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🧵 Martial Arts Feels Thread

Anonymous No. 136530

>Join serious fight gym
>Go passively for 6 months, daily for 2
>Go hard sparing for the first time yesterday
>Respected my opponents, but thoroughly kicked ass
>Got in the car and sobbed tears of joy
I love you boys, keep going no matter what

Anonymous No. 136559


Anonymous No. 136585

what martial art/fighting style do you do anon?

Anonymous No. 136587

I've been training since 02. Having to give it up after 4 knee surgeries at 33. I may blow my brains out, idk

Anonymous No. 136591

>accidently wore my shoes while walking across the boarded walkway next to the mat in my dojo
>everyone forever shuns me

Anonymous No. 136605


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Anonymous No. 136612

>be white belt in judo
>doing a warmup drill
>partner came to class late and missed the explanation
>start explaining the drill
>sensei immediately cuts me off saying "white belts shouldn't coach"
On one hand I agree because I hate it when other white belts try to coach when they don't know shit. But I wasn't trying to coach, just trying to catch them up to speed so I could do the drill.

Anonymous No. 136640

You’ll get over it. Your sensei probably tells white belts not to coach all day long and doesn’t even remember it.

Anonymous No. 136644

>be me
>23 y/o 150 lbs bjjlet
>wrestled 2 years in HS but quit cuz gay
>fuck up a 220 lbs newb in a roll
>come in the next day
>300 lbs dude who wrestled through middle and high school
>prepare for single
>look down
>see the ceiling
>get back up
>maybe this ti—

I broke a rib that day. The may enforcer was also 300+ lbs and started whaling on him while I sucked wind like a bitch. The other guy and I are cool now.

Anonymous No. 136654

Why are you cool with a guy who outweighed you by 80lbs intentionally breaking your ribs during a roll? Are you a cuck? That’s complete douchebag behavior.

Anonymous No. 136659

>80 lbs

Read that post again, Anon

Anonymous No. 136660

I wasn’t at the time. We talked and I told him not to throw me around like that. He’s not transgressed since.

Anonymous No. 136704

>used to do a lot of judo as a little kid
>want to get back into martial arts for exercise
>want to try out judo again
>contact local judo dojo
>notice that the name in the contact email is also in my old judo passport
>most teachers from when I was just a kid all work there
I think it's a sign.

Anonymous No. 136709

Do it

Anonymous No. 136711

>went to a few mma gyms and didn't like the vibes as much cuz less long term people training in the classes (classes taught by purple belt and blue belt) people not as friendly etc

>went to another gym and the vibes and environment and training partners are great (multiple high level competitors from the gym)

>Only teaches Gi BJJ and I hate the gi (wrestled for 4 yrs)

What do

Anonymous No. 136714

Learn the gi. You’ll get over it. The people you train with and quality of instruction are far more important.

Anonymous No. 136715

If the place is that good, and 4 years bore real fruit, after awhile you'll probably get asked to help some of them work on no gi. Look at it as an investment option.

Anonymous No. 137071

Anyone here compete? How do you develop the heart, as in the drive to win? I guess it's more of a personality thing and can't be trained

Anonymous No. 137075

It can be developed, but it's extremely difficult to create. How long/regularly have you been at it? If it's been long enough to see people who started after you advance passed where you're at, and it doesn't bother you, you may simply not be competitive.

Anonymous No. 137079

>How long/regularly have you been at it?
A little over 4 years, started training more consistently summer of 2021.
Going to be honest, haven't won a fight yet (first two were in a same day tournament, third was a rough one for me, last two fights were in another tournament one hour apart). I told my coach I wanted to fight again, and I do feel like I'm getting better.
>If it's been long enough to see people who started after you advance passed where you're at, and it doesn't bother you, you may simply not be competitive
Yeah, there's been a couple people who seem sharper and started later. It bothers me, but just worsens my self esteem instead of driving me to push harder

Anonymous No. 137081

You are competitive, but you've picked an opponent who is sure to defeat you. Yourself. Stop beating him up in your head and start doing it on the mats. By that tournament structure, I assume it's low level grappling, a local smoker, or some kind of point striking system. Guess what, at that level, even the people who are good suck. Consistent at last summer means less than a year of really going at it. How much home training are you doing? Are you seeking out help from your fellow students, assistant instructors, or private lessons with your instructor? Watching match footage or instructionals? Less than a year of regular work really isn't anything if you were just casual about it before that. So don't feel bad if you're not doing well. Even absolute genius fighters are getting stuck in stupid at that time.

Anonymous No. 137085

Nah, it was full contact striking. I competed in novice class, but there was also an open class.
I could be making more of an effort doing cardio and skill work at home, but I've been training 4-5 days a week at the gym. I tend to keep to myself, so I need to reach out for feedback more, but I have footage of my fights and sparring to watch

Anonymous No. 137191

I lost all my matches the first three times I competed in judo. Now I have medals from all over. It’s really just a matter of experience imo.

Anonymous No. 137193

>go to judo for few months
>only other partner is overly aggressive 14 year old
>I dominate him in newaza
>he hip thrusts as had as he can to get me off him, right into my ankle
>months later, feels better but still not ready to go back
Injuries suck cocks

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Anonymous No. 137205

>my coaches coaches are there, three of them
>watch me do pads with coach
>one wants to have a go with me
>hypes me up on the pads something fierece
>impressed with my footwork as I'm fat (278lbs, 6,0)
>impressed the other coaches, too

Anonymous No. 137234

>get back into judo
>only gym is staffed by my old teachers
>only other guys at the dojo are old guys
>teacher keeps a good eye on me
>still know how to roll
feels good bros
Is there an age limit on competitions?
I want to compete at some point.

Anonymous No. 137235

i don't really care about winning or my safety, are there still small tournaments you can pay to fight in with no prior experience?

Anonymous No. 137251

Your father was supposed to force the desire to compete within you

Anonymous No. 137260

Just join any martial art and compete in the white belt division at a local tournament

Anonymous No. 137265

fuck off

Anonymous No. 137291

>Is there an age limit on competitions?
Open divisions are usually for everyone. There are also typically under 18 and over 30 divisions as well.

Anonymous No. 137292

Why do you want to do that? You’re just going to get your ass kicked.

If you really want to go to SC and fight in streetbeefs or something.

Anonymous No. 137296

thanks fellas