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buhurt helm.jpg

🧵 buhurt

Anonymous No. 137418

Does aqnybody know the name of the helmet on the left??

Anonymous No. 137420

Whole fuckin' thread, huh? For this?

Anonymous No. 137451

Do you see buhurt general cunt?!
Go jump out if a plane

Anonymous No. 137478

Why didn't you just make a general for you to ask your retarded question to the other 3 people who do Buhurt?

Anonymous No. 137479

Nobody answer OP’s question for this reason alone. Delete this gay thread and just make a general

Anonymous No. 138639

It’s a grand bascinet, don’t know the type of visor though.

Anonymous No. 138644


🗑️ Anonymous No. 138690

>gay thread for a gay """sport""'
At least It's fitting

Anonymous No. 138779

you ever see how much a helmet and armor weighs faggot? it's a sport

Anonymous No. 138798

that's a cheeked up helmet

🗑️ Anonymous No. 138822

you ever see how much a cock and balls weighs faggot? it's gay sex

Anonymous No. 138846

>he thinks larping as sir faggot of gayshire is a sport
lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 139324

>bashing the fuck out of eachother wearing chainmail and steel plates
Less gay than lawn bowling

Anonymous. No. 139442

>Turn up to event.
>Everyone important is in medieval gear. Women are in dresses, men are in robes.
>Spectators and lesser men are treating it like another boring sports event. The chads and important people are getting into the medieval meme, mostly just taking the piss though.
>Wear nearly eighty pounds of cloth, leather and steel over your body. Can barely see or hear in your own little armoured space suit.
>You are no longer Fred. You are Ser Dickus Maximillion the third, heir to castle Pawgasson in the land of Notimportantus.
>Last event you were Lord Magnus Phallus, slayer of men, layer of wenches, but continuity isn't important in the medieval period.
>Everyone cheers for you and your team as you enter the pit because fuck yeah.
>Raise your arms up, and scream autistically at the crowd. For this is how Knights communicate.
>Scream autistically at the dudes on the other side of the pitch.
>Scream autistically at the other dudes on your side of the pitch.
>The next thirty seconds are all maneuvering, only broken when one retard suddenly runs full tilt at a group of guys because he got bored of waiting. What follows is two minutes of chaotic ruck where you're doing everything you can to wail on the guys who aren't coloured like you are.
>People are running around in delerium due to lack of oxygen. Nail one of the fuckers in the dome before someone else drop kicks you into the ground.
>Get dragged off the field due to exhaustion. It takes three men to bear you due to all the armour you're wearing.
>Find out later you broke three fingers, and another guy on your team fractured a rib. There is a finger sized divot in your helmet where a poleaxe hit and didn't slide.

Anonymous No. 141259

based Im hoping to get into this later this year

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Anonymous No. 142662


Lol youre arguing with people who think drilling counts as sparring.

Let them suck their senseis dick.

Anonymous No. 143580

Some kind of Spoletto. Dunno if it’s HA. Don’t bother asking the midwits on this board for any kind of advice unless it’s about the best way to get fucked in the ass while doing some faggy shit like bjj. Btw bjj is jj for weaklings remember that bjj fags

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Anonymous No. 143631

>literally just retards beating the shit out of each other in armor
is it the most autistic activity?

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Anonymous No. 143920


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Anonymous No. 144010

What armorers would /xs/ recommend for a Griffith-inspired piece? I don't want a full recreation, I'm fine with standard patterns and custom sizing. I just want to complete my 16th century armored femboy look.

Anonymous No. 144015

Can anyone post femboy-ish armor pieces? Asking for myself, I want to into armor making.

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Anonymous No. 144019

16th century french dress armor is pretty femboyish imo

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Anonymous No. 144020

For fantasy stuff I like Souls art. Demons is my favorite, something about the PS1 graphics.

Anonymous No. 144022

>penetrating sword

Anonymous No. 145551

>2023 ICMF world championship
>Murrica fields an army of XBOX HUEG meat towers in the first round
>tires everyone out
>second round subs EVERYONE with speedy boys and le striker guys
>proceed to smash the tired fighters from the opposing team
>rinse and repeat until gold medal

They need a subbing limit asap

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Anonymous No. 147982

Nice. Same here. Any ideas for good shit to start out trying to make?
The Sallet, and the wavy fixed skirt (picrel) on 16th century french plate is maximum femboy.
Agreed. It's supposed to be a little fucking chivalric with all the autism.
I mean, Americans have no knowledge of what that is, so fair-nuff. But it's a place to improve.

Anonymous No. 147991

Is that what fencinh & hemafags call sparring.... Huh. Wonder if OP of the MAG general is one of these dudes.

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Anonymous No. 148001

could have just asked a /his/ or /tg/ or in a relivent thread here. didnt need whole thread.
Left isnt a particularly buhurt helmet. Its just a bascinet with a particular visor.
I dont think think your pic is a dedicated dress armor. looks like a well made gendarme armor for active duty. Which they would pretty up besides. More dress 1500s stuff might be even fancier with blueing and gold etching and stuff. But agree it would fit for the topic of active duty but refined.
A more dedicated dress armor might be those worn in portrates from the 1600s-1700s, which where still technically functional, but tended not to be used on the battlefeild much and more for the tradition of it all. like pic related.

Anonymous No. 148161

happened in the female categories as well, in a 3vs3 USA would rotate 9 fighters in some fights.

Subbing should be capped to max five fighters depending on the category. Or else clubs or countries that bring in the most people have a clear advantage.

Anonymous No. 148162

What are you trying to communicate

Anonymous No. 148165

That sparring should be a pressure test of your skills against a resisting opponent. Not drills.

Anonymous No. 148169

I agree. Thankfully I’ve found a HEMA club that doesn’t pull punches but also gives a shit about safety. That’s a fine line sometimes.

Anonymous No. 148190

Wrong thread retard. Fantasy armor is not allowed in Buhurt or HMB. Get this shit out of here

Anonymous No. 148192

Only 13th-15th century armor is allowed in Buhurt.

Anonymous No. 148689

IMCF allows up to XVIIth century

Anonymous No. 149977

Question for armourfags in here.
Is it possible to un-temper, and re-temper plates without compromising their integrity?
I want to know if I can hammer patterns like scripture into plate steel, or would I have to do all that in the creation process before it gets tempered?

Anonymous No. 150096

It's a helmet with a visor, duh

Anonymous No. 152838


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Anonymous No. 153025

Visored heume/greathelm. Or bascinet with jousting visor.