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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 137449

>watching The Alpinist
>movie about free solo climbing
>introduces a bunch of famous free solo climbers at the beginning
>ALL of them died climbing
>the two climbers the movie is about died climbing

this sport is ridiculous. EVERYONE who made a name for themselves in it fucking died due to climbing aside from Alex Honnold

Why would anyone do this?

Anonymous No. 137450

In the movie it said half of the leading solo climbers died in the mountains

Anonymous No. 137491


The psychology is a bit complicated. Combination of achievement hunting, adrenaline addiction, erosion of what constitutes acceptable risk, erosion of ego in the face of nature's majesty, and I think there is a certain amount of marijuana use involved too - common in sports where physical pain and the potential for injury are normal. It's not like rock climbing gyms churn these people out in large numbers, the ones that end up in movies are the outliers.

Anonymous No. 137495

I feel like indoor climbing and outdoor climbing have vastly different communities and only superficial overlap

indoor bouldering / climbing is closely associated with techbro culture, while outdoor is literally the opposite of that

Anonymous No. 137500

>suicide by lifestyle
not a horrible way to go i guess. someone has to try the mushrooms

Anonymous No. 137505

>I feel like indoor climbing and outdoor climbing have vastly different communities and only superficial overlap

Sure. My point is just that if you want to find people who are willing to do something completely crazy you start with a large group of people willing to do something a little crazy, gradually train and indoctrinate them, then select for the ones that fit your criteria. E.g. if you want someone who will repeatedly HALO jum p at night into a hostile battlefield with a backpack full of explosives you start by finding a whole bunch of people willing to do a bit of skydiving.

Anonymous No. 137514

it's called the Faustian Spirit brah.

Anonymous No. 137613

>Why would anyone do this?
It's worse to live a boring life than to die an exciting death

Anonymous No. 137682

Right? Let them do what they want as long as they are not hurting anyone.
I bet they feel like a god when they successfully finish a very hard free climb.

Anonymous No. 137690

Why are they all white, too?

Anonymous No. 137731

What is a bit interesting about the subject of The Alpinist is that when he died he was doing all the "correct" stuff when climbing.
He went with another person rather than by himself. Pretty sure he was mountaineering rather than free climbing.
I think the kind of person who will free solo will also do a bunch of other dangerous shit in their life.

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Anonymous No. 137799

how do these mad lads rappel down when solo mountaineering? i can't see a way unless a) there is already fixed equipment in place or b) they leave their hardware behind

Anonymous No. 137817

preferred setup is probably something like this. pulling left is fixed as the knot blocks and pulling right retrieves rope or using a small pull cord

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Anonymous No. 137818

forgot rel pic

Anonymous No. 137824

Exactly that, fixed bolts or leave gear in situ. If you can find the right sort of rock formation you can avoid leaving expensive gear and leave cheap cord looped around the rock. They’ll carry a rope up in their bag to use to abseil, it can also be used to rope solo really difficult sections.

Anonymous No. 137900

Dumb rich white people with nothing better to do. They could just walk around the hood and get the same thrill.

Anonymous No. 137925


Anonymous No. 138055

>solo climber spends years even decades doing hard sends and surviving
>dies climbing with a partner
many such cases, what causes this phenomenon?

Anonymous No. 138065

>Why would anyone do this?
Because they're all too fucking arrogant and think that it won't happen to them. Same thing goes for those BASE jumping wingsuit weirdo's.

Anonymous No. 138332

>EVERYONE who made a name for themselves in it fucking died due to climbing aside from Alex Honnold
If this is considered a legitimate sport even though it has an almost 100% mortality rate then UFC should have fights to the death.

