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🧵 Videos and books

Anonymous No. 135517

If people keep insisting that you can't learn fighting through videos (and books) then Why are so many of them?

Anonymous No. 135519

It's insanely difficult to -start- there. Until recently, most teachers weren't particularly good at presenting in that format, even if they managed to be good teachers in person. After that, almost no one should be learning their first skillset that way. Live learning isn't too far off from live sparring, in so far as knowing how to apply methodology, learning distance, supervised control so no one tards out, etc. After these two hurdles, however, it's certainly not impossible to learn that way. Especially if your skillset is somewhat close. IE Thai stylists learning pure hand boxing, a wrestler learning judo, so on and so forth. But not everyone can learn that way, or simply haven't ever put the effort in to change their learning style. And of course, some teachers simply put things in a way that speaks to some people better than others. So maybe the people who say you can't just haven't found a teacher that presents their material in a way that sparks their thinking.

Anonymous No. 135553

You can, depending on the style. However, not being able to learn from books/videos is a meme, and incels believe memes without question.

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Anonymous No. 135558

Because people are, in general, fucking retarded and will buy stupid shit for no good reason that doesn’t even work.

Why bother teaching anyone anything when you can easily grift.

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Anonymous No. 135563

You absolutely can learn things to some extent through books and videos. But there's things you can't learn without practicing them with other people. Even when learning from a video, you'll need training partners to practice the material.

Some lessons might be more clear in video format, and being able to rewind and pause is nice. If you have no other options for learning something, books and videos can help too. But having a coach or experienced partner is preferable when it's an option. Having someone with you, teaching you personally and correcting your mistakes, makes things a lot easier to learn.

Anonymous No. 135564

Also, even when you have experience and work with a good coach, videos still can be useful. You can deepen your understanding and learn how to improve what you're doing. It's still useful as a supplement.