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๐Ÿงต starting muay thai

Anonymous No. 136452

a week from now (when wrestling seasons over), ill be starting muay thai at a local gym. Is there anything I should expect or think about before going into my first class?

Anonymous No. 136459

Bang Ow will be your instructor, things he says, and things that happen.

Anonymous No. 136545

if they let you spar immediately coming in off the street, thats a red flag.
if and when you do spar it should be controlled and very light on all shots aimed to the head.

If you are used to wrestling, Muay Thai stance is different because you stand very tall

make sure you brace everytime you take a knee, even a slow/weak looking knee strike can absolutely fuck up your ribs and midsection

Anonymous No. 136877

at this rate /xs/ should be renamed to /mt/ (Muay Thai) already
or something like that

Anonymous No. 136923

I joined a gym to learn to fight - some clown tried to mug me on my lunch hour. my first instructor was an instructor not a fighter. Soon after I started a new instructor stated teaching and he was a former state champion. Totally different mindset. I still had to figure things out for myself like footwork to open hips to kick but the instruction from the former champ was how to fight and win, the other guy was basically teaching aerobics. The newer instructor brought in a different crowd of students with him, these newer "students" were fighters and people you did not want to fight on the street. I learned a lot from them. Do yo want to learn to fight and win, or just learn muay thai aerobics?

Anonymous No. 136931

expect sore hip muscles

Anonymous No. 137091

All the gyms outside of Thailand seem this way. You can't even find a good boxing gym that teachers fighters anymore, just cardio shit from some retard that should be teaching in a yoga studio

Anonymous No. 137097

You can find them, its more about the instructor than the gym. Look for instructors who used to fight professionally and were taught by someone really good. The good instructor I had, former state champion, was trained by benny the jet and used to travel to Thailand to train and fight there when he was young. There is some professional kickboxing still going on (depending on what country you are in), but the good gyms are usually in shitty areas where the rent is cheap. Real fighting gyms don't make a lot of money. Look up the professional fighters were you live and search form them by name to try to find a gym close to you.

Anonymous No. 137101

Wasn't asking for advice fightlet

Anonymous No. 137601

Get an instructor that has been in fights.

Anonymous No. 137874

My local gyms instructor is a pro from Thailand with 200 or so fights under his belt