Anonymous No. 138367

perhaps the free solo makes you more aware of the risk so you put in more effort to stay alive.
but i suspect people spend more time roped climbing which distorts the numbers
i also suspect that your impression is just an impression, no statistic

Anonymous No. 138368

so i took "Free solo climbing#Practitioners" wikipedia article and researched the circumstances of death

died free solo (5):
> John Bachar, Derek Hersey, Jimmy Jewell, Paul Preuss, Tobin Sorenson

died during other climbing (3):
> Hansjörg Auer (an avalanche), Brad Gobright (an abseiling accident), Marc-André Leclerc (an avalanche)

died in other way (5):
> Michael Reardon (swept by a sea wave), Wolfgang GĂĽllich (a car accident), Patrick Edlinger (fell from stairs), Dan Osman (a "jump tower" accident), Dean Potter (a wingsuit accident)

never died (11):
> Alex Honnold, Alexander Huber, Alain Robert, Catherine Destivelle, Antoine Le Menestrel, Peter Croft, Ron Fawcett, Dan Goodwin, Colin Haley, John Long, Dave MacLeod

dunno what to take of it

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Anonymous No. 138370

> Preuss often climbed alone because he believed soloing to be safer; only his own life was at stake. He wasn't willing to risk the lives of his belayers on difficult routes.

> In 1912, he witnessed the well-known British mountaineer H. O. Jones, Jones's new wife Muriel Edwards, and their guide Julius Truffer fall to their death on the Aiguille Rouge de Peuterey. Preuss, who was unroped and scouting, returned only to watch Truffer fall due to a broken hold, taking the rest of the party with him.

Anonymous No. 138373

totally agree. Also Colosseum style fighting against large animals like lions and bears should come back.

Spain still has running with the bulls so why not?

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Anonymous No. 139825

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Anonymous No. 140276

>Catherine Destivelle
she cute

Anonymous No. 140301

>and I think there is a certain amount of marijuana use involved too
Always thought Honnold looks stoned af

Anonymous No. 140372

they have a hunger that must be satiated

Anonymous No. 140547

you pussy?

Anonymous No. 140579

idk might also be the thousands of hours of training and the confidence it gives him

Anonymous No. 141413

You use natural anchors. Only leave behind some shit like webbing. If you are on ice, you build a V-thread with an ice screw and rappel off that.

Anonymous No. 143092

Nice bush bro

Anonymous No. 143197

techbro bjj and bouldering lifestyle is so fucking faggoty

Anonymous No. 143230

There's plenty of accident databases online and full and detailed accident reports. You should look them up, they're very interesting.
Often it's a small lapse in judgement anyone could do, like not properly checking natural anchors before rapelling off it or trusting earlier placed gear. Sometimes it's freak chances

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Anonymous No. 143281

There's a specific genetic disposition for taking yourself out of the gene pool. Sometimes it works. If they weren't free soloists, they'd be stunt men, or freelance operators, anything that produces extreme emotions through risk taking. It's just nature in the end.

Anonymous No. 143327

Climbing is generally pretty safe if you are experienced and climbing with gear. Free soloing is stupid. Borderline suicidal. I climb up to 6 days a week inside and out and the only person I’ve ever met who even claimed to have free soloed anything was some weak retarded woman who couldn’t do over a v3 bouldering

Anonymous No. 143606

As someone who enjoys free soloing I’ll thrown in my two cents. I used to do it a lot. I can climb 1-2,000 feet of climbing in the time it takes many parties to climb 1-2 pitches roped. Big solo days might include 6000 ft of climbing, and likely a ton of running as well. The allure is in moving places FAST with no gear or partner to slow you down. Pure flow state. I’ve done some huge C2C trail running/climbing linkups that are among my most fun days climbing. Also, sometimes speed is safety in the mountains. In horrendous loose choss, a rope is a liability and soloing becomes safer even with a partner and gear available. I began soloing on the short easy routes that I learned to climb on, and depending on the rock type and my fitness I will still onsight solo between 5.7-5.9. I don’t solo much harder than 5.9, unless the crux is near the ground or a large enough ledge to stick in the event of a fall. I may only be a mid-5.12 climber, but have climbed outdoors for over a decade and have thousands of hours of experience across all climbing disciplines including esoteric things like big wall solo speed climbing. After losing several friends in roped climbing accidents I have dialed back the soloing a ton, and now I (mostly) only solo on “special occasions”. Solo mindset is a great ability for getting out of a pickle when roped climbing, if you’re rappelling and your rope gets stuck, if you find yourself off route, if you’re severely runout, or in other “no fall” situations. Definitely not for everyone, but it is a natural extension of some climbing careers that is not inherently a death wish.

Anonymous No. 143710

>Why would anyone do this?
Gotta do what you gotta do. Some don't really feel alive unless they have this. Expedition climbers also have a pretty brutal mortality rate. Talking about the guys who go for some or all of the 8k peaks.

