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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 136411

Why are they all the exact same? It's like they are made in test tubes.

Anonymous No. 136419

>His BJJ teacher isn't an actual brazilian immigrant who barely speaks local language, is 6'2 and has a neck the size of a tree log

Anonymous No. 136439

> Big black cock fetish.
> NOOO BJJ isn't totally gay!

Anonymous No. 136647

>lists traits that apply only to their instructor
>”why are they all like this?”

Anonymous No. 136653

Not OP, this is most bjj instructors

Anonymous No. 136657

Go onto YouTube and look up 'BJJ' or 'Self-Defense' or both and 90% of the guys you seeing do it look like op's pic.

Anonymous No. 136682

Googled it. Most of them don’t talk about blacks humbling them at all. They also don’t teach Krav Maga

Anonymous No. 136685


Anonymous No. 136713

I’m 5’8, 160 and doing bjj, is this my future ?

Anonymous No. 136748

I’m 5’8” and 160 lbs, so I can tell you: yes

Anonymous No. 136771

this guy teaches bjj

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Anonymous No. 136864

Martial arts instructors tell their students to comply with muggers because white belts are retarded and think that a couple months of BJJ will make them immune to gunfire.

Anonymous No. 136886

Actual naturally strong and tall people tend to be the less interested in fighting as a whole?

Anonymous No. 137442

If he isn't having 1/2 of his techniques translated for the by his green card supplying baby momma did you really learn jiu jitsu?

Anonymous No. 137561

If you didn´t learn boxing from a grumpy old man that is punch drunk and mentors you like a son in a gym that has seen better days, did you learn to box?

Anonymous No. 137563

I remember when I was a white belt in Judo, they had this old Vietnam vet come from another dojo to teach us. He was a ijf ref, big huge santa clause gut and winded horribly quick. However he pretty much floored everyone with illegal moves or 'ugly' judo. He would lean in to whisper so you get closer then he would find ways to choke you or to get you the ground, he would take like 1 or 2 students each class to the side without the knowledge of the lead sensei and teach those old-ass army combatives like palm strikes and eye racks (not in action, just in slow motion) The guy was like a literal drunken pirate and would occasionally fuck up some small fry or new student by not letting go when they tapped.

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Nice Argument Ret....gif

Anonymous No. 137844

This applies to BJJlets, But almost all actually good Kickboxers I have encountered on my journeys are actually a little offset towards taller / muscular.

Anonymous No. 137880

probably. who the fuck wants to learn to fight if they're not that afraid of getting their ass handed to them by 50% of the population or more?

Anonymous No. 137885

The virgin "tapping is sacred" vs the Chad "you gotta keep em on their toes."

Anonymous No. 137887

Those who are capable of thinking bigger than you. Why defeat 50% of the population when you can defeat 95% plus?

Anonymous No. 137888

Thinking bigger? What the fuck does that mean? Are you gonna solve a calculus problem while someone is finger blasting your girl at a bar to show them?

Anonymous No. 137890

"Good enough" mentality is for pussies. You, therefore, are a pussy.

Anonymous No. 137891


Anonymous No. 137892

I don't understand how you made the connection of me having a "good enough" mentality from my previous post, do you at all travel with the flow of traffic when going for a run?

Anonymous No. 137893

I didn't say it, I wrote it. Read it again.
Since you have chosen to go the route of confusion, may I ask why someone fingerbanging my girl at a bar immediately popped into your head? Is it maybe because it happened to you and you did nothing?
Equally retarded. here is your shitty undeserved (You)

Anonymous No. 137894

Why can't autistic people understand cheap humor? I asked you what "thinking bigger" meant and why it was important in a altercation. How do you defeat 95% of the people you meet by thinking "bigger?"

Anonymous No. 137895

Once again, you have tried to deflect my coherent and easily understandable argument on a mental disorder, which you most likely fall victim of.
I am a kickboxer, I am 6'3 and have been weight lifting for a long time. I can, and have, beat the brakes off young hooligans when necessary. I want to learn the tried and tested methods of combat between men. This is why I train.
So now we can establish, without a shadow of a doubt, the BJJ teacher of this thread.

Anonymous No. 137898

What argument? Are you trying to say physically smaller people who are able to 'think bigger' than physically bigger people are more likely to exceed at a fight through self-confidence, will power, and attention to surroundings? Cause if not then I have no clue what you are barking about and you just sound like an esoteric bug.

