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Anonymous No. 135666

Why the fuck do americans refuse to use the safety bars?

Anonymous No. 135682

lol yurofags use the pussy bar

Anonymous No. 135683

Cause then it isn’t an extreme sport anymore.

Anonymous No. 135729

Lol just sit back in the chair bro

Anonymous No. 135793

Mutt here. I didn’t know it was a thing until I reached back one day.

Anonymous No. 135836

makes it easier to escape all the mass shootings

Anonymous No. 135843

Safety impacts my freedom to kill myself

Anonymous No. 135844

The first time I went skiing my jacket pocket got hooked on the lift's armrest and I got swung around until it dragged me into the "oh shit" bar that automatically shut down the lift. Legitimately thought I was going to die/have to hang from chair until it reached the bottom.

Anonymous No. 136451

Thinking you won't get pussy if the QT snowboarder sees you using the bar. Turns out she's a trainwreck here with her dealer and will crash into some kid anyways. I've had even detatchables stop hard 100 feet over a cliff because some dipshit and their date couldn't load onto a chair too many times to not use it.

Anonymous No. 136524

when was the last time you fell off a chair lmao

Anonymous No. 136562

Never, because i use the bar.

Anonymous No. 136707

what kind of pussy uses the bar and then gets mad at other people for not using the bar I'm actually dead OP is such a faggot

Anonymous No. 136712

The only time I've seen people fall off the chair is at the bottom or top when the bar needs to be up anyways. Nobody uses the bar and people never fall off in the middle so its there for absolutely nothing.

Anonymous No. 136851

Because America is third world

Anonymous No. 138330

>can't keep his balance on a fucking chair
I love not using the bar

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Anonymous No. 138358

>Why the fuck do americans refuse to use the safety bars?
So we can hire Jew lawyers to sue the shit out of the ski resort, operators, and lift manufacturers when we "accidentally" fall out and get injured due to their negligence and faulty, unsafe equpment....duh.

Anonymous No. 138490

How do you fuck up sitting?

Anonymous No. 138518

I put the bar down, but fuck the euro tourist fucks that slam it down immediately without warning.