Anonymous No. 143877

One of Satan's minions?

Anonymous No. 143887

most of us don't free solo
it's a performance art
desu its gay and dangerous
gayer than comp bouldering

Anonymous No. 143888

use a rope like a white man

🗑️ Anonymous No. 143931

>gayer than comp bouldering
literally impossible

Anonymous No. 144324

>claims to climb 10-20x faster than a lead climber
Damn bro wanna know how I can tell that you're full of shit, or doing basic rock scrambles and trying to talk tough at most?

Anonymous No. 144420

Alex Honnold will die also, soon. Then, I will take his blonde wife for my enjoyment.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 144428

>Alex Honnold will die also, soon.
I expect this too, I wonder what the general reaction will be (probably 'gone too soon' and 'free soloing is stupid')

Anonymous No. 145884

No pics of them smashed to pieces ? That's a bit disappointing

Anonymous No. 145901

wow that's erotic, you can't see anything like that nowadays

Anonymous No. 146410

this is how I play every single video game

Anonymous No. 146413

>tfw risk averse cuck

Borderlands No. 147037

Amazing people some people smoke or drink, drugs imagin a slow death or a life of enjoyment ware you never get old have to worry about retirement and you confront fear and death dayly and win. It's the quality of life not the quantity, fore some people. I tip my glass in salute to the people doing the impossible, may we all climb in heaven or in hell my friends.

Anonymous No. 147356

Uncle was a legendary climber back in the day (died climbing)...the sport is basically synonymous with Marijuana use

Anonymous No. 147671

It is the opposite of a performance art. Most people who free solo never talk about it.

It is also pretty common in alpine climbing. There is generally a pretty big disconnect between people who think of climbing as gyms and sport routes and people who think of climbing as going out into the mountains and climbing peaks.

Anonymous No. 148677

Read Down by Andy Kirkpatrick

Anonymous No. 149048

>Then, I will take his blonde wife for my enjoyment.

she's a clout chaser and boring at that

Anonymous No. 149227

Yeah but in alpine climbing they solo like 3s (YDS), exactly because they think of it as climbing peaks, so they find the easiest possible route. If anything free soloing hard routes is the exact opposite mentality, you're intentionally doing something ridiculously dangerous.

Anonymous No. 150811

Worth noting that Croft said John Bachar died from rockfall, not free soloing in and of itself. He would have died roped.

Anonymous No. 150860


There's also Pete Whittaker who is actively free solo climbing and still alive.


> (...) and I think there is a certain amount of marijuana use involved too - common in sports where physical pain and the potential for injury are normal.

I confirm, I'm a climber and downhill racer and I smoke a shit ton of weed. A lot of my friends who climb and ride also smoke - it's just the way it is.

Anonymous No. 150863

what’s wrong with dying doing what you love? nothing, to me

Anonymous No. 150865

he's just too good

Anonymous No. 150969

>There's also Pete Whittaker who is actively free solo climbing and still alive.
Pete is my favorite to be honest. He's extremely humble and seems like a fun guy despite being the monster he is.
The man is made out of 99% grit and cheerful as fuck despite that. You can tell he love what he does.

Anonymous No. 151040

>100% mortality rate then UFC should have fights to the death.
This is the next logical step for BKFC to grow its numbers. If StreetBeefs could also consider this it would remove a few retards from the gene pool

Anonymous No. 151275

No idea how people do this without a rope or something to catch their fall. Insane sport right here

Anonymous No. 152893

That shit is scary

Anonymous No. 152961

I dunno, I think he has some sort of autism super powers or something

Anonymous No. 153086

I think Messner said something about this at some point. I don't remember the quote. It was one part of the reason he did most of his stuff solo. Probably he came to that conclusion after his brother died when they were trying to climb Nanga Parbat.

Anonymous No. 153208

The subject of the movie, Marc-Andre Leclerc, is another level beyond free soloists in general. This guy ice climbs free solo. It's nuts. This is extra risk because ice can break in unpredictable ways. It's not like a solid rock formation at all. Then you add variable weather to the mix in these high altitudes. I understand guys like Honnold to some degree, and Messner (solo expedition climbing) but not Leclerc. I suppose everybody has a line somewhere and mine may as well be as arbitrary as any other. It's soft suicidal behavior. On the same token, some of these guys would be junkies living on the street if they didn't do this instead.

