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🧵 How to beat a judoka?

Anonymous No. 137105

Would the standard way of beating people (punches, kicks to the tigh, oblique kicks if allowed) be effective?

Anonymous No. 137110

no, they probably do kudo

Anonymous No. 137112

Stall. They'll explode from no 3rd party resetting or dqing you.

Anonymous No. 137117

wear short sleeves and he'll panic

Anonymous No. 137118

Go deadweight when they try to throw you.

Anonymous No. 137119

Have a gun

Anonymous No. 137129

If you can only strike, then your best bet against a judoka is using angles and throwing high volume combos and immediately getting away, If you get grabbed then you might as well start throwing elbows and uppercuts as fast as you can before you get thrown

Anonymous No. 137150

Muay Thai. If they grab you and put your head first into concrete, things have gone to shit.

Anonymous No. 137347

It’s not as simple as how to beat [x] you have to make the right choices in a fight and hope your opponent makes a wrong choice. Generally against a grappler like a judoka or wrestler you would want to make space and move laterally, but you should also account for them grappling you by knowing how to grapple to get away

Anonymous. No. 139476

Literally don't walk out there in a big sailcloth dress from bushido era Japan that's specifically designed so he can grab it and throw you.
Laugh as his pathetic attempts to substitute a thai clench with cup grips for a collar grab backfire as soon as you microadjust.
Sock him in the mouth. He grabs your wrist. Pull it out while drawing it back, so you can sock him in the mouth with your other fist.
No Gi Judo is just worse no Gi BJJ. Plus the Judo practitioner ('Judoka' implies there's something special about it) is probably going to be less experienced with striking, given the relative populations that go to either, and then go to the likes of MMA.
>But I can't not wear a GI because...
Then don't fight the Judo practitioner in his own sport.

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Anonymous No. 139481

>how to beat a judoko
unironically just sit down

Anonymous No. 139665

either be a bjj fag or keep your distance from a judoka dropping you

Anonymous No. 139688

You can't, a judoka will always beat any other fighter. Train Judo.

Anonymous No. 139695

Judoka and learning Muay Thai. A grappler that knows how to deal with strikes or at least close the distance is very difficult to beat.

But these are usually the tactics that work against judoka (if you're well trained too):

Kick to the thigh with hardened shins. Watch them drop in pain.

Know how to nullify their takedown with sprawl and brawl. Elbow to the jaw, knee to the face. NEVER clinch because they will eventually get leverage to throw you HARD.

Anonymous No. 139701

judo does groundwork. it was literally a judoka that broke bjj god helio gracie's shoulder with an armlock that every bjjfag today name after him: the "kimura"

Anonymous No. 139703






Anonymous No. 139704

Learning Muay Thai is a waste of time, just do Judo. Get close and just throw them. If you're getting hit, then you're not good enough at Judo. Literally nothing can beat a good Judoka.

Judo's groundwork is better than BJJ and wrestling. Literally just train Judo.

Anonymous No. 139717

Yeah. Where do people get the idea that Judo has little to no ground fighting? Ne-waza is like half of judo.

Anonymous No. 139750

People are uninformed. Judo's ne-waza is superior to wrestling, BJJ and sambo because it actually lets you use chokes to restrain a person and teaches you how to hold someone down. If anyone's grappling and they aren't training Judo, they're just wasting their time.

Anonymous No. 139902

Boxer/Judoka here whose also learning Muay Thai. There's a reason why Muay Thai is considered the most complete form of striking. Judo is amazing but good luck trying to grab a hold of someone with solid clinching and neck-wrestling. Many judoka and Greco-Roman wrestlers make that mistake that their stand-up clinch can completely shut down Chap Koh.

>Judo's groundwork is better than BJJ and wrestling. Literally just train Judo.
The fuck are you talking about? Judo newaza at one point did have a full arsenal of joint-locks, chokes, pins, and some sneaky pain-compliance moves in groundfighting. But too many dojos don't practice enough newaza nor are their instructors as well versed to teach it. I have to watch old judo videos and books to find matwork to use in randori as well as practicing with my buddies who do BJJ.

More like 30% and I'm being generous. It's supposed to be 50/50 between tachi-waza and newaza but a lot of judo schools outside of Japan, France, Brazil, Russia, and the Netherlands don't emphasize enough time and development for it.

Sambists are well versed in chokes too. Just because Sport rules don't allow them doesn't mean Sambists (who also do Judo) can't do it. And I agree that BJJ should've adapted pins because that's a seriously overlooked part of groundfighting, but you're fucking kidding me if you think modern judo newaza can compete with BJJ's arsenal.

To be fair, BJJ always took infusions from judo newaza even as late as the 1980's like the Ezekiel choke being introduced. Judo did indeed have sophisticated groundwork, but World Championships and the Olympics are what most judoka care about nowadays and while there's still some superb newaza specialists, the emphasis is the dramatic throws for ippon.

Anonymous No. 139915


Anonymous No. 139935

By learning Aikido

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Kano Jigoro. - Ko....png

Anonymous No. 141209

WRONG. Nothing beats a well-placed judoka.

Anonymous No. 141478

take off my clothes and start masturbating, and screech about karates

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Anonymous No. 141485

>Skinny judolet challenges me
>weak and scrawny due to low intensity low duration
>Thinks he will beat me due to his "superior speed" and flashy throws
>Squat slightly in freestyle wresting pose I learned in Uni (could have gone pro if I hadn't joined the navy). thighs MASSIVE due to high intensity training
>Judokek shits his pants because he doesnt know how to deal with someone with a center of balance slightly lower then his own.
>I give his torso a hug, don't even go for a single or double 'cause feeling nice
>Judokas pockets start exploding spaghetti since he's not use to intimate contact closer then half arms length.
>My hustles on point, get around him to his back so as to dispatch him by honorable suplex
>"Oh no the Hanawa ochinchin!" The Judoka mewls, refusing to speak in plain American Chicago 12 pnt font.
>A full excelsior movement reduces my opponent to ash as his skull disintegrates against the mat.
>I stand at attention towards the pile of ash and give it a salute for its brave (though misplaced) confidence.

