu, etc
>every punch (outside of sparring) taught requires strict stances and rigid erect posture
It's ok to admit that you haven't done any martial arts before guy

Anonymous No. 156747

>outside of sparring
This kills your point. In one sentence you acknowledge the difference, then you pretend as if kata/forms is all there is. You did that cause you know TMAs practice things differently, but in sparring under pressure, anything that can remain, all begins to look similar with only slight stylistic difference.

Anonymous No. 156752

>This kills your point
No, this proves my point
that "what people tell you" and "what actually happens" are different things

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kukkiwon website.jpg

Anonymous No. 156838

I'm 3rd dan WTF Taekwondo, been doing it for over 18 years, and this is how I was taught to throw a punch. What you see in forms is not representative of the art as a whole.

Anonymous No. 156975

terribly bad fucking book

Anonymous No. 157706

Watch your punch mechanics, aim for the lettering and graze the bag with your knuckles while wiffing by in a vertical trajectory. Or, you might want to set up the bag slanted, hanging slightly topside first, like there is a "face" jutting out over it's "knees".

It's not ideal though.