Anonymous No. 153225

climbed. rip.

Anonymous No. 153560

I wanna climb

Anonymous No. 155141

Sure fine ok.

Anonymous No. 155194

I dunno, i couldn't do it i hate heights. Just watching those urban climbers on skyscrapers makes my palms sweat.

Anonymous No. 155196

im watching The Alpinist right now. Thanks for the recommendation. But my god during the climbing scenes my palms get so sweaty every time and even my feet. I'm gonna have to skip those scenes lol

Anonymous No. 155197

I agree its ridiculous. The only other sports comparing to it are Isle of Man motorcycling and cave diving.

Anonymous No. 155198

maybe his partner hit a chunk of ice or rock onto him?

Anonymous No. 155199

damn Marc Andre was a one of a kind guy. He literally didn't a fuck about the movie they were making about him. Its like he only lived to climb solo.

Anonymous No. 157515


Anonymous No. 157778

>Isle of Man motorcycling
I used to go to TT regularly and I’ve saw someone die in front of me when they crashed. There’s just something about it, it’s like racing around the island and yet it’s so deceptive and the island just isn’t made for racing. I’d camp with friends just to see this. Haven’t been in 8 years

Anonymous No. 158317

Watching the Alpinist made me think back to when I was really into Crusader Kings 2. When I wasn't playing ironman I would struggle all the time and make stupid decisions that caused me to have to reload over and over again to get the desired outcome. When I was playing ironman I would play far more efficiently and find ways to recover from any error. I could do things in ironman that was never able to do when savescumming.

There's like a switch in the brain. When you know that you can't mess up, you simply perform better. I think that's the essence of solo climbing. It elevates the climber to a skill level they could not possibly attain unless they were soloing.

Anonymous No. 158323

There's something to this. Leclerc was very skilled. It wasn't like he was just goofing around and could die any minute. He was super in tune with whatever he was climbing. He didn't even die free soling as others have said.
When people talk to free soloists about the danger they just scoff. Maybe it's delusion but I don't think they feel like they're in danger when they're doing it. To a high degree they know what they're doing because the skill and focus are there.

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Anonymous No. 158385

>fell from stairs

Anonymous No. 158540

He cut them and let them drop didn't he?

Anonymous No. 158543

Even regular climbing is fucking retarded. I'm an indoor pleb that occasionally goes outside and today at my gym like 6~ hours ago somebody decked 55 feet and fucking died because they didn't tie in properly on top rope.

In bouldering, even if your gym has great mats, you're repeatedly falling 10+ feet and destroying your knees. Your fingers aren't made to crimp super tiny holds and you'll eventually destroy them. How many climbers do you know who climb hard and have never gotten finger injuries? Then you cram your feet into stupid ass shoes two sizes too small and completely destroy your feet as well.

Even if you never had any big incidents climbing, just climbing itself will fuck your body up.

Anonymous No. 158998

>freelance operators,
?? whats that? I googled it and it showed me a bunch of IT jobs

Anonymous No. 159273

Honnold is a genetic freak. 1 out of billions. He will die of old age or tripping down the stairs or something.

Anonymous No. 160009


Anonymous No. 160456

always downclimb when bouldering
it's so stupid to take the full impact of a 10 foot fall everytime (even if you're really only falling like 5 foot)
the shoes definitely fuck up your feet if you keep them on for too long

Anonymous No. 160561

>not practicing your rolls and breakfalls
>not pushing your body to develop Dom Tomato tier impact cushions

Anonymous No. 160602

One fell on my granddad and killed him instantly

Anonymous No. 160790

how come these guys usually have kids though. also it doesn't make sense for the most brave of a species to also have a self destruct mechanism, that would only leave weak pussies left

Anonymous No. 160797

Sometimes being brave (to a fault, even) can confer MASSIVE advantages. Most of the time it’s just hubris.
As long as being a reckless bastard pays off every once in a while, these types of people aren’t going anywhere.

Anonymous No. 160798

That is to say, the “bravery” is what kills them. It’s not some separate attribute.

