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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137000

Why do people in street fights do the whole body slam or double leg takedown? Is it really THAT good of a move that even the most untrained guy can perform it with relative ease and pretty much the fight 90% of the time?

Anonymous No. 137001

Why do you make stupid faggoty threads like a stupid faggot, OP?

Anonymous No. 137004

Feel better now?

Anonymous No. 137009

Its a valid question

Anonymous No. 137011

stupid is as stupid does

Anonymous No. 137388

Concrete is REALLY hard. If your feet are "zero feet" off the ground, a bad "belly flop" style unprotected fall on your face can and will still break ribs, teeth, and your nose, and could literally kill you.

When you're body slammed, it's the exact same kind of unprotected fall, plus whatever height they can hoist you, plus whatever acceleration they can add while throwing you down, plus whatever disadvantageous angle they choose to send you down at.

If that angle's head first (easier, because torso and leg control are typically why you have control in the first place), that's very likely going to be lights out for you and your spine.

Anonymous No. 137398

Most people have no idea how to keep their balance and/or sprawl when in some sort of standing grappling exchange. If you happen to know a shitty trip or hip throw, it isn't very hard against untrained people near your size.
They definitely can be effective even without the ridiculous and deadly amplitude you see in some street fights or judo matches.

Anonymous No. 137876

Human skull + concrete = ow

Anonymous No. 138329

End the fight before the fight ends you.

Anonymous No. 138380

Because Wresting always win in a street fight, slamming an opponent to the concret is a garanty (not always) way to let him out of a fight due to the body reciving pain and feeling weak afterward.

Anonymous No. 139528

Heavier = better and the earth has, like, a gazzilion tons of weight. Hitting you with the earth is better than hitting your with a few pounds of fist.

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Anonymous No. 139531

I remember seeing a webm of a guy attempting to suplex another one on the street, and just falling on his own neck and twisting it all. Dude didn't move at all afterwards, probably paralized for life or outright kys'd himself.

Anonymous No. 139547

The blond kid outside of a pub?

Anonymous No. 139553

Probably, sounds familiar. He was tall iirc, post it if you have it.

Anonymous No. 139562

It’s easy as fuck if the person doesn’t know how to sprawl or keep a defensive arm down and break the connection

Anonymous No. 139578

Because a lot of people watch UFC and have played some tackle football. Pre-UFC, wrestling in da streetz wasn't actually that common. What "a fight" is culturally mediated. People didn't start doing shitty kimuras and RNC because of some evolving meta - they did it because they watched MMA and decided that those elements were part of a fair fight.

Anonymous No. 139626

Nah I usually don't save webbums, but I know the one you're talking about
>heem everyone, even yourself

Anonymous No. 139642

Fun fact about this idea of culture deciding what a fight was, US culture was so inundated with boxing as le real fighting in the early 20th century that in ww1 and ww2 the US army had to distribute materials explaining that it was ok to kick enemy soldiers lol.

Anonymous No. 140749

Do you have any around?