Anonymous No. 141488

>wrestler wannabe squats low
>gets absolutely BTFO by a knee to the face

There’s a reason why MMA fighters stand more upright than wrestlers, anon.

Anonymous No. 141492

Except knee counters almost never happen.

Anonymous No. 141495

Pure judo or someone with basic cross training, because you would be absolutely shocked at how well basic boxing using high pressure and high volume works against judo.
It also is extremely effective against most traditional martial arts.
Really it's pretty universally effective on anyone who isn't trained to deal with it.

Most gameplans go out the window when they repeatedly keep getting hit in the face at every angle and every attempt to do something in response just gets counted into another hit to the face.
It isn't even about punchers luck or going for a flash knockout. It's a high volume of fast accurate punches with good technique and maintaining good movement and footwork to keep them in pocket so they never get a chance to think straight.
In theory they could rush in and grab to stop the punches but if they hesitate even a little and you keep up with your footwork then there are plenty of options to avoid a rush.

Yeah there are other things like trying to beat them by grappling differently then they are used to, but it's nowhere near as consistent unless you are at a top level at that different style and used to forcing people to fight your way to your strengths.

This is just going off personal experience and watching a bunch of style vs style fights.

Anonymous No. 141496

>he doesnt know how to deal with someone with a center of balance slightly lower then his own
pretty much any of the sweeps, reaps, or ankle blocks

Anonymous No. 141683

judokas are just walking cans

Anonymous No. 142508

Keep your distance and twist their exposed nipples

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Anonymous No. 142652

Be german-american Catch-as-catch-can wrestler Ad Santel

>Ad Santel fought one of the early clash-of-the-styles matches in modern martial arts history against Tokugoro Ito, a 5th degree black belt in judo from Japan. Fighting under judo rules, which he knew thanks to a previous match against jujutsu specialist Senryuken Noguchi, Santel defeated Ito when a slamming takedown rendered the judoka unable to continue, and then proclaimed himself the World Judo Champion.Tokugoro Ito went on to avenge the loss a few months later on June 10, 1916, by defeating Santel with a choke hold, becoming the first and last judoka to ever defeat Santel.

>In October 1914, Santel came to Seattle and challenged resident judo master Taro Miyake, who Santel had already met in a draw. Santel won with such a powerful half nelson slam that Miyake remained dizzy for half an hour after the match. Seeing this as a new offense, judo founder Jigoro Kano sent 5th degree black belt Daisuke Sakai to avenge his defeat, but Santel again got over him, submitting Sakai twice with a biceps slicer.

Anonymous No. 142653


>As the Kodokan school did not send more challengers, Santel decided to travel to Japan to challenge them in their own ground. He assembled a team with fellow wrestlers Henry Weber and Manjiro "Matty" Matsuda, the latter being a judo black belt who had turned to catch wrestling years before. Their travel was possible thanks to Kodokan member Heita Okabe, who helped to host a series of matches between Ad's team and the Kodokan. Though Kano refused to sanction the event and threatened his students with expulsion if they fought, six of them accepted the challenge nonetheless, among them 5th degree black belts Hikoo Shoji and Reijiro Nakata. It was decided the bouts would be contested under neutral rules that demanded judogi jackets yet allowed all sorts of holds. In front of a crowd of 10.000 at the Yasukuni shrine, Santel defeated Nagata by TKO after a devastating headlock, and the next day he had a 60 minutes draw with Shoji, who left the mat so battered that Santel himself had to help him out of the arena. Later Santel would defeat another judoka, Hitoshi Shimizu, to avenge Shimizu's victory over Weber.

>The impact of these performances on Japan was immense. The Japanese were fascinated by the submissions taught in catch wrestling, and Japanese fighters traveled to Europe in order to either participate in various tournaments or to learn catch wrestling at European schools such as Billy Riley's Snake Pit in Wigan, UK.[7] Okabe and the judo challengers were effectively expelled from Kodokan, but some of them followed Santel to the United States to train with him, among them Hikoo Shoji, who became a freestyle wrestling pioneer in Japan.

Anonymous No. 144965


Anonymous No. 145259

Strip naked and oil your body.

Anonymous No. 145785

Only right answer

Anonymous No. 145880

Learn catch and then take your clothes off.

Anonymous No. 146117

>Judo's groundwork is better than BJJ and wrestling.
Didn't know curling into a ball for 30 seconds was the apex of groundwork

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Anonymous No. 146123

>Didn't know curling into a ball for 30 seconds was the apex of groundwork
>a Judoka literally beat one of the founders of BJJ through his groundwork

Anonymous No. 146218

It hasnt been like that for 100 years now b, there are no more judokas beating bjjfags on the ground anymore

Anonymous No. 146253

I know a bunch of judo guys who treat BJJ classes as ne waza practice. The distinction might be less relevant now that cross-training across disciplines is more normal and there's more coorperation than hostility in the modern era of mixed martial arts.

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Anonymous No. 146255

OG Judo (not what you'll learn in most dojo's) Is such a complete wrestling style. It included wrestling style takedowns (leg grabs etc) and all the groundwork of BJJ. Judo needs reform in my option.