Anonymous No. 160886

So you think climbing is retarded and yet you still do it. Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 160888

You are going to look retarded slapping the ground and rolling around. Nobody does it and you don't really have anything to worry about damaging your knees by falling 2 meters onto a soft mat.

Anonymous No. 161091

Some people have different beliefs, religious values some people just don’t have a fear of death. I never got it at all it feels like a pre-programmed thing like you’re supposed to be afraid of it. It’s natural selection humans are capable of overcoming primal fears with our brainpower.

Real humans have potential to be great leaders re-write history. Npc’s are scared of their genes not getting passed down.

Be a real fearless leader and get your own page in a history book or be an npc with no name. The inherent risk of completely re-writing the status que and overcoming natural selections shortcomings is baked into our genes.
The people who took the mayflower to America have like 35 million descendants or something. They have their own portion in the genepool because those few families were not pussies and slaves to their fears. Humans are greater then our desire to be npc’s.

Anonymous No. 161094

The idea that humans won’t do something dangerous is making humanity the same as our current ai. Naturally selected humans have much more potential to change than robots even if most end up as no name npc’s. Success of single individuals who survived humanities countless genocides can attest that. We go through periods of war, starvation and empires fall and regrow else-were. Genghis Khan killed like what 11% of the population in that time? The survivors of any conflict go on to reproduce in higher quantities than those who came before because the lands are now barren. Right now it’s most effective to be an npc but if the current system ever collapses the fearless will rise as they do during humanity's many collapses. Our genes have a set failure rate that repopulate entire continents when they succeed. Humanity I believe is filled with obscure people who defy all odds stereotypes or even basic functions of successful organisms. Never forget it.

I believe most people are too close minded and never encounter the truly marvelous people due to a failure to deviate from the norm. When you meet someone like gus from breaking bad in the skin it will change your world view slowly as these people do exist everywhere hiding in plain sight.

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Anonymous No. 161108

>Real humans have potential to be great leaders re-write history. Npc’s are scared of their genes not getting passed down.

Anonymous No. 161714

90-95% of big walling is messing with ropes and equipment, his numbers add up.
Eg. Alex Honnold did El Cap in 4 hours, it can take a team 3-4 days with gear.

Anonymous No. 162183

wait till you get into base jumping

Anonymous No. 162202

ironically Alex Honnold doesn't do alcohol or drugs, he is just autistic

Anonymous No. 162204

nah, Honnold has the same autistic energy as Messner, he will die of old age

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Anonymous No. 162376

>Why would anyone do this?
Because you get to die?

Anonymous No. 162391

He died in an avalanche (watch the movie it’s awesome). Mountaineers call this “exposure time”, even if you do everything perfect there is a random change of death in the high places of the world, you can’t make it 100% safe. The more “time” you spend “exposed” the greater your chances of experiencing one of these random death events.

Anonymous No. 162392

By random death event I mean an avalanche falling on you in a place you have to cross without anytime to escape

Anonymous No. 162502

Just the tism. People have said I look like that too

Anonymous No. 163183


Anonymous No. 163186

I dont think you understand how genetics work...
Take most groups of a few dozen from 400 years ago and they'll have a few million descendants.

Anonymous No. 163259

it allows one to live in the NOW, forgetting everything and everyone, alone with creation itself, time slows, scents become more powerful, colors brighter, the ego mind goes quiet, this is why people climb, and it must end in a fall, it will not stop otherwise, unless one is able to transfer the "life on the edge" with another similar idea, but that too, must end in death. there must be consequences, serious ones, to entire this state of NOW, and its the most addictive thing in the world, and may be the real reason we are here. since death is just another waking up, it means nothing, we fear the loss of the idea of who think we are, which requires a lot of mental thinking, the one thing sports like this are able to stop, because we can not die. we just wake up again and think "weird dream".

Anonymous No. 166631

Last I heard he stopped free soloing after his kid was born. His wife is also a massive groupie

Anonymous No. 166702

Dean was such a legend. Inspired me to start climbing and now I'm just now getting into wingsuiting after getting my C license. RIP to a real one

Anonymous No. 166930

Peter Croft is still alive.
John Bacchar died free soloing but it's likely that he died from rockfall (that would have killed him if he were roped)
Free soloing is still dumb, though.