Anonymous No. 137909

No, you said:
"...who the fuck wants to learn to fight if they're not that afraid of getting their ass handed to them by 50% of the population or more?"
In the context of:
"Actual naturally strong and tall people tend to be the less interested in fighting as a whole?"
I hope you are intoxicated because this is becoming absurd. Read the rest if you still can't follow, or try again in the AM.

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hey retard.png

Anonymous No. 137913

I didn't say that.

Anonymous No. 137923

As if this is a better alternative. I answered a question, to which you have queerly interjected with your time waisting bullshit.
I failed to address your second question because it is irrelevant. Pin 2 equally matched men in all fields but training, and the trained man will be the victor.

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Anonymous No. 137926

(This is my first post ITT) Just wanted you to know, you're the retard in this conversation. Its extremely obvious what the other anon is saying.

Anonymous No. 137934

>Who the fuck wants to learn to fight if they're not that afraid of getting their ass handed to them by 50% of the population or more?
>Those who are capable of thinking bigger than you. Why defeat 50% of the population when you can defeat 95% plus?
>What argument? Are you trying to say physically smaller people who are able to 'think bigger' than physically bigger people are more likely to exceed at a fight through self-confidence, will power, and attention to surroundings?
Are retarded, or just dyslexic or something? Your reading comprehension is so low.

Anonymous No. 137975

u saying the only tall people that want to learn to fight are the ones who care about being able to beat up the vast majority of people? i mean that's a whole other level of insecurity

Anonymous No. 138152

>half inch over 5’9
Whew just made the BJJ Teacher cutoff.

Anonymous No. 138171

this, also, robbers are not looking to have a fight, so either they use numbers, underhanded method or weapons,

Anonymous No. 138172

Honestly you could make the argument that certain types of people gravitate towards certain martial arts (just look at everyone that does taekwondo or kung fu), but also most of this can be acquired after practicing for a few years.

there's some schools that even require students to look a certain way (like shaving the hear or buy gear form a certain brand), in Mexico a lot of kung fu schools still do the "monk" type shit

Anonymous No. 138393

Carry a gun
Give them your wallet
As they turn away draw your gun
Call them a nigger
They turn around
Shot them center mass

Anonymous No. 138404

>cctv footage sees you unholster your gun, take proper aim and undoubtedly say or do something to make the assailant turn around in a full 180 where you then shoot him in the chest.

you're better off dropping your wallet on the ground and hoping they go to pick up so you kick them in the mouth, at least you won't go to prison forever and be remembered as a 1 week debate character on national news channels.

Anonymous No. 139299

It only counts if you also have a rival who trains in a well-funded state of the art gym ran by the old enemy of your mentor.

Anonymous No. 139302

You did not.

Anonymous No. 139312

Rocky isnt real life anon

Anonymous No. 139347

Does not make sense? Guys usually pick smaller or weaker looking targets to rob. Thin guys and short guys.

Anonymous No. 139349

That's a retarded mentality to have.

Anonymous No. 139452

Because they aren't legit bjj practitioners

Anonymous No. 139462

No. And I say this as someone who did learn boxing from this exact demographic.
Old men arent fictional anon.

Anonymous No. 139807

I mean they actually train, unlike /xs/ LARPers

Anonymous No. 139808

>old men aren’t fictional
I’m not convinced

Anonymous No. 139810

Because they don’t train Judo.

Anonymous No. 139837

Literally propaganda victims/peddlers. You have to realize that governments post WW2 have no interest in a fighting fit population and therefore made a push for ineffective, passive, politically correct martial arts.
>US after the 1970s (gang warfare)
>Europe after WW2 (for obvious reasons)
>Eastern Europe after 1950s (Attempt at overthrowing commies in eastern Germany)

Anonymous No. 139838

Because BJJ is marketed to betas and incels, always was since the 90s.

Anonymous No. 139839

What did he teach exactly? This is relevant to my interests.

Anonymous No. 139864

The actual answer is that martial arts attract small, insecure men, and by the time they get good at it they realize martial arts won’t get you pussy, (much) money or status. The lifestyle and ego death culture of martial arts like BJJ is just a cope. It’s a sport, nothing more, and if you take it any more seriously than that you’re probably a coping manlet.

Anonymous No. 139865

is it though ? I feel like most guys at my boxing/kickboxing gym are above average in height and weight
My grappling instructor is also like 6'3 210 pounds

Anonymous No. 139872

He taught various blood and collar chokes while standing and some on the ground. He liked to do Nage-no-kata but he really liked O-Guruma for what ever reason. He was always wheezing and chuckling, it was bizarre but informative. He did this whisper thing were he would come up and speak really quietly so you can get closer and he would do some move on you but slowly.

