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Anonymous No. 135630

Olympic weightliting for Judo?

Has anyone tried this/knows of anyone who supplements their Judo with Oly Lifting (Or vice versa)? What was the carryover/results like?

Anonymous No. 135631

Olympic lifting is no joke. Have you been to an Olympic lifting gym? There’s a reason they’re specific gyms. It takes a lot of athleticism to hit a smooth clean and jerk. It’s good training. But don’t be surprised if you find yourself spending more time on that than judo

Anonymous No. 135634

If you take both seriously, you're gonna be fucking tired and sore 24/7.

Anonymous No. 135635

Only lifting takes too long to get at. It's pretty much gotta be your main focus. There's a reason everyone stole the component lifts for training and not the full c&j or snatch.

Anonymous No. 135643

Cleans would be very useful for building explosive hip strength.

Anonymous No. 135645

great combo of explosive strength and mobility. I'm not good enough at oly lifting to go real heavy, but I do smaller weights at higher frequency to train strength endurance. e.g doing double snatches on the minute for 12 minutes with 60kg. pretty relevant for the grappling sports.

Anonymous No. 135646

this. oly lifting has a massive skill component, and if it's not your main sport it's not worth learning the lifts
there are lifts (like db snatches instead of a legit snatch, for an example) that will get you a lot of the strength benefits for your sport, without the massive learning curve

Anonymous No. 135647

oly lifts aren't hard to learn

Anonymous No. 135655

The basic movements are a hell of a lot harder to learn than a deadlift or a squat, but even if we're deciding that that doesn't count as "hard to learn" it still takes much more time to put heavy weight on oly lifts than more basic ones. Oly lifting is plain inefficient unless it's your focus. Power cleans are probably as far as a martial artist should take it. Or do the kettlebell variations.

Anonymous No. 135751

They aren't that hard to learn. In a month of training 2x a week for 2hrs you can have the snatch and C&J movements learned, and then you can just keep training and add weight slowly.

Anonymous No. 135853

I agree with most of these comments. Olympic lifting I think has a very low ROI. Even if you spend 36 hours to do a "passable" c&j you could have spent that 36 hours practicing judo. It's also unclear whether your progression in the snatch and c&j is due to what you want to be training (power) or technique. I recommend doing normal compound lifts for strength then instead of OWL movements do: jumps and other plyometrics, throws with medicine balls/sandbags/etc "speed work" with the barbell Westside style, inc jump squats

Anonymous No. 136318

Just get Kettlebell Pilled and do olympic lifting at home high volume, high rewards, especially for Judo.

Anonymous No. 136319

Only issue is not everyone has a sparring partner available 36h of the week or able to go the dojo every day, usually dojos run 3 times a week schedule.