Anonymous No. 167194

Because they aré confident in their abilities to acess the Situation, have the peace of mind to accept death at any moment, no matter how stupid the cause, AND they have guts, something anon AND His lineage Will never have.

Anon you just jealaous they can fly AND you dont, because you aré a slave to keeping yourself alive, no matter how mundane or boring your current life Is.

Anonymous__ No. 167287

What a shame more blacks don't fall to their deaths in pursuit of trophyless achievement

Anonymous No. 170420

What, a climber?

Anonymous No. 170962

>Bill Hick - Revelations
>'give the audience guns'
He knew the end game all along.

Anonymous No. 171915



>hmmmm you are a world famous free soloer and I am a nobody. here's my number oops I dropped you lol

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Anonymous No. 174634

>Why would anyone do this?
they're even deader inside than you

Anonymous No. 175209

and autism!

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Anonymous No. 175904

>not a horrible way to go i guess
Absolute terror as you fall down...

Anonymous No. 175905


Anonymous No. 176716

Is it? I'd assume the initial slip is the terror, but once you fell, you'd have that peace of mind as you go, "Whelp, this is it. Here it comes...." and then just enjoy the rest of the ride.

Anonymous No. 176733

Alex looks chill most of the time, probably has some acoustic peaks that only his close friends and wife get to see.

Anonymous No. 178699

>Let them do what they want as long as they are not hurting anyone.
Nobody is stopping them you stupid faggot.

Anonymous No. 178717

That makes sense
True, but I imagine it hurts at the bottom hahaha

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he was happy.jpg

Anonymous No. 178728


Anonymous No. 178730

depends how you land. if you land in a way that doesn't bounce your head off the ground, there's a good chance you could be there in a broken mess for hours and hours. they say that people jumping out of the towers on 9/11 were mostly dying of blood loss after their legs shattered, not just instantly dying as they hit the pavement

Anonymous No. 180885

Honnold still soloes all the time. He regularly posts pictures on Instagram soloing with friends in red rocks. Hell, he did the HURT last year and that was 20k+ feet of solo climbing in 32 hours. Also his wife climbs 5.13.

Anonymous No. 181091

>AND they have guts
>muh guts
If you really had guts then you'd start a revolution, not jump with a wingsuit and break your bones like a moron
I bet you think cutting off your dick is an act of bravery

testingcaptcha No. 181097

hi, im just testing the captcha thing so if this posts, cool!

Anonymous No. 181334

The hood is just depressing not exciting.

Anonymous No. 181582

You planning on living forever?

Anonymous No. 181671

There are mountain climbers who can retire but not sure if any free climber with that much skill made it there. Alpinist was going to take a tumble and he knew it, those are free spirited people. His life was beautiful and his death
painless, that is mastery of life.

Anonymous No. 181811

>Patrick Edlinger (fell from stairs)

Anonymous No. 181818

ripping down groomers at retarded speeds is the only thing that makes me feel alive THOUGH

Anonymous No. 181921

>death means nothing
Yes in most cases. But in this one it means indirect suicide, which is always bad.
You will wake up, but with the taste of regret of not having completed what you meant to. Unless you did everything recommended but random events still got you, then I think it's fine, traumatic event aside.

Anonymous No. 182175

For years I've had this recurring dream where I fall off very high places. There are always multiple falls in one dream, and each of them occurs in a different sort of scenario. Once I fell off a waterfall, another time I fell off an airplane, but perhaps the strangest one was a dream where I was waterskiing with a carpet and ended up falling off an enormous wave.
I'm terrified during the first falls in a night and always teleport to another scenario just when I'm about to hit the ground or the sea or whatever. However, in the last scenario, which usually comes after a few falls, I manage to make peace with my inevitable death during the fall and wake up just as I'm about to die.

Anonymous No. 184767

None of them died free soloing though.

Anonymous No. 186849

How many [insert sport doers] do you know who [insert sport] hard and have never gotten [insert sport specific body part] injuries?

Thanks for this insightful post

Anonymous No. 188834

i grow weed and smoke it every day and i would never in my life attempt free soloing, unless it was deep water soloing.

Anonymous No. 188836

>look retarded
who is looking at you?

