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🧵 official Skydiving thread

Anonymous No. 136371

Who is going to Adventure Boogie?

Anonymous No. 136372

Incredibly based.

Anonymous No. 136892

If I did a class and 1 IAD dive back in 2021, and nothing since, do I need to do the class over again if I want to get back into it this year?

Probably a good idea anyway though, right?

Anonymous No. 137277

Nobody on this board skydives.

Anonymous No. 137407

we have like 4 people

Anonymous No. 137408

probably 1/3rd the length if you show you are decently remembering

Anonymous No. 137446

Great, we've got enough people to send up the 182

Anonymous No. 137533

sweet - joust me >?

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Anonymous No. 137659

Anonymous No. 137694

Can you guys sign up for a course so we can get an active thread going

Anonymous No. 137727

I have 101 jumps.
All tandem, naturally. Skydiving solo is illegal unless you're in the military.

Anonymous No. 138012

You're such a big cupcake.

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Anonymous No. 138287

How long until she comes after skydiving? Sending up half full Twin Otters 15 times a day must surely piss her off.

Anonymous No. 138839

Not to mention the use of avgas on a lot of small DZ Cessnas

Anonymous No. 138854

what's the cause of the majority of skydiving fatalities? Human error? Gear malfunctioning?

Anonymous No. 138881

Maybe that lead explains why so many small DZ tandem instructors seem retarded. Well, that or the meth.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 138897

I do enjoy the smell of leaded gasoline. Much prefer it to kerosine. Comfy

Anonymous No. 138898

Human error. Fatal gear malfunction very rarely happens these days.

I do enjoy the smell of leaded gasoline. Much prefer it to kerosine. Comfy

Anonymous No. 138900

I don't know, but a girl at my drop zone thought it would be a good idea to get on her fronts at 100 feet on final and not flare for landing. Almost lost a foot.

Anonymous No. 141124

I used to be an AFF-I

Anonymous No. 141125

low turns - people make a bad decision under a small parachute that is perfect, and fucking up the landing

Our most experienced are the most likely to die

Anonymous No. 141227

How would you get into skydiving if you were 6'10" and north of 250 pounds?

Anonymous No. 141242

not OP but I am 250 lbs and a cert. skydiving Coach

You will just jump bigger canopies and itll be harder to find used gear- youll need to buy your rigs new or find a gem that happens to fit right. its totally doable- trust me

Anonymous No. 141627

You can get into it fairly easily actually, you are pretty large, but also proportional.

Go fly in the windtunnel - you will most likely be flying a 300 canopy for a bit

Anonymous No. 142074


Where are you?

Anonymous No. 142316

is wingsuit flying worth trying, even tho it seems to expensive? can I just rent the suit from the plane company, not buy it?

Anonymous No. 142427

I was joking about the tandem part anon

Anonymous No. 142428

Are you even licensed in the first place?

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Anonymous No. 142527

Skydiving has a bad reputation because of the fact that death can happen very easily if something goes crucially wrong during the dive. And although rare, some people use it as a way or as an excuse to commit suicide.

But as sad as these deaths are, at least NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die. So those people who die during skydiving fall straight into paradise. When viewed this way, skydiving gains a lot more appeal when jumping. You either land safely, or wake up in paradise.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:

It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:

>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Anonymous No. 142528

mmmph? I need a loicense?

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Anonymous No. 142715

Going for a Static Line course in the next few weeks, then going to progress to AFF after that.

I've read just about all I can to prepare. Anything I should be aware of before I go?

Anonymous No. 142749

most places require you to have 200 jumps before trying to wingsuit

Anonymous No. 142750

Listen to your instructors, ask questions - THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A DUMB QUESTION!!!!

as an AFF-I I tell my students I would rather spend 40 minutes explaining something a second or third time than you lack the knowledge down the line. This sport is fast moving and you perform better when you understand more.

Anonymous No. 142756

What if I hate my family? Do I need to do any small talk?

Anonymous No. 142825

Why not just go straight to AFF? Probably save money. If you want to do something pre-AFF get 10 minutes of tunnel.

Anonymous No. 142836

Not every dropzone offers AFF. Nothing wrong with SL anyway. You'll focus on solely stable exits and canopy piloting for your first few jumps. Not being nervous on low altitude jumps and being stable right out the exits are very important safety skills.

Anonymous No. 142958

Thanks instructor-anon, I’ve tried to read as much as possible so far about equipment, procedures etc. but it seems there’s only so much available without actually going and doing it.

Basically what >>142836
says. The DZ does offer straight AFF but will discount AFF level 1 if you’ve done an SL jump (I assume because most of the ground training is already taken care of).

Also no tunnels in my country. Not one.

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Anonymous No. 145620

Anyone here actually fly a wingsuit? Whuffo retards need not respond

Preferably on the East Coast, always looking to make friends with Freaky Creatures :^)))

Anonymous No. 146032

I'm planning on taking a wingsuit course once I get to 200. At 111 now, pls no bully.

Anonymous No. 149439


Anonymous No. 151822

Did a tandem for the first time today and my instructor made the ferrari joke. Also, I threw up after. Pretty fun though.

Anonymous No. 151824

I don't skydive. What's the ferrari joke?

Anonymous No. 151852

What's the difference between a Ferrari and a hard on?

Anonymous No. 152921

What is it?

Anonymous No. 153056

I don't have a Ferrari right now

Anonymous No. 153078

I don't let students sit on my Ferrari.

Anonymous No. 154150

was it in the US? If so tell me where and I will tell you what instructor it was

Anonymous No. 154152

Yeah the northeast and southeast both have thriving wingsuit retard groups

Anonymous No. 154257

Western Pennsylvania

Anonymous No. 155314

Dallas. Wouldn't be surprised if you knew him, guy's a fucking legend.

Anonymous No. 156853

Does anyone of you guys know where I could find this really OG video of a guy deploying super fucking low (Like 150ft) out of a small Cessna? I think the video is a VHS from either the 90s or early 2000s.

Anonymous No. 159337

hey anons, commercial pilot doing jump flights here, if you have any questions or wondered about stuff I can answer

Anonymous No. 159341

I'm wondering why a man would shoot someone in the head, before throwing them from the plane.

Anonymous No. 159342


Anonymous No. 159529

Would you let a cute girl blow you in exchange for a free ride to altitude?

Anonymous No. 159534

A lot of loyalty for a hired gun.

Anonymous No. 159674

no- this actually constitutes holding out and is specifically forbidden under FAA commercial regulations without an operator's certificate.

Furthermore, I need to keep my medical, STDs are a problem

Anonymous No. 159676

If I take off that condom, will you die?

Anonymous No. 162875

Lol on a related note, a guy I jumped with yesterday told me a story about how his pilot took the jump run to 18k after a girl flashed her tits and asked to go higher.

Anonymous No. 163277

>what's the cause of the majority of skydiving fatalities?
the sudden stop

Anonymous No. 163278

Has anyone been having issues with the Blinc base fatality list lately?

Anonymous No. 165407

Does hanggliding count?
Since when do the chans have a board for extreme sports?

Anonymous No. 165438

me in the plane

Anonymous No. 165480

Hang gliding looks really sketchy to me. I feel a lot safer jumping out of an airplane.

Anonymous No. 165664

this happens like....once every 3 or 4 years, and the telling of the story is always an attempt to get the girl to show her tits.

I've seen this happen twice in my 12 years in the sport.

Anonymous No. 166175

Just got my C license! About to take my FFC. So not true

Anonymous No. 170270