Just to give you an idea of how traditional he was, he told a small collective of us about palm striking people in the nose would kill them because of the whole nose-bone into brain thing.

Anonymous No. 139881

All of that applies to BJJ fags and wrestler faggots but Judo is a real art that people respect, it’s the most practiced art on the planet and is actually applicable to real life.

Anonymous No. 140177

>The actual answer is that martial arts attract small, insecure men,
Yeah I'm one of those. Dunno about the rest.
>and by the time they get good at it they realize martial arts won’t get you pussy, (much) money or status.
Nothing really gets you pussy. I've seen fatsos getting regular action. I've seen complete autists mogging people in the gym.
>The lifestyle and ego death culture of martial arts like BJJ is just a cope. It’s a sport, nothing more, and if you take it any more seriously than that you’re probably a coping manlet
Yeah, but with some martial arts (and real, consistent training) you can really fuck most people up. This is not a cope. It's just pure facts.

Anonymous No. 140970

lol faggot

Anonymous No. 141054

literally every old white boxing coach is like Mickey to some extant, no matter what part of the world you're in.

Anonymous No. 141055

>every other religion is wrong, but I follow the RIGHT one.
>every other politician is crooked scum, but My guy is the GOOD one.
>every other martial art is fake and gay, buy MY martial art is the REAL one.

Anonymous No. 143261

I think part of the humility comes from encountering such a huge number of people in a fight scenario, and occasionally getting your ass handed to you by some unassuming people. I remember that when I was really deep in BJJ I was choking out guys that were five or six inches taller than me with about 40 more pounds of muscle, I felt pretty invincible, and I was in amazing physical shape. There was a blue belt in my dojo though that was a total savage. It was really hard to wrap your head around what a completely different level this guy was on. Our coach was a nationally competitive blackbelt with exceptional lineage, and this bluebelt tossed him around like a sack of potatoes. He just wasn't human. I've gotten nationally competitive at a couple sports, and I have a couple friends that went into spec op, but I've never met anyone like this guy. We went to comps and he'd clean up gi, no gi, weight class and open in his belt category. I felt like if I encountered a guy like him in a bad situation I'd just die. You just don't know who's on the other end of a fight sometimes, and it makes you feel vulnerable regardless of how trained you are.

Anonymous No. 143263

>I felt like if I encountered a guy like him in a bad situation I'd just die. You just don't know who's on the other end of a fight sometimes, and it makes you feel vulnerable regardless of how trained you are.

Never thought this while training, never thought I was at the mercy of someone else. I always have a winner mentality, if always tell myself I'm going to win no matter what and if someone tells me otherwise and proves me wrong I just shrug and go whatever like it's not really a big deal. I've never felt the 'humble' thing some people felt while doing things, being humbled seems like a form of acceptance of defeat which breeds weakness inside of yourself. Learn but always think as a winner, if you lose, don't give the enemy and ground to control your mind. Turn it into a nothing issue and remember what he did for the next time, because it is a nothing issue, none of this matter really, nothing. Rather fall on your sword than bow down to someone else.

Anonymous No. 143306

ive never met anyone who does bjj who would fit any of these stereotypes
is this an american thing?
have seen like a dozen of those tho.

Anonymous No. 143636

>who the fuck wants to learn to fight if they're not that afraid of getting their ass handed to them by 50% of the population or more
People who enjoy the activity itself?
I will never understand why so many people think combat sports are about self defense.
I've always just practiced because fighting is fun for me, and the same goes for pretty much everyone else I've ever shared a gym with.
In fact I think the real question is, where the fuck do people like you live to fear the possibility of a barehanded physical confrontation outside of a gym?

Anonymous No. 143642

Most of the “humble” shit that you find in martial arts is just an understanding that you’re going to lose and get choked. Nobody who has practiced a martial art for any significant length of time has had a perfect record. Being “humble” just means that you don’t sperg out and quit just because someone submitted you. Some people don’t know how to lose with dignity and make everything personal. It’s not accepting and welcoming defeat like you’re talking about, it’s accepting that you’re going to get defeated every now and again but that shouldn’t bruise your ego. If you lose, get pissy and make excuses for why you should have won, you’re an immature retard.

Anonymous No. 143740

Ah ok.

Anonymous No. 146038

What did you Google exactly?

Anonymous No. 149452

I hate Wisdom tooth

Anonymous No. 149490

Nobody dresses in gay thick pajamas besides your failed wrestlers school, atleast bjj has nogi

Anonymous No. 152839


Anonymous No. 152841

It's the guy who bumps old threads to the top.