Anonymous No. 188878

It's not a recurring dream for me, but I can relate. I've had a good few dreams where I've fell massive heights, and after the oh shit moment, I've always been quite peaceful and accepting of my fate when falling.
Honestly, I think if I fell a great height while climbing, I'd be laughing at my own hubris on the way down

Anonymous No. 189000

watched it last night. leclerc obviously was unironically retarded. you can identify that from the photos and videos of him as a kid, and his dumbass mother who said he was "ADHD." he was the product of a retarded generation of canadian gen x parenting, in a hippie province (BC) nonetheless, with heavy drug abuse likely giving him lasting brain damage on top of all that. girlfriend was a fucking retard too. sad movie still. wish climbers would stop killing themselves over flash in the pan stunts.
btw i think alex was wrong when he made the distinction "if you die, people think ur an idiot, if you succeed, people celebrate u." only red bull and a handful of climbing websites and extreme sports corporations celebrate successful free-solo-climbers (oh, and teenagers i guess). any adult with a modicum of responsibility sees it for what it is, selfish thrill seeking. free solo hippies are literally just taking the bait from red bull sponsorships. the irony.

Anonymous No. 189008

Read his blog. He's obviously an intelligent person.

Very very few free soloists are sponsored. Seriously, is there a single other sponsored athlete that regularly free solos?

Anonymous No. 189024

>a blog
sorry dude it's written at a 5th grade reading level.

Anonymous No. 189046

You said he was unironically retarded, which is plainly false. I don't deny that he thought differently than most people, but he wasn't stupid.

Also, he was one of a kind. If his ability could be explained by having hippie parents and taking LSD then I expect there would be more than one person every three generations willing to do the things he did.

Anonymous No. 189050

>thought differently
holy fuck am i posting on

Anonymous No. 189051

Perhaps you are the one who's unironically retarded.

Anonymous No. 189223

is it weird that I feel safer and more confident on ice than rock?

Anonymous No. 190145

Yeah, they really did forget that

Anonymous No. 193346

I heard a story about a group sport climbing
>Everyone in the group is high
>Girl gets to top anchor
>Starts descending NO ONE ON BELAY
>Rope is flying up from rope bag
>Close by climber JUMPS on the rope coil

>They get married

Anonymous No. 195223

So just how many of you faggots belay while climbing stairs ?
Free solo is no harder or more dangerous than climbing stairs without guardrail.
If you can't measure your strengths and can't judge difficulty of a climb, what the fuck are you doing in this sport (besides learning this things)

Anonymous No. 195238

>don’t have a fear of death.
I think they don't even see the dangers, because they are addicted to the adrenaline

Anonymous No. 195465

I've said multiple times that it's just retarded and not "cool" or anything to just gamble with your body to try and climb a mountain, this makes people really mad.
No, you're not "brave" or "tough" or whatever to play russian roulette but with a really big hill, not how it works. You're just too retarded to realize the risks, or you're suicidal, which makes you gay and retarded again.

Anonymous No. 195709

your biggest regrets in life will always be the things you didnt do

Anonymous No. 195714

Yup. I love heroin.

Anonymous No. 195810

>erosion of ego
Most climbers are silver spoon starbucks hipsters anon. The kind of people that are quick to jump on their high horse but love to larp as salt of the earth types. You know, yuppies.

Anonymous No. 195812

She's a bag of redflags

Anonymous No. 195814

IoM TT is not comparable. They are not a bunch of stoners downplaying the risks, talking about "flow states" and believing their own bullshit. They also have nearly an entire island on standby as volunteers and everyone involved is well aware their actions are dangerous and put themselves and others at risk of death.

Anonymous No. 195818

Anonymous No. 195821

Just because you are clever does not mean you are not susceptible to stupid behaviour. Humans are notoriously good at self-rationalizing. Climbing grades encapsulates that concept very well.
Free-solo climbers regularly absolve themselves of stupid behaviour because they falsely believe the only cost of an accident is their life.

Anonymous No. 200679

also Patrick Edlinger:
>1995 Calanques, France.
>Patrick Edlinger was climbing casually and elegantly on a 7b route.
>After missing a few bolts, a hold explodes under his hands. He falls 18 meters.
>During the flight his heart stops, not metaphorically - he has a real cardiac arrest.
>He is urgently resuscitated by a doctor on site and manages to recover without consequences, returning to climbing at a very high